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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Smackdown Spoilers for 4/13

    Some notes, as I was there front row live: Kennedy got a big babyface reaction coming out, but when they scrapped the Finlay/Kennedy match and Kennedy sucked up to Finlay, the crowd booed the hell out of it. Hornswoggle came out from under the ring after SD! had finished taping. He was never used in the match, but I don't know if he did his little "peek from under the ring" deal by the commentators. Flash Funk/Scorpio looked a little rusty, and Burchill looks like he's been deprogrammed into a punch/kick/resthold heel. He came out wearing his ski mask that he uses in his current "Ripper" (as in Jack The Ripper) gimmick in OVW. UT/Batista dark match ended in a no-contest when D&D, Helms and Chavo, and Kennedy and Finlay all ran in one after the other. Faces cleaned house and did their staredown to end the night.
  2. Zack Malibu

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi Thread -- 4/10/2007

    I'll be there live tonight, so here's hoping it doesn't totally suck.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu vs. Tony Brannigan

    The lights are lowered as we come back from break, the last break that will be taken tonight, as it's time for our MAIN EVENT~! MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, set for one fall, is a special showcase match between two of wrestling's best. More importantly, it is a contest between two men who helped lay the foundation for this very company, bringing it to such recognition and notoriety around the world, that we celebrate it's Fifth Anniversary here tonight! The crowd roars with anticipation, and "Simply Ravishing" hits, bringing the crowd to their feet for a man who, no matter what side of the fence he's been on, has always been respected by the OAOAST supporters. BUFFER Coming down the aisle at this time, and hailing from Hollywood, USA. This man is one of the cornerstones of the OAOAST, and has been here since the Beltshot That Started It All. Weighing in tonight at two hundred and sixty two pounds, he is TONY, THE BODY, BRAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNIGAAAAAAN! Applause comes from all around as Tony struts across the apron and then enters the ring, circling it as the fans give him his much deserved props. Tony begins to take off his robe, and that's when his music stops, and another song starts...one that brings the crowd to its feet yet again! BUFFER His opponent, is a man known the world over as the Face of the OAOAST. Another man, having been here for the five years the company has existed, there is no other man or woman alive who can say that they've put as much blood, sweat, and tears into something as much as this man has. From Providence, Rhode Island, and weighing in tonight at two hundred and five pounds, he is the OAOAST's Franchise, ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAALLLLLIBUUUUUUUUUUUU! Zack walks to the ring acknowledging the fans on his way down the aisle. He hops up on the apron and locks eyes with Tony, then looks out to the crowd, who show their support for Zack in spades. Malibu enters the ring and hops up on the ropes, pumping his fists in the air, and welcoming the fan support with open arms. COLE They love the Originals here tonight, Coach! What a treat here, on our Fifth Anniversary Broadcast! In a show of respect, the two OAOAST Originals shake hands before stepping away from each other, allowing the bell to ring before they engage in battle. DING! DING! DING! COLE Here we go, two of the OAOAST's greatest, locking up in the center of the ring five years after the belshot that started it all! A lockup kicks things off, and Tony takes Malibu's under his arm, and works off the headlock for a few moments, until he's shot into the ropes by Malibu and hiptossed over! Tony gets up, and now Malibu grabs hold of him with a headlock. Tony struggles for a moment, then pulls Malibu off his feet, sending Malibu over his shoulders, only to land on his feet! Tony turns around and walks into a pair of chops, then gets sent to the ropes and nailed with a picturesque dropkick from the former World Champion! Tony rolls to the corner and gets up, wiping his arm across his mouth as he stands up, and moves towards Malibu again. COACH It ain't about hatred, it ain't about titles...this match, right here, is all about the history, baby! Tony and Zack circle each other again, this time with Zack using a double leg takedown! He struggles with Tony's legs, who kicks Zack off and immediately comes back to a standing position, and then blasts Zack with a running lariat when he gets to his feet! Tony drops on top of his fellow Original, and we've got the first fall of the match! ONE! KICKOUT! COLE Quick kickout by Malibu, who is definitely battle worn after last Sunday night. COACH So's my man T, having had to go at it with a bunch of other guys in that Money In The Bank Battle Royal! Tony pulls Zack up, then quickly snaps him over with a suplex. Tony gets up and then drops a quick elbow, and then covers Malibu again! ONE! KICKOUT! Tony brings Zack up again, but Zack shoves him off, and into the ropes. Malibu drops his head, but Tony stops short of being sent over with a back bodydrop, nailing Malibu with a kick! Zack staggers upwards, and Tony grabs him and delivers a scoop slam before running the ropes and dropping another elbow into Zack's chest! As Tony gets up, Zack rolls out under the bottom rope and onto the apron, evading the offense of "The Body" as he looks to recover! Zack pulls himself up with the ropes giving some help, but Tony comes right over and looks to take Zack back into the ring! He readies Zack for a suplex from the apron to the inside, but Malibu frees himself from Tony's grip and lands behind him, rolling him up with a schoolboy! ONE! T-KICKOUT! Barely a two, as Tony is quick to kick out just as Zack was earlier. As they get up, Zack comes from behind and grabs Tony in a rear waistlock, trying to take him over with a German suplex! Tony's not having it, as he fires an elbow back to break, then uses a rear waistlock of his own! Zack fires back an elbow as well, breaking Tony's attempt, and then snapmares T-Bod over, following up with a hard running kick to his back! Tony winces as Zack hops over him and runs to the ropes, coming off with a seated dropkick...THAT MISSES! Zack crashes and burns, and Tony immediately dives on top of the popular prep and hooks a leg! ONE! T-KICKOUT! COLE Malibu escapes again, and listen to this crowd, applauding the efforts of two of our greatest! The crowd is cheering wildly as Tony leads Zack up, shooting him to the ropes and catching him on the rebound with a side slam that drives him into the canvas! With Zack down, Tony circles him, then ducks out to the apron...and starts climbing the turnbuckles! COACH Air Tony! COLE Tony Brannigan's never really been one to utilize the top rope, but it looks like he's ready to risk it all right now! Tony climbs to the top, but before he can get his balance, Malibu gets up and races across the ring, leaping from the canvas onto the ropes, and HIPTOSSES TONY BRANNIGAN OFF THE TOP~! COACH YO~! COLE The risk didn't pay off! Tony Brannigan got sent down to earth the hard way! Malibu remains perched on the ropes, waiting for just the right moment to strike. Tony is still reeling from his crash landing, and doesn't realize Malibu has him in his sights, as he soars off the top with his trademark Guillotine Legdrop...AND IT MISSES, BECAUSE TONY ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY JUST IN TIME! COACH Crash landing times two! Malibu shouts in agony as the pain shoots through his tailbone. He gingerly tries to get up, moving slowly to his feet...but Tony grabs him and pulls him into positoin for a Piledriver...and Malibu backdrops Tony over before falling on all fours! Both men push up to their feet, their already worn bodies starting to struggle...AND MALIBU COMES OUT OF NOWHERE WITH SCHOOL'S OUT...BUT IT'S CAUGHT! Tony throws the foot down and delivers a kick to Zack's ribs, doubling him over...and Tony takes his head and goes for the RUDE AWAKENING...but Zack counters to a backslide! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Tony escapes, but as he gets up, he takes Zack's head under his arm and swings him around, dropping his neck over his shoulder with his patented RUDE AWAKENING neckbreaker! COLE The Rude Awakening connects, and Zack is DOWN! Tony covers, as referee Nick Patrick hits the canvas for the count! ONE! TWO! T-KICKOUT! COLE Close call there, as Zack just got his shoulder up in time! Once again, Tony brings Zack up, and this time traps him in a full nelson, putting pressure on the neck and hoping that he will weaken Malibu enough to obtain victory. Zack winces as his neck endures the move, and Tony puts enough force behind it that it drops Zack to one knee! COLE Tony Brannigan, the more rugged of the two men, now using his power advantage over Malibu by trapping him in the submission here! Zack's struggle is not over, but Brannigan keeps a tight grip, not loosening up in the slightest. Zack slowly rises, able to push himself to his feet...and when he does he kicks backwards, forcing Tony to stumble back and crash into the corner! The hold is broken, but as Zack moves forward, Tony shakes off the effects of the full nelson break, and grabs Zack again, this time trapping him in a sleeperhold! COACH He's gone from one to the other, Mikey Cole! He's tryin' to put Zack to sleep! COLE If he wants to do that, he should have given him a copy of Mr. Zsasz's matches! COACH Ha! Zack struggles again, trying to reach for the ropes for the easy way out, but he's nowhere close enough. Tony fights to keep the hold applied, but Zack knows how dangerous this hold can be coming off that full nelson. Zack fights, growing weaker by the second...but at the last possible instant he's able to shift his body so that the hold becomes more of a headlock, and he lifts Tony off his feet, dropping him with a back suplex! COLE Malibu breaks, and both men are down! Patrick counts for both men to get up, although it doesn't take Tony long at all to get to his feet. Malibu is still weak, and when he stands up he's cracked across the chest with a hard chop, and then whipped into the corner by Tony! T-Bod runs in after Zack, but Malibu puts a foot up, and Tony runs right into the size 11 boot of Zack Malibu! He stumbles away, checking to make sure all of his teeth are intact, and that's when Malibu strikes, racing up behind him and carrying him over with a German Suplex! COLE That's number one! Malibu holds on, rolling to his feet, and follows up with a second German suplex! He brings Tony to his feet again, still stuck in a rear waistlock, but Tony fights back, firing back elbows, and then whipping Zack to the ropes. He catches him on the rebound with the OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE...or so he thinks as Malibu manages to counter in mid-move, driving Tony's head down with a DDT! Zack covers, the crowd counting along as he hooks the leg. ONE! TWO! T-NO! TONY KICKS OUT! COLE So close right there! Tony got rattled by that unexpected DDT, but he's not done by a longshot! Zack brings Tony up, striking him with three right hand jabs before swinging around and nailing him with a discus clothesline! Fired up, Zack calls out to the crowd, playing on their emotions and their support. Zack gets in the ready position, remaining focused on Tony as he prepares for his patented manuever, the one that has won him two OAOAST World Championships. Tony is dazed as he comes up, turning around to once again find Malibu's foot headed in the direction of his face...but he manages to reach up and catch it, spinning Zack around by his leg before quickly grabbing him and spinning around, driving him down with THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE~! COACH YO~! That's the OOBE, baby! Tony goes for the pin again, as Malibu is left looking up at the lights, the wind having just been driven from his body! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! MALIBU KICKS OUT OF THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE! COLE HOW, after all he's gone through this week, did Zack Malibu survive that!? Tony can't believe it, although a part of him is not surprised at Malibu's resiliency. He's been on both sides of the ring with Zack, and knows that Malibu has to be near-death, if not dead, to give up. Tony brings Zack up and readies him in a standing headscissors, then flips Malibu up onto his shoulders...but before he can fully execute the powerbomb, Malibu counters by taking Tony over with a huracanrana! Once again, both men are laid out on the canvas! Tony gets up and goes after Zack, who is just coming to his feet...but as Tony approaches, Malibu connects with SCHOOL'S OUT out of nowhere, collapsing on top of his foe as soon as he hits the canvas! COLE School's Out connects with the chin of Tony Brannigan, and he has gone down! Malibu covers, as the crowd counts along with the official. ONE! TWO! THREE! DING! DING! DING! COLE Malibu wins! COACH Gotta give props to my man T too, Mikey Cole. These guys did this for the history tonight! COLE Indeed they did, Coach. We have been here for five long years, and what better way to cap off the night than with a match between these two great talents, two of the OAOAST Originals! "Getting Away With Murder" plays in celebration of Zack's victory, as he has his hand raised by Nick Patrick. Malibu goes to the ropes and climbs up, saluting his fans after the victory, while Patrick helps Tony Brannigan to his feet. Zack gets off the ropes and goes over to Tony, and in the center of the ring the two Originals embrace, congratulating each other on a great match. COLE There's that respect that Malibu always talks about, what he strives for this company to be based on. Two of the greatest in the ring, showing their admiration for one another. Tony raises Zack's arm up, and together the two longtime superstars celebrate in the ring, as the crowd comes to their feet, applauding them both. Zack and Tony turn towards each side of the ring, posing for all of the fans in attendance...when all of a sudden Drek Stone hits the ring, NAILING MALIBU WITH A BELSHOT ACROSS THE HEAD~! COACH What!? Get him out of there! The cheers turn to boos in no time, as Stone takes Malibu out, shocking everybody! Zack rolls across the canvas, blood dripping from his forehead through his fingers, as Stone looks down on him. Tony dives into action, spinning Stone around to face him...but when he does, Stone cocks the belt in his hands again, and blasts TONY with a belt shot as well! COLE That son of a bitch! The most undeserving World Champion in history just ruined a great moment! Stone stands over the two fallen Originals, and slowly raises the belt in the air. To show his opinion, he spits on both Tony and Malibu, then looks into the hard camera and scowls, then smirks. COLE Leave it to Drek Stone to be the party crasher tonight! The World Champion has just taken out Zack Malibu and Tony Brannigan! COACH Who's gonna take HIM out, that's what I wanna know! COLE Well we know Zack wants him more than anything, but after what we heard earlier tonight, it could be anyone, because Drek Stone will be defending that title nonstop until School's Out, and IF he makes it there, then he's got to face Zack Malibu once again, whether he wants it or not! Stone exits the ring as OAOAST staff enter the scene, checking on both Tony and Zack, who have been busted open by the vicious attack by Stone. Stone backs up the aisle, his cocky swagger showing just how proud he is of his actions. Ending Anglemania as the World Champion wasn't enough, but now tonight, on the five year anniversay of the OAOAST, he shows what levels he's willing to stoop to, all while rubbing the fact that he's World Champion in our faces.
  4. Zack Malibu

