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Everything posted by CanadianGuitarist

  1. CanadianGuitarist

    What records

    How many did Phelps win last summer?
  2. CanadianGuitarist

    Should Flair

    Yes. If they gave Hogan a title run for nostalgia's sake three years ago, Ric deserves one, as he is ten times the entertainer Hogan was. I'd also suggest there was a handful of guys who could have been a big a star as Hulk was if they'd been pushed in the 80's.
  3. CanadianGuitarist

    Outlandish Things you'll probably never see

    I was gonna say the same thing. Threw the title off the bridge on, I think, December 3rd, 1997. Don't recall Stone Cold going, but I didn't really watch WWF past August or Septemebr 98.
  4. CanadianGuitarist

    Greatest overall booking time periods

    ECW: August 1994-January 2001. Sorry, I'm a mark. As someone who's smart, I'll also say Summerslam 96 to Summerslam 98.
  5. CanadianGuitarist

    FDA: protecting America from faggot seed

    "Girls love the gay guys. They can go out dancing with em, and when the night's over, they give their gay friends a little kiss. Then they go home with they AIDS on they lips. Then 5 years later, you get a "Mr. Johnson, you have AIDS" I have AIDS? But I'm not a homosexual. Sure you're not a homosexual." Anyone other than KKK know what that is? KKK, you're the man.
  6. CanadianGuitarist

    Most drastic gimmick changes for Wrestlers

    Southern Justice should have been pushed better. They were infinitely more credible than the Godwins.
  7. CanadianGuitarist

    Sports Misconceptions

    Finishing with 100+ points, and then blowing a 3-1 series lead to hated, long-time rivals (and losing the final 2 at home) was pretty fucking disapointing. As a loyal Habs fan, we had no business beating the clearly better Bruins last year in the playoffs. I still haven't forgiven Kovalev. Meh. I was pulling hard for the Flames, obviously. But don't take into consideration what teams they play for, and there's no debate you wanted Andreychuk to get the Cup over Iginla. That's no shot at Iginla. I hate every team in the East that's not Canadian, save the Southeast teams that I'm indifferent to. Yes, I can justify it. Boston-Hated rival of the Habs. I have no control. Buffalo-City's a toilet and Rick Jeaneratt needs a smack. New Jersey- Trap. Bastards. Philly- Roenick and Clarke..need I say more? Rangers-Represent everything wrong with pro sports today. Islanders-Milbury's a cunt and he bad mouthed Canada on several occasions. Pittsburgh? Ok, shot myself in the foot. For the topic, a lot of people think the Miracle on Ice concluded with the States beating the Soviets. They beat Finland two days later. A lot of people overlook that Paul Henderson also scored the winners in game 6 and 7 as well.
  8. CanadianGuitarist

    Homolka's about to be released

    This got a full half hour segment on CH Talk Live in Hamilton. Ordinarily, I would say that she had served her debt to society because she served her sentence. But she deserves way more than 12 years. She deserves to die. Yes, the biggest hippie on the board other than C-Bacon and INXS is pro death penalty.
  9. CanadianGuitarist

    Homolka's about to be released

    Someone I work with made the case that if we didn't live in Ontario, we wouldn't care.
  10. CanadianGuitarist

    Worked in 4 Feds...worked in only one fed

    Part of a phenomenal tag team with Christian York in ECW. Never got off the ground because of ECW folding, however. Yep. Then beat Justin Credible later on that night.
  11. CanadianGuitarist


    One catch: Can't be a real song. Lyrically, I'd say the Mountie, but I mark out big time for the Corporate Ministry. Hitman and Cactus Jack are a close second.
  12. CanadianGuitarist

    FDA: protecting America from faggot seed

    More like you lack the balls... In a topic about sperm donation? That's kind of ironic.
  13. CanadianGuitarist

    Best match finishes ever

    Bret turning the Perfect Plex into the sharpshooter at Summerslam 90 comes to mind.
  14. CanadianGuitarist

