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Hunter's Torn Quad

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Everything posted by Hunter's Torn Quad

  1. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    WWE can't be seen to have a lax attitude towards an illegal drug, especially after their previous version of the Wellness Policy was publicly revealed to be a joke. There are bigger drug issues to be tackled, but WWE have to be seen to be strongly against all illegal drugs. Now, whether they let some guys slide when it comes to using those drugs is another issue.
  2. Hunter's Torn Quad

    UFC 91: Couture vs Lesnar

    Is anyone else feeling a complete lack of buzz with this match? This is the biggest match in the history of UFC but it sure doesn't feel like it right now. Maybe that'll change a little with the Countdown special, but the promotion for this fight has been shockingly underwhelming.
  3. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    Interesting note from the latest Observer newsletter/show is that WWE are now cracking down on marijuana, because they're tired of the attitude a lot of the wrestlers have towards their policy, with numerous failures for it. A few wrestlers have failed more than once, and one has even failed 12 times. On the radio show, Dave expressly said that CM Punk was not one of those names. It was also pointed out that top guys are getting away with test failures with no repercussions, because of the usual double standards that come with wrestling.
  4. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Are there any WWE Wrestl....Entertainers you'd change up?

    Maybe give Vladamir Kozlov the Torture Rack or the Canadian backbreaker rack to use to put over his power and strength.
  5. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Former American Gladiator Host Mike Adamle Joins WWE

    Full of Epic Fail. Given how well Adamle apparently did on AG, maybe giving him him bullet points rather than a whole bunch of lines to memorize would have been a better way to go.
  6. Hunter's Torn Quad

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    F4W As someone who hasn't seen any Dennis Kang fights, can someone give me a thumbnail description of what I can expect?
  7. Hunter's Torn Quad

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Speaking of Disco Dumbass, the major news sites are reporting that he and Pat Kenney have been released for 'budgetary reasons'.
  8. Hunter's Torn Quad

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    Batista has looked a little more streamlined for a while now. Or just don't have the means to beat the tests so don't try to.
  9. Hunter's Torn Quad

    workers who get called great but you disagree

    I don't think Douglas was overrated simply because few called him great to begin with. I put Douglas in a similar class to Jeff Jarrett, in that he's solid in all areas but not great in any one thing; he's your typical utility guy. Ted DiBiase was a great in-ring worker because he was very good at everything he did, never looked bad, and could have good to great matches with a variety of workers. He could also get some good matches out of some real stiffs. As has been said, his best body of work is in Mid-South, but you shouldn't forget his work in Georgia, where he was able to show he could excel at the non-wrestling side of things. To dismiss his work because it didn't happen in front of large crowds, which is inaccurate in itself, is most definitely being ignorant. I'd describe Bryan Danielson, from an in-ring perspective, as like a Ted DiBiase, in that he's good at everything, doesn't look bad in the ring, has had good to great matches in a variety of styles, and can get good matches out of limited workers.
  10. Hunter's Torn Quad

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    Do you mean in future shows or are you talking about last night in particular? In future shows, preferably before the next brawl like last night takes place. We've seen what happens when the outnumbered heels keep beating up the babyfaces. Jeff Jarrett lived through it in WCW, so you would think he'd know not to do something like that even once.
  11. Hunter's Torn Quad

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    Yes, but he almost never talks like one and the fans don't really boo him that much. He's miscast as a heel, but what are you going to do?
  12. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    I'm not sure HOW they have done it but apparently they are making money. They've expanded the number of revenue streams, with more DVD's, merch and, of course, the video game. It's a good model as far as the financial side of things go, but it can create a sense of apathy when it comes to shaking up the booking when it needs it, because those in creative will point to the profit being made as proof they should remain in power.
  13. Hunter's Torn Quad

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    At the very least, you need as many members in MEM as there are babyfaces standing up to them. If not, we'll keep getting more of the same scenario we got on Impact where the outnumbered heels beat up the babyfaces, which only makes the babyfaces look like geeks.
  14. Hunter's Torn Quad

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I've almost finished my shows, but it's taking longer than I expected; I've got so many matches to write blurbs for, even though some of them aren't going to be that long, that it's bordered on overkill and hampered my interest. Next time we run a draft, we should limit the picks to something like 16 singles and 4 tag teams, and do it with the idea that we're going to use our final roster to make up just one supercard. That should make things more manageable.
  15. Hunter's Torn Quad

