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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Making an Old School RnB/Soul/Rap/Funk CD

    Oran "Juice" Jones-Walking In The Rain
  2. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    She was going to move to Atlanta to stay with a cousin of hers, but didn't have the money to get there. I don't think the kid is Ryan's. Kind of ruins his whole "second chance" if he's going to have to become a father. I think there will be more to this baby thing than what we'd expect. Jimmy decking Caleb was a markout moment for sure. About time the old man got his. I was waiting for Angry Trucker Hat guy to wind up being an undercover cop or something and busting up the card game. Good episode. I love The Vegas.
  3. Zack Malibu

    What is the next big stable?

    Face stables haven't worked since the glory days of DX. The stable mentality is geared more towards heels (strength in numbers, etc.). I have to see the previously mentioned Heyman led stable sounds like a damn good possibility. I also think that a new Evolution of Orton leading Batista, Maven and a heel turned Shane Helms (ditching the Hurricane gimmick) could work.
  4. Zack Malibu

    What does your room...

    Full of tapes and DVD's. Seriously, I have boxes and stacks lining the walls. I've got two entertainment centers, one that just holds DVD's in it, and has two CD holders on top of it. Then there's the main entertainment center, which has my TV, Gamecube, PS2, my combo VCR/DVD player, and a spare DVD player. My bed is about three feet in front of you when you walk in, half of it against the wall and half of it coming outward into the room. Next to it are some of the aforementioned tape boxes (mostly all my storebought movies as opposed to taped off TV movies), and a small push stand with another TV, an old VCR (used to hook up the N64), the N64 and Sega Genesis on it. Two dressers, one on the right when you walk in, the other across the room. On top of the first dresser is my sound system, a Panasonic 5 CD changer. That dresser is for underwear/socks and runaround clothes. The other dresser has a lot of mementos like pictures, notebooks, etc. in it. The corner next to the TV has more movie boxes, as well as a shelf with DVD's on it, and more DVD's stacked next to it. Decoration wise, I've got the walls lined in various posters and pics. Right now there are a bunch of 8x10's I bought from work of Trish, Torrie, etc. Got a full size Daredevil movie poster, as well as a smaller promo poster for the movie. An NHL poster with all the teams bordering the Stanley Cup. A poster of The OC cast. There's tons more, but they're mostly random pics from mags and whatnot, like Maxim spreads and such. I've also got a poster of The Italian Job, as well as a promo poster for SpiderMan. Got several wall hangings as well, namely Scarface, Back To The Future, and Animal House.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    Patrick Muldoon.
  6. Last week, we saw Edge interrupt Orton's victory promo, and tell Randy (in as many words) that he didn't like him. This week, Shelton Benjamin runs Randy off after Orton spits in the face of Harley Race. The question is, which feud are we going to see out of these angles? Was the Edge confrontation just to segue into making the tag match? It would seem that with Triple H going away for a bit, and him wanting to work with Edge down the line, that Edge/Orton would be the logical choice. On the other hand, Orton/Benjamin is a feud of two guys who are getting over very well with the crowd, and both would have everything to gain from a major rivalry (a la Rock/HHH from '98). IMO Orton/Edge would be a better match, but Benjamin is very good in his own right, plus both have trained/worked together in OVW. When the tag team with Benoit runs its course, what is Edge to do then? He blew through Kane. Flair isn't/shouldn't be working in solo matches right now. Rhyno's a face (and still not doing anything of note). Batista is a possibility. If he turns heel, and Edge/Michaels feud would be huge, IMO. Now, from Edge, we move onto his "brother", Christian, who has resurrected himself by playing the perfect foil to Jericho in this storyline. He got the girl, he's got the muscle, and last night, he mentioned that he wanted to be World Champion. While it's obvious the feud with Jericho isn't done yet (probably one more major match left to fully blow it off), was the comment just an off hand one by Xian, or is the WWE planning on a Benoit/Christian feud? Personally, I think that now is the time to capitalize on Christian's heat, and a run against Benoit would serve to cement him as a serious upper midcard player. The matches will be good, Xian is good on the mic, and you've got Trish and Tomko with Christian to extend the story a bit (odds are stacked against Benoit, Tomko can work tags against Benoit and ??, etc.). However, Michaels is getting the shot next week, and Triple H is still whining about wanting a shot. So when exactly does Christian expect to get his due? It seems like we're seeing hints of good things to come, it's just a matter of when, exactly. Any more thoughts on where these angles could be headed?
  7. Zack Malibu

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    We did see Jessie's dad, during the Palm Springs Wedding eps, remember?
  8. Zack Malibu

