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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu


    Quite obviously... Zack Malibu vs. Drek Stone, OAOAST World Title Match.
  2. Zack Malibu

    Monday Night Special Official

    I'm sure there will come a time where TNA will market the old footage. They're trying to gain an identity with the mainstream right now, and they don't want to confuse new fans, or even potential new sponsors and people of the like, so that's why it's all "Spike TV/6 Sided Ring era" that they're worried about. Not to mention how much talent has come and gone since those days. With WWE gobbling up so many of the libraries, even to see some of the older TNA PPV's released in some way 5 years from now would be a breath of fresh air. One thing they do somewhat already (most notably with the Jarrett/Hogan deal) is utilize the older footage of stars appearing. WCW used this tactic during the Monday Night Wars, showing Vader getting pinned by Sting, Hogan, etc. when he was headlining against Michaels. If, say, Monty Brown becomes WWE World Champion in the next year, I'm sure they'll show footage of Christian Cage pinning him.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu segment for HD.

    COLE This past Sunday night, we witnessed one of the most miraculous feats in this industry. Going into Anglepalooza, everyone in the wrestling world, and even Zack Malibu himself, feared that this past Sunday night would be the last we'd see of him. COACH I know I did. COLE Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank entered the Survive Or Surrender match this night with their emotions long past the boiling point. For Blank, it would be the opportunity of a lifetime. For Malibu, it would be redemption for all the pain and suffering caused by the menacing redneck since early last year. What those men experienced this past Sunday was one of the most brutal, horrific encounters in OAOAST history, putting them on the brink of death at various points. It appeared to be all over when Blank was aided by Landon Maddix in hanging Zack Malibu, but it was the shocking return of Caboose, put on the shelf by the Wildcards last summer, that prevented that disgusting act from taking place, and helped lead Malibu on the path to victory over his most hated rival, Bruce Blank. COACH We ain't gotta see that man no more! COLE Then, to the shock of everyone in the arena Sunday night, Zack Malibu, bruised and bloodied still, entered the Lethal Rumble in place of his friend Jamie O'Hara, who was attacked by Drek Stone earlier in the night. Showing incredible courage by putting his already beaten body on the line against the company's best, Malibu entered the ring and eliminated Landon Maddix, the same man who tried to help take him out earlier in the night, and now Zack Malibu is once again heading to Anglemania to take on the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion! COACH You know what that means, Mikey Cole. DREAM MATCH~!, baby! COLE It might be a dream match to us and the fans, but I know it's going to be a nightmare for Drek Stone if he's still got that belt around his waist come Anglemania. There's no esaping the wrath of Malibu now, and... (The opening bass line of "Getting Away With Murder" hits, and the fans leap to their feet in response!) COLE ...I may have gone off on a tangent there, but I'll stop, because HERE COMES ZACK MALIBU~! Greeted by the warm welcome of his fans, Malibu appears at the top of the ramp. With his head bandaged from the beating he took at the hands of Bruce Blank, Malibu is reminded of how fortunate he is to be walking down the aisle tonight, as the fans welcome him with a loud chant of his name. ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! Zack enters the ring, and grabs the mic, pausing for a moment as his music dies down, and the chant becomes louder than ever. ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! MALIBU You know, it's good to be standing here in front of you people once again, because before this past Sunday, I honestly didn't know if it was going to happen again...but as you can see, I'M here, and Bruce Blank is now a distant memory! The crowd roars, easily pleased by the fact that Zack Malibu has driven Bruce Blank out of the OAOAST. MALIBU As one door closes, another one opens though, and I think you know after the way Anglepalooza ended what I'm talking about. For nearly a year, I was driven to the point of exhaustion and insanity by Blank and The Wildcards. I was distracted from my family responsibilites, from my responsibilities to this company, and from once again becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. In the meantime, that title has been claimed by a man...scratch that...the title has been claimed by Drek Stone. Now my feelings on the man are obvious, and as champion, those feelings have only increased, because to me, Drek Stone, you are NOT a World Champion! COLE Malibu is wasting no time in showing where his focus lies tonight! MALIBU Drek, you might have a belt around your waist, and you might get the main event matches...WHEN you decide to show for them...but you are NOT a champion. A champion, a true champion, puts his heart and soul, his very being, into being the very best. You claim to be the best, you state that you are the best, but you are NOT deserving of the belt that you carry around! You don't have your heart in it...you haven't had your heart in this company, into your being here, in a very long time. Two years, as a matter of fact. Two years ago, you tried to make the play, you tried to push me out. You had people in this company drinking your Kool-Aid, and you kicked off a war that you couldn't even finish. You got a win off of me, and you RAN. You left what you started to be finished by more people who got suckered into it, and it nearly tore this company, BOTH SIDES OF IT, APART! Fast forward to last year, and when I won Two For The Money. I never got around to using my title shot because of what Bruce Blank did to me, and don't think I forgot about it. Then, at November Reign, it was set to happen, and then what? You PUNKED OUT AGAIN, while I fought for my life against Todd Cortez, the man who broke my best friend's neck, and earned the right to call myself the number one contender! That's TWO strikes against you, my friend. Now this past Sunday, you were so confident. You, and Sly Sommers, and Peter Knight...I have to admit, even I didn't know if I could pull it off, but you and those other names I mentioned...you went to Providence with the intent of watching me suffer, and watching my career, and maybe my life END! He came close...I give Bruce Blank credit, believe it or not, for being the most brutal son of a bitch I ever watched, but do you know what's scary, Drek? In a way, I RESPECT Bruce Blank more than you! Because Bruce Blank came RIGHT AT ME, and never ran! Bruce Blank never dodged me, most of the time HE made the first move. Bruce Blank TOOK ME TO THE LIMIT, while you sat on the sidelines and waited for other people to do your dirty work. The ironic thing about it is the people that you poisoned, that you tried to get to follow your lead, like Scotty, Johnny and Jamie...they respect me, and I respect them. We forged a bond built on respect because we give ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF OURSELVES, while you skate by on a reputation you earned four years ago. So Drek, now that my schedule is clear, now that the date is set, what are you going to do? What are you going to do between now and Anglemania, Drek? What are you going to do when you can't duck me anymore? What are you going to do when you have to put that title on the line, the only thing you have left, against the man who fought for it so hard and made it what it is? What are you going to do, Drek? What are you going to do? Smirking, Malibu drops the mic and heads off, as "Getting Away With Murder" plays again for him during his journey back up the aisleway. COACH He ain't messin' around anymore, Cole. That's a man on a mission! COLE Zack Malibu hasn't recovered from Anglepalooza yet, but those words have no doubt pierced the heart of Drek Stone, who has been called out on the carpet by the number one contender! Zack Malibu is going to Anglemania to challenge for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title, and there is nothing Drek Stone can do about it!
  4. Zack Malibu

    Monday Night Special Official

    Yeah, they raely show any early footage from their time in Tennessee, which is sad but you gotta move on. This will be loaded with their gimmick matches, but just another step closer to the Big Time. I was referring to the Six Sides Of Steel Match they had, not the original. As far as "visible stars" are concerned, three of the four are still highly visible. They could easily show that match and talk about how AMW went from TNA's franchise team only to break up, and now Harris might be out of wrestling thanks to his "good friend" (in storyl;ine terms). It's not like I suggested they show a match between Kid Kash and Jorge Estrada.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Monday Night Special Official

    I forgot about Styles/Daniels vs. LAX, as I haven't watched that one yet.
  6. Zack Malibu

    Monday Night Special Official

    If they're showing a Six Sides Of Steel, it should either be AMW vs. XXX, or Styles vs. Abyss. I have a feeling though that it's going to be Christian vs. Abyss from last year, since both are in the main event scene (and have a recent issue). For Ultimate X, it's gotta be the Sabin/Williams/Styles one, but I think it'll be the Joe/Daniels/Styles one.
  7. Zack Malibu

    Impact Spoilers

    I'm guessing the "Little Italy" thing comes up due to them attacking Ray's (notice it's not Ray, D-Von and Runt's uncle, just Ray's) uncle, which means they're using this as a whole shoot angle where we're supposed to look at Brother Ray as Mark LaMonica, not his character.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Anglepalooza After Party

