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Big Ol' Smitty

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Everything posted by Big Ol' Smitty

  1. Big Ol' Smitty

    1/16: Osama For President, Cuba For Surgeries

    A dickheadship.
  2. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    While conducting my extensive research for this post, I learned that Laura Bush smokes cigs. I'll be damned.
  3. Big Ol' Smitty

    1/16: Osama For President, Cuba For Surgeries

    You're gonna diss the Canadian health system because they are getting healthcare from CUBA!?!? Are you saying we should be more like Cuba?
  4. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

  5. Big Ol' Smitty

    NSA Wiretapping found Unconstitutional

    Weird, apparently the Bush adminstration has decided that they are going to get court approval before surveilling Americans. Okaaaay... http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/002356.php
  6. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Lastest Rassmussen poll of Democratic primary voters. (last poll result in parentheses) Clinton 22 (34) Obama 21 (17) Edwards 15 (9) Gore 7 (9) Kerry 4 (3) Biden 4 (3)
  7. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    I've heard it on the radio multiple times already, too. "Hussein Osama"
  8. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Representative. And it was Thomas Jefferson's Koran.
  9. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

  10. Big Ol' Smitty

    RayCo's Greatest Hits

    Can we not ban this guy? *ahem* ban plz
  11. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    *takes a bow*
  12. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    haha anal history
  13. Big Ol' Smitty

    What the fuck do I do with yams?

    Boil' em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.
  14. Big Ol' Smitty

    Seasonal Music Associations

  15. Big Ol' Smitty

    Book recommendations

    I'm reading Guns, Germs, & Steel for the second time & it rocks my socks off. Probably one of the most important books of the 21st century.
  16. Big Ol' Smitty

    Children of Men

    And no matter what the film proposes to say, it is blatantly clear that England here is meant to be the United States..straight down to the close-ups of anti-Iraq articles and "Bush" with a red blood x through it. The immigrant protection was even called "Homeland Security." I think you're right, but all of those articles & clippings also just showed that Michael Cane's character was an old left-wing activist. 20 years from now, opposition to the Iraq war will probably we somewhat akin to the way we view opposition to Vietnam today. Did that make sense? My finocee asked me today,
  17. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Are you drunk?
  18. Big Ol' Smitty

    Campaign 2008

    Shots fired! -Hillary Clinton from National Journal
  19. Big Ol' Smitty

    What did you eat today?

    organic cinnamon frosted wheat cereal, granola, raisins w/ organic milk & orange juice whole wheat pitas filled with roasted red pepper hummus (I then left my fiancee's apartment w/ her hippie food) TACO HELL~!-->spicy chicken crunchwrap supreme, spicy chicken burrito, 7-layer burrito, large diet coke popsicle apple
  20. Big Ol' Smitty


    Lentils and other pulses, motherfuckers.
  21. Big Ol' Smitty

    Pictures I Like

    It's real. I've seen it used in history classes before.
  22. Big Ol' Smitty

    The New Congress

    Those wacky legislators. The football game wasn't the real reason for the day off, btw: Imagine that, Congressmen actually reading what they're voting on!
  23. Big Ol' Smitty

    Air Strike in Somalia

    I know you're just being a dick Czech, but he just posted an article from the LA Times. OMG, crazy leftist!
  24. Big Ol' Smitty

    Air Strike in Somalia

  25. Big Ol' Smitty

    What did you eat today?

    2 bowls of organic frosted mini-wheats wannabes w/ 2% milk & OJ shrimp, fries, hush puppies, diet coke 2 chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, slaw, green beans, biscuit, coke zero One of the first weekdays in a long time that I didn't have lunch in the school cafeteria. I bet my favorite lunchlady Betty missed me =(