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Everything posted by CanadianGuitarist

  1. CanadianGuitarist

    Netgear WG111 Wireless Adapter to Xbox 360

    I'm in a similar boat; What makes a wireless bridge different from a wireless router? How do things connect to a bridge? What's the range like? What can I connect to it?
  2. CanadianGuitarist

    How to take out sitches?

    Don't forget education! Hey, they're both free.
  3. CanadianGuitarist

    Fast Food Promotions..

    Yes. Like clockwork, he'd ask for the change. He always used a toonie, never two loonies or any other combination of change. He did, however, use his debit card once. (This is especially notable on the grounds that he often bribed me for a ride across town with Pro Line. He would do so by handing me two dollars in change in a sandwich bag). And by the way, it was 2.12, not 2.06. The reason I'm so protective of it, Baron, is that my 'no more, no less' addendum is Matt's favourite me story.
  4. CanadianGuitarist

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Cool as a lark, not something I follow. Entertaining to watch for a little bit, but it's all pretty well the same. One of the reasons I like golf on television is different strategy to each course by each player ("horses for courses"), along the same lines of different ballparks in baseball. Speaking of golf and baseball comparisons: Tripp Isenhour pulls a Dave Winfield.
  5. CanadianGuitarist

    Router fun!

    Scoop: Bought a wireless router after Christmas to accommodate four devices: My roomate and I each had a 360 and a laptop. Had everything hardwired, as I couldn't justify spending the roughly 200 dollars for 360 wireless adapter and network card. Everything worked fine. Problem: Living with folks again for a month or so. I'm poor, so I still can't justify spending the 200 dollars on adapter and network card. Tried hardwiring it yesterday, but nothing doing. I then realised that the router came with a CD and installation guide, both of which were lost during the move (or possibly prior to that). Is there any other way around that? I'm thinking something along the lines of a wizard, like when installing a printer.
  6. CanadianGuitarist

    How to take out sitches?

    This had the potential for another CD burner thread, except EMHE getting pissed is even better than CD guy's gullibilty. Oh yeah, the trick is to pry them out with a screwdriver, EMHE. Little-known fact, is that the tips of stiches are shaped like Roberston screws. So, use that; it won't take them out, but it will loosen them up, making an arc shape. Since you've got the tool handy, pry away! You're welcome.
  7. CanadianGuitarist

    Fast Food Promotions..

    I will be god damned if you get credit for that story.
  8. CanadianGuitarist

    Router fun!

    Yeah, I shoulda mentioned that. My 360 and laptop are in the same room as my folks' computer. There's currently ethernet to the modem; I hadn't tried running my two devices yet, as my being without Xbox Live isn't nearly as important as them having internet access. Thanks, I'll keep you posted. Edit: It's a Zonet router. No software is loaded from it onto my folks' PC.
  9. CanadianGuitarist

    Let's Find Some New Classic Threads

    I'd say * Benoit * The one from 2005 where the guy kept coming on to discuss his sister whoring her friend out. I don't remember the name of it, but it prompted "If you're seconds away from making out with a chick, why the hell are you on a wrestling message board?" * Painted Marvin * Fucking Wisconsin * This year's poster tournament * Kawlimus * Chris Masters has passed away, if for nothing else "Are you trying to tell me Jesus Christ couldn't break the Masterlock?"
  10. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Thread, March 2008

    Did I ever bring up the pre-season bet my grandfather and I made? He's a Leafs fan, and has said every year as long as I can remember "This is the year." This year when he said it, I countered with the Sens, and he said he thought the Sens were on their way down. Our bet was then made: 24 Blue if the Sens missed the playoffs, another 12 if the Leafs finish ahead of them. I gave him a chance in February to renege, and he didn't. Now, there's a little egg on my face. Big win for Philly last night, giving them a little cushion.
  11. CanadianGuitarist

    The Youtube thread

    TSM collision! Treble's guy discusses a co-worker, but Hoff makes an appearance at the end!
  12. CanadianGuitarist

    EHME's campaign speech

    Weird. Speaking of that, I almost want EMHE to be a dick again. I know that's been discussed a lot already, but it's the lesser of two evils.
  13. CanadianGuitarist

    Let's Find Some New Classic Threads

    One a week seems a little much; That's, though unlikely, 52 classic threads a year. That's too many. First day of each month. Wait, fuck that; Something from WWE folder would get voted in because of April Fool's day. Yes, I care about the sanctity of the Land of Red X's.
  14. CanadianGuitarist

    EHME's campaign speech

    When did Kamala go back to normal?
  15. CanadianGuitarist

    Bad Candy

    I didn't know that. I really thought they had no name.
  16. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Thread, March 2008

    Sorry to salt your wound, but you probably began thinking about that when you noticed the Sens no longer had home-ice advantage.
  17. CanadianGuitarist

    Kawalimus wants to know...

    Need I re-iterate my love of Muggy-based topics?
  18. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Thread, March 2008

    Ninety-fucking-three saves in those two games.
  19. CanadianGuitarist

    The Old School questions thread

    Who were the members of the Nation in the spring of 97? The rappers were PG-13, D-Lo was a suit, but I don't remember him being referred to by name until the Raw that's currently on 24/7, when Crush and Savio were fired. Were the three or four suits anyone of note?
  20. CanadianGuitarist

    Kawalimus wants to know...

    Name 'em then, smartass, or you're banned. I'll risk a banning for this: Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay. Want capitals? Fuck, I can't think of Surinam and French Guiana's. Bogota, Caracas, Georgetown,...,...,Quito, Lima, Brasilia, La Paz and Sucre, Ascension, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Montevideo.
  21. CanadianGuitarist

    Kawalimus wants to know...

    Barron comes through huge. Oh yeah, when I backyard wrestled, my name was The HardKore Kid. That's an indy wrestler now, though it's with a C and two d's. Know how long I cared for? Ten or fifteen seconds. If the news were broken to me while waiting for a table at a Chinese restaurant, I'd be fine by the time I sat down.
  22. CanadianGuitarist

    Bad Candy

    I didn't like Wunderbars until about a week ago, when a co-worker offered me one. I refused, but I hadn't had one since I was nine, and hated it then. He pretty well called me a pussy for not trying it.
  23. CanadianGuitarist

    Fast Food Promotions..

    "Can I get a cheeseburger?" "No." Those were good. Edit: They were even better with my avatar. Like the counter guy was hoarding them all, afraid of what would happen if my avatar guy left without having to juggle a massive burger, or a dozen small ones. Thanks again, VX and LaParka; with baseball and The Masters imminent, 'big burger guy' is just about done.
  24. CanadianGuitarist


    My grandfather knows a guy who manages a Radio Shack (which, it turns out, was the one five minutes my house). Two summers ago, he told me the manager said if I wanted a job there, I could have it. I turned it down, thinking 'min wage plus commission probably isn't very much money.' Kicking myself over that one. Still, as much as I loved workin at Wal*Mart, I have to think Best Buy is the better experience.
  25. I'll stick with the lifetime as well: Blue Jays: The entire 2004 season. Habs: The entire reign of Rejean Houle. Roy gets the most attention, and deservedly so, but they did get into the playoffs three straight seasons without him. Houle traded away Turgeon, Damphousse, and Recchi for really no reason. Raptors: Rob Babcock. I see the case for the 2001 Eastern semis, but they had a good run; Raiders: Ask me in a few years.