    Regarding what PK said, Zack probably could have stood to "torture" Bruce some more at the end, but I didn't want to play it up like a total miracle comeback, especially with Zack suprisingly entering the Rumble. In his weakened state, he did what he could. I've read the X Title match and most of the Rumble so far (although admittedly I was following the Rumble a bit while it was being worked on) and this was a home run show. I want to thank Bruce for his part in our feud, because we really ran with the Wildcards angle, and I think to both of us the feud just flowed naturally. I would go so far as to call it my favorite feud that I've ever done, outside of the Zack heel turn/Crystal feud from 2004 just out of the enjoyment I got out of it. I'm glad you guys have universally enjoyed the feud since last spring, and hope that we capped it off well enough with the final chapter being Survive Or Surrender.
  9. Zack Malibu

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Lashley is as bad as Batista is, and less believable to beat Taker. Lashley's not a great worker, no, but he has upside. Workrate wise Lashley is more athletic than Batista, although that's not much of a compliment, seeing how Batista is old and injury prone and broken down. Still, with their intent on pushing Lashley as a superman, and with him being young enough to be groomed for a long standing role within the company, that's why he's more deserving. You can't look at workrate when you're thinking of who will benefit from this, you just have to think about people who are going to have to mean something long-term.
  10. Zack Malibu

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Batista beating Undertaker and breaking his WM streak would be similar (but not as bad for business) to Nash beating Goldberg at Starrcade 1998. You'd have the guy whose heart isn't into it, and is riding the residue of his hot angle from 2 years ago, ending something that has been hyped for years as a major accomplishment. Plus, regardless of the fan backlash (they could easily make Batista into a monster heel if that's the case), it's that Batista has lost his work ethic, his fire, he's injury prone, and he's not likely to improve. He's not long for the business, either by personal choice or by suffering another injury, so why waste the streak? Will it be a "money match"? Yes, because the marks believe in both men, and both are draws for their brand. Will it be a pretty match? Odds are no, it won't be. But Batista should not be the one having the torch passed to him by Undertaker. Kennedy would work. A heel Lashley would work. Edge or Orton would work. Not Batista.
  11. Zack Malibu

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Might as well keep it in this thread, since it pertains to Rumble fallout and the WM lineup, but apparently a major change has or is about to go down regarding Cena's match (which as of this past week was rumored to be Edge vs. Orton vs. Cena for the belt).
  12. Zack Malibu

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    How on Earth is that a "Russo angle". Given WWE's lack of explanation for people jumping brands (oh, their contract was up!) or not explaining it at all, it's plausible. As stated, UNLIKELY, but plausible. To say that's a Russo angle makes no sense. A Russo angle would call for Booker jumping to RAW to go after Michaels for not saving him from a mugger when they grew up together on the mean streets of Texas.
  13. Zack Malibu

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    That means 2 things: 1. That leaves RAW very short and the draft lottery is after WM. 2. Your implying that Edge and Orton jump, and then Edge beats Batista (and this happens within 2 months). You could easily have someone like Kennedy jump into an uppercard/main event role on RAW. He's already feueded with Batista and Undertaker, there's not much more to go on. And if Booker jumped as well, that plugs him easily into the slot against Michaels.
  14. Zack Malibu

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Like no one has ever jumped, or they've never done cross-brand matches at WM? (Orton vs. UT two years ago is a prime example of a RAW guy calling out a Smackdown guy to make a name for himself/start a feud). They could do something where Orton grows increasingly wary of Edge, and Edge jumps to Smackdown where "the grass is greener" (maybe a hint at Batista being a weak champ and Edge being able to carry things). Orton jumps WITH him, following him there and calling him a punk for breaking up Rated RKO without telling him. From there, you can work the tension between Orton/Edge and UT/Batista into a four way deal (like Orton trying to advise Edge against UT, and Edge can mock him for never beating him). It's unlikely, but it's not like Hawk's idea could never, ever happen.
  15. In the arena, we hear the crowd POP~!, because what they're seeing on the Angletron is what's going on backstage...namely ZACK MALIBU and CANDIE walking into the arena. Zack is uncharacteristically quiet, while Candie is a bit somber, not looking forward to what her boyfriend has in store for him tonight. After exchanging pleasantries with several people, they round the corner...and Malibu comes face to face with a man that he hates just as much as Bruce Blank. The OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Drek Stone! It's an uncomfortable moment, as Zack waits for Drek to say something, but Drek just smirks at him and Candie. After a moment of akward silence, Drek places a hand on Zack's shoulder, and in a mocking tone, offers two words of encouragement... "Good luck." To Drek, that's the funniest thing in the world, as he chuckles and walks away, leaving Zack and Candie to glare at him as he disappears. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We cut backstage to the drawing room, as Jamie O'Hara exits, and cracks open the number he pulled from the tumbler. The new X-Divison Champion's eyes widen, as he pulls up his trademark forty ounce... "I'll drink to that!" O'Hara starts chugging, but then opens his eyes, realizing he's not alone. He peers over, and the camera pans over to see the OAOAST World Heavyweight Chamnpion, Drek Stone, standing there with the belt slung over his shoulder. "Got a good number, huh? asks Drek of his one-time friend. "I ain't complainin' about it, if that's what you're askin'." mouths back O'Hara. "Mind if I see it?" "Psssssh, what you so curious for, huh? A little worried, Drek?" "WORRIED? About you? Please. You're lucky that you're wearing the belt you've got. I'm not worried about you trying to go 2 for 2." "Oh yeah, well we'll see about that after I win tonight, and then it's YOUR ASS that I'll be kickin' at Anglemania!" "Is that so." "That's word, playa." Drek snickers, and turns away...and then BLASTS Jamie O'Hara with a beltshot! The World Champion stands over the X Division Champion and puts the boots to him, then picks up the forty ounce bottle that he had...AND SMASHES IT OVER JAMIE'S HEAD! Jamie goes down, and quickly staff flock to the scene of the crime, pushing Drek away. Drek tells them to get off of him, and he backs away smiling, as the cameras close in on O'Hara, who is busted wide open after having that bottle shattered over his head.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu vs. Bruce Blank

