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Everything posted by CanadianGuitarist

  1. CanadianGuitarist

    TSM Death Pool - 2007

    Fuck, I forgot all about that! "She wrote a book on sexual dysfunction. I'm sure you've read it".
  2. CanadianGuitarist

    The Old School questions thread

    I thought he was a replacement for Sid at the July PPV. On that note, what happened to Sid? Lost at Wrestlemania 13, and I don't recall seeing him again for two months, when he made what, one appearance on Raw, and then gone again?
  3. CanadianGuitarist

    TSM Death Pool - 2007

    Someone must have Bob Goulet, who I remember vividly for two reasons, probably both unfair to his legacy: Canadian anthem at Wrestlemania 6, and an appearance singing in Scrooged.
  4. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    Tie game! Higgins finally beats a solid Johan Hedberg on the PP, after Atlanta turned away to 5 on 3's in the third. The league's best powerplay against the league's second worst power play....I was getting a little edgy. But tie game with 90 seconds to play.
  5. CanadianGuitarist


    Settle this: Wal*Mart's half-assed HDTV product training had at least one error in it (HD can only be reproduced using HDMI cable). I claim it has a second, a co-worker disagrees. It read that for a broadcast to be considered HD, it also had to be 16:9. My cause for disagreement was predicated on the following two principles: I own a widescreen television and digital cable. I've watched programs digitally in 4:3, shouldn't there logically be things broadcast in HD in the same ratio? My second case may become a "well, why then" if I'm wrong. We used to carry a 4:3 HDTV made by Sanyo. If a broadcast has to be 16:9 to be considered HD, was this specific model just showing everything in stretch-o-vision?
  6. CanadianGuitarist

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    Alright, Raw replay's on at midnight. From what I've gathered, this show's been disappointing, but I'm a fuckin Santino mark. Is it worth it for me to stay up till, oh 1:50 to watch his promo?
  7. CanadianGuitarist

    The Old School questions thread

    Trained in the Dungeon also. I don't recall him ever formally joining.
  8. CanadianGuitarist

    All Time songs you hate the most

    He's not? Edit: Close call, isn't it? I'd like to see that Simpsons again where Lisa's in the "Second best band in the world". He looked awfully black there.
  9. CanadianGuitarist

    kkk Bowl V: Week 8

    I don't know what you're talking about..... *sweeps prior statement under the rug*
  10. CanadianGuitarist

    All Time songs you hate the most

    Was one of them "We Are The World?" It looked like either Lionel Richie or the black guy from Hall and Oates standing in a crowd.
  11. CanadianGuitarist

    kkk Bowl V: Week 8

    Well, I'm a retard.
  12. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    They really went 25 shooters without a goal? Jesus.
  13. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    Dig some stats up. Habs blow a 3-0 lead, shootout goes into eight rounds without a goal before Andrei Markov gets the winner. 0-15 has to be a first, even if half of the shooters did flub or go high/wide.
  14. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    I hope you all had your PVR's going. Jim Hughson just said in perfect Hughson voice "GREAT SAVE...SABOURIN". That's gotta be a first. I don't like the idea of Pittsburgh in a shootout. Edit: Penalty with a second and a half to play? The fuck? Double edit: I take the Hughson thing back. Nice looking glove on ex-Pen Kovalev.
  15. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    Anyone see Chara-Koci last night? I'd read of it, but just saw highlights now. David Koci leaving the ice may have been the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, and I was a janitor for two years.
  16. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    If my memory serves (and it might not, I'm fairly hammered), Price allowed two against the Pens last time. If JIRI FUCKING TLUSTY can score two on Fleury, the entire Canadiens team can. One point at worst.
  17. CanadianGuitarist

    Why do they let old people on

    OH! This just occured to me. My last day at a job were I had worked for two years coincided with Bob Barker's last day. I told the cutie I worked with that, when she mentioned the Barker thing, that everyone else was a mere pricing game, and she was like Plinko. Told this to a buddy the following day, and it led to an unreal argument over whether or not the Big Wheel was better than Plinko. Like fuck! Big Wheel is on twice a show, and there's bonus spins probably twice a week. Plinko's what, one every six or eight shows? No fuckin contest.
  18. CanadianGuitarist