    HD Booking for 4/5/07

    I did my segment yesterday, but if it's pushed until tomorrow perhaps I'll get a match in as well. We do need something "big" for a 5 year anniversary show!
  5. Zack Malibu

    Character Shakeups?

    Hey guys, With new additions to the roster slim and none in the past while, and a slew of characters at our disposal that we barely use, anyone think it's time for a shakeup? Does anyone have any ideas for newer secondary characters? We could do the whole "stuck in OAOVW/sent to HI-YAH/released for peeking into the girls locker room" type of reasoning. Not that I think anyone's characters should be "killed off" (unless they want it), but maybe creating some new faces would open new possibilities? Thoughts?
  6. Zack Malibu

    Character Shakeups?

    You could just have him/them nod their heads or act out their promos in mime.
  7. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu Promo Portion for HD.

    NYU, as far as I know, will be doing a victory speech for Drek. This segment will be combined with that one as one entire promo. Stone's bragging session is quickly cut off, as "Getting Away With Murder" drowns out his claims of supremacy. Stone stops dead in his tracks and turns his head to the side, looking up the aisleway, as Zack Malibu appears before him. COLE It looks like Anglemania will not be the final chapter, because Zack Malibu is making his presence felt tonight! COACH I bet Drek Stone wished that Malibu would take the loss lying down, but we know that ain't the case! Malibu walks to the ring, the expression on his face showing that he appears to be in thought. Stone backs up a bit and keeps the belt slung over his shoulder, watching Malibu's every move in case the OAOAST's Franchise decides to exact revenge for Stone's tainted title defense this past Sunday night. Malibu enters the ring and comes over to Stone, and the two go nose to nose, with the hard cameras zooming in close. The rabid crowd roars with cheers for Malibu, as he and Stone lock eyes in the center of the ring once again. Stone, unhappy with the interruption, is even more unhappy when Malibu takes the microphone out of his hand. Before he takes the mic away though, Stone grabs Malibu's hand and pulls the mic up, making sure he gets a word in. STONE I hope you're out here to congratulate me, because you've got nothing to be proud of here tonight. You FAILED, Zack. Malibu's scowl increases, and now he yanks the mic away from Stone. MALIBU Failed? FAILED? Yeah, maybe I did. Maybe Sunday night, I didn't do what I wanted to do, what I promised these people and everyone in the back what I'd do. On Sunday night, you did pin my shoulders to the canvas. You DID retain your World Heavyweight Title. You are still the OAOAST World Champion, and I'm not. But I'm still proud of myself, Drek. I took everything...EVERYTHING you could do to me. Every shortcut you thought you could take, you did, and I STILL kicked out. Low blows, beltshots, one ref, two refs...we went through hell and back on Sunday night, Drek. By the skin of your teeth, you walked away. You left a sour taste in everyone's mouth, because Anglemania ended with a sight no one wanted to see...with Drek Stone as the reigning World Heavyweight Champion...or at least that's what everyone in the arena and on pay per view saw. Stone, now confused, asks Malibu what he's talking about. Our faithful announcers wonder what Zack means as well. MALIBU One year ago, Drek, I won a World Title shot, guaranteed, by winning Two For The Money. In the ensuing months, it wasn't titles I was worried about, but rather my friends and family being brutalized by a madman named Bruce Blank, a guy that I hate just as much, if not more, than you. I got distracted. I got thrown off course, but all the while that title shot was still valid... Stone rushes over, interrupting Malibu by grabbing the mic and yelling into it. STONE NOT ANYMORE! YOU MISSED YOUR CHANCE, ZACK! THAT TITLE SHOT IS USELESS NOW, BECAUSE YOU'RE OVER THE ONE YEAR DEADLINE! MALIBU You're right, today is too late to cash in the Two For The Money title shot. Which is why, Drek, I want you to look at this video from SUNDAY NIGHT! Malibu turns, pointing to the Angletron, as Stone's eyes widen. There, on the screen, is a battle worn Zack Malibu, the wounds still fresh from his World Title match against Drek Stone. With him is Anglesault, the CFO, CEO, and all around guy in charge of the OAOAST. ANGLESAULT You cut it close with this, Zack. MALIBU It's always good to have a backup plan. Malibu signs a document on Anglesault's desk, and then Anglesault turns to the camera, holding it up. ANGLESAULT Stone, I know you know what this means, but just to clarify...the time now is 11:51pm. Which means that Zack Malibu had about nine minutes to cash in his Two For The Money title shot. Just to let you know, what I hold in my hand is just that, and the two of you, Drek Stone and Zack Malibu, are now OFFICIALLY SIGNED FOR A REMATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! The camera cuts back to the live shot, and Stone is livid, as the crowd comes alive, cheering wildly Malibu's actions. Stone throws the belt down and stomps his feet, now forced to have to do battle with Malibu at least one more time with the gold on the line. MALIBU Just so you know, Drek, I'm not cashing in tonight. Not while we're battle worn. In fact, you'll have plenty of time to prepare, because we're not doing battle again until School's Out! Drek seems more confused than ever, figuring Malibu would want to get the belt off of him as soon as possible. MALIBU I could take you out now, Drek. I could take you out whenever I want to, but I figured I'd wait. Because if you were so desperate to hold onto that title this past Sunday, then it's time you found out what being a champion was all about. I made a suggestion to Anglesault, and the reason we're not booked until School's Out is because you've got a full plate from now until then. On every HeldDOWN~!, every house show, every Syndicated, every everything, YOU WILL BE DEFENDING YOUR WORLD TITLE! No running, no ducking, no hiding. No matter what challengers are thrown your way, you're to be in attendance for every show, ready to work, and if you do NOT adhere to the stipulations, you will be STRIPPED OF THE OAOAST WORLD TITLE, and sit out the remainder of your contract WITHOUT PAY, which means no belt, no work, no NOTHING! Stone is FURIOUS, but the fans are loving it, as Malibu verbally takes it to him. MALIBU I doubt you'll ever know what it's like to take pride in that title or in this company, but you sure as hell are going to act becoming of a World Champion, at least until someone more deserving of it has it around their waist. So good luck, Drek...because you're sure as hell going to need it! Malibu throws the mic at the feet of Drek Stone, who is fuming, and silently stares down Malibu. Zack smirks, having just turned the tables on his most hated foe, and ruined the victory celebration he had in store for us! COLE Shocking news, amazing news, but more importantly GOOD news for this company! Drek Stone is going to be made into a fighting champion whether he likes it or not, and Zack Malibu will be waiting for him at School's Out! COACH IF Drek makes it to School's Out! COLE That's right, Coach! Drek Stone could lose the World Title in the meantime, which means whomever the champion is by School's Out will have to take on Zack Malibu. Anybody could be the champion by then! What a coup by Zack Malibu and Anglesault here tonight!
  8. Zack Malibu


