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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Question for HD this week.

    I'm looking for at least two guys to get laid out, one by the Riot Act Plus.
  2. Zack Malibu

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    The jobs he did as Berlyn to what was viewed as secondary talent happened before Russo took the book. When Russo took the book, that's when the decision to focus more on The Wall as the "star" of that whole package took place.
  3. Zack Malibu

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/15/2007

    I honestly thought that last night they were going to debut Daniel Rodimer in his next-gen Diesel role, just as a babyface, to save/help Shawn. After the finish to RAW, I'm guessing his debut as the enforcer for Rated RKO will still happen, since the two of them couldn't handle Shawn on their own.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Impact Spoilers

    From the WO spoilers, regarding the "anger management coach" promo: Tomko said there would be some changes coming, maybe even in Mike Tenay and Don West’s chairs. I take this as a potential Heyman arrival/involvement.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Impact Spoilers

    The longtime Spanish announcer whom sided with LAX upon the introduction of the gimmick. Konnan often sat at the Spanish announce table with him and called the action, and IIRC Moody Jack did the introductions for LAX on a few eps of Impact.
  6. Zack Malibu

    Eddie Murphy

    I wouldn't call Bowfinger an "Eddie Murphy Movie". That was more of the Martin/Murphy pairing...or if you want to count Baranski, Graham, etc. maybe an ensemble cast? My main point of adding to this thread is to state that Metro is an awesome movie. It's one of my favorite movies, period.
  7. Zack Malibu

    TNA Has Been Better With Russo

    That's something I'll definitely agree with, as it pertains to the whole "booking on speed" aspect of things. Take Heyman's booking of Sabu/Taz from November to Remember 1995 until Barely Legal in early '97 as an example. Heyman built that match up for a full year, and they went that long without even so much as a pull apart brawl. You could have easily had Angle challenge Joe or vice versa upon Angle's arrival, but stretch it out. Plant a seed of doubt in the audience's head. Make them really want to see if Angle could take TNA's biggest star, or if Joe was on Angle's level. I'm not saying stretch it out that long, but hell, even if you had waited a few months before the tension was too much and they were at each others throats in storyline, it would have served a better purpose than to throw a legit "dream match" on PPV THREE MONTHS IN A ROW.
  8. Zack Malibu

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/15/2007

    Doane is Kenny's legit real name. Apparently in the meeting to rechristen him something other than Kenny, that name was never even discussed. Keep in mind he had worn his trademark "KD" tights on the RAW where he was still simply just Kenny.
  9. Zack Malibu

    PlayStation 3

    Target had three PS3's just sitting there last night. Still no luck on the Wii front around here though.
  10. Zack Malibu

    TNA Has Been Better With Russo

    One of Russo's best traits is also one of his flaws as a booker...he does try to do something for everyone, but has no idea how to pace himself in doing so. He's been told he writes too much as it is, and when you have an hour of TV and a roster of 40, you're not going to be able to get all your stories across. They need to focus on a core of talent (Angle, Joe, LAX, Abyss, Sting, Christian, Daniels, AJ, Rhino...I'm not saying ignore the undercard but let's face it, no one's buying a PPV for Jay Lethal or Chase Stevens, or even someone like Eric Young who is legit over). Focus on the people who can/could actually pop a rating/buyrate for you. Establish those scenarios first and foremost. Worry about secondary feuds like Bobby Roode/Eric Young, etc. after the fact. I give the man credit for at least having his heart in the right place and wanting to utilize talent, unlike WWE who has gone so far as to piss on the legacy of their own title belts (tag team division, cruiserweights I'm looking at you), but he books on speed, and that's not going to help anyone.
  11. Zack Malibu

    AnglePalooza booking

    Put Faqu in there for good measure. I haven't used him in ages, but he is the reigning HI-YAH champ, so that should earn him a spot.
  12. Zack Malibu

    The next classic thread...

    Some people have complained about the "quality" of the threads in this folder. So now, by lowering our standards and our expectations, maybe we'll surprise ourselves. Or not. But at least it'll be fun for more than a few of us. Let the randomness commence.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Hulk Hogan leaks list of 2007 WWE Hall of Fame candidates

    The Von Erichs are likely candidates, given that the WWE is currently working on the "Famous Families" DVD, as well as their own version of "Heroes of World Class". As a longtime WCCW fan, that's what I'm pulling for as far as a major induction. Steamboat likely can't/won't be put in because they can't use the name Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat at this time, thanks to a wacky divorce settlement that gave Bonnie Steamboat the rights to that trademark. I'd imagine McMahon will eventually pay her off for it.
  14. Zack Malibu

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    He still got pushed beyond the Roma deal, but he didn't get a fