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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Well last time we saw Rock he and Orton were up in each others faces. It was the night Eugene took on Triple H and they got all his friends out of the building beforehand. So continuity-wise, they'd have some 'splaining to do. As for Orton getting over, it'll happen. As long as they don't book him to be a pussy with the 3-1 odds. Have him come out and run them down for turning on him, saying that he should have never put his dream aside for Triple H, and if Batista and Flair want to be his lapdogs, so be it. That could actually make for some tension in Evolution and maybe instead of rushing into the Trips/Orton deal (which I know they don't want to do) you could prolong it with a little bit of "Is Batista sick of Triple H? Is Flair? Are both of them?", etc. Turn one and work a tag feud for a month or two to give this some longevity. Also, I think Michaels will show up tonight at the wedding in some form. Hardy should have been written out of the story with the Summerslam loss, but since he wasn't, I say Bischoff goes the whole "firing" route with him. I also think Edge will continue the slow burn to his turn and get approached by his brother. Rhyno/Tajiri vs. E&C could be a very good match, IMO.
  2. Zack Malibu

    Warrior Auctions Title Belt?

    Thread closed. Take it to the one in Gen. Wrestling.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Doomsday Cage Match

    Another thing about the cage was that they rushed Pillman onto Nitro doing his "1-900-PILLMAN" gimmick in the crowd (he was running around weilding the sign, and doing his loose cannon schtick while also working ECW as part of the "shoot" with Sullivan) and made it seem like he'd be a part of the match somehow (which thankfully, he never was).
  4. Zack Malibu

    Wal Mart dvd bin

    Sonny Chiba or the Bruce Lee cover one? Bruce Lee. The only time I saw the Chiba one the case was smashed up.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Wal Mart dvd bin

    I usuallly hit up the bin about once a week. Here's just a bit of some of my finds. Best of Friends Vol. 1-4 From Justin To Kelly Airheads Suicide Kings The Last Castle An American Werewolf In Paris Chances Are "Martial Arts 4 Pack" featuring four 70's-80's kung fu flicks. Wall Street Freeway A Three Stooges 2 Pack featuring older shorts (non-Columbia) and some of their cartoons Oscar Snake Eyes
  6. Zack Malibu

    PPV names wanted

    Ooh It's Kinda Crazy was cool too. Gravity was ehhhh, but that's pushing it. I wonder what happened to those guys.
  7. Zack Malibu

    Anyone NOT switch over to DVD yet?

    Only VHS I'll buy are wrestling comps/tapes that aren't on DVD, or movies that haven't made it to DVD yet (and usually aren't exactly on the top of someone's list to transfer anytime soon). Still, I haven't bought a VHS tape in Lord knows how long, probably at least 8 months.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Weddings in the WWE

    That angle during the gay wedding was great. Of course they never capitalized and everyone involved sans Bischoff and Stephanie is a JTTS.
  9. Zack Malibu

    AngleSlam booking thread

    Just to officialize it: OAOAST World Title "Survive Or Surrender" Match: No Time Limit, No Pinfalls, Within the confines of a "No Escape" cage (roof and no door to prevent anyone from getting in/out). Loser is the first one to pass out, tap out, or say "I Quit". Zack Malibu © vs. Crystal
  10. Zack Malibu

    Happy Birthday, Papa.

    Holla at the man who turns 21 today. Have a good one buddy.
  11. Zack Malibu

    Predict 11/7 PPV main event

    Hell, why not pick the whole card...may as well. I'll agree on JJ/JH in a Ladder Match for the belt, although I'm thinking Hardy wins it on 9/8 and they set JJ up in "Hardy's specialty" for 11/7. Then, of course, JJ wins to try to further himself, much to our dismay. This card is also going by current stars, and not "what ifs" of if Spanky, Kanyon, etc. showed up. 11/7 Card, my thoughts, give or take a few matches: Jeff Hardy © vs. Jeff Jarrett in a Ladder Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Title Triple X vs. Michael Shane/Frankie Kazarian for the NWA World Tag Team Titles Raven vs. Monty Brown in some type of hardcore stipulation match. I think Brown will be a babyface by then. Petey Williams vs. AJ Styles for the X Title Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Kid Kash Abyss vs. Alex Shelley America's Most Wanted vs. Konnan and BG James Sonjay Dutt/Chris Sabin vs. Psychosis and LA Park
  12. Zack Malibu

    I turned 30 today.

