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Everything posted by CanadianGuitarist

  1. CanadianGuitarist

    What athletes had the best names

    Golfer Birdie Kim and ball player Cecil Fielder come to mind. I also always liked that there was a pretty good hockey player named Rick Meager.
  2. CanadianGuitarist

    God hates the military?

    Since the poppy is a WWI symbol, I take this as him being supportive of the Kaiser? He probably thought WWII wasn't a necessary war either. Either that or he's an idiot with no knowledge of even Grade 2 history. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Though it holds up as one, I dont really consider the poppy to be WW1 exclusive, just a general remembrance thing.
  3. CanadianGuitarist

    Unexpected title changes

    That was freakin fantastic on Raw. D-Lo's reaction was absolutely brilliant when he won.
  4. CanadianGuitarist

    Hulk Hogan or Shawn Michaels?

    I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I imagine Michaels will still be wrestling 3 weeks from now, probably not for Hogan. So logically, Hogan should lie down, it's best to go out on your back. Having said that, Michaels can go fuck himself. Lie down for Hogan. I dislike both of them, but I truly hate Michaels. In any event, I honestly havent beem this excited, save One Night Stand, for wrestling of any kind in probably 3 or 4 years.
  5. CanadianGuitarist

    How do you remember

    Or what, more accurately, will you remember about his career? The Montreal thing will always be near the top of the list, but first coming to mind is The Hart Foundation on 1997.
  6. CanadianGuitarist

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    I'll probbaly set one up, but there wasn't one set to go on Yahoo yet, so sooner or later.
  7. CanadianGuitarist

    Did Congress

    discuss gay marriage? I'm drunk but flipping through the channels. I could swear I saw a Buffalo news channel report that it was being discussed in the American Parliament. Fill me in? It was approved in the House of Commons three weeks ago in Canada, and approved by Senate last week. Just needs Royal Assent now.
  8. CanadianGuitarist

    Did Congress

    Congress. Sorry.
  9. CanadianGuitarist

    Best Nickname

    Even though I clearly win with George Vezina's "Chictoumi Cucumber", I'm sure there's thousands of good ones..... Examples?
  10. CanadianGuitarist

    Sin City on DVD soon...

    Not to my knowledge, but I'm working Wednesday next, and I'll flirt with the merchandiser, if need be.
  11. CanadianGuitarist

    God hates the military?

    Sorry, didn't read the link, just the first quote that was posted.
  12. CanadianGuitarist

    Test markets...

    Vanilla Cherry? Together? Crazy.
  13. CanadianGuitarist

    Sin City on DVD soon...

    It comes out the 16th, at least in Fort Erie, where out free preview DVD's aren't going very well at all(I work in Walmart Electronics) But I can't imagine ever liking a movie so much that I'd want to see all the extras and what have you, at least not more than once. You were spot on.
  14. CanadianGuitarist

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    On topic, Red Baron said something to me this morning about Leclair signing somewhere. Can anyone confirm/deny this?
  15. CanadianGuitarist

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Not really, I called that the second Martin became their coach. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My apologies then. I did have a reason for My first year of college, I did a column why I thought the Leafs would win the Cup(and mind you, this was before Nolan, Wesley, Gilmour, Francis and Leetch came to town). My professor decided to add "you heard it here first" as a final line. Now, you'll recall the Leafs lost 6-1 to get knocked from the playoffs the very fucking day after my column saw print. For about a month, when anyone did anything, I would be told "I'm going to the bathroom, you heard it here first". But it was two years ago, so it's not annoying anymore.
  16. CanadianGuitarist

    God hates the military?

    I have a similar argument every November with my buddy who's an atheist hippy. He calls me a war-monger for wearing a poppy, and my response is always the same, and it applies perfectly here: Don't hate the soldier, it's his/her job. Whether or not we agree with the reason they're in battle, they really have no say in it. They go through hardship and terror that you or I can't even imagine. The least we could do is respect them. And in any situation, to say God would or wouldn't like it, is, at best, self righteous.
  17. CanadianGuitarist

    Unexpected title changes

    Everything there. Mike Awesome also winning in the first place at Anarchy Rulz, and certainly Taz being the first eliminated. Good call, whoever mentioned the Dudleys thing as well.
  18. CanadianGuitarist

    NCAA To Ban Use of Indian Team Names

    If it's of any relevancy, Native American golfer Notah Begay III has said names like Seminoles, Braves and Warriors didn't bother him, and while he doesn't like cacicatures like the Cleveland Indians logo, it wasn't offensive. Redskins, however, he says, is as bad as the n word.
  19. CanadianGuitarist

    American Hiroshima

    While I'm not saying it's bologna, it all seems fairly obvious, in the sense that the days listed and the cities listed are all common sense in a manner of speaking.
  20. CanadianGuitarist

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I think so. I remember reading in the WWF magazine as a mark in my younger days about how Ramon being bitter he never got any title shots from Diesel. Now that I'm a smark, it adds up, especially with all the Kliq stuff.
  21. CanadianGuitarist

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Mark my words. Florida will be making the playoffs this year. You heard it here first.
  22. CanadianGuitarist

    The State of Tag Team Wrestling

    If they don't start adding classic team style teams(not two wrestlers with nothing to do thrown together), which they don't appear to be doing, they need to bring some kind of credibility to the belts. Point how many great wrestlers have held the tag titles at some point, including current ME's and former Champions. But since what I just mentioned won't happen, nope, not for a while will the tag situation be getting any better.
  23. CanadianGuitarist

    SummerSlam 1989

    I don't remember what exactly the conversation was, but it was from a SNME in 91, after Warrior accidentally clothesline Hogan. "I KNEW THEIR EGOS COULDN'T CO-EXIST, MCMAHON!
  24. CanadianGuitarist


    I need this settled. I referred to a meal I had today around 3 as supper. I got my bluff called on it, but I feel that supper is the main, or most memorable, meal of the day. I was argued against, that supper was nothing more than a synonym for dinner. Thoughts?
  25. CanadianGuitarist


    So if you had dinner in the early afternoon, what did you have at the in-laws? Tick tock, tick tock, I may be a winner. If not, gimme this one anyway. I'm on my ninth brew of the evening and it's occuring to me that I suck at arguing. Actual conversation between me and Red BAron 51 one day: Me: I may go into politics one day. RB: Nope, you're a pushover. Me: yeah, you're eright, I am.