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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    101 ways TNA Impact! could be better.

    There is a fine line here. The Pay Per View ALWAYS has to be a step up from the television show or else why would people buy what they can get for free? So while you don't want to have all sqaushes, you don't want matches to be *too* competitive, because then your are just giving away on TV what you get on PPV (two full time guys in a competitive match). I agree that it shouldn't be all squashes, but it can't be all big matches either. I'm not saying to blow the big matches on free TV (unless it's leading to a gimmick match or something similar). Take Jarrett for instance. Instead of sweeping Lex Lovett or Roderick Strong in 90 second matches, have him take on someone with credibility from the midcard. I'm talking about having stuff like Jarrett vs. Sabin, where the fans know it's a formidable opponent and could actually have a shot at victory. Also, they really need to decide on who is getting elevated, because the interchangeable matchups of 3 Live Kru/Team Canada/The Naturals/Shane/Kazarian, etc. are doing no one any good. Williams and D'Amore are the only ones in Team Canada that I'd call over. The rest are victims of 50/50 booking at it's finest. Guys like Shelly and Strong, who have proven themselves elsewhere, should be given a chance to shine.
  2. Zack Malibu

    Who is the killer or killers in Identity Crisis?

    Whoever tipped off Drake has to know Tim's secret, since the "R" in Drake was circled, making it into a Robin logo. Calculator is my guess as well.
  3. Zack Malibu

    101 ways TNA Impact! could be better.

    3. Develop younger stars better. 4. Have more competitive matches, since squashes will not sell a PPV or make you think Jeff Jarrett is World Champion material.
  4. Zack Malibu

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    Still got plenty, fear not.
  5. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Crystal Thread~!

    Hush up, BT.
  6. Zack Malibu

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    And they should buy it from me, of course. [/cheap shill mode]
  7. Zack Malibu

    Happy Birthday King PK

    Happy Birthday buddy.
  8. Zack Malibu

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    Dropping hints?
  9. Zack Malibu

    When you were a kid...........

    I remember using Smash as my top heel back in the day with the Hasbro figures. My other top heel was the Galoob WCW Barry Windham. I also remember not being able to find Rick Steiner's WWF figure, so my main tag team was Scott Steiner and Marty Jannetty.
  10. I bet the guy who started this thread posted it.
  11. Zack Malibu

    What to do withe Edge?

    Pillman was in the Hart Foundation because he started out in Stampede Wrestling and had close ties with the Hart Family. Tomko in Team Canada would make no sense. That said, they don't need another stable. Just have E&C hook up and feud with Benoit/Jericho (who I think should step up and take Edge's half of the tag belt, as I mentioned in another thread). Edge/Michaels can be saved for WM, or the Rumble if they're desperate enough for it. They could also do something different and have Edge not align with ANY heels, thus making him an actual loner character who does anything and everything to benefit only himself. Just a selfish dick who's proud of his actions.
  12. Zack Malibu

    TNA Victory Road card

    I believe AMW vs. Triple X will happen, and Team Canada will probably defend the belts against 2 of the 3 Live Kru. Raven vs. Abyss vs. Monty Brown is also scheduled to take place.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    Top Secret is hardly obscure.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Gene Snitsky... the next big monster.

    He was hired by WWE and sent to OVW this past summer, working there as "Mean" Gene Mondo, the "baby brother" of OVW wrestler Mike Mondo (who is extremely similar in look/size to Crash Holly). Mike's actually gonna be on HEAT against Rodney Mack this week, according to the taping results.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Next Monday's RAW

    Simon's catchphrase: "Shape up!"
  16. Zack Malibu

    Next Monday's RAW

    Haha, nice to see that comment sticking. It's so true, too. Here's what I think would be good for RAW. La Resistance complains to Bischoff about Benoit winning, and want a rematch. Edge wants no part of Benoit, as he has his own things to take care of. Bischoff states that if Benoit and Edge don't issue the rematch, they're stripped of the belts. Edge says he could care less, Benoit agrees to work the match, but it's Jericho who comes out to aid him (and that stirs up continuity from the Edge/Jericho tension this summer) and the Canadian Violence Connection is reborn as the babyface RAW Tag Champs. Shelton/Batista feud over the IC belt. Triple H chastises Flair for "going soft". Says he isn't the Flair he always looked up to. Flair said he's not worried about meeting Triple H's ideal thought of him, he's worried about being the Ric Flair HE wants to be. Sets up the possible (and hopeful) Flair face turn. The Hurricane heel turn slowly starts building again, because Helms needs to hit the refresh button ASAP. Snitsky kills Eugene off, allowing WWE to repackage Mr. Dinsmore, now that he finally got his revenge on Uncle Eric. I'd also mark out if they went the extra step with Batista's Metrosexual Monster bit, having him tell Coach that the dress he's in is all wrong for him...then saying that "red is more your color" or something equally feminine. Big Dave=Fashion Critic.
  17. Zack Malibu

    Gene Snitsky... the next big monster.

    I don't mind the Snitsky push. Right now he's in the realm of "cult favorite", probably because he put an end to an absurdly bad storyline. They'll still need some work to sell him as a major part of the show, IMO. Slightly off-topic, but am I the only one who thinks the Sean O'Haire evil preacher gimmick would have been perfect for this Lita/Kane deal? He could have targeted them for her becoming pregnant out of wedlock, they do the miscarriage deal, and O'Haire tells them that "no good would have come of that bastard child...but hey, I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know."
  18. Zack Malibu

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    I wouldn't call that obscure though. When I think obscure, I think "where in the hell did THAT movie come from". My definition of obscure means few people even heard of it, nevermind saw it. If you're going on how many people have seen it to rate obscurity, then you could stick something like Gigli or From Justin To Kelly in there.
  19. Zack Malibu

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    UHF and CHUD aren't obscure, either. CHUD's got the cult following, but it's rather easy to spot. Best Buy has it for $5.99 near me.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    Obscure and low quality are two different things. Just because people may not rush out to buy it doesn't mean it's unheard of. Another rare gem in my collection is The Mutilator, an early 80's horror flick. I'd also throw Bloody Birthday into the hat, but someone talked about it recently, I think in Deacon's movie column. Not sure how "obscure" it is.
  21. Zack Malibu

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

    A lot of these really aren't obscure. I own quite a few (Crippled Masters, Maniac Cop) and can easily find Slumber Party Massacre,Frankenhooker, I Spit On Your Grave or The Exterminator. A few rather obscure ones in my collection are Offerings (A Halloween ripoff), Test Tube Teens From The Year 2000, and the rare Garbage Pail Kids Movie.
  22. Zack Malibu

    3PW October 16th

    Whoa, Striker impersonated ME this time? Awesome!
  23. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Crystal Thread~!

    Then you don't know squat.
  24. Zack Malibu

    Smackdown Taping Results

    I'm surprised they didn't. This pretty much kills Heidenreich right off the bat, and while I'm no mark for the guy, it's just another case of building someone up for a fall. The feud consisted of precisely one attack and one Crash TV (no pun intended) stunt before this. Wow, kudos WWE writers!
  25. Zack Malibu

    Strangest Kayfabe reasons for a heel turn

    Kane on UT in 2000. "I...AM...A MONSTER~!"