    The match is about 50% done, with just some editing on Bruce's portions and my own additions left. I'm going to add those portions as I do them, that way the whole match isn't spoiled before the PPV. It will be done in time for Sunday night for sure! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The time has come. The demeanor of the crowd is mixed as the lights dim, and the specially made steel cage for the Survive or Surrender match is lowered over the ring. Will the hometown hero gain his ultimate retribution against his most hated rival, or will the most reviled man in wrestling score the greatest win of his career, and send the OAOAST's favorite son into a forced retirement from the business he loves? Tonight, one man will survive, and one will surrender...and whoever surrenders will be surrendering not just a victory, but their career, and their lifeblood, to their foe. COLE It's the calm before the storm here right now fans, as everyone in the arena, and by that I mean the people in the stands, in the locker room, and here at ringside await the closing chapter of the most brutal feud in OAOAST history. COACH Ain't no comin' back for this one, Mikey Cole. We in Zack's house, his hometown, and tonight, he's puttin' it all on the line in front of his friends and family for one simple reason: REVENGE. COLE Tonight, one man's career will end inside the four walls of the cage you see being placed around the ring. Notice that the cage is specially made to attatch to the ring apron instead of the normal encasing of the entire ring, in order to prevent any possible interference from people hiding out under the ring. Keep in mind that there is no door on any of the four walls, and the roof is fully intact. Once the combatants are inside the cage, it will be fully lowered over them, and will not rise until one man has been deemed victorious. The cameras scan the crowd as the paying customers flock back to their seats, not one of them wanting to miss a minute of the action. COACH We got a lot of people here in attendance tonight too, Cole. A lot of friends and enemies of Zack Malibu can't believe he's going through with this. COLE Personally Coach, I still can't believe he's going through with this. I've known Zack Malibu since the moment he set foot in the OAOAST. At one point, you could have considered me a sidekick to The In Crowd. Tonight we see people like Sly Sommers, who has made his intentions clear as to why he's looking forward to this match. Calvin Szechstein, currently on Zack's good side despite their past dealings. Peter Knight, a man who just last year cost Zack Malibu the Lethal Rumble at this very event, and even the original In Crowd members EvenflowDDT and The Superstar sitting, watching, and waiting. We have Zack's personal friends, his family, all in attendance. Friend or foe, you have to respect what Zack Malibu's done for this company, and no one wants it to end. He's going up against a man he's never beaten, a man who will show no mercy or remorse, and is going to treat this match as his bloody playground. Zack Malibu, for all he's accomplished, may have bitten off more than he can chew. With those cryptic words uttered, the camera closes in on ring announcer Michael Buffer walking up the ring steps, and the crowd starts to buzz, as they know the match is mere moments away. MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, ARE YOU READY!? YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! MICHAEL BUFFER Providence, Rhode Island ARE – YOU – READY?? YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! MICHAEL BUFFER Then for the thousands in this arena and the millions watching across the globe, LETS GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! OAO-AST!! OAO-AST!! OAO-AST!! OAO-AST!! OAO-AST!! MICHAEL COLE They are fired up, Coach! It seems like Providence is going into this with a positive attitude! COACH No doubt, because this may be the last time we have to tolerate Bruce Blank in an OAOAST ring! MICHAEL COLE Please dear God let it be so! MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, and the viewing public watching live on pay-per-view, THIS is the SURVIVE OR SURRENDER MATCH! Notice that the cage above the ring has been constructed with four solid walls of steel mesh, and a roof over it. There is no door, and thus, no entry. Once both participants have entered the ring, the cage will be lowered over the ring, and attatched to the ring apron. The only way to win is for one man to quit...submit...SURRENDER. Tonight, their are no titles at stake in this contest, but the careers of Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank lay in each other's hands. One man will emerge victorious, and seal the fate of his eternal foe. The loser, however, will be served his walking papers, and have his career ended! It is a battle of pride, and of redemption, and now...the participants. MICHAEL COLE I’m torn Coach, I mean I want Zack to win and get rid of Bruce – but he’s making the gamble of his life here, he could lose everything he holds near and dear to him. COACH I admire Malibu’s gut but you’ve got to remember that Blank has really done a number on Zack more or less every time they’ve met, he really has gotten Zack rattled. We could be saying good bye to Zack tonight. MICHAEL BUFFER Introducing first… ZACK!! ZACK!! ZACK!! ZACK!! ZACK!! ZACK!! ZACK!! The chants are heavy and strong, as the crowd waits for the hometown hero to appear. The lights drop, and the chant turns to a roar, as... "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG" The ringing into to the "Saved By The Bell" theme song booms through the arena, and cuts quickly to the chorus of Eminem's "Til' I Collapse"... "Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth. Till the smoke clears out and my high wear out I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse." Which then cuts to... "(Wake me up) Wake me up inside (I can’t wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark..." After that, both the music and the lights totally shut down, leaving the arena cloaked in darkness. Some people use their cellphones or lighters for visual aid, but within seconds they're not needed, as the Angletron shines bright once again, and the bass line for "Getting Away With Murder" kicks in. *FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH!!* *FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH!!* *FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH!!* The distant shot that captures the cage slowly lowering as Zack Malibu steps into the arena serves as a poignant reminder of the hell that awaits Zack Malibu. ”Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness I need to calculate what creates my own madness And I'm addicted to your punishment And you're the master, and I am waiting for disaster” BUFFER From PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, he weighs in tonight at two hundred and five pounds...he is ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLIBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! The look on Zack’s face is equal parts anger and frustration and anticipation as he pauses on the top of the ramp for a second to soak up the absolutely atomic crowd reaction. In what is a departure from Malibu’s normal attire Mr. OAOAST has both his hands heavily taped up all the way to his elbow pads, probably both for protection against the cage but also for added impact against Bruce. Gone are the standard wrestling tights as attire, as tonight, Malibu comes out clad in blue jeans and an OAOAST logo T-shirt, proudly wearing the name of the company he loves across his chest. MICHAEL COLE This man has been through the wars for the last three quarters of a year, he’s been to hell and back fighting with the Wildcards and tonight it all comes to an end, one way or the other. COACH You know at first I really though he had it coming, after all *HE* brought the Wildcards into the OAOAST, but those sick bastards crossed the line when they entered the Malibu home and intimidated his girlfriend and their newborn daughter. MICHAEL COLE And when the Coach thinks you’ve gone to far then you must be really depraved. ”I feel irrational, so confrontational To tell the truth I am getting away with murder It is impossible to never tell the truth But the reality is I'm getting away with murder” Instead of sliding through the 2 foot gap between the ring apron and the dangling cage Zack circles the ring as he almost shakes with anticipation and anger. While several fans reach out and pad him on the shoulders or shout words of encouragement the usually fan friendly Zack Malibu doesn’t respond, no high fives, no gestures – he’s in a world of his own with only one goal. ”Getting away, getting away, getting away” MICHAEL BUFFER And his opponent… BLANK SUCKS!! BLANK SUCKS!! BLANK SUCKS!! BLANK SUCKS!! The chants drown out Michael Buffer for a moment, while Zack paces back and forth on the far side of the ring. Zack waits impatiently like a caged tiger, even though he’s technically not caged yet. MICHAEL BUFFER Approaching the ring at this time, he is the leader of the group known as The Wildcards. Weighing in tonight at an even three hundred pounds, he is BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK!!” The opening guitar warble alerts everyone that Bruce Blank is about to enter the arena, and the expected reaction ensues, as Blank walking into Providence is like a KKK member walking the streets of Harlem. I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone“ WHIIIIIIIIIIIITE TRASH!! WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE TRASH!! After a moment or two of Green Day playing the crowds attention is drawn to the side of the entrance set up as they hear a loud truck horn play “I wish I was in Dixie” as an engine revs up. " I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone" Instead of walking down the entrance Bruce appears on the back of a huge Ford F350 Pick-Up truck with one hand on the roll bar and another holding a beer up high in the air as he grins in anticipation, this is his night it would seem. His newly acquired ride complete with sparking chrome, a crisp black paint job that’s accentuated by airbrushed blue flames licking down each side of the trunk and “King of Pain” written across the hood really screams of how confident Bruce Blank is tonight. MICHAEL COLE Trust him to make a big pompous entrance, even in Zack Malibu's own hometown! COACH Well now they have something to drive him away in after the match is over, Cole. " I walk alone I walk alone" WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE TRASH!! WHIIIIIIIIIIIIITE TRASH!! Bruce doesn’t seem to even hear the chants from the crowd, and as the pick up truck brings him to the ring in style, he’s busy drinking a beer and holding on to the moving truck. Once the truck stops Bruce turns to the fans and raises both arms in the air, taking an early crack at celebrating the victory he’s been predicting all along. COACH Bruce seems awfully confident here – yeah he’s got a new car and yes he’s the self proclaimed “King of Pain” but it’ll take more than that to win this match. MICHAEL COLE Well he may have proclaimed himself the King of Pain but tonight he either earns the name or leaves the federation. " I walk alone I walk a... " As Blank poses on the roof of the truck, basking in the hatred of the Rhode Island crowd, Malibu's patience wears thin. The Preppy One races across the ring and makes a clean leap onto the top rope, and springboards off with a dive that knocks Bruce off the roof of the truck and down into the bed, along with Malibu as well! MICHAEL COLE HE CAN’T WAIT!! "My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then I walk alone" The music quickly cuts out, as Malibu stands up and takes Bruce Blank by the head, ramming it into the roof of his new ride! Malibu then spins Blank around and pins him against the back window of the truck, hammering away with those taped fists of his as the crowd hits a complete uproar! MICHAEL COLE Malibu is going completely kamikaze on Bruce Blank!! COACH Get that sucka, Zack! Malibu pounds on the redneck, much to the crowd's delight...but when he pulls him up Blank charges forward, wrapping his thick arms around Zack's waist in the process! He pushes forward, and together Zack and Bruce spill out of the bed of the truck and into the aisleway! Once they hit the floor they seperate, and take a moment to regain their composure. They both rise to their feet, and Zack fires off those patented right hands, staggering the big man...until a knee to the stomach doubles him over! Bruce then pounds on Zack with forearm shots across the back, and takes him by the head, swinging him around and sending him into the guardrail! The small of Zack's back crashes against the metallic barrier, and Blank takes advantage of his stunned state of mind when he rushes forward and blasts Zack with a hard lariat that topples him over the guardrail, into the sea of fans! COLE Zack just got dumped into the crowd, and Blank is following suit! COACH That man don't wanna be in THIS crowd...he's on Zack's turf tonight! Bruce steps over the railing, and immediately he's crowded by the fans...and he starts shoving ticket buyers left and right, paving a way towards Zack Malibu! Frightened and intimidated, the rest of the crowd backs off as Blank comes at Zack, who has his back turned...and blasts him with a shot between the shoulder blades knocking him down again! Blank snickers as he pulls Zack right back up, and he turns Zack around and walks him towards the guardrail...then lifts him up and drops him across it, crotching him on the unforgiving steel! COLE This match is not even underway yet, and Zack Malibu is already being forced to suffer by that madman! COACH They gotta get in the cage! COLE Are YOU going to tell them that? COACH Me? No...I mean, I was just sayin'. Blank shoves Zack off the guardrail and back into the aisleway, brushing off the fans who still dare to come near him. Blank follows Zack over, and again picks Malibu up before he's fully recovered, this time taking him by the back of his neck and running him forward, face first into the back of his pickup truck! COLE Blank is doing a number on Malibu here, he's softening him up! He doesn't want to be inside that cage, because there'll be nowhere for him to run! He thinks that by doing this, he'll have it easy! COACH Easy? Playa's playin' himself if he thinks that after what he's done, that this is gonna be easy! The crowd is still electric, booing even the slightest motions made by the Southern sadist. Yet again, Blank pulls Zack up, treating him like a playtoy...and he drives that point home even further by lifting Zack up over his head in a military press...and then showing off his strength by doing reps with the smaller Malibu in his grasp! COLE Look at him, rubbing it in everyone's face! Blank laughs as he shows off his power, but then winces in pain as Malibu digs his fingernails into his eyes and rakes them, causing Blank to drop him from the press! Zack lands behind Bruce, and powers up to his feet, coming back with a running kick that strikes Blank between the legs and doubles him over! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" COACH I hope he don't plan on rubbing THAT in anyone's face anytime soon! Bruce is stunned, and Malibu quickly calls to the fans, HIS fans, for a chair. One in particular hands one to Zack, and he takes it as quickly as he asked for it, using it to hit a hard shot across the shoulder blades of Bruce Blank! The big man drops, but grabs onto the back of his truck and pulls himself up, his eyes burning with anger as he turns around...and gets BLASTED with a hard shot across the head that knocks him against his truck! Blank slouches down into a seated position, but Malibu doesn't let up, as he goes over to Blank with the chair held vertically, and drives the edge of it into his throat, trying to drive the life out of his hated rival as he lay bleeding in the aisleway! COLE Zack's drawn first blood, because Bruce is busted open...and they're STILL not inside the cage yet! Referee Nick Patrick, and a slew of OAOAST road agents and staff flock to the aisleway, trying to seperate Zack and Bruce and get them into the ring. Zack pulls back and clutches the chair menacingly, looking ready to hit anyone within reaching distance. The agents and Patrick scatter, trying to plead with Zack, and several of them form a wall, blocking Zack from getting to Bruce once again, which doesn't get a positive reaction from the fans. COLE The fans came to see Survive Or Surrender, but they don't want this brawl to end! Malibu is pushed towards the ring by Patrick and several others, and reluctantly abides. He slides the chair in under the bottom rope and then hops up on the apron, waiting on Blank. He looks like he's ready to dive onto EVERYONE, but thinks better of the move and backs off, entering the ring and circling it, taking a moment to soak in the adulation of his applauding fanbase. Meanwhile, Blank is getting up, and when he does he's FURIOUS, and he starts cleaning house on the staff! Clobbering rights and lefts, the ruthless redneck is crazed in his efforts, as the blood flow has drawn out a bit of rage. He wipes his forehead and looks into the ring, disgusted, at Zack, and he charges the ring, sliding into it and FINALLY causing the bell to ring! DING! DING! DING! COACH FINALLY! COLE HERE WE GO, COACH! As soon as Bruce slides into the ring, the cage begins to lower around he and Zack, and Nick Patrick quickly rolls into the ring, weilding the microphone that will broadcast the surrender of one of these men. Zack works over Blank as he slides in, kicking him in the back of the head repeatedly before picking him up and shoving him into the ropes. Bruce bounces forward after hitting the ropes, and Malibu hits an inverted atomic drop, once again staggering Bruce due to its effect on his manhood...and then Zack starts biting him over the eye, digging his teeth into the flesh of his rival! COACH He's gone cannibal, Cole! Bruce shouts out in agony, and uses his power advantage to shove Zack to the mat, saving himself from any more pain. Zack rolls through and pops right back up to his feet though, and comes at him and starts biting AGAIN, causing Blank to scream once again! COACH He's hurting, Cole! You think he's ready to surrender? COLE I think we've got a ways to go, Coach. Blank uses his leverage advantage, and manages to push Zack into a corner even while he's being bitten by the hometown hero. Blank manages to pull away, then rams his knee into Zack's ribcage, then drops low and drives his shoulders into his ribcage once, twice, three, four, FIVE times, driving all of the air out of Zack's lungs! Malibu gasps for air, and is stuck in the corner as Blank pulls himself up...and now HE starts biting ZACK! COLE Ugh, no! Blank chews on the skin over Zack's eye, and it doesn't take much time for that tactic to draw blood. Zack looks like he's crying crimson tears as the blood drops off his face and stains the canvas, and Blank leads him out of the corner and sends him into the ropes, nailing him with a big boot on the rebound! Zack goes down, and now Bruce eyes the steel chair that Zack slid into the ring when he entered, and it's now in the hands of the Redneck Superman, who picks it up and drives the edge of it into Zack's throat, trying to choke Zack just as Zack did to him earlier in the aisleway! "C'mon boy, surrender! Make it easy on yourself!" Blank stands over Zack, choking the life out of him, and ordering him to give up. Zack moans and groans, but never do any words form, and certainly not any that would cause him to lose this contest, and his career in the OAOAST. Blank pulls the chair off his throat, but with it still held vertically, drives the edge of it into Zack's ribcage repeatedly, causing Malibu to curl up into the fetal position and cough up a lung! COLE The use of that chair is perfectly legal. The biting, the eye gouging, the low blows...whatever these two men need to do in order to make the other give up, they CAN do. Nick Patrick's not going to stop them, and the cage is there so that no one else attempts to stop them. Given what we've seen in the past from these two men, and even with what we've seen in the past ten or so minutes, we know what they're capable of, but the question remains...what will it take to get one of these men to surrender his life in wrestling, and swallow the bitter pill of losing professional wrestling's most brutal feud? Blank throws the chair aside, stalking Malibu as the prep lay on the mat, coughing. Blank reaches down and pulls Zack up, and once he's on his feet Bruce runs him forward a few steps, then biels him into the wall of the cage, backing off as Malibu collides face first with the mesh! Zack bounces back and lands on all fours, and Bruce steps over him, then reaches under his chin and yanks back on his head, then with his free arm blasts him with a hard crossface shot! Blank switches hands, and then utilizes the same tactic, blasting Zack across the side of his face with another hard crossface shot. Blank then yanks back on Zack's head again with a rear chinlock, and then moves his fingers into Zack's open mouth, stretching his cheeks out as if he were trying to peel the skin off of Zack's face! COACH He's sick, Cole, sick! Zack is in pain, and Patrick remains close, in case the former OAOAST World Champion can't take it anymore and decides to submit. Blank looks down at Zack, tearing at his face, and moving off of his back. He pulls Zack up, still with his fingers jammed into his mouth, and as Zack forces himself to stand up, Blank violently pulls back, snapping Zack to the canvas! The back of Malibu's head bounces off of the ringmat, and Bruce runs the ropes, delivering a huge legdrop to Malibu! COLE Bruce just dropped that tree trunk across Zack's throat, and...now look at this! After hitting the legdrop, Bruce kneels over Zack, taking him by the head and viciously rams it repeatedly into the canvas. Bruce sneers as he stares at Zack, telling him "I'm gonna make you quit, you son of a bitch!" before he brings him up and whips him into the corner. Bruce charges in, and he connects with a hard running lariat that smashes Zack against the turnbuckles! Zack flops forward after contact, but Bruce takes him by the head and runs him across the ring, sending him face first into the top turnbuckle! Malibu is stuck in a fog, unable to clear the cobwebs, as Blank spins him around and pins him in the corner, then takes his boot and jams it into Zack's throat, AGAIN going back to a choking tactic to try and wear Malibu out! COLE If he can't get air, he can't get energized! Bruce Blank knows he cannot afford to let Zack get any momentum, because if Zack manages to get on a roll, that rage that's been burning inside him for nearly a year is going to come out, and I don't know if even Bruce Blank could withstand what Zack Malibu would like to do to him! Bruce releases, and backs away, leaving Malibu to his own devices, aching in the corner. Blank circles the ring, his evil eyes visible under the crimson mask as he stares at Malibu, and then reaches into his boot. COACH What's he doin'...he ain't strapped is he!? COLE For the love of God, Coach...I hope not. After a moment or two of digging, Bruce comes up not with a firearm, but with a spike! The crowd gasps in horror as he approaches Malibu, ready to strike with the spike... ...but before it can come down and stab him, Malibu grabs the wrist of his rival, trying desperately to keep him at bay! COLE He just tried to implant that spike into his head, and thank God Malibu saw it coming! Zack grabs Bruce's wrist with both of his hands, trying to force the spike back, as it looms dangerously close to his eye. Malibu climbs up onto the turnbuckles, sitting on the top rope in order to gain leverage against his larger foe, and manages to nail Blank in the side of the head with an elbow! And another one! And a third! Bruce staggers, but he still tries forcing the spike into Malibu's face, although another elbow shot dazes him long enough for Malibu to kick off of the turnbuckles, and bring him down with a tornado single arm DDT! COLE He brought him down! Blank is stunned, and crawls on all fours, searching for the spike that he dropped...but as he crawls to the feet of Zack Malibu, he sees that the spike is in the hands of the man who wishes him dead! COACH Aw snap, he's in for it now. Blank comes up on his knees, and puts his hands up, pleading with Zack not to do it...but mercy is not in Malibu's vocabulary as he takes Blank by the head and digs the sharp end of the spike into his forehead, slicing him open! COLE Never in my life have I felt an individual deserved to be victimized like this, but you've had it coming, Bruce Blank! F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!* F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!* F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!* F*CK HIM UP ZACK F*CK HIM UP!! *Clap!Clap!-Clap!* While people like Sly Sommers and Peter Knight are probably rolling their eyes as they watch on, the vast majority of the crowd inside the Dunkin' Donuts Center is egging Malibu on, motivating him to destroy the career of the man who has tried to destroy his life. After having his forehead carved like a Thanksgiving turkey, Blank pulls himself away from Malibu, nearly collapsing due to the wear and tear and excessive blood loss. Zack has other ideas though, as he stalks his rivals and pulls him up by his greasy, blood soaked hair and runs him towards the wall of the cage, sending him into it face first! Blank falls back, landing on one knee, and Zack hits the ropes, coming back and connecting with a basement dropkick to the chin of Bruce, dropping him on his back! Malibu then mounts Bruce's shoulders, still clutching the spike, and now looks to drive the proverbial stake through the heart of the vampire, as he inches the spike even closer to Bruce's eye! COACH I'd make a See No Evil joke here, but I don't think it's the time. Malibu brings the spike forward, aiming the pointed tip at Bruce’s right eye! Bruce is able to get a hand up at the last moment to block the attempted blinding and holds the spike off, his arm shaking as he musters all the strength he can. Malibu again uses the leverage advantage and leans forward, putting a lot of pressure on Bruce’s arm still trying to force the spike into Bruce’s eye! Out of sheer desperation, Blank rolls and throws Malibu off of him, the spike sent rolling across the canvas after the break. Malibu quickly gets on top again and this time starts using his fists to do the dirty work, being sure to never let up as the crowd roars with approval. Once again though, Blank shoves Zack off of him and then rolls onto all fours, and when Zack approaches again, he's rocked by a low blow! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Zack drops to his knees just as fast as his jaw dropped due to the impact of the shot! Bruce uses the ropes to pull himself up, and the various puddles of blood that dripped from the heads of both men have now made the normally clean ringmat nearly completely red! Zack pushes up to his feet, still aching and holding onto the "soft spot", and like a shark, Blank smells blood in the water. He moves towards Zack, rolling his fists menacingly, but as he get closer... ...ZACK BLASTS HIM WITH SCHOOL'S OUT... ...BUT BRUCE CATCHES HIS FOOT! COACH Aw, sh*t! COLE Zack was playing possum for a minute there, but he couldn't connect with his patented superkick! Blank laughs, and then uses Zack's leg to pull the prep closer, and snatches him by the throat, then lifts him and plants him with a chokeslam in one smooth motion! COLE He nearly drove him through the ring with that chokeslam! Malibu lay perfectly still on the canvas, and Blank, who rests on one knee besides him, lightly slaps his face, mocking his physical state. He stands over Zack and then starts fiddling with his belt buckle, unstrapping his leather belt from around his waist and folding , clutching the buckle end in his hand like a handle as he stars laying into Zack with whips with the strap! BRUCE BLANK SUCKS! BRUCE BLANK SUCKS! BRUCE BLANK SUCKS! The crowd does their best to distract the maniacal Southerner from his efforts, but Bruce doesn't let up, going so far as to tear the OAOAST T-shirt off of Zack, and then act like he's wiping his ass with it before resuming with the belt whips! COLE What a disgusting individual! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT! WE DIDN'T NEED THIS! The crowd continues to get on Blank's case, but they get fired up when Malibu starts pushing off the mat, up to all fours...and then gets dropped again by more whips! Malibu's cries are audible as the welts form on his back, turning his flesh bright red! He tries to crawl away, reaching for the ropes, the turnbuckles...ANYTHING really...but Blank grabs him by the ankle and drags him to center ring, where the whipping resumes! Malibu doesn't get up until Blank pulls him up, onto both of his knees...and then Bruce unravels the strap and WRAPS IT AROUND ZACK'S THROAT! COLE He's choking him out! He's choking him with that damn belt! "GIVE IT UP, BOY!" shouts Blank, looking more and more like he's attempting murder rather than trying to win a wrestling match. "YOU CAN'T BEAT ME, BOY! GIVE IT UP WHILE YOU CAN!" Nick Patrick, the look of concern on his face only rivaled by his scared reactions to what's gone on in this contest, leans in, checking to see if Malibu has had enough, and if he's willing to save himself by ending it right now. "Zack? Zack, what do you say, Zack?" "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnh..." Malibu tries to fight free, digging his fingers under the strap and tries to pull it off his throat. "NOOOOOO!" The crowd pops loudly, as Zack refuses...AND POWERS UP! Malibu pushes up to his feet, and twists his body to the side, nailing Bruce in the ribs with an elbow! Bruce hobbles back, but his grip on the belt loosens, and Malibu takes it...AND STARTS WHIPPING AWAY IN A FRENZY! COACH GET HIM ZACK! GET HIM! Blank tries to shield himself from the blows, but Zack is going postal, hitting shot after shot after shot! He corners Blank, and then wraps the belt around his fist, with the buckle covering his knuckles. Zack then stands up on the second rope and starts raining punches down on Blank, driving the belt buckle into his forehead with every blow! Blank's body goes limp as he slides down into a seated position, and Zack backs off, then charges forward, smashing Bruce's head against the middle turnbuckle with a hard running knee! COLE Did you see his head snap back!?! Malibu throws the belt down, fueled by fury and rage. "GET UP, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Blank is dazed in the corner, and barely moves, let alone respond. "GET UP! COME ON YOU BASTARD!" Malibu waits, but still, Bruce isn't going anywhere. Patrick goes over and asks if he's ready to give, but Bruce doesn't answer, or even acknowledge it! COACH He might be knocked out after that knee, Cole! Malibu, not wanting to wait any longer, comes towards the corner...but as he approaches, he catches a face full of white powder from Bruce Blank! COLE What the...he had powder in his hands the whole time! He suckered him in, and now Zack is blinded! Malibu can't see, and staggers back, trying to regain his vision. Blank reaches up and pulls himself up with the ropes, and when he stands he reaches into his pocket again. COACH What's he doin', Cole? COLE I shudder to think. He's...wait, now what's this? Blank pulls out something crumbled up, and unfolds it. COLE That's...that's a plastic bag?! What is he... Before Cole can ask the question, he gets the answer, as Bruce takes the plastic bag and PUTS IT OVER ZACK MALIBU'S HEAD! COLE MY GOD, NO! COACH HE'S GONNA KILL HIM, COLE! The crowd boos, but it's more subdued this time, as they're all in fear of what could happen! Bruce holds on tightly to the plastic handles of the bag, making sure that it's fitted tight and no air is getting in. Malibu is frantic, trying to do something to free himself, and Nick Patrick is probably wishing he was never given this assignment, as he's forced to watch Zack Malibu be put near death before his very eyes! With both hands pulling back behind Malibu’s head the air quickly leaves the white bag, much to the horror of everyone in the arena. Bruce loves every second of it, because not only does he inflict a lot of pain on Zack but he doesn’t have to exert a lot of energy doing it, the perfect move for him. MICHAEL COLE Zack is losing oxygen quickly, and there's not one person who can help him! We can't prevent this from happening! COACH He’ll have to get out of this himself, or it’s over! COME ON ZACK!! Malibu tries to tear the bag but every time his hands touch the plastic Blank rams a knee into his back preventing Malibu from breaking out of the airtight trap Bruce has caught him in. At one point Blank even gets so cocky that he uses one hand to hold the bag tight while raising the other hand in the air! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The referee looks on in agony as Malibu fades slowly, the horrible image of Malibu sucking the bag into his mouth will stay with most of the fans for a long time. COACH I… I’m tempted to say that Malibu should quit just to get out of here without permanent injuries. MICHAEL COLE Coach… He… I’m at a loss for words here. Bruce grins as Malibu sinks to his ass, hands down by his side - he’s only moments away from passing out...but NICK PATRICK HAS SEEN ENOUGH, and wraps his arms around Bruce's arm, prying him away from choking Malibu to death! COLE What the...NICK PATRICK IS PUTTING A STOP TO THIS! COACH Can he...can he do that!? Blank let's go, throwing Malibu to the mat, and as soon as he hits Zack rips the bag of his face, desperately gasping for air. Blank's focus is on Nick Patrick, who tells Blank "that's too much!" and stands by his decision to get involved. Bruce, however, is unimpressed with Patrick's mercy, and grabs him by the throat, and THROWS him backwards into the corner! Blank reaches down and picks the spike off the mat from earlier... ...AND NOW BRUCE BLANK IS CARVING REFEREE NICK PATRICK OPEN! COLE STOP IT! YOU'RE SICK, YOU HEAR ME! LEAVE HIM ALONE! Patrick screams loudly as his flesh is ripped open, while Blank loves every second of it. He then drops the referee to the canvas, watching as the blood pools under his head and stains the canvas. Proud of his actions, Blank turns around... ...CRACK~! AND IS MET WITH A HARD CHAIR SHOT TO THE SKULL! COLE COME ON ZACK! Malibu, visibly weak, is barely able to hold the chair up, but swings again, and a second hard shot teeters Bruce, but does not drop him yet! Bruce is dazed, and Malibu lifts the chair again...but when he lifts it just in front of his face, Blank drives a big boot into it, kicking the steel implement of destruction into the face of the OAOAST's poster boy! COLE DAMN IT! Blank shakes the cobwebs loose, and right now he's the only one standing, as both his rival AND the referee are out due to his bloodlust! COACH Cole, with Nick Patrick down...how are either of these guys gonna surrender? There's no one to ring the bell! COLE I don't know how much longer this can go on, Coach...I just don't know! Blank surveys the damage, and then looks up, staring up through the mesh roof and into the rafters above. COLE What's he looking at? Suddenly, a strand of rope comes through the mesh roof, and is lowered into Blank's grip, causing everyone to look up and see just what's going on. COACH What the...YO! That's Landon Maddix up there! COLE What the hell is he doing? What's the meaning of this!? Landon has lowered himself onto the roof of the cage, apparently having been hidden in the rafters this whole time! Bruce looks up and gives a "thumbs up" to the man who is MOST DEFINITELY NOT A WILDCARD, at least that's what he'll tell you. Maddix stands on the roof, making sure this rope is secure, while Blank takes it and WRAPS IT AROUND ZACK MALIBU'S THROAT!!!!! COLE What the...no...NO! STOP THIS! STOP IT DAMMIT! Blank looks up and gives the go-ahead signal, and Landon pulls on the rope, having it wrapped around a steel beam above the ring...and it's raising Malibu off the canvas! COACH They're...they're trying to hang him, Cole! Sure enough, Landon continues to pull tighter on the rope, and Malibu's feet come off the canvas! Once he's about a foot off the canvas, Landon secures the rope around the beam, and now Zack Malibu is kicking his legs, trying to free himself from the noose! COLE This is too much...THIS IS MURDER! Malibu is hanging, being strangled before our very eyes, with not even a referee to show mercy and help him! Screaming and crying, CANDIE comes out from the back, her makeup running due to the tears, as she runs towards the cage. COLE Candie! Candie, go to the back! Please, go to the back! Desperate to help the man she loves, Candie starts climbing the cage wall...AND BRUCE BLANK WHACKS HER FINGERS WITH HIS BELT, SENDING HER FALLING TO THE FLOOR! COACH No way, that ain't right! It's a melee now, as Calvin Szechstein, EvenflowDDT, and The Superstar all fight their way through the crowd, trying to rush the ring...but security won't let them! All three plead their case, trying to save Zack...but because they're in attendance as ticket buying fans and not contracted talent, security, no matter what the situation, won't let them budge! COLE LET THEM GO! FOR GOD'S SAKE, GET SOMEONE TO RELEASE THAT ROPE! ANGLESAULT comes charging out from the back, shoving security aside and getting into it with them. Bruce cackles and Landon smirks from his position atop the cage, as the whole arena, in Zack Malibu's hometown no less, is in chaos while he's being KILLED before our very eyes! COACH DO SOMETHING, SOMEONE! COLE He's turning blue...my God Coach he's turning blue! Zack fighting grows less and less, and he starts to go limp, as people desperately try to something to help the OAOAST's favorite son... ...AND THAT'S WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT! COLE What!? What's going on? COACH I got a feeling this is the last thing we need right now! Within seconds, the lights come back on, and never in your life have you heard a pop like this, as the Providence crowd leaps up and roars when CABOOSE APPEARS ON THE TOP OF THE CAGE! COLE IT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED, COACH! COACH CABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE! Maddix panics, and IMMEDIATELY gets cracked in the ribs with a cricket bat shot that causes him to flip over the bat and land on his back! Caboose doesn't bother to pay any more attention, having disposed of Bruce's sidekick, and he races to free Malibu, quickly snapping the rope free from the rafters, and causes Zack to fall to the canvas! COLE CABOOSE SAVED ZACK! WE HAVEN'T SEEN CABOOSE IN MONTHS, NOT SINCE BRUCE AND THE WILDCARDS TOOK HIM OUT! COACH Caboose always owed a lot to Zack for saving his career, and now that debt has been paid! Caboose just saved Zack Malibu, baby! Caboose stands watch atop the cage now, and Maddix has nowhere to go. Blank looks up, sneering "you son of a bitch" at Caboose, who looks down and points his cricket bat at the repulsive redneck, and then makes the cut throat motion. Moving on to Plan B, Bruce quickly picks up the steel chair, and starts bringing it down across Zack's back, beating his near lifeless body down with it! ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! COLE Listen to this crowd, these fans...GET UP ZACK! COACH He can't lose, Cole...after all this, he just can't! ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! Candie screams from ringside for Blank to stop, but he taunts her as he slams the chair down across Zack's back. "THIS IS YOUR MAN!?" WHACK~! "THIS IS YOUR HERO!?" WHACK~!? "HE AIN'T NOTHIN'!" Candie pleads for him to stop, having seen enough. Her pleas are heard from her cries, and as Anglesault tries to lure her away from the cage, she pushes away from him, screaming for Zack. "Zack, PLEASE!" Blank walks over to the side of the cage, and again picks up the spike off the mat. With the blood stained implement in his hands, Bruce states that "I'm gonna cut his god damn heart out!" to Candie, who panics even more...although SOMEONE is slowly rising to their feet. COLE Look at this...LOOK AT THIS... Blank turns around, and when he does, he's SHOCKED, as the fans roar. Covered in blood, having cheated death... ...ZACK MALIBU IS ON HIS FEET! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Malibu immediately hits a running kick to the nuts, staggering Blank! He fires off right hands, and then whips Blank to the ropes, picking up the spike in the process...AND NAILS HIM WITH A FLYING FOREARM, JABBING THE SPIKE INTO HIS HEAD! Malibu rolls to his feet, and now picks up the belt once again, and starts whipping away in a frenzy, never letting up! COLE TAKE IT TO HIM, ZACK! MAKE HIM PAY! Zack picks Blank up, and hurls him into the corner. After Blank collides, Zack comes and wraps the belt around the turnbuckle hook, putting both of Bruce's hands behind him, and fastens the belt around them before tightening it, using it as a makeshift set of handcuffs! COACH He's got Blank tied up! Blank struggles, and can't move, as his hands are trapped behind him! Malibu goes and retrieves the chair, and hie picks it up, moving towards Blank to lay waist to him...but Bruce kicks Zack in the stomach, then kicks both of his legs off the mat and kicks the chair into Malibu's face! COLE Son of a...! Zack's weak, we knows he's weak, but he can't let Bruce Blank get the better of him. Blank twists and wriggles, and finally winds up snapping belt buckle from the belt itself, freeing himself from Zack's trap. Noticing Zack trying to get up, Blank hits a soccer style kick to his ribcage, doubling him over, before he again reaches into his pocket. COLE What the hell's he got...IS THAT A LIGHTER!? To answer Cole's question, it is indeed a lighter, as Blank shows it to the crowd by taking Malibu's OAOAST shirt and SETS FIRE TO IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! COACH Aw damn...DAMN! COLE Get up Zack, come on, please! Candie shrieks, which is music to Bruce's ears as he approaches Malibu, who is groggy on the mat... ...AND WHO COMES UP WITH A SCHOOL'S OUT OUT OF NOWHERE, DROPPING BRUCE BLANK LIKE A GUNSHOT~! COLE SCHOOL'S OUT! SCHOOL'S OUT! Malibu quickly crawls for the lighter, as Blank checks to see if his jaw is still in place. Zack can barely move, having exhausted what little energy he had on that superkick, and he and Blank come up to their feet together... FWOOSH~! ...AND ZACK THROWS A FIREBALL INTO THE FACE OF BRUCE BLANK~! "YEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" Blank screams the loudest anyone's ever heard, as he's met with scorching hot fire, right in the face! Blank goes into shock, kicking his legs and flailing his arms, patting his face and screaming even louder as the flesh melts! Malibu goes over and grabs the now-frantic monster and takes him by the head, leading him towards the wall of the cage... ...AND STARTS RAKING HIS BURNING FLESH ON THE WALL OF THE CAGE~!? COACH Oh man, oh MAN! "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Malibu takes it to him, not letting up, as Bruce's blackened flesh starts peeling off, the cage digging through the tender skin and cutting down to bone! "AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHH!" With Nick Patrick down, Anglesault races around to the side of the cage, looking in at the action. "What do you say, Bruce?! Do you give!?" "NNNNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!" "Come on Bruce, what's it gonna be, yes or no?!" "GAAAAAAH...SONOFAAAAAAAAA...AAAAARGH!" Malibu plants his foot in the back of Bruce's head, forcing his face against the mesh so hard that it leaves an imprint on his singed skin! "IIIII...I SURR...I SURRENDER!" "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!" The crowd goes CRAZY, as Malibu falls back to the canvas out of sheer exhaustion, and the bell is called for by Anglesault, marking the end of one of the OAOAST's most brutal encounters. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of Survive Or Surrender...ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLIBUUUUUUU! Anglesault quickly calls for the cage to be risen, and Caboose scales the wall of the cage, down to the aisleway, leaving Landon Maddix laid out up top. Once the cage is up, Anglesault, Candie, Calvin Szechstein, Evenflow, Supes, Scotty Static and Johnny Jax rush the ring, checking on Malibu, while EMT's rush out for Blank, Malibu, AND poor Nick Patrick. COLE HE DID IT! ZACK MALIBU SURVIVED, and BRUCE BLANK'S CAREER IS OVER! Candie embraces her bloody boyfriend, holding him tight, while Zack tells her "it's over". Evenflow, Anglesault, Supes, Caboose, and the GPX all watch on as the happy couple share a moment. Zack then turns around and comes face to face with Caboose, and says two simple words that mean more than anything. "Thank you." The friends embrace, and it's a "group hug" type of atmosphere, as the Providence crowd gives Zack a standing ovation for enduring the most torture he ever has. COACH Bruce Blank is no more! Get him the hell out of here! EMT's load Bruce, still groaning in agony on a stretcher, while in the ring, Anglesault takes the lighter and pulls something out of the inside of his suit jacket. COLE What the...what's that? AS sets fire to the papers, and as they burn, he throws them at Bruce Blank, who is defenseless on the stretcher. COACH I think...that was his contract, dawg! Blank, furious, tries to fight off the EMT's, and it's taking a good four of them to hold him down. Noticing this, Static and Jax exit the ring and tell the EMT's to clear the way, as THEY start wheeling Bruce around ringside. They wheel him over to his truck, and both of them look at each other like they have something in store...as they each take an end and lift Bruce off the stretcher...AND TOSS HIM INTO THE BACK OF THE TRUCK~! COLE Look at this! Static climbs up onto the roof of the truck, while Jax jumps in and starts the truck up, and Malibu's theme music now fades out, as Static claps and leads the crowd in a chant. "NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HEY HEY HEY GOOD-BYE!" "NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HEY HEY HEY GOOD-BYE!" Jax revs the engine, and then backs the truck up the aisleway, with Bruce Blank bruised, bloody, and burned in the back, helpless to what's going on. COLE They're taking him out of here! GOOD RIDDANCE! COACH See ya, and wouldn't wanna be ya, Brucie! Once again, "Getting Away With Murder" hits, and the crowd cheers wildly still, as Malibu is helped from the ring and brought to the back for treatment. He looks around at his fans, all of them applauding his efforts, and he takes relief in knowing that finally, the war that began due to his actions nearly a year ago, is now over.
  17. Zack Malibu