    Anyone play the Prince of Persia game yet? I grabbed it the other night (Wii Sports and Wii Play have gotten boring) and it was a toss-up between that or The Godfather, since I wanted an action-oriented game.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu vs. Drek Stone

    The second portion of the World Title match has been rewritten here in this thread, so the match as a whole is ready for posting. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me after the whole "vanishing post" debacle.
  10. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu vs. Drek Stone

    We now cut back to the ringside area once more tonight to finally begin the Main Event for AngleMania VI. Michael Buffer is already standing in the ring with the microphone in his hand. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, our Main Event tonight for AngleMania VI is scheduled for ONE FALL and it is for the OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! The sold-out crowd of 50,000 rabid and screaming Toronto fans roar excitedly in unison as they are only minutes away from personally seeing one of the most intense showdowns in professional wrestling history. The camera cuts backstage to find Zack Malibu solemnly walking through a nearby hallway fixing his elbowpads in his last few steps before getting close to the entranceway. COLE And there he is. The challenger to the World Heavyweight Title. Zack Malibu hasn't received an AngleMania opportunity like this in three whole years. COACH And when you consider exactly who he's fighting against tonight...Cole, you can just tell that he's going to give this thing absolutely every bit he has. As he strides past a group of stagehands and a few television technicians staring at a nearby monitor, he stops only seconds away from the curtains leading into the wild pandemonium of the Toronto Skydome. Looking directly into the camera, but refusing to say a word, Zack takes a deep breath and rolls his neck along his shoulders as he waits to hear his music begin. Sure enough, as the beginning chords of "Getting Away With Murder" start to blast over the speakers, the fans go absolutely CRAZY with ecstatic cheers! And with that, Zack Malibu pulls aside the curtains and steps out to the top of the ramp to an INSANELY passionate reaction from his adoring fans. COLE Oh my God! Coach, do you hear that?! COACH To be honest Cole, I don't know if I've heard anything louder in my life. My God! As he strolls down to ringside, Zack takes the time to slap a few hands stretched across the guardrail, but he's not all smiles tonight. He's not the fan-interactive, happy-go-lucky, eloquent spokesperson of the OAOAST tonight. He looks angry. He looks intense. And most importantly, he looks ready. As he gets closer to the ring, Michael Buffer gives him his introduction. BUFFER Introducing first is the challenger. Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island and weighing in at one-hundred and eighty-five pounds. He is a former OAOAST Heavyweight Champion, former OAOAST 24-7 Champion, former co-holder of the OAOAST Tag Team Titles and a former HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion among many other accomplishments. He arrived here tonight by winning the Lethal Rumble at AnglePalooza and is hoping to become the only three-time OAOAST Heavyweight Champion in federation history! Please welcome ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MALLLLLLLLLLLIBUUUUUUUUUUUUU~! With that, Zack rolls into the ring and salutes the crowd with his fist in the air, getting an amazing positive reaction in return! Grinning politely to thank the fans for their warm hospitality, Zack then moves over to one side of the ring and proudly raises his right arm, sending the crowd into near-hysterics. A few select fans in the front row even do the whole "We're not worthy" thing as Zack continues gazing at the massive sea of people before him. COLE And once again, I can not think of any man alive today that can rival the kind of reaction that Zack Malibu is receiving tonight. COACH These people are ready to see him beat Drek Stone tonight. They're ready to see him boost his spotless AngleMania record to 5-0! The only person who's not ready for that...is Drek Stone. As Zack climbs a nearby turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd once more, basking in the blinding luminance of nearly 50,000 camera flashbulbs popping simultaneously, the lights dramatically fade until the arena is shrouded in darkness. The soft percussion drums of the Heavyweight Champion's theme song begins to echo over the loudspeakers. The light strings of the initial guitar solo can also be heard as the song starts to pick up a little tempo only a few seconds in. With that though... BOOM~! ...an impressive and flashy golden rocket shoots to the rafters of the building from the arena floor and explodes magnificently in a sparkling display. Immediately afterwards, a MASSIVE Italian flag unfurls from the catwalk above the entranceway, ending just as it reaches the beginning of the long metal ramp. Looking as though it was tailored for this particular purpose, the Italian flag waves slightly as the lyrics finally begin. Woke Up This Morning Got Yourself A Gun Mama Always Said You'd Be The Chosen One Drek Stone then dramatically rises up on a lift through a hole at the top of the entranceway to a RABID chorus of boos! Now proudly standing in front of the Italian flag, Drek turns and stares at the banner with a pleased grin on his face before turning his attention back towards the ring. Dressed in a brand new pair of golden tights with black trim outlining the design, and the name "Drek Stone" displayed on the back of his pants in fancy script writing. Yet instead of strapping the Heavyweight Title around his waist to complete the shiny golden look, the champion simply has his belt draped over his left shoulder as if he can't even bother to give the title a second thought. He just narrows his eyes and stares down the long, long aisleway of the Toronto Skydome at his arch-rival standing in the ring. COACH There is the man, Michael Cole. The man that is looking to finally end Zack Malibu's undefeated AngleMania streak tonight and put himself in the record books in the process. The man that is looking to conquer his past demons and defeat the one guy that has been a thorn in his side for years now. Cole, you are looking at Drek Stone -- the man that is walking into AngleMania VI with the title and will be walking out of this show with that belt as well. COLE I'll give him this, Coach...he looks determined. Very determined. As serious and intense as Zack Malibu looks right now, Drek Stone looks just as passionate. The bad blood you can sense between these two is just amazing! As Drek slowly walks down the aisleway, absorbing the crushing amount of boos surfacing in the building with a slight grin on his face, he stares out at the sold-out crowd and almost seems to be in awe of the position he's in tonight. As he continues his walk though, Michael Buffer starts his introduction, raising his voice to drown out the jeers. BUFFER And now...he hails from the streets of Brooklyn, New York and weighs in tonight at a toned two-hundred and ten pounds. He is a former Italian Champion and a two-time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight, he is looking to establish his legacy in the record books once and for all by defeating his most hated rival. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the World Heavyweight Champion....DRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEK STOOOOOONNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! Stone walks down the aisle, a confident smirk on his face as he moves closer and closer towards the one thing he's avoided all these months. Whether the smirk is part of a mind game, or legitimate arrogance, is up for debate. With the World Title slung over his shoulder, Drek continues on down the aisle, all eyes on him, but not more focused than those of Zack Malibu. COLE So much emotion, so much pride at stake here in this contest. We've had a great night so far, and we've had some of the hottest action to date, but this right here friends is the money match! COACH You got that right...that is, if Drek actually gets into the ring. Pausing at the top of the ramp, Stone takes the belt off his shoulder and raises it up in the air, showcasing his trophy possession to the capacity crowd, and more importantly, to his despised rival. Malibu stands firm yet impatient, never taking his eyes off the cocky superstar who has tried to ruin his company and his career. As his music fades, the already evident boos sound louder than ever, as the crowd vocalizes its hatred for the man supposedly representing the OAOAST as champion. COLE There's no doubt who the crowd favorite is tonight, and Drek Stone is not it! COACH Brilliant deduction, Mikey. Stone finally comes up on the apron, pacing across it while eyeing Malibu. Drek then grins and leans over the ropes, dangling the belt in front of Malibu's eyes as if to say "come and get it". Malibu starts to move forward, but as soon as he takes a step, Stone hops off the apron, chuckling as Earl Hebner motions for Zack to take a step back and give Drek some space. "GET IN THE RING!" "GET IN THE RING!" "GET IN THE RING!" Stone turns to the crowd, appalled at the chant. He moves to the timekeepers table and hands the World Title over, but not before planting a kiss on it. COLE What an act. As if that title means anything to him. COACH I hope that was the goodbye kiss, and so do this crowd! Still taunted by chants of "GET IN THE RING!", Stone walks up the steps and onto the apron, entering through the middle ropes...but again, it's a fakeout, as he steps back on the apron and starts complaining to Hebner that he needs to keep Malibu back, despite the fact that Malibu is about five feet away from his opponent. Again, the heat is intense, as the crowd lets Stone have it for his cowardice. COACH I had no idea that Stone was trained by Larry Zbysko. COLE Heh, you know Coach, that was actually a good one. Malibu yells "Come on!" to Drek, but if you think Drek listens, you haven't paid attention to the history between the two workers. Instead, Drek hops down off the apron once again, wagging his finger "no"...and THAT'S IT. Malibu knocks Hebner aside and slides out under the bottom rope after Stone! Trying to catch his rival off-guard, Drek tries for a lariat, but Malibu ducks it, swings around, and nails Drek with one of his own to a MONSTER pop, as the two stars finally make contact! Zack pulls Drek up and braces his head