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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    1)I still have PM'd detailing ideas for the turn, so I've got my proof, beeyotch. B)Don't you everevereverevereverEVER come into MY thread and besmirch the best show currently airing on TV. I'll give you a Chino-style asswhipping.
  2. No offense taken. Anglesault has said pretty much the same thing, that for as well as we get along on the board, he'd want to kill me for being so happy-go-lucky in person. I'd want to meet you, but I'd ridicule you the entire time. Yeah, but for every SBTB comment you could make, I could respond with a DeGrassi one. We'd just have to agree to disagree.
  3. Please don't insult the lovely Ms. Braxton, kthnx.
  4. I apologize. Please accept this as my peace offering:
  5. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Actually, it was more like this: CWM:Malibu, you should turn heel in OAOAST. Zack:Actually, if you can keep a secret, I will be. CWM:Well...ok then. Glad we had this talk. Zack:Same here. CWM:::Beltshots Zack for taking his idea::
  6. Obviously none of your Fisher Price people won a spelling bee, though.
  7. No offense taken. Anglesault has said pretty much the same thing, that for as well as we get along on the board, he'd want to kill me for being so happy-go-lucky in person.
  8. That's not really a party, Adam. Save for CC, we call that a "sausage fest". I'll make a few calls to even the teams up.
  9. You still haven't taken that ride up the coast, Spoon. Dames and I are waitin'.
  10. Did you kiddies "hang" afterwards? Nada. And who you calling kiddie? You know if we were in the same vicinity we'd be tearing shit up, although you'd be my much more cynical friend who mocked my taste in entertainment. You know, like you do now.
  11. Max Power was shopping in the showroom one day while I was at the office. He was up in my area visiting old friends if I remember right. I had the board opened up on my browser, he said he was a member on here. I said so was I, and that was how we found out.
  12. Already met two people (one purely by chance), and have talked to a few on the phone. Still, the list I've got is as long as my arm. They know who they are.
  13. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Silly peons. I have the belt. I shocked the world. Caboose just wears makeup and talks snidely. Popick just wears makeup. Zack's turn > all other heel turns.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Pre-Starrcade 98 Sting

    Here's what I would have done: Sting comes down, cleans house on Hogan. Dominates first few minutes and sends Hogan for a powder. Hogan comes back, starts cheating (the announcers can play up that Patrick is "letting these guys go at it" but at the same time question allegiance). Patrick gets bumped somehow (pulled in the way of a Stinger Splash?), and Hogan goes for more cheating (belt whipping, chair shot, etc.) that Sting counters and takes Hogan out. The nWo goons run out, Sting takes care of them as well, and turns his attention back to Hogan, who hits a lowblow and rolls Sting up. Hart runs out to fill in the ref slot and makes a count, where Sting kicks out at two. Sting/Hogan brawl for a few more minutes, Sting hits a Scorpion Deathdrop on Hogan, but as Hart counts, Patrick pulls him away to break up the count. Hart nails Patrick with a punch, Hogan is stunned that Hart just took out "his" ref, and Sting goes on to get a clean pin with Hart counting the fall, cementing Sting as a dominant champ and Hart as a babyface hero.
  15. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    You ever notice how you're always aiming for people's asses? Technically, that wasn't a threat. Technically, you were flirting. OMG POPICK IS OF TEH GAY~!
  16. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Dumbass. I don't have a Screech thong. They're boxers with the Hang Time logo.
  17. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Oh no, you're not stealing my thunder. I'M the biggest heel in these parts now. ::Vetos an SJ return, gives him a wedgie, and tar and feathers him.::
  18. Zack Malibu

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    If he's using the Ravex update (I don't, since I hate the way many stats are set), I think Konnan has like a 75/80 in one area (technical?).
  19. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    ::Climbs out of Kirstie's mouth, grabs her by her cellulite, channels the strength of ten men, lifts her up, drops her on CWM and Alf, then hits her with the wheelbarrow pieces.::
  20. Zack Malibu


    While I didn't get to see the match in question, I believe the hype you guys are giving it. Orton is slowly coming along nicely in-ring wise, and Val has always been a great hand in the ring. Earlier this year, he and Rico had a match on RAW (I believe it was the same night Jackie popped out of her top, because I remember Storm and the girls at ringside) and it was by far the best match I had seen out of them in a while because they were given enough time to put something together. Val's problem is that he's been typecast as Val Venis, and his heel turns (RTC, "serious" Val with Trish, Cheif Morley) have been too short lived to mean anything in the long run, because he always goes back to Val. If he can be repackaged and shake the stigma of a stale character, he could move up the ranks in no time.
  21. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    ::HEEL ZACK~! throws CWM into a wheelbarrow, pushes him up a steep hill, pulls him out of the wheelbarrow, kicks him in the gut, and shoves him back down the hill, THEN throws the wheelbarrow down after him, THEN runs down, picks up the wheelbarrow, and hits CWM over the head with it before putting him THROUGHT said wheelbarrow.:: I love being a heel.
  22. Zack Malibu

    Upcoming Heel Turns

    I would expect an RVD heel turn as well, because he's already the fourth, possibly considered the fifth babyface on the SD! roster (behind Eddie, UT, Cena and an argument can be made for Mysterio). The thing is that they'll have to give a damn good explanation for it, because the guy originally came in as a heel and got great pops during his ECW/InVasion run, even when he was going against crowd favorites like Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho. Pairing him with Heyman could work. I could see them doing the whole "I had to stop caring about what the fans thought and go back to my roots" type of deal.
  23. Zack Malibu

    I met Mr. Belding last night~!

    Yes, last night, your resident teen show mark got a chance to meet Dennis Haskins, who played principal Richard Belding on Saved By The Bell. Haskins appeared at a "Saved By The Bell Night" as part of the University of Rhode Island's Spring Fest. He talked for a while about his career, and some SBTB gossip, such as: None of the cast get royalties for the DVD's. The guy who played Johnny Dakota was dating Tiffani Amber Theissen at the time, and there was tension between he and Mario Lopez (who liked Tiffani) behind the scenes. The reason for so many New Class cast changes was due to some kids having holier than thou attitudes, and some just plain not being able to act. He said that the first New Class (the worst, IMO) was pretty much hired strictly for their look. There probably will not be a reunion special anytime in the near future, as everyone has gone on to other things, and there are some issues from when the show was on that don't sit well with former cast members (mostly contract situations, etc.) There was a bunch of other stuff, and he was really accomodating to everyone. They did trivia (I didn't get picked), but if I had, I would have blown them away, because these people were missing the simplest questions (name Screech's robot, etc.) Then some of the questions were so general (name any 2 New Class members) that if anyone missed them, it would have been sad. After the show was over, he stuck around to sign 8x10's and take pictures. So I bought an 8x10 of him with the original cast, and went to have it signed. He admired my Zack Attack shirt that I had bought a while ago and was talking to me for a good 5-10 minutes (we agreed that the last New Class season wasn't the best way to end, and he even said it was his least favorite time out of the whole run), signed my picture (he put "To Chris, the other Zack", which was awesome) and took two pics with me, which I'll scan as soon as I finish the camera off. All around, an awesome experience for me last night.
  24. Zack Malibu

    I met Mr. Belding last night~!

    Mr. Belvedere played a teacher on California Dreams in one episode.
  25. Zack Malibu

    anyone else hate Dynamite Kido?

    I think it's just you.