    COLE We've seen the chronicles of the HI-GATE Brave Cup Championship here on HeldDOWN~! over the last few months, with some spectacular bouts every time it's featured. Recently, there's been a controversy in the Orient, as Sly Sommers hasn't been defending the belt. HI-GATE officials have demanded that he defend it this Friday night at Budokan Hall. However, Sly held a press conference today in Tokyo to discuss this matter, and another subject came up. Due to the content, we feel the need to show the footage to you, the fans. (Cut to a room with a big crowd of Japanese media in it. The flashbulbs go off as Sly enters the room in a black and white suit, with an entourage following him. He stands at the podium in the middle, displaying his belt on the podium in front of him.) SLY First off, I'd like to thank the press for coming to this event here today. I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm here today, the day before my huge bout against Dark Predator for my Brave Cup Championship. I was urged by the HI-GATE promotion to make this defense, or else they'd take the championship from me. I worked so very hard for that belt, as you all saw the match with Ultra Shago that I won this belt during. That match was one of the most grueling of my career. I'm prouder of that match than almost any other bout I've fought in my career. That pride seeps out of me every time I look down at this belt...but I have to give it up. (gasps can be heard throughout the media) SLY You see, as much as I love this belt, I have another engagement that's more important to me that laps over the defense, as I have to get on a plane to Providence, Rhode Island. No, it's not to wrestle...(pulls something out of his pocket)...but I bought this-here front row ticket to see something I've been waiting to see for YEARS happen. At the OAOAST's Anglepalooza event, Bruce Blank will be fighting Zack Malibu in a match where the loser must retire! Anyone who knows my history knows that I was brought into this sport by that piece of garbage Zack Malibu. He did everything in his power to make sure I never became anything because of petty personal vendettas. I might have moved on with my career, but every time I lace up my boots, I remember every insult he hurled at me, every attempt at personal injury he sent my way, every roadblock he put in front of me. Every time I see him, it KILLS me inside that I was unable to end his career when I had my chance. (Sly grabs the belt and hands it to a HI-GATE official) SLY I'm sorry, but you can have this back, as great of an honor as it is to hold it. This Sunday night, I know, with every ounce of blood that pumps through my heart, that Bruce Blank will leave you bloodied! He will leave you bruised! He will not leave a centimeter of your body unached! But, most of all, when that bell rings and your hand is raised, the immense physical pain that you will be left to deal with will not begin to match the incredible emotional destruction that Bruce will leave you under! I hate you more than anything on this planet Zack, but I know that a heart of a wrestler beats inside of you. Everyone knows that wrestlers die two deaths, one of which is when we're physically buried six feet other. But the other one, and essentially the more important, is when a wrestler is told he can't go anymore, that he can't wrestle. Zack, on Sunday night, I NEED to be there to see your heart stop and to see you die! I need to see the look on your face personally, for when you come to and you're told that you're no longer allowed to wrestle, that single moment will make every slap to my face, every kick to my balls, EVERY BAG THAT I CARRIED....worth it. Sunday night...the OAOAST's ANGLEPALOOZA! Bruce Blank, finish Malibu off! All further questioning can be done after I get back on Monday afternoon. Thank you all for coming. (Sly walks off quickly, to a storm of inquiring reporters)
  18. Zack Malibu