with his left hand, pummelling him twice with rights before taking him by the arm and sending him into the guardrail! The fans roar as Malibu charges in, driving his knee into the gut of the World Champion before taking his right hand and beating Drek senseless, rocking him with shot after shot until Drek slumps to the floor in a seated position! From there, Malibu starts stomping away, taking out his frustrations every time he drives the heel of his boot into Drek's chest. Hebner grabs Zack in a rear waistlock and tries to pry Zack away, but Malibu breaks, turns to see who grabbed him, and pushes the referee away! He turns and brings Drek up to his feet, hooking his arm under Drek's, and then biels him across the ringside area, tossing Stone hard on his back on the floor! Only moments in and the champion has the wind knocked out of him, probably wishing he had never decided to torment the OAOAST's favorite son. COLE Malibu is enraged, and rightfully so after all he's endured. Lucky for him we haven't heard a bell yet, because Hebner had every right in the book to call the match right then and there when Zack put his hands on him! Malibu moves towards Drek, who slowly rolls onto his stomach and tries to rise up. When he does, Zack quickly grabs him by the head and slams him facefirst into the ring apron, then shoves him into the ring. Drek crawls across the canvas as Malibu follows him in, and once both men get between the ropes, Hebner frantically calls for the bell before sliding in under the bottom rope to try and maintain a semblance of order. *DING**DING*DING* COACH Oh it's ON now! Drek gets up, but when he turns around, the only thing he sees is Malibu's fist coming at him, as he's stunned by another right hand. Zack then takes his arm and uses it to propel him into the corner, and follows up with a hard running clothesline! Stone slumps against the turnbuckles, but Malibu holds him up, then gets up on the second rope and opens fire, with the crowd counting along the whole way. ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN! Drek is woozy, but manages not to fall over as he's sent to the opposite corner by Malibu, who follows up by charging in and splattering Stone with a Stinger Splash! Malibu backs away as Drek stumbles out of the corner, and Zack nails him with a drop, dropping him on his back! Stone hits the mat but just as quickly rolls over and pushes up, only to be met with a kneelift from Malibu that keeps him off his game! Zack backs him to the ropes and sends him across, but Drek manages to counter, and sends Malibu in. Zack rebounds, baseball sliding between Drek's legs, coming up behind him and taking Drek down with an STO just as soon as he turns around! The fans roar as Malibu stays atop Drek, rattling him with punches until the World Champion is able to throw him off! Zack gets up and goes right for Drek, but this time the champion takes the high road, rolling out of the ring holding his head, avoiding any more of Malibu's onslaught! COLE Zack Malibu has opened fire in a big way here tonight, showing no mercy for the World Champion! Hebner makes the count, but as he does, Zack attempts to head to the floor to battle Drek. Hebner stops Malibu and backs him up, and when Malibu brushes past him, Hebner pushes Malibu back, telling him the bell has rung and he's not afraid to call for a disqualification. Amidst all that, Drek reluctantly gets up on the apron and slowly enters the ring. When he does, Malibu blows past Hebner and ties up with his foe, looking to gain the edge once again! They jockey for position, and Malibu backs Drek into the corner. Hebner calls for the break, but Zack won't give it. When he does give it, he backs away for not even a second before rocking Drek with a flurry of right hands that don't stop until Hebner drags Zack away! Zack looks at the referee in disbelief, but Earl yells at him about giving a clean break and listening to what he says! Malibu comes face to face with Hebner, but as he listens to the ref, Drek rushes out of the corner and jumps over Hebner's back, jabbing his thumb into Malibu's eye! COACH That son of a... Malibu immediately hunches over, favoring his eye, and Drek goes to town, pounding him across the back with forearm shots before throwing him into the corner! From there, he kicks Malibu in the gut repeatedly, then takes his forearm and presses it against Zack's throat, looking to choke him out! Once again, Heber calls for a break, and has it fall on deaf ears, as Stone continues to try and rob Malibu of his air supply! Finally, Hebner comes between them and pushes Drek away, while Malibu does his best to regain his wind. COLE Earl Hebner is going to have a hell of a time keeping control in this one! Drek comes over and lifts Malibu's head up, then peppers him with a pair of jabs before grabbing him in a front facelock and suplexing him over. Drek gets up and hits the ropes, just as Malibu rolls onto all fours, and the champion delivers a hard soccer kick to his stomach, doubling him over. Drek then plants his foot into Malibu's cheek as the challenger tries getting to his feet, then drags Zack up himself...only for Malibu to quickly take his legs out from under him! Drek collapses to the mat, and Malibu holds his legs in a wishbone split, then stomps him in the soft spot, drawing a loud pop from the crowd while Drek squirms! Hebner warns Zack, but Zack could care less about the infraction, as he brings Drek up and lifts him as if for a back suplex...then crotches him across the top rope! Drek moans in agony as Malibu runs to the corner and leaps to the top, then leaps back with a dropkick that catches Drek on the chin and sends him down to the floor! COACH Zack's intensity here has really thrown Drek's game plan off. COLE I don't see why it would. I've never seen Zack Malibu look so hungry. He's not going to stop tonight until Drek Stone kills him. COACH It's very possible we could see that, Cole. Don't ever underestimate what Drek Stone would do. As Drek sits on the floor and shakes his head to get some of the cobwebs out, Zack silently stares at him from the center of the ring. Once Drek moves up to his knees and starts to stand though, the challenger takes this as his cue to continue the assault. Intent on continuing to inflict pain, Zack runs and bounces himself off the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. COACH I don't like where this is going. Now that Drek's up, he turns his head towards the ring to catch Zack Malibu sprinting towards him in the ring. Once he gets close enough, Zack leaps up and OVER the top rope with a suicide plancha!! But Drek, just a little quicker this time, SIDESTEPS OUT OF THE WAY! With that, Zack's momentum sends him just a little too far as he goes CRASHING into the Spanish ringside announcing table! COACH WHAT A MOVE! COLE OH MY GOD! ALEJANDRO ESTRADA LOPEZ HERNANDEZ WHATEVER AY DIOS MIO~! The table immediately shatters upon impact into fragments of wood and plastic as Zack Malibu quickly holds his ribs and starts moaning in pain. "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" COLE And for the first time in this match, one of the combatants is in serious trouble! COACH See Cole, sometimes intensity can be the worst thing to have. Zack was a little too intense and now he's paying for it! Earl Hebner quickly rolls out of the ring and runs towards the challenger's side, kneeling down to see if he needs any medical attention. Drek Stone couldn't care less. Refusing to watch Zack Malibu get coddled again, Drek places his hand over the referee's face and shoves him right down to the floor without wasting a second of time. COLE That's disgusting! What the hell is wrong with him?! COACH What...he's supposed to sit by and watch Earl Hebner give Zack Malibu some time to recover? To hell with that. This is the Main Event of AngleMania VI, Cole. This isn't the first round of the little league baseball playoffs. Drek comes over to the wreckage, kicking table shrapnel aside, as Malibu lay prone on the floor. Pulling Malibu up from the remnants of the Spanish announce table, the World Champion takes the limp form of his challenger and lifts him up, dropping him forward across the metal barricade! COLE Zack crashed through that table, and now Drek adds to his agony by smashing his ribs down onto that guardrail! Front row fans get on their feet in protest, shouting obscenities and making gestures at Stone, while their hero slumps over and falls back on the floor. Stone smirks at the crowd, and knocks on fan's beer smack out of his hand, then points his finger in another's face, telling the startled woman to "take you fat ass back to your seat!" Drek then plants his foot across Malibu's throat, stepping down and again looking to cut off his oxygen intake! Feeling that Malibu is sufficiently weakened, Drek brings him up to his feet, grabbing him by the back of the head and the waist of his tights, and shoves him forward into the ring apron, again bruising his injured ribs! Malibu falls to one knee, but Drek comes over and shoves him up under the bottom rope, then turns to the crowd and flips them off before turning his attention back to the ring. COACH Crowd interaction at its finest. Malibu rolls onto his back, and Drek is quick to follow with a slingshot elbowdrop on his enemy. Stone stays on top of Zack, going for the first cover of the contest, as Earl Hebner slips back in for it. ONE! TW-KICKOUT! The fans roar, but Drek doesn't seem put off, almost as if he knew that wouldn't be enough. He runs the ropes and comes back with an elbow, falling forward as he drives the point of his elbow into Zack's throat. Drek then follows with a kneedrop, spiking Malibu right in the temple, and goes again for the cover, cradling Malibu's leg during the count. ONE! TW-NO! COLE A pair of near falls there, and Stone seems to be working on making sure that Malibu doesn't recover from his crash landing moments ago. Stone drags Malibu to his feet again, rocking him with a European uppercut that sends him back against the ropes. Malibu's kept upright by the ropes, and Drek pulls him forward, leveling him with a short-arm clothesline that puts him down again! Malibu's not down for long though, as Stone reaches down and pulls Zack up, asking the crowd "Is THIS your hero!?" as he takes his knee and rams it into the side of Zack's head! Stone watches Malibu drop to all fours, and goes and pulls him up, spins him around, and takes him over with a Northern Lights Suplex! ONE! TW-NO! The crowd comes alive, as Malibu fights up, holding onto Drek's waist as they rise! Malibu turns both he and Drek so that Drek rests in