    Wrestlers Who Should Have Held A Belt In a Company

    I win this thread. Vader-WWF.
  15. CanadianGuitarist

    How do I change

    Currently says either Velocity or OVW. Can change everything profile related except for that.
  16. CanadianGuitarist

    Reefer Madness

    You're damn right you wouldn't. Why text when it's on a medium of communication in the first place? It's a god damned wast of time.
  17. CanadianGuitarist

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    I dont know Im just going on what mick said in his book ok? You two know wrestling is fake, right? It's true though. Mick said in his book, Cornette explained the move to him that way.
  18. CanadianGuitarist

    Biggest Underachievers

    I'll second all of those. I also agree with Owen and Mark Henry. And what became of the Patriot? 3 months as the top face in the WWF behind Austin, and then nothing?
  19. CanadianGuitarist

    Reefer Madness

    Legalize it. And I'm not an every day wake and bake permafried slacker, either. I can elaborate. 1) Look at how often there's tourism in Amsterdam. They're not all going there for V E Day Memorials. Though, God Bless our Boys for that, seeing as how VE Day is in fact, today. 2) There's enough griping over our health care system in Canada, but alas, raising taxes to improve it? No way! So, let the government step in. Run it like the LCBO or Beer Store. For those who don't know, both beer and liquor sales must be at a government controlled store in Ontario. So, that creates more revenue for the government, and it also creates jobs. Additionally, it makes it a lot safer. Who's to say the pot I buy from some guy off the street is safe? Not that I regularly buy pot from some guy I don't know, but you see what I'm getting at. 3) A legalisation of weed doesn't mean everyone will be blazing at every street corner. Not to go back to the smokes/beer argument, but they're both legal, but you don't see people walking down the street drinking at 2 in the afternoon every day. Why would weed be any different? 4) I don't blaze to rebel from the cops, so I'm not, in general, going to change my smoking habits should weed become legal. I tend to think most smokers would be the same way. I also think the cops have better things to do than worry about bud. Just my two cents. KKK, your last post about the 10 year old was the funniest thing I've ever read.
  20. CanadianGuitarist

    When should

    I say, when the NHL does, Bertuzzi should. Here's why: 1) Bertuzzi is not a cold blooded psycho the media has made him out to be. Morre said something to him before Bertuzzi hit him. 2) Bertuzzi's apology seemed very genuine. 3) Hasn't he suffered enough? He missed the playoffs, which, ultimately, would have stopped Calgary(What, he wouldn't have scored one goal, which in the end became the difference) as well as what is now two Worlds and a World Cup. He lost six figures of pay in that time, and will have to give more when Moore, in all likelihood, sues him. But I'm calling for re-instatement Tuesday or Wednesday. Bertuzzi wiell lace em up for Canada this May, mark my words.
  21. CanadianGuitarist

    The Official World Hockey Championship Thread

    Any picks, predictions, notes? I'm calling for Canada, The Czechs and the Swedes to take the podium. Dany Heatley will be the tournament's leading scorer, and, I'm calling it here, Todd Bertuzzi will play when a forward gets hurt.
  22. CanadianGuitarist

    This Week in Baseball

    Thank god baseball's stringent and fair testing is catching such notorious perpetrators as Juan Rincon and Alex Sanchez, forcing them to clean up their act and preserve baseball's cherished records. Orioles are playing 6 against the Blue Jays and Royals. I fully expect their win streak to be at 14 in a row by the end of the week. I disagree. Halladay will stop the O's 10 game streak Wednesday afternoon. But they will win tonight, roughing up Chacin, and Towers tomorrow. Sweeping the Royals? No problem.
  23. CanadianGuitarist

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    Me too. And "It's Carnage!"
  24. CanadianGuitarist

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    Me too. And "It's Carnage!"
  25. CanadianGuitarist

    When should

    Nah, he seemed awfully sincere when he apologised, even crying twice.