    All Time songs you hate the most

    I was going to defend this, using the credentials mentioned above. But I played the video and was fed up by the -3:35 mark. Awful awful. I'd also forgotten how much I hated Butterfly Kisses. I'm too drunk to remember the name of it, but I told a co-worker last year that System's "I'm just sitting in my car" was "unequivocally the worst song I've ever heard." I'm sober enough to remember that quote.
  19. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    The Habs go five for eight (FIVE FOR EIGHT!) in a 7-4 win over the Canes, and the Nucks win a 3-2 nailbiter over the Caps. Luongo has now won ten straight against Washington.
  20. CanadianGuitarist

    kkk Bowl V: Week 8

    (3.5) Cleveland @ St. Louis Detroit @ Chicago (5.5) - Jekyll and Hyde Lions vs the Bears, who look they're back to normal. I'll take Da Bearssssss. (7.5) Indianapolis @ Carolina (10.5) N.Y. Giants @ Miami Oakland @ Tennessee (7.5) (1.5) Philadelphia @ Minnesota (3.5) Pittsburgh @ Cincinnati Buffalo @ N.Y. Jets (2.5) Houston @ San Diego (3.5) Jacksonville @ Tampa Bay (4.5) (3.5) New Orleans @ San Francisco A field goal is plenty. Washington @ New England (16.5) Green Bay @ Denver (3.5) St. Louis with 17. Good luck all.
  21. CanadianGuitarist

    Why do they let old people on

    This is, bar none, my favourite thread in my TSM career.
  22. CanadianGuitarist

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    That Teenagers song is MCR? God help me, it was catchy and I kind of liked it. Lips of an Angel is 2006, isn't it? Even so, they've managed to outdo themselves by getting progressively worse and worse. I was gonna say Hey There Delilah, but I had completely repressed my memory of Sean Kingston. I'll give that my nod. Re: CanCon. Yep, all broadcasting in Canada has to have at least 1/3 Canadian content. But Brian Adams (how sad is this?) never received a goverment grant in any way during his career, says the delightful satire How To Be A Canadian...even if you already are. Excerpt: As far was we know, this has never happened. He's an 'artist of the people'. In other words, it's all your fault." Edit: That's not small enough. My shame here is to be noted. Double edit: Holy fuck, I agree with Carlito Brig, on something other than the greatness of MVP.
  23. CanadianGuitarist

    Most shocked you have ever been while watching wrestling

    I'm not including any deaths (though I can tell you exactly where I was when I heard of Owen, Bossman, Eddie, and Benoit). - Survivor Series 97. I didn't have the Internet or anything at this point, and absolutely idolized Bret as a kid. I didn't know anything about even the concept of him leaving, and remember my DX mark buddy running up to me at school the next morning and telling me that HBK won and Bret was going to WCW. I had even called my dad the day before Montreal and asked him to buy tickets to a house show in Niagara Falls, NY, that would have featured Bret, Owen, and Davey, against three guys I can't remember. I just remember calling because I wanted to see Bret wrestle so badly. - As a then eight-year-old mark, I was stunned when Yoko beat Hogan at KotR 93. - At the height of my markdom at 14, I still remember being amazed when HHH beat the casket that The Rock was "in" on a Raw in May 99.
  24. CanadianGuitarist

    Best sell jobs in wrestling?

    I'll agree with this, and add to it: Bret limping to the ring at #28 in the 94 Rumble, minutes after Bastion Booger didn't enter the ring, and we all assumed it was Bret.
  25. CanadianGuitarist

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    So you saw the game? I missed the majority of it, but deduced Montreal just badly outplayed Fernandez and the B's defence. There's at least something to be said if they lost whilst outshooting the Habs by 15.