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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Joyous Pissgivings Day!

    I'm not even gonna ASK how you found those pics...
  2. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    That episode was on TBS the other night. Great shit.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Joyous Pissgivings Day!

    This was supposed to be a party thread? Where are the nude chicks, overflowing beer cups, and scantily clad midgets?
  4. Zack Malibu

    Joyous Pissgivings Day!

    Sass pulled the trigger, but if you listen to Johnson, Rant and FrigidSoul put the contract out on him. I kid, I kid.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Joyous Pissgivings Day!

    When I saw the thread title, I thought TSM was testing for drugs and/or steroids.
  6. Zack Malibu

    CZW results

    I think it's average, as in nothing standout. Ruckus/Rave, the tag team match, and the main event all sound like good matches. The only thing I don't get into are the lower card matches with guys like Dahmer, and I haven't ever seen The Overboyz so I can't judge them. The five man had Joker, who is on a roll after COD5, and Johnny Storm. Surely a semi-decent card, but nothing blowaway. That's reserved for tonight.
  7. How the hell is it a double standard? Did someone say to you "Johnson, I'm going to cut your spleen out!"? Did Frigid say he's leaving your BODY, or YOU on Rant's front step? That's right, the words "body" was left out of there. He said he'd leave you on Rant's doorstep dressed as a hippie, again playing to the board in-joke of Rant's hippie-hating ways. No one directly wished death upon you or threatened you. Quit grasping at straws and pointing fingers. This has got to be one of the most pointless attempts at garnering attention to yourself that I've seen.
  8. Zack Malibu

    CZW results

    Sounds like the Knoxx arm injury was a work, if it led to Wifebeater's only appearance on the show. Sounds like an average show, and I'm interested to see how Joker/Storm played out when it came down to them one on one.
  9. Are you fucking kidding me? The whole "2 months and etc." thing was a joke between FrigidSoul and several others, where Frigid mentioned that was how long it was until his birthday, and that he'd love to see you banned on that day. No more of an Anti-Johnson joke than usual. This is just you trying to stir the pot. Despite the HHH-ish level of hatred you've gained from the posters here, I'm pretty sure that while some might want to slap the taste out of your mouth per a "real life" meeting, nobody would plan an elaborate murder/burial. This has to be one of the stupidest twists on a post/posts that I've seen.
  10. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    Oh re-he-heally? That's quite... ahem, interesting. What freestyle song may I ask? ...I'm not about to compare, I can't dance, so I suck compared to everyone here. Say Goodbye, by Elissa. Very download-worthy.
  11. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    OK, you win. Flik, funny you mention that quote from Animaniacs, because they put that quote at the end of a freestyle song that I got Kotz hooked on.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Who Needs To Stop Posting?

    I go to play pool, and miss Inc. on AIM? At least I (mostly) won at pool.
  13. I've been thinking about it for a while, given my affinity for making various mixes, and being into all sorts of music. As Dames could tell you, I do a pretty good job on my mixes (well, I always thought so, but he can vouch for me, lol), and I'm considering looking into DJing not necessarily as a career, but maybe a way to earn some money on the side. I just figured I'd check around here to see if anyone has done DJ work before, or is also interested, and what they think of it. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction, so any advice/criticism/etc. is appreciated.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 1/15/04

    Overall, I'd give the show a 7. What we had was good, but the PRISM match was done last minute (nothing ever got set in stone regarding it, but I didn't want to not have it), and the matches built well, but nothing "blow away" like we've had recently. Good show, good effort as per usual. Maybe we just got spoiled by all the kickass shows like the X Division match and everything of late, hehe.
  15. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    Vanilla Ice > Neo Carrying on with the unashamedness, we could also use another example: the time at karaoke where I did "I Want It That Way", wandered around to pretty much each table, got on my knees and crooned to random women, thus earning me a standing ovation from the crowd (and a few numbers to boot).
  16. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    HEY! Don't give away Piss' secrets. I might have a job opening available for a young go getter like yourself though... If involves leashes, shampoo, and ABOBO, I'll pass. You know, unless we became dog groomers.
  17. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    In other words, keep the penis out of the console, kids.
  18. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    I can't picture Flik hating anyone. That said, the day I come to TSM and find it bullet ridden, with a menacing Choko holding an M-16 standing above the remains, I'll eat those words.
  19. Zack Malibu


    Ehhh, I disagree, I've seen her be bitchy quite a bit to other people, though admittedly I've had little direct interaction with her My favorite females on the board (out of all 10 of them, I know) would be WJM and Stardust Who, me? Really though, I'm nice. If you're not stupid. Having dimples like *these* also helps to win her over .
  20. Zack Malibu

    Who Needs To Stop Posting?

    I thought it was Disturbed Park?
  21. Zack Malibu

    ICP's site says they're debuting

    My guess is that they might get involved with Raven somehow, maybe show up to insult/take on Punk and Julio over the course of a few appearances? Raven, Vampiro and ICP made up the Dead Pool in WCW, so it's at least a plausible way to bring them in.
  22. Zack Malibu

    Who Needs To Stop Posting?

    I suppose the "OMG ZACK WUZ TIFF" flame was something original and unheard of too?
  23. Zack Malibu

    Who Needs To Stop Posting?

    Sure didn't last long did it What ever happened to your career of acting on a street corner, Zsasz? The street corner tried to control his method of acting and wanted to shuffle him into a lesser role, so he quit. This is breaking news just now, so expect a thread about it soon. That post made me think of the movie Get Over It, where drama coach Martin Short imagined his career being ruined by the school play, and having to choreograph homeless people on the street. Picture a guy in a Batman outfit doing it and it's quite amusing, actually. Of course, the utility belt will have to have things like the Bat-Flame Post, Bat-Pretentiousness, and Bat-James Bond Novels. Who will be his faithful, underage sidekick though?
  24. Zack Malibu

    Who Needs To Stop Posting?

    Sure didn't last long did it What ever happened to your career of acting on a street corner, Zsasz? The street corner tried to control his method of acting and wanted to shuffle him into a lesser role, so he quit. This is breaking news just now, so expect a thread about it soon. That post made me think of the movie Get Over It, where drama coach Martin Short imagined his career being ruined by the school play, and having to choreograph homeless people on the street. Picture a guy in a Batman outfit doing it and it's quite amusing, actually.
  25. Zack Malibu

    Who Needs To Stop Posting?

    But not funny in a "ha-ha" way, right?