    Question for HD this week.

    I'm wondering what two guys I can use in the guise of a match, but it's just a set-up for Todd Cortez to run in and explain a storyline purpose for him to set him on a new path. Anybody in particular that I could use? I wanted to ask first so that I don't pull anyone at random and ruin any possible/future plans for any of you. Thanks, Zack
  19. COLE We're just days away from Anglepalooza 2007, the first pay per view event of the year for the OAOAST, and what a way to kick off 2007. 30 men will enter the ring Sunday night, and only one will walk away from the Lethal Rumble with a guaranteed World Title shot at Anglemania VI! COACH True 'dat, Cole! Whoever wins heads on down the road to the big one, and is gonna hook it up with Drek Stone, or maybe even someone else by the time 'Mania rolls around! COLE The Lethal Rumble is an OAOAST tradition, but all eyes are on the Survive Or Surrender match this Sunday. Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank will be enclosed in a steel cage with no chance of interference, and no escape until one of those men gives up his career by surrendering to his rival. It was the most brutal war of 2006, and has spilled over to...hang on...what's this about now? Cole's referring to the appearance of Anglesault at ringside, and the crowd pops at the sight of the OAOAST's owner. Anglesault, looking positively dapper in his business suit, approaches Michael Buffer for the microphone, and then gets into the ring. Cutting right to the chase, Anglesault takes the mic, and let's us know what he's doing out here. ANGLESAULT Zack, for weeks now, I've tried to get you to change your mind. I've tried reasoning with you, I've even begged you, Zack. As a friend, I don't want you risking your career against that psychopath Blank. I know you want revenge. I'd like nothing more than for you to get it. These people, your fans Zack, want you to get revenge...and no one, not one person in this arena tonight wants to see you risking your career for BRUCE BLANK. I'm asking you again, Zack, and I know you can hear me back there...BACK OUT. Don't go into that cage this Sunday, Zack. Don't put your career, your LIFE, on the line! You're giving Blank just what he wants! He KNOWS you're backed into a corner now, and he's pulling your strings by attacking your pride. It's all a game to him, Zack. He's in your head, and he's making you act irrationally... Anglesault goes to continue, but pauses, as the crowd rises to their feet upon the arrival of ZACK MALIBU~!, who is heading down the aisle. COLE Here comes Zack! COACH Maybe for the last time on HeldDOWN~! too, Mikey Cole. COLE Good job, Coach. Put us on a down note now. Malibu rolls into the ring, and immediately snatches the mic from Anglesault, looking a little frustrated tonight. MALIBU What don't you understand, 'Sault? There is no way in hell I'm backing out of that match. There is no way in hell I'm not going to step into that ring, and let that cage come down over Blank and I, and settle the score once and for all. Now, I'm not saying I don't appreciate the concern of the fans, or you, or anyone else, but this is something I HAVE TO DO. Anglesault, still trying to reason with his friend, leans in towards the mic. ANGLESAULT Zack, listen... MALIBU No, YOU LISTEN! You have no idea what it's like to live with this burden. It's MY fault that The Wildcards are here, and it's going to be me who ends this whole thing. Leon Rodez is in the hospital because of ME, not you. My family...my BABY DAUGHTER...got brought into this, and that's all my fault. Candie, she had to look that monster in the eye, she was frozen in terror, and you think that I'm going to let it slide? Do you think I CAN let it slide? NO. If Survive Or Surrender is what it takes...if risking my career is what it takes, then that's MY cross to bear, and the chance that I have to take. I AM THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO END THIS, and if I can't...if I can't do it on Sunday, then maybe I am better off dead. Zack burns a hole through AS with his stare, and throws the microphone down. Anglesault tries to reason with Zack, but Zack nudges his arm away as he turns around, and simply exits the ring. The tension is thick inside the arena, and whether you call him proud or stubborn, Malibu is intent on going through with the match this coming Sunday. He heads up the aisleway, but as he's walking, a voice is heard in the arena. "Wait, Zack. Please." The voice belongs to a female, and a moment later, CANDIE steps through the curtain, greeted by an enormous pop! COLE Candie's here! Zack Malibu's girlfriend, the mother of little baby Jenna Malibu, is back on HeldDOWN~! Zack gives her a "what are you doing here" look, as he's taken off guard by the appearance of his significant other. CANDIE Zack, please. I know you think you need to do this. I know that you think that you let us down, that you let me and Jenna down, but you didn't. You don't have to do the match on Sunday, Zack. I don't want you to do the match on Sunday. Zack, now speechless, tries to argue his point, but Candie stops him. CANDIE Stop it, just stop it, okay!? I know you love this business, Zack, and it's killing me to think that you're risking your life in it, because of me and your daughter! Do you realize the position that puts me in, Zack? Do you realize how that makes me feel? I love you, and your daughter loves you. I know you love us both. So please, do not go into that match on Sunday, for all of our sakes, because win or lose, Zack, you're not going to be the same. Blank wants to hurt you, he wants to TORTURE you, and do you think I want to see him do that to you? Do you think that it's been easy on me this past year, watching you try to be the hero for everyone, and wind up bleeding, and aching? Do you think I like seeing you sore, laying in bed, when you're able to be home with me and the baby? This war doesn't have to end in the ring, Zack. It doesn't have to end with you hurting again. It's not your fault that Bruce Blank did what he did. It's not your fault that Leon got hurt. The people who commited those acts...Bruce, Todd Cortez...THEY need to assume the responsibility for them, NOT you. Please...stop running yourself down. Forget about the Survive Or Surrender match. Come home to me and the baby, Zack. Just come home. Candie's emotional plea breaks Malibu down, as his lip is quivering. The fans can see that it's getting to Zack, and Anglesault hasn't moved from the ring, watching on along with the capacity crowd. Zack asks for the mic, and Candie hands it over, again asking him "Please", in reference to his determination to finish off Bruce Blank once and for all. ZACK Candie, I love you more than anything. I love our daughter more than anything, even my career. But I HAVE to do this. I have to. Candie sighs, and tears start to fall from her eyes, and she starts saying the word "no" over and over again. ZACK Baby...baby I have to. I'll be home when it's over, I promise. I promise you, I'm coming home. Zack hugs his girlfriend tighly, her tears soaking the shoulder of his shirt. He puts an arm around her and leads her to the back, and when the two disappear behind the curtain, fans can only wonder if Zack will be going home voluntarily, or via forced retirement. BREAK.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Question for HD this week.