a standing headscissors, but before Malibu can follow up, Drek pushes him back, into the corner! From there Drek works Zack over with shoulderblocks, again focusing on the ribs! Malibu doubles over as Drek connects with a series of shoulderblocks, then sends Zack across the ring...or NOT, as Malibu reverses the whip and sends Drek crashing into the opposing corner! Stone collides, and is momentarily stunned, and that's all Zack needs as he races into the corner and throws a leg up, drilling Drek across the face with a running boot! Drek falls on his ass, seated against the corner, as Malibu starts hammering on the top of his head with punches! Zack backs away, giving Drek some space...but it's not to be gracious, as Malibu was simply getting a running start, as he rams his knee into Drek's face! Zack leads Drek to his feet, then pops him with a headbutt before running the ropes and nailing him with a spinning wheel kick! COLE Malibu's on the comeback trail, but his body is feeling a lot more hurt than maybe he expected. COACH Crashin' through the Spanish announce table will do that to ya. Those poor guys can't catch a break! Zack again pulls Drek up, and this time starts biting him, right above his eye! Drek waves his arms, pleading for Hebner to break it up, and the longtime official immediately jumps on the case, prying Malibu away from Stone. Blood drips from Stone's eyebrow, as Malibu succeeded in opening a wound, tearing Stone's flesh with his own teeth. As Stone wipes the blood from his eye Malibu measures him up, then charges forward, spearing him out of his boots and taking him down! Malibu struggles with Drek, but then mounts his shoulders, smashing him with elbows to further open up the wound! COLE The feud with Bruce Blank rapidly developed Zack's brawling, anything goes nature, and what better victim for him than a man that he may hate even more than Bruce himself! Drek panics, throwing Zack off of him, but as the two men get to their feet, Zack rocks him with a straight jab right over the eye, then keeps up the flurry, using three more jabs to put Drek on spaghetti legs! As he hobbles, Malibu comes over and starts biting the wound again before Hebner breaks it up, and when he does, Zack rocks Drek with a hard open hand across his cheek! He then takes him by the head over to the corner and begins ramming his head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly before taking him by the head and running him across the ring, dropping him with a bulldog! Zack rolls him onto his back and covers, looking to put to an end once and for all the tainted reign of Drek Stone! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Malibu brings Drek up after the failed pin attempt, trapping his arms in a butterfly lock. Zack uses his knees, driving them into the chest of Drek as he's trapped by the Preppy One, before carrying him over with a butterfly suplex! With Drek down and out, Malibu ducks out of the ring and onto the apron, moving towards the turnbuckles as fans come to their feet to get a view of what's happening next. COLE Malibu's heading to the top here... Zack climbs up, and with flashbulbs going off in the background, leaps from the top, allowing gravity to pull him down from the air and towards Drek Stone, as he delivers a flying elbow drop to the chest cavity of the World Heavyweight Champion! COACH He spiked him on that one! Zack quickly grabs the leg, and Hebner makes another count, as the fans count along. ONE! TWO! NO! COLE Another narrow escape by the champion! Zack rolls off his opponent's chest and pops back up to his feet as the massive Toronto crowd rewards him with a frenzy of cheers. With a passing grin, Zack acknowledges their fervor for a moment before turning his attention back to the Heavyweight Champion. Seeing Drek slowly start to stir on the mat, Zack moves over to a nearby corner and crouches down, almost shaking in a mixture of anger and excitement. COLE This could be it, Coach. I think Zack may be ready to finish this one. COACH If he thinks he's going to hit School's Out at this point, he's out of his mind. COLE I'll tell you one thing. With the shape Drek Stone is in, if Zack hits School's Out, that title reign will be over three seconds later. Yelling for his opponent to get up, Zack readies his right leg for the superkick as the 50,000+ fans unanimously roar in approval of the challenger. Meanwhile, the Italian Stallion uses the top rope to pick himself back up to a standing position. Once he finally gets on his feet, Zack comes charging forward with his signature kick! And the Toronto crowd SCREAMS in unison... ...as Drek falls to the mat and slides underneath the bottom rope at the last second! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" COACH What a save! He got out of there in the nick of time! COLE And this sold out AngleMania crowd isn't too happy about it, I can tell you that! Kneeling on the outside of the ring now, Drek quickly wipes the blood out of his eyes as he takes this moment to catch a few deep breaths. But much like the champion wouldn't give his challenger time to recuperate earlier, Zack is smart enough and vengeful enough to realize he should return the favor. Sliding out of the ring and dashing towards his opponent, Zack is too preoccupied to realize Drek has a Plan B. But he should know Drek Stone always a Plan B. As Zack comes charging forward, Drek quickly falls and drops Zack Malibu with a drop-toe hold... *BOOM!* ...driving the Preppy One's head directly into the edge of the steel steps! "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COACH THAT is exactly what Drek Stone needs to do in this match! Keep a level head and let Zack make all the mistakes! Trying his best to ignore the throbbing pain in his temples now, Zack struggles against the ring steps to pick himself back up as quickly as possible. Meanwhile though, it's Drek Stone now who is doing the stalking. As his challenger does his best to get back up once again, Drek angrily curses at him through gritted teeth. DREK Get up, you slimy son-of-a-bitch! Zack finally gets back up and dizzily spins around to face the champion again. DREK Good. And with that, Drek Stone charges forward -- and SLAMS Zack Malibu into the steel steps with a massive running spear! The top level of the steps goes barreling into the ringside barricade as Zack hits his head HARD against the arena floor! The Toronto Skydome breaks out in a rabid fit of boos as Drek lands on his knees and stares down at his arch-rival with a sadistic grin. COLE One of these guys are going to wind up killing the other one tonight! COACH If that's what it takes for the Heavyweight Title, then so be it! COLE That's never been what this rivalry has been about. It's about so much more and that can be seen in just how violent these two men will get! As Zack painfully rubs the back of his head, Drek can hear Earl Hebner screaming "SEVEN!" as he gets high up in the ring count. Not wanting in the least to retain his title by a double countout, Drek grabs Zack by the head and yanks him back up to a standing position. He then rolls him back into the ring and hops onto the ring apron. Instead of going into the ring though, Drek starts scaling his way up the turnbuckle. With Zack Malibu looking down and out, Drek Stone sees this as his chance to finally close it out. But he doesn’t want to finish this thing the normal way, no. This is AngleMania VI. In front of a capacity crowd at the Toronto Skydome. And Drek Stone is going to end this match in as spectacular a fashion as he can think of. This is his motivation for ignoring the pin and instead deciding to climb up. COLE Sometimes you can just tell when something looks to be a mistake. This may be one of those times. COACH I don’t know, Cole. He’s played it pretty smart so far. He probably has a plan here. As Drek Stone ascends to the top turnbuckle, he can see that victory is only moments away. As he moves to the top rope and steadies his body, he can see that he’s so close to ending this feud against his arch-rival and moving on with his life. Drek Stone can see it all. The only thing he can’t see is Zack Malibu picking himself up and sprinting towards the corner! With that, Zack hops onto the second rope and LEAPS into the air – SMACKING Drek Stone across the jaw with a major superkick! “YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” COLE I DON’T believe I just saw that! COACH A running School’s Out in mid-air! You have GOT to be kidding me! The crowd explodes as Zack Malibu snaps the Heavyweight Champion’s head back with his leaping School’s Out! As Zack falls back to the mat, Drek sits on the top turnbuckle for a second, looking completely dazed and out of it. He tries to compose himself but to no avail. The Toronto Skydome breaks out into a DEAFENING cheer as Drek Stone falls back over the top turnbuckle and lands directly onto the arena floor! COACH OH GOD! What a fall! COLE We may have just seen the turning point in this match! “LET’S GO ZACK!” “LET’S GO ZACK!” “LET’S GO ZACK!” The Canadian crowd is looking almost rejuvenated after seeing Drek Stone take such a big hit. As Zack Malibu holds the back of his head and rolls onto his side, Earl Hebner begins counting the champion out. ONE! TWO! COLE Folks, as if that School’s Out wasn’t enough, Drek Stone took a fall that must be about fifty or sixty feet in the air! COACH ….why stop at sixty? Why not just say a hundred feet? COLE You’re right! That may have very well been a hundred feet! Amazing! Malibu rests on his knees, using the time that it's taking Drek to get up from the fall to recover. Slowly, Zack allows himself to stand, and then walks over to the ropes, surveying Drek's condition. The champion is groggy, but manages to push himself up by the count of six...and that's when Malibu moves into action once again, launching himself over the ropes with a pescado to wipe him out! COLE Malibu goes airborne, and once again both men are laid out on the arena floor! Malibu is quicker to get up than Stone is, and he leads the champion to his feet, throwing him back into the ring. Zack hops up on the apron and thinks for a moment, and rather than enter the ring, he moves towards the corner and climbs the ropes again...but Stone gets up and rushes the corner, grabbing Malibu and slamming him off the top! Drek falls into the corner as Malibu hits the mat, and now the champion takes a moment to catch his breath. When Zack starts to get up, Drek bolts out of the corner with a running lariat, but Malibu throws both of his elbows up in front of him, deflecting the blow! Drek staggers back, and Zack quickly snaps him