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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Memoirs Of An Invisible Chevy...

    Chevy vs. JudasSault in a Birthday Brawl? Winner gets Mr. Piss to pop out of the cake.
  2. Zack Malibu

    Best Chapelle's Show skits

    The I Know Black People Game Show skit. The Sesame Street Parody (was it Kneehigh Park or something similar)? Also, the "When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong" with the lady who thought her man was cheating on her.
  3. Zack Malibu

    What was your quote

    Mine was just a paragraph of inside jokes to friends that wouldn't mean anything here if I posted it. My school had a small space limit and I got stuck using initials and shit like that. Word limits suck.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Major Announcement Regarding hD~!

    At Anglemania 3, we at the OAOAST were shocked to learn that HeldDOWN~! General Manager Northstar struck a deal with the now-defunct IZ GM Dan Black to absorb IZ's assets, and sign several IZ stars, including Black himself, to create the lone OAOAST brand name TV show, OAOAST HeldDOWN~!, and seemingly win the brand war that has gone on for the past year. Due to the conniving deal being struck, as well as the altercation that took place between the men and Bill Watts of OAOAST Corporate, it has been decided that in this new era of OAOAST action as we start anew, that a change is needed. Feeling that putting wrestlers in power only serves to stir up conflict and controversy, it has been ruled that Northstar is currently having all GM duties suspended, and that Dan Black will simply remain an active roster member with no duties in office. This Thursday on HeldDOWN~!, which is already shaping up to be a major show, we will be introduced to the NEW OAOAST Director of Authority, and it just may shock you as to who it is!
  5. Zack Malibu

    Major Announcement Regarding hD~!

    I haven't heard from Big in ages. Same goes for TSS. Haven't heard from him since last summer.
  6. Zack Malibu

    A thread in which I rip off Squirtle

    Hrm...between that comment and the ones about me and the girls on the board, there's a perverted joke in there somewhere.
  7. Zack Malibu

    TSM Wrestling Fans Wetdream

    It looks like Coachman in drag.
  8. Zack Malibu

    A thread in which I rip off Squirtle

    Me first. Yay!
  9. Zack Malibu

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Without. As for Orton getting over, just make him appear in angles, get the pins in matches, etc. and you should have no problem. I had the same problem (on a lesser scale) with Frankie Kazarian and Jason Cross, but fixed that in no time.
  10. Zack Malibu

    Major Announcement Regarding hD~!

    I'm perplexed. I mean, do I have to write like a poet to let you know that a true superstar is going to be the DOA?
  11. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    The Gobbeldy Gooker mask is ripped off to reveal... FRANK STALLONE~!
  12. Zack Malibu

    Major Announcement Regarding hD~!

    I dunno about that. It could be some guy who's pretty big and not named Mario Logan.
  13. Zack Malibu

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Satanico, why not bust out the Stretching Crew name for Shelton and Charlie? I used to use it way back when in EWR 2.0 when I had Shelton and Eric Angle as a tag team in my WWA game.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Bring Back Charlie Ward isn't enough.

    Grade Dames.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Jindrak Set For Huge Push

    They didn't turn, really. The tight pulling and arguing over the belt/tugging it away from Bubba were supposed to make them look like the cocky young upstarts, but everything got dropped for whatever reason, and they became "just another team". Whatever. I'd rather see them attempt with a new, young guy than Rikishi, Bob Holly or Billy Gunn for the millionth time.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Jindrak Set For Huge Push

    WWE moved Mark Jindrak to Smackdown with plans to give him a major singles push. To make up for his lack of charisma, he will likely be given a manager. The favorite right now to be his manager is Teddy Long. Interestingly enough, most in WWE thought that Garrison Cade was more ready for a singles push, but Jindrak is getting the benefit due to his look. Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter OK, so there goes the dream of Jindrak/O'Haire helping out the tag division. Seriously though, they take the guy with no charisma/promo ability (that we know of yet, but charisma wise he's like watching paint dry...and I LIKE Jindrak) or really anything that makes him stand out, and set to push HIM, while the guy with the look, charisma, and ability to do more than typical big man stuff (O'Haire) is sent packing to the minors again? Something isn't right with this picture.
  17. Zack Malibu

    Booking for the April fools' show

    Everyone send stuff to me for now, even if I don't post, I'll forward it to who does.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Jindrak Set For Huge Push

    Pretty much, but Cade is even blander than the Bashams While I've only seen minimal OVW with Cade, I've heard he's decent on the mic.
  19. Zack Malibu

    Jindrak Set For Huge Push

    So, they admit that he has no charisma, and decide to push him based on.... ..... Aw, fuck it. You're right. After blowing his big shot, why is Sean O'Haire still with the company? I wouldn't say he blew it. I'd call 2 out of the 5 people involved in the angle getting fired/released/walking out/whatever had a hand in creative left with nothing for him to do. He should have never been paired with Piper in the first place. If they ran with that whole preaching morals gimmick on it's own, he'd still be on our TV's on Thursdays. At least SOME of us would enjoy that .
  20. Zack Malibu

    Jindrak Set For Huge Push

    I'm on the same wavelength as you, Banks. See the RAW thread, where I stated I see a Palumbo/Venis team on the horizon.
  21. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    My bad. You'd think my new look (short and spikish) would require LESS gel than the thick and wavy surfer do, but nooooo.
  22. Zack Malibu

    Jindrak Set For Huge Push

    I dunno. I've always liked most of the Natural Born Thrillers crew from WCW, and I dug what they were at least attempting to do with Jindrak and Cade, but this push/Teddy Long angle and everything seems so slapdash it won't do anyone involved any good.
  23. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Your false hate doesn't work, CDub. Everyone knows you wuv me. ::hugs CWM. In a manly way.::
  24. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    Everything old is new again. Sayonara, Calvin thread. The Zack is BACK~! ::beltshots anyone within reach. Except CC.::
  25. Zack Malibu

    Oh, My...Re-Re Wrestling

    That was a kid with Down's Syndrome named (I think) Seth from around the Memphis area that Sid had gotten to know, and got WCW to allow him to accompany him for a match to make the kids day. It wasn't part of an angle or anything, just a goodwill gesture on Sid's part.