    Since I didn't get around to it last week, are there two guys (prefereably two who are not going to be in the Rumble) that I can have Cortez attack this week?
  21. Zack Malibu

    WWE Fantasy: Season 9

    A day late, but I'm back in the league again, this time under the name Torn Quad Kids.
  22. Zack Malibu

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    Seth Skyfire is one guy I truly hope winds up in TNA. He was the one of the best workers in OVW period, and did everything he could to get noticed (including going through the semi-mandatory haircut and makeover) and never got close.
  23. Zack Malibu

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    Re: The Bashams. I strongly recommend you people check out the Damaja (Danny) vs. The Machine (Doug) feud from OVW in 2003. The blowoff match to that feud is one of OVW's greatest matches, and a great match (****, maybe ***3/4 if you're picky) overall. Not anything you'd expect from two guys who came off as incredibly vanilla during their major run.
  24. Zack Malibu

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    Scorpio was last seen doing the house show tour about a month ago in cruiserweight(!) matches. Re: the post earlier about money spent on contracts, etc...Heidenreich said something in his shoot about how guys will get fired, only to get rehired not much later, so that WWE can take them at a lower price. He said he had talked to another former WWE star at an indie show (I'm led to believe he's referring to Albert) and that talent mentioned how he was approached with a smaller deal not long after he was let go (although Albert's doing well for himself in Japan).
  25. Zack Malibu

    The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

    Apparently Heyman has a deal that calls for either side to end it at any time. He's probably holding out to make sure he's got something to do before bailing out of it. Terkay wasn't given the Brody gimmick because that was also the gimmick of Freakin' Deacon, aka Fake Kane. Deacon was supposed to get shifted to Smackdown under that gimmick after the failure of the Kane angle, so two guys on the same roster imitating the same character wouldn't work. Sadly though, the poor guy went from being groomed for Undertaker to shipped off to ECW to the unemployment line. I gather he'd be one of the few that TNA might have some interest in, since they could surely use some big men who can go. Tony Mamaluke's been there before, but I think he'll stick to mostly indies/ROH. This could be a HUGE break for the Bashams though, as if they wind up anywhere notable, they can get back to being the characters that got them over and noticed in the first place...not the lame ass S&M brothers gimmick they were stuck with.