up across his shoulders and hits him with the ANGLE SLAM~!...OR NOT, as Drek falls down behind him on his feet, and quickly uses AN ANGLE SLAM OF HIS OWN, but Malibu slips out at the last second...TRENDSETTER ON DREK STONE DRIVES HIS HEAD INTO THE CANVAS~! COVER~! ONE! TWO! T-NO! KICKOUT BY THE WORLD CHAMPION! COACH Damn, that was some A-game b'ness if I ever saw it! COLE Ye...yes Coach, yes it was! Amazing sequence of reversals there, culminating in Drek Stone getting his head dropped into the canvas, and rightfully so! Zack gets up and brings Drek up with him, stunning him with an inverted atomic drop that doubles him over, then hits the ropes. As Zack comes off, his feet come off the canvas, and the point of his knee is headed for the side of Drek's head...but at the last second the native of Italy moves his head out of the way, and Malibu whiffs on the Zack Attack attempt. When he turns around, Drek nails him with a boot to the gut, then grabs him in a front facelock, and signals for the STONECUTTER...but Malibu pushes him back, then fires off a SCHOOL'S OUT SUPERKICK, CRACKING DREK STONE SQUARE IN THE CHIN~! The crowd jumps up as Drek goes down, and Malibu dives right on top of him, looking to close the book on their heated rivalry once and for all. ONE! TWO! THREENO! NO! DREK STONE ROLLS A SHOULDER! DREK STONE KICKS OUT OF SCHOOL'S OUT! COLE I DON'T believe it! COACH He's still in it, Mikey Cole! Drek Stone just survived Zack Malibu's patented move! The crowd lets out a collective groan, a mixture of disbelief and disappointment, as Zack looks at Earl Hebner incredulously. COLE Now that's gotta throw Zack off his game plan a little! We've seen people survive School's Out before, but on this big of a stage, with as much hatred as these two have for each other, Zack Malibu's disappointment can not let him grow desperate! Zack pulls Drek up, who is near lifeless, and has no choice but to allow Zack to drag him along. Zack pulls him up and takes him by the head, running him into the top turnbuckle, and then watches as Drek falls back! With Drek down, Malibu again ascends the ropes, reaching the top turnbuckle and wasting no time in soaring through the air with a flying legdrop, crashing down on the World Heavyweight Champion. COLE THIS IS IT! ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEENO! NO! DREK STONE KICKS OUT AGAIN! COACH Damn! COLE Someone may have beaten you to that trademark nowadays, Coach. Malibu gets up, pounding the canvas in disgust. He again pulls Drek up, holding him by the head to help him stand, as again, he slaps the taste out of his mouth, telling him to his face "you're not a champion!". In response, Drek spits in Malibu's face, then offers a sly grin through his crimson mask...THAT MALIBU KNOCKS OFF HIS FACE WITH SCHOOL'S...NO! DREK MOVES OUT OF THE WAY, AND EARL HEBNER EATS THE SUPERKICK! COACH DAMN! COLE THE OFFICIAL IS DOWN! As Drek falls to his knees, he hits Malibu with a low blow out of desperation, then cradles him with a schoolboy HOLDING THE TIGHTS...but the infractions mean nothing, certainly not victory, as the referee is down! After waiting several extra seconds and not hearing anything, Drek lets go of the pin and goes over to Earl, trying to wake him up, saying "I've got Malibu beat!" Earl's not having it, but down the ramp rushes referee Nick Patrick! Before he gets there, Drek pulls Malibu up, dropping him on the crown of his head with a STONECUTTER, and covers the challenger just as Patrick is through the ropes! ONE! TWO! TH-NO! NO! A roar of excitement comes through the crowd, as Patrick raises up two fingers, signifying that Malibu escaped defeat. Drek slams his hands on the canvas, gets up, and corners Patrick, asking where he was just a little sooner! Patrick pleads his case, warning Drek that he's got to worry about Zack and not the referees at this point. Drek realizes that he makes a good point and goes back for Malibu, dragging him to his feet...but Malibu knocks his hands away, and starts staggering Drek with right hands, backing him up, backing him up...and then getting cut off, as Drek drives a knee into his ribs! Once again, Drek traps him in a front facelock...but before he can execute another Stonecutter, Malibu swings his body around and takes Drek over his shoulders, dropping him on the back of his head with an ANGLE SLAM~! COLE THE ANGLE SLAM~! ANGLESAULT'S FINISHER, MALIBU'S TRIBUTE TO THIS COMPANY, IS GOING TO WIN HIM THE WORLD TITLE FOR THE THIRD TIME RIGHT HERE! Zack, winded at this point, stay laid across Drek's chest, as Patrick starts to count! ONE! TWO! THR...WAIT, DREK CRADLES ZACK'S ARMS, AND ROLLS HIM INTO A CRUCIFIX FOR A PIN! ONE! TWO! NO! COACH This is BIG, Mikey Cole! This is as big as it gets! COLE ...wasn't that the name of a movie you had at your house once? COACH ... Both spent, Drek and Zack get to their feet, with Drek striking first with a right hand! Malibu responds, and now the two trade hard shots until Drek stops Zack by jabbing his thumb into his eye! Malibu hunches over, and Drek hits the ropes, coming off with a swinging neckbreaker to once again take control of his rival! Drek rolls to his feet and starts stomping on Malibu, driving his boot into various points on Malibu's body before bringing Zack up and sending him to the corner...RIGHT INTO NICK PATRICK...NO! Malibu manages to stop short somehow, just before he crushes Patrick against the ropes...but when Malibu moves, he dodges a running lariat from Stone that nails Patrick and mashes him against the turnbuckles! COLE There goes another one! Stone steps back, surveying the damage...but he backs right into Malibu, who carries him over with one german suplex before rolling to his feet, and then taking him over with another one! COACH Rolling suplexes by Malibu! Up to their feet again, and a third German follows. Zack rolls through AGAIN, as Drek grows wearier and wearier, and when they get to their feet, this time Zack rocks him with the Angle Slam, bringing him down on the back of his head yet again! Zack covers, but nothing happens for a few moments, until a groggy Hebner comes to! ONE! TWO! T-SHOULDER UP! COLE Once again, by the skin of his teeth, Drek Stone escapes defeat! Hebner gets up and sees Nick Patrick down and out, and with the pin attempt over with, he goes to the referee's aid, checking on his well-being. Malibu gets up and looks at Stone, who is completely winded, and he goes over to Hebner and checks with him on what's going on, telling him to pay attention to the match and worry about Patrick later! COLE Malibu can't get distracted now, but by the same token, neither can Earl Hebner. This is a World Title Match, the biggest our company has ever seen! Zack turns around and goes back for Drek, who is crawling on all fours, looking for the ropes or the corner, some type of support to bring him to his feet. Zack goes and brings him up the hard way, but Drek stuns him with a jawbreaker, and Malibu falls back from the simple-yet-effective move. Drek stumbles back to the corner, and with Hebner paying no attention and Malibu hurting, he turns around and starts fiddling with the turnbuckle pad! COLE What's he doing!? COACH He's takin' the turnbuckle pad off, Mikey! That's cold hard steel right there! Drek takes the pad off and throws it on the floor, then goes back to Malibu. A pair of chops stun the prep as he comes to his feet, and Drek then takes him by the arm and sends him to the corner...but Zack uses the momentum to his advantage, jumping up to the middle rope and then jumping backwards, twisting into a bodypress that takes Drek out...BUT DREK ROLLS THROUGH IT AND COVERS ZACK! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT! "DAMMIT!" shouts Drek, as Malibu again WILL NOT DIE! The most resilient superstar the OAOAST has ever seen is led to his feet again, and struck with a European uppercut! Zack staggers, but then fires off one of his own, knocking Drek back a few steps as well! Zack has him against the ropes and Irish whips him, but Drek switches gears and pulls Malibu towards him, rolling him up in a small package! ONE! TWO! T-NO! MALIBU ROLLS THROUGH...INTO A POP DROP~!...NO! Drek pushes Malibu into the ropes, and as Zack rebounds DREK STONE CONNECTS WITH A SCHOOL'S OUT! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE That's Zack's own move! Drek Stone, the blood enemy of Zack Malibu, just used School's Out on him! Now laughing, and visibly pleased with himself, Drek looks down at Zack and drags him away from the ropes. There will be no rope breaks on this pin attempt, oh no. Drek Stone is going to get the last laugh on Zack Malibu by beating him with his own manuever! In the center of the ring, Drek covers, and Earl Hebner slides in for the count! ONE! TWO! THRE-NO! NO! NO! NO! ZACK MALIBU KICKS OUT OF THE PIN! COACH God DAMN, these guys just won't stop! COLE We've seen it before, Coach. We saw it through the years, and we saw it intensify this past year during the war with Bruce Blank. Zack Malibu can absorb SO MUCH, he will fight until there is not a breath left in him, and Drek Stone is growing more desperate by the minute! Stone can't believe it, and immeditaely he heads out of the ring and over to Michael Buffer. Stone swipes the World Title from him, pushing the respected ring announcer over in his chair in the process! Drek slides back into the ring, clutching the belt...but Hebner runs over and cuts Drek off, telling him to drop the belt! Drek mouths off at the official, looming over him in intimidating fashion, threatening him with the belt as well. In a daring move, knowing that he's got full power over this contest, Earl points to his chin and dares Drek to take a shot, to a loud pop from Canada's fans! COLE Earl, don't dare him! You can't trust that man! Drek laughs, but Hebner is brave in the face of danger, which turns that smile into a scowl, as Drek feels taunted by the ref! Backing up, Drek clutches the belt as if he's ready to strike...BUT THEN HAS HIS LEG GRABBED OUT FROM UNDER HIM BY MALIBU! ANKLE LOCK! COLE THE ANKLE LOCK! ANOTHER MOVE PASSED ON TO MALIBU BY ANGLESAULT! The crowd roars as Drek flops around, unable to free himself from Malibu's vice grip! Finally, Drek is able to roll onto his back, kicking Malibu off in the process! Drek rolls to his feet and grabs the belt, and as Zack comes forward so does Drek with a BELTSHOT~!...but Malibu ducks it! Drek turns around, but drops the belt so that he can block another School's Out attempt, and after that both men charge the other, wiping each other out with a double clothesline!
  11. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu vs. Drek Stone