    I was thinking TANG, actually. 'Tis been awhile.
  13. Zack Malibu

    I turned 30 today.

    I didn't say WHAT I'd drink.
  14. Zack Malibu

    What do you look like...

    If it's the one with Jay Mohr, it's Cherry Falls.
  15. Zack Malibu

    I turned 30 today.

    So I won? I'll drink to that. Actually, I'd drink even if I didn't win.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Impact Spoilers

    Since that was a dark match, my guess is it was another tryout of sorts for him. TNA is interested in signing him, and there are rumors that he and Slash could make up a new New Church team if/when Mitchell is brought back.
  17. Zack Malibu

    Look at this picture of Lindsay Lohan

    Well he's apparently GANGSTA~! in that pic. He's either a poser, or auditioning for Harold and Kumar Go To Compton.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Best feuds/angles in ECW

    The Sabu/RVD/WWF Invasion (which led to Lawler and Jim Cornette, amongst others, arriving in ECW). Shane Douglas/Pit Bulls feud (Douglas breaks Gary Wolfe's neck, shakes him by his halo, etc.) The Taz heel turn and aligning with Bill Alfonso. Cyrus' "Network" gimmick/angle. Taz, Sabu and RVD uniting against The Triple Threat. Van Dam's "respect" gimmick from '96, which helped turn him face as he needed Sabu to help him against Furnas and Kroffat (Phil LaFon). The Super Crazy/Tajiri series. The Malenko/Guerrero classics. Buh Buh Dudley heel turn on The Sandman to form The Dudley Boyz as we know them today. Raven's return from WCW, coming to the aid of arch rival Tommy Dreamer, forcing him to have to share the tag titles with him. I love ECW, so I could go on forever, but that's just some of my favorites.
  19. Zack Malibu

    Hogan/Sting Nitro 99

    In reference to Vampiro/Demon, the feud DID begin in Fall of '99, pre-Russo...while Bryan Adams was playing the Demon role. This was when KISS performed on Nitro, etc. The gist was that Vampiro was going around helping lower card guys (Evan Karagias was one) and claiming that they "owed him". It was supposed to set up a new Flock of sorts with these guys "selling their souls" to Vampiro and The Demon arriving to "save them". Adams quickly ducked out of doing the gimmick, it got put on Dale Torborg, and nothing really came of it until they paired him off/feuded him with Vampiro in 2000.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Identify Movie for my column

    It was still all about the prune juice. I actually managed to find that on DVD while vacationing in Florida this past winter. Yay for me.
  21. Zack Malibu

    I turned 30 today.

    CanadianChris is so old, the funeral parlor has his picture with the sign "Coming Soon". Or... He walked by the cemetery and two guys ran after him with shovels.
  22. Zack Malibu

    I turned 30 today.

    When God said "Let there be light", Chris hit the switch.
  23. Zack Malibu

    Elimination Chamber

    Ugh. They should NOT waste an Elimination Chamber on, say, Cena vs. Booker vs. Reigns vs. Haas vs. Van Dam vs. Suzuki. No way in hell.
  24. Zack Malibu

    Elimination Chamber

    Actually, I could foresee Long booking an EC match for six Smackdown guys, which would piss Bischoff off and lead more into the RAW vs. SD! feud. Bischoff could make the argument that it's "his match" but Long could fire back with Bischoff came up with the concept, but it's a WWE trademark, not a Bischoff/RAW one. If we do see one, I'm thinking Cena vs. Angle vs. Guerrero vs. JBL vs. Undertaker vs. Van Dam or Mysterio (whichever one is up for taking the crazy bumps).
  25. Zack Malibu

    Another week, another "I might leave the board"

    And the response was to simply tell him that no one responded. It didn't really relate to the subject at hand, so therefore it can't really count as a reply, can it?