    How I Met Your Mother

    If they want to, they can slowly introduce the mother this season. Have her be a friend of one of the other characters, and she can show up and have some interaction with Ted. They can flirt a little and have it be nothing serious at first, but then, over a number of episodes, they grow closer and start casually dating. However, the key is they don't kiss yet, which they can explain this by having her say she doesn't do anything physical with someone she doesn't truly love. Ted can find this cute at first but as the season develops, he realizes he wants to move the relationship further because of how he feels, but the mother doesn't know if she loves Ted and so won't let things go further. Tension ensues because the relationship seems to be stalled, but at the end of the episode, the mother finally realizes she loves Ted, they kiss, and the final words of the season can be future Ted telling his kids, "And that's how your mother and I first kissed". Season Four can be Ted and the mother doing the relationship thing, which brings the comedy, and the drama part of the show can be Barney trying to tell Robin how he feels. Maybe have Barney and Robin hook up near the end of the season but throw some tension in with some kind of scenario where everyone thinks Barney has slipped and cheated on Robin but ultimately they can end the season with Barney and Robin getting back together and Robin saying, for the first time, that she loves Barney. Introducing the mother doesn't mean the end of the show. There are still plenty of stories they can tell with the other characters while the relationship between Ted and the mother develops.
  16. Hunter's Torn Quad

    How I Met Your Mother

    I do focus on the funny things; Barney is by far the best character on the show, and I usually love his stuff. The problem with the 'story unfolding' is that, really, what of the story of Ted meeting the mother has unfolded? We've seen Ted hook up with numerous women and, yes, it's been pretty funny, but nothing we've seen has had anything to do with the premise the show is meant to be based on, Ted meeting the mother. It's all been about what Ted did before he met the mother, but as funny as some if it has been, after over three seasons, I'd like to see them actually start the story of Ted and the mother meeting. That's not too much to ask.
  17. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Let's Talk About...Diesel's WWF World title run

    I think Kevin Nash sends JBL a postcard at Christmas because he's no longer the lowest drawing WWE/F champion of all time, at least for house shows. Another thing that didn't help is that Diesel didn't have the charisma to make up for the poor quality of his opponents and matches. If you've got the charisma, people will overlook, or simply not see, that you're facing stiffs in subpar matches. That would have helped the presentation of Diesel as champion if he had had that larger-than-life charisma.
  18. Hunter's Torn Quad

    Playing Nintendo 64 on your computer

    If you're going to play N64 games on an emulator, it will make a world of difference if you get an adapter so you can use an actual N64 controller rather than use some other type of controller. Emulator's are great for playing all the old classics and giving you a chance to 'own' all the old consoles.
  19. Hunter's Torn Quad

    How I Met Your Mother

    So if the show had had a different name, would it be any better to you? Anyways, Robin isn't the mother. That was confirmed episode 1, when he finished with "And that's how I met....your Aunt Robin." (Think it was 1) Of course it wouldn't be any better. The show is meant to be about how he met the mother, but any hints and teases as to who she is have all been swerves. It's been over three seasons of this, and there's only so long you can do that before apathy sets in, and I'm close to reaching that point. I want to love this show, and there are some things about it I find really funny, but I've had enough of swerves and such that ultimately mean nothing to what the show is meant to be about.
  20. Hunter's Torn Quad

    How I Met Your Mother

    I really want to love this show again, but I'm really bored of waiting for the mother to be introduced. Sure, it's probably going to be Robin, but there's been on real indication it'll be her, and they've already gone through over three seasons of swerves and curves, even pulling out the wedding card. The latest twist was really good, and I felt sorry for Ted, but I'm getting tired of a show that's called How I Met Your Mother being more like How I Scored With Various Women Before I Scored With Your Mother.
  21. Hunter's Torn Quad

    they would never of worked as a heel/face

    Al Snow was a tremendous heel in SMW. He can play the role great when not given some silly character and is allowed to be himself.
  22. Hunter's Torn Quad

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    The MEM consist of Angle, Booker, Sting, Nash and now Steiner, and the angle is that the young guys are ungrateful. As Angle or Sting said on Impact, the business was built on respect and honor, and the young punks lack both.
  23. Hunter's Torn Quad

    The Time Is Now... to Change Cena's Theme

    Ice did an interview on VH-1 about the comparison, and his contention was that because of the one extra note added to the melody at the start of IIB, that the melody was completely different and nothing like the one on Under Pressure. This lawsuit seems like an attempt to get a quick buck. WWE will probably pay a nominal amount to make them go away.
  24. Hunter's Torn Quad

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Pictures of the new Impact Zone