    The match, continued. COLE Both of these men have to be exhausted. The World Champion is growing desperate. The fate of the OAOAST hangs on a thread! Drek reaches up and wipes the blood from his brow, then slowly rolls out of the ring, flopping on the ringside floor! Malibu lay staring at the lights, while Drek pulls himself up with the help of the apron. Stone staggers over to the timekeepers table once again, and this time shoves Michael Buffer right over, stealing the chair that the announcer had been sitting on all night! COACH Get 'em, Buffer! COLE Oh yes, motivate the announcer to go after this chair-weilding asshole. Good plan, Coach! The fans shower Drek with boos as he slides the chair into the ring...but as he enters the ring Hebner grabs the chair off the mat, keeping it away from Stone! Drek shouts at Hebner for interfering with his plan, but Hebner waves him off, and goes to the ropes to dispose of the chair. While he does that, Stone quickly picks up the World Title belt off the canvas, and delivers a running kick to Malibu's nether regions as he gets up, then BLASTS HIM ACROSS THE HEAD WITH THE OAOAST WORLD TITLE~! COLE THAT SNEAKY SON OF A BITCH! COACH Not this way...c'mon man, not this way! Drek falls on top of Malibu, throwing the belt across the mat and out to the floor, as Hebner turns around in time to see only the pinfall taking place! ONE! TWO! THREE... ...NO! ZACK MALIBU GETS A SHOULDER UP! COLE This company started with a beltshot, but this night will not end in a beltshot, because Zack Malibu WILL NOT BE DENIED! Stone slams his hands on the canvas and stands up, now stalking Earl Hebner. Stone tries his best to be intimidating, but Hebner has none of it, shoving him away waving two fingers in his face, telling him "that's all you got!". Disgusted, Stone turns away from Hebner and pulls Malibu off the canvas, hoping to put the final touches on his arch-rival. He gets him in position for another Stonecutter, hoping to cap off the night...but Zack pushes him back into the corner...more specifically the EXPOSED corner, and a jolt of pain surges through Drek's back as he collides with the cold steel! COLE Stone tastes the cold hard steel! Isn't it ironic? COACH Don'tcha think? Stone falls over Malibu's shoulder, and the OAOAST's mainstream superstar heaves Drek off his feet, dropping him on the exposed turnbuckle and crotching him on the top! Stone's jaw falls open, but it's shut immediately by a jumping palm strike that snaps his head back! Stone teeters on the ropes, looking ready to fall at any instant, while Zack climbs up. Standing on the top, Zack hammers on Drek with his right hand, his knuckles covered in the blood of the champion. Having beaten Stone to a bloody pulp, Malibu balances himself, then pulls Stone up on the ropes. As Stone rises, he goes low again, and then shoves Malibu down to the canvas! Zack attempts to land on his feet, but when he does, he falls headfirst into the exposed steel, causing his head to whiplash back! Malibu staggers around in a fog, as Stone pushes up onto his feet and leaps off the top, cradling Malibu's head under his arm and bringing him down on the top of his head, leaping from the top rope right into a modified STONECUTTER that sends Malibu straight into the canvas, his feet sticking straight up in the air! COLE WHAT A STONECUTTER THAT WAS! MALIBU'S HEAD WAS NEARLY SHATTERED LIKE A WATERMELON! Zack flops onto his back, and Stone quickly drags him farther away from the ropes, and covers, pulling far back on Malibu's leg, desperate to make this the final fall. ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! DING! DING! DING! COLE No...NO NO NO, DAMMIT! "Woke Up This Morning" is a welcome sound to the ears of Drek Stone, although it can barely be heard amidst the crowd reaction, the most negative in company history. COACH I...don't believe it. Stone gets up, and as Hebner comes to offer him the World Title, he rudely snatches it away and shoves the ref aside, choosing to raise his own arms, and the belt high up in the air. COLE Our signature event, a night that celebrates the tradition of this company, and the man who could care less about it is STILL the reigning World Heavyweight Champion! Trash begins to shower the ring, as Stone, as bloodied and bruised as he is, is not above gloating over the fact that he just spit in the face of all his detractors by defeating the company's ultimate hero. Zack Malibu lay down looking at the lights, still feeling the effects of the Stonecutter, as Hebner kneels down and begins to help him up. Stone parades around the ring with the belt, pausing to open his arms and embrace the hatred of the crowd that he feels the same way about. He goes to exit the ring, then stops himself, and turns around. Malibu gets to his feet, hobbling, and stares at Drek Stone. More importantly, he stares at the belt caught in Stone's grasp. Stone offers a smirk, and walks over to Malibu, dangling the belt in front of his face and screaming "It's MINE!" to the Preppy One. Malibu fumes as Stone turns away and exits the ring, parading up the ramp with the belt over his shoulder, and more ammunition to feel his instatiable ego. Drek Stone is victorious at Anglemania. He's walking out of the arena the same way he walked into it...as the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion... ...and not even Zack Malibu could do anything about it. FADE OUT.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu vs. Drek Stone

