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Everything posted by CanadianGuitarist

  1. CanadianGuitarist

    Wrestling Events That...

    I'm pretty sure that the Higher Power show was live. The week after Raw is Owen was used to set up the unveiling for the following week. For surprises that weren't spoiled by the net...HBK's return in 02 came out of left field, and I don't remember there being even a hint of speculation about him prior to the show. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That sounds right, there weren't any angles on Raw is Owen, per se. As I recollect, OTE happened on May 2-4 Weekend in 1999; It wasn't until June that the Higher Power was revealed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wrong. OTE was on May 23, 1999 and Raw is Owen was the next evening. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right. That was 2-4 Weekend. 2-4 refers to, presumably, the case of beer used to celebrate Victoria Day Long Weekend, not the actual 24th of May.
  2. CanadianGuitarist

    With Live 8 around the corner

    Will it work? If not, what will help the Third World? Can it be helped? Your thoughts?.... I say, yes Live 8 will have enough impact to at least take a significant bite out of Third World debt, albeit if not instantly. Canada has bumped up its Aid in the most recent budget, but it hasn't quite taken effect yet because of all of the squabbling in the House of Commons. I imagine that's little comfort to Africa. I digress. The key is to offer a helping hand, not a hand out. Practical help. Give em a hand building wells, farming advice, build schools and hospitals or pave roads. Hell, pay teacher's salaries and give free primary and secondary education. There's lots of sensible ways to make the world poverty free. That's perfect segway into my train of thought here: A little goes a long way. Everyone could live comfortably on 50 grand a year. Before I get scoffed at, consider how much of the world lives on less than a dollar a day. I currently donate to World Vision, which doesnt outright give a cheque to my sponsored child, but helps them practically, with a smattering of the ideas I mentioned above. Ultimately, yes, the world could be poverty free by the time my kids have kids, or even before that. The argument of "Why should we help those corrupt governments" is, while not without some merit, a little bit passe, IMO. That's my nickel with 3 pennies back.
  3. CanadianGuitarist


    Judge Reinhold. AWESOME! TOTALLY AWESOME! Alright, Hamilton!
  4. CanadianGuitarist

    Good ESPN Article

    It makes sense, now that you think about it. I never had thought about it, though.
  5. CanadianGuitarist

    Wrestling Events That...

    I'm pretty sure that the Higher Power show was live. The week after Raw is Owen was used to set up the unveiling for the following week. For surprises that weren't spoiled by the net...HBK's return in 02 came out of left field, and I don't remember there being even a hint of speculation about him prior to the show. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That sounds right, there weren't any angles on Raw is Owen, per se. As I recollect, OTE happened on May 2-4 Weekend in 1999; It wasn't until June that the Higher Power was revealed.
  6. CanadianGuitarist

    I can't sleep.

    Count sheep. Or Beat off. How can you go wrong?
  7. CanadianGuitarist

    Games with too much movie!

    Fable. Luigi's Mansion.
  8. CanadianGuitarist

    With Live 8 around the corner

    Yep.You're right. There's what, 35 or 40 wars in Africa? Free markets are good to a point. Having said that, erasing debt will get the ball rolling. I do sincerly believe extreme poverty will be a thing of the past by the time I die, assuming I live to be 55 or 60, which is still a gamble.
  9. CanadianGuitarist

    What do you really think about the 4th of July?

    I used to know a cunt who wouldn't date me but blatantly used me. Her bday was July 4th. That is all.
  10. CanadianGuitarist

    Attn: Torontonians and GTA music fans

    Be more specific? Stations, venues?
  11. CanadianGuitarist

    top 10 tag teams of all time

    I swear I was thinking it last night during the Road Warriors Commercial as well, but was too drunk to do anything about it. 10)Money Inc. I mark for both these guys. 9) Natural Disasters. See above. 8) Elimintaors. 7)Harlem Heat 6) New Age Outlaws. 5) Steiners 4) Demoliton 3) Bulldogs 2) Dudleys 1) Road Warriors
  12. CanadianGuitarist

    Movies you've seen WAY too many times

    I'd like to watch it, as war fascinates me. But I'm a little worried about it being a little "Hey, distress, let's have America come save the day and a happy ending". Considering that's blatantly not what happened in Somalia, can anyone confirm or reassure me?
  13. CanadianGuitarist

    Jeremy Roenick = Ass?

    I honestly think baseball's as big now as it was in 92 or 93, pre strike. The Homerun Wars of 98, Subway Series, Underdog Marlin WS Wins, Bosox wins, potential Cubbies-Sox series and Bonds Record and Ichiro Records couldnt have come at better times. The exception to this is Canada. Montreal really did seem to lose interest after the strike, and the Jays have been between 15-30000 a game, which is down from a legit 45-50000 in the early 90's. On the whole, though, the last 5 or 10 years have been a pretty sweet time to be a baseball fan, and clearly I'm not the only one who thinks so. And quite frankly, there's more people who are sadly and anxiously awaiting hockey's return in Canada, then there are people who are denonucing it. Why wouldn't it be the same for baseball in the States?
  14. CanadianGuitarist

    The Spirits of 1776

    As I'm both, i have to give a to Repo Man. I'm also impressed your name is Repo Man
  15. CanadianGuitarist

    Attn: Torontonians and GTA music fans

    I suppose two out of three ain't bad.
  16. CanadianGuitarist

    Movies you've seen WAY too many times

    Go ahead and say any line from Caddyshack. I can follow up.
  17. CanadianGuitarist

    Give me reasons to hate Shawn Michaels.

    He's arrogant. He's cocky. He's a backstage dickhead. He's an inring dickhead. He screwed Bret. He wiped his ass and humped the Canadian Flag. His best friend his Triple H.
  18. CanadianGuitarist

    This Week in Baseball

    Huge week in the AL East for all five teams. Baltimore-New York Monday throuh Wednesday offers some interesting scnearios, as both teams need some wins to prove they're the real deal, evem though i can honestly see both of them in the picture in September. Toronto-Tampa also in a 3 game set. Maybe a series win can revitalize an underrated Tampa team? A series win for the Jays would certainly give them momentum heading into a potentially HUGE weekend set with the BoSox. Even though I'm a fan, I consider the Jays to be a legit threat for October, with a little luck. I can't see Boston having much trouble with the Wigwammers. But any kind of extended Bosox lead in the AL East only makes the wildcard race that much more intersting. Mind you, the next 10 games will decide how the trade deadline day plays out.
  19. CanadianGuitarist

    Pictures I Like

    I'd hit it.
  20. CanadianGuitarist

    Attn: Torontonians and GTA music fans

    If you're Canadian, it should be spelt favourite. But thanks for the post, any news on who else is there, despite you saying they sucked?
  21. CanadianGuitarist

    Backlund vs Hart

    How long was Bret actually locked in the Crossfaced Chicken Wing for? I seem to remember, watching as a ten year old, shouting at my dad: "HE'S BEEN LOCKED IN THERE FOR 18 MINUTES AND HE HASNT QUIT!" Yes, I've always been a Hart mark. However, 18 minutes, in hindsight, doesn't sound accurate. Can anyone tell me how long it was on the Hitman for? I can't honestly say where my memory of this came from. It's even more intriguing by the fact that I'm currently drunk.
  22. CanadianGuitarist

    Mexico's new racist stamp

    Why are honest and dumbass being meshed into one?
  23. CanadianGuitarist

    Why No Car Sponsors On WWE Programming?

    That's the most thought provoking thing ever said. Wait. No it's not. As for the topic, I'm indifferent.
  24. CanadianGuitarist

    Who will take Batista's title?

    It always will. The name reeks WCW.