    Orton/Shelton, Orton/Edge, Christian's Challenge

    Jericho/Christian can't go on much longer. The problem with RAW is the babyface side is very heavy (Benoit, Michaels, Edge, Shelton, Jericho) while Evolution are the top heels and have already had matches/feuds with those guys. Title-wise, no one would buy Batista in a main event program yet (perhaps he could feud with Jericho since Jericho can carry opponents), Flair has his injuries to tend to, Trips is off making movies for a while, Orton's got Shelton and/or Edge. Plus, it seems every week it's interchangeable that someone from Evolution will take on one of the top faces. Christian vs. Benoit, or even a Christian/Michaels feud would be fresh, and I think Christian could make it work.
  9. Zack Malibu

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    First, you speak badly of Howard The Duck, and then I see you put "Garbage Pail Kids" in that category? Have you no love for great 80's cinema!?
  10. Zack Malibu

    the "2 Weeks" thing

    I honestly was thinking the same thing last night, lol.
  11. Zack Malibu

    Orton/Shelton, Orton/Edge, Christian's Challenge

    I don't think they'll all turn on him. Orton, Batista, then possibly Maven and a heel Shane Helms (after dropping Rosey and the Hurricane moniker) could be a good heel version of Evolution sans Triple H and Flair. Then you could have Trips and Flair having to help each other out, since no one on the face side (Benoit, Edge, Shelton, Michaels if he still is) is willing to give them assistance due to their past.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Orton/Shelton, Orton/Edge, Christian's Challenge

    That's the thing. I can't see them doing a three way for the IC Title, especially coming off the three way feud over the World Title. The only other heel left for Edge to face sans Evolution members would be Christian, but they're best kept apart for a while. I don't see Jericho going heel anytime soon, so Edge vs. heel Michaels could definitely work. As for Orton, no matter who he feuds with, I say botched interference from Flair causes him to drop the IC, keeping him strong in the meantime. Then he turns on Flair and forms his own version of Evolution to combat the legend (Flair) and the legends protege coming out for revenge (Triple H).
  13. Zack Malibu

    Orton/Shelton, Orton/Edge, Christian's Challenge

    ???? Dude...no. Just no. I love Eddie and all, but no way. JBL isn't ready for the US Title, nevermind WWE Title shots.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Orton/Shelton, Orton/Edge, Christian's Challenge

    Benoit/Christian certainly could close a PPV, IMO, especially if Eddie/JBL is the main event of Judgement Day. Christian's got the personality, the skill, plus the secondary characters that would be important to work false finishes. He'd mesh well with Benoit, and a story of Benoit going 3 on 1 would sell it as a hot main event.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Kane and Lita sittin' in a tree...

    LMAO @ the MST3K reference. Hopefully Matt Hardy fares better than Hal Warren did in that film.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Kane and Lita sittin' in a tree...

    The necrophilia angle was Sept. of '02, more than a few months ago. As for last night, when watching Kane stalk Lita in the ring, one of my friends said "They're gonna say he reminds her of Katie Vick". I personally don't get how a Kane/Hardy feud can be good for either guy (Kane's character is dead and Matt is over but buried), and I doubt even a swerve like Lita hooking up with Kane and making Matt the jaded babyface out for revenge would work.
  17. Zack Malibu


    While I like him in the Evolution group, and I can see why they do it, I'm not too into the Flair/Batista tag team. They've got a better reason than most people to be teaming (Flair mentoring him, and being in the same stable), but I don't see them as a "full fledged" tag team. I agree they should do more with BIG DAVE~! (credit to Figure 4 Weekly for that one), because he's slowly turning into Rhyno (big power guy with good presence that winds up on the losing end of most of his matches).
  18. Zack Malibu

    What's your wrestling name?

    Glad to have you amongst the ranks of the preps, Rip. Oh yeah, where was I... I'd be "JC" Joey Christopher, the fun loving hearthrob babyface. Basically, I'd be me.
  19. Zack Malibu

    Nash & Savage To TNA ??

    Punk caught heat for stirring up shit with Teddy Hart a few months back. There's also been murmurs of him not fully supporting TNA as much as he has ROH, Zero One, etc. Dinero I've no clue, they probably are just searching for a role for him. Also, the last time they were on, they were feuding with Raven, as they'd turned on him and joined up with Father Mitchell.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Nash & Savage To TNA ??

    Actually, it's only been about four. He came out on Thunder during the New Blood/Millionaire's Club angle in spring 2000.
  21. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    Just picked up the newest Stuff magazine, featuring the girls of The OC, and a major spread on Bonnie Somerville (who played Sandy's co-worker Rachel earlier in the season).
  22. Zack Malibu

    DVD Releases

    We all know what I'm buying.
  23. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    ::Acts as best man at the wedding of CWM and Agnes. Refuses to dance with the Maid Of Honor, Superstar.::
  24. Zack Malibu

    Booking for the 4/29 HD~!

    It's now officially Zack Malibu vs. Crystal for the OAOAST World Title~!
  25. Zack Malibu

    Happy Birthday ABOBO~!

    Celebrate, bitches.