    Apologies if that sounded like a blame. I meant it in the sense that you could have possibly decided to add something/subtract something to the ending, since you and I had even reign over this match. There was quite a good portion to go on this match, at least in the sense of building the finish and the aftermath. I had raced home after WM to do it, and when I posted the newly edited piece, it had completely shown up here, which is why I no longer have the draft I was c/p-ing from. I'll finish the match tomorrow during the workday pending any other unforseen circumstances, but I'm flabbergasted as to how the match was posted, showed up as such, and yet is cut off.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu vs. Drek Stone

    I don't fucking believe this. This match was DONE, complete, last night with no posting problems, and now it's missing an ending. I hope it's simply a case of NYU wanting to tweak the ending a bit, because if not, this has totally just fucked the thing up. I swear to God, I'm hating this board and it's bugs more and more by the day.
  14. Zack Malibu


    PLEASE don't say that.
  15. Zack Malibu


    The World Title match was completed yesterday, but for whatever reason the topic title remained saying "unfinished" even though I had edited it. Hmph. At any rate, it's sitting there waiting to be added to the show.
  16. Zack Malibu


    The World Title match was completed yesterday, but for whatever reason the topic title remained saying "unfinished" even though I had edited it. Hmph. At any rate, it's sitting there waiting to be added to the show.
  17. Zack Malibu

    TNA Superstar Returns Tonight

    I don't think the face reactions will stick. With a fanbase growing sick of most things TNA and changes desperately needed, they'll (hopefully) realize that Jeff Jarrett, no matter the gimmick or alignment, is still Jeff Jarrett. I'm also praying we're not gonna get the "Stone Cold" Jeff Jarrett superhero babyface they tried to make him during the SEX feud, because it's not gonna fly, especially if he's still using the f'n guitar.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Zack promo for HeldDOWN~!

    Like Pavlov's dogs when he rang the bell, the moment "Getting Away With Murder" starts coming out of the arena sound system, the fans react, leaping to their feet in anticipation of the arrival of their hero. COLE It has been a tense past few weeks for Zack Malibu, as Drek Stone has taken an already personal war to the next level. COACH Desperate men do desperate things, Mikey Cole. COLE Like the time you had your cousin Rudy dress in drag and have him pretend to be your date for the company Christmas party? COACH THAT WAS HIS IDEA! IT WAS JUST A JOKE! Luckily not able to hear about Coachman's personal habits, the crowd comes alive when the former World Champion and current number one contender steps through the curtain. These days, Malibu's look of focus has intensified, turning his normal easygoing appearance into a more dark, stoic look. He's not just a man with an Anglemania main event and World Title shot on his mind...he's a man seeking vengeance. Malibu takes the microphone from Michael Buffer and enters the ring, prepared to address the crowd tonight on HeldDOWN~! COLE I can only imagine the thoughts running through this man's head right now. Come April 1st, Drek Stone is a DEAD MAN, and I'll put my last dollar on it. MALIBU People say that death is simply the inevitable. The end to it all. That no matter what you do, it's unavoidable. The truth is, people, we're avoiding it every day. Every single day that we wake up with breath in our lungs and the sun in our eyes, it's 24 more hours that we're spending delaying the inevitable. 24 more hours that we're on the run, distracting ourselves with our daily routines to put off the fact that sooner or later it's all going to end. The crowd remains hush, not knowing what to make of Zack's cryptic comments. MALIBU Drek Stone, every day since the start of this whole...every day, going back two years ago, you have been putting off the inevitable. You have been running and hiding and creeping around corners knowing that the MINUTE WE CAME FACE TO FACE THAT IT WAS ALL GOING TO END. Now, the clock is ticking. Now, you're starting to slip up, because NOW, Drek Stone, you're starting to grow DESPERATE. Desperate for attention, which is why you bring a gun onto live TV and commit a heinous, premeditated assault on MY friend, on the OWNER OF THIS COMPANY! Desperate to leave something behind, some type of legacy, something memorable, because deep down even YOU realize that you're not what a World Champion should be. You're desperate because every time you look at a clock, a watch, a cell phone...every time you watch the sun go down at night and rise again in the morning, you realize that you're closer and closer to your DAY OF RECKONING, MY DAY OF REDEMPTION! You're so nervous, Drek, paranoid even, because you're making these mistakes. You're relying on shock value, desperate measures to keep your name in conversation, to keep people talking, fearing the very day that you and I meet in the ring. Well, let me tell you something, Drek Stone...time has JUST RUN OUT! The fans buzz, wondering what's going on, as do Cole and Coach on commentary. MALIBU Drek Stone, almost one year ago at Anglemania, I won a match. A match that not only kept the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title around my waist, but granted me an opportunity anytime I saw fit. Truth be told, I got distracted for a while, and eliminating Bruce Blank was more important to me even than what this offered me...but now, I'm ready to collect. I am ready, right here and now, to CASH IN MY TWO FOR THE MONEY WIN, and get a shot at YOUR World Heavyweight Title TONIGHT, RIGHT HERE AND NOW! The fans ROAR, totally taken by surprise, as Zack Malibu has just pushed up the Anglemania main event by a week and a half to this very moment! COLE Coach, can you believe THAT!? COACH We're gonna have Anglemania early this year! Zack, now getting even more worked up, unbuttons his dress shirt and flings it out into the crowd, pacing the ring in anticipation of Drek's arrival. The gauntlet has been thrown down, and Drek Stone shows up moments later...on the Angletron, smirking. STONE Zack, Zack, Zack...look at you, all worked up. Calm down, killer. See, as much as I would love to throw away a big payday and come out there right now and humiliate you on national television before Anglemania, it's not gonna happen! The fans boo, and Zack stops and stares at the screen, rolling his eyes at what the reason possibly could be. STONE See Zack, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not even in the arena right now. I figure that I would let a little bit of the heat die down, let you and your company of kiss-asses take a breather and get off my back. You just went on and on about ME being desperate Zack, but look at you. It's not that you want to get your hands on me and take me out...or, TRY to take me out. You NEED to, Zack. You have this notion, this burning desire, to be the hero at anytime, to anyone. It's chivalrous, really, but I'll be DAMNED if you're going to do it at my expense. Yeah, I've done a lot of things that I'm called out on...I've done things that make some people sick, and others squirm, and you know what? It WORKS. Because look at you, Zack. Calling me out with no preperation, letting your emotions do the talking...people can say I'm a heartless bastard all they want but you know what...that only means I don't HAVE ANY EMOTIONS TO GET IN THE WAY OF WHAT I DO. I act without thinking, without remorse, because THAT is how I survive. So take a look at yourself, Zack, and ask yourself if I'm the desperate one, or if you are. I heard you earlier saying that every day of our lives, we're just delaying the inevitable. What about you, Zack? Aren't you delaying the inevitable? Avoiding the day that you don't mean as much to this company, or these fans anymore? Avoiding the day that you grow older, weaker, and aren't able to hold onto that spotlight that you so desperately crave? For five years, Zack, it's ALWAYS been about you. Not anymore. This is MY time now, Zack. Whether you like it or not, I'm holding what MADE you into the man you are. The title that you say was built on your blood, and the blood of your equals, your peers. Come April 1st, come hell or high water, you will not see me as an equal, you will see me as BETTER than the lot of you thrown together. A champion for the new era. Heartless, ruthless, reckless, but still...A CHAMPION. See you on the 1st, Zack. Closing with a smirk and a raising of the title belt, as if he's dangling it right in front of Malibu's eyes, Drek's feed then cuts out, leaving a black screen. Malibu never took his eyes off the 'Tron during Drek's little rant, and his eyes are still focused on it, burning red with rage. COLE Zack Malibu was ready, willing, and able to take on Drek Stone right here tonight, but once again, Drek Stone cut corners, and has escaped the wrath of Zack Malibu! COACH The more he runs, the more enraged Malibu becomes, and honestly I think that's what Drek wants. COLE That's a good point, Coach. Both men, for very different reasons, are growing desperate. We'll find out which one of them makes the fatal mistake come April 1st when the OAOAST presents Anglemania: Etched In Stone, but right now, we're due for a commercial break, so we'll see you in two!
  19. Zack Malibu

    Prison Break

    I always assumed the girl taking care of LJ, the one that was with Aldo Burrows, would be Linc's love interest eventually.
  20. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Black Lushus.
  21. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Doc V and Lushus.
  22. Zack Malibu

    OAO ECW 03/13/07

    Snitsky was busted open hardway taking chair shots from Holly on one of the house shows this past week.
  23. Zack Malibu

    Latest Impact Spoilers

    I'm guessing that the reason The Bashams didn't come in for the one-shot at Destination X as rumored is because they may be in for more than a one-off deal. I'm also guessing (hoping?) if that's the case that Matt Morgan will be Jim Mitchell's new monster heel.
  24. Zack Malibu

    Latest Impact Spoilers

    Daniels vs. Sting would be something different and I'd enjoy it, I just hope they don't go with the whole religious overtones AGAIN. I'm guessing The Bashams could debut at or before Lockdown, unless they're going to do a gauntlet of guys Hemme brings in to put over VKM until The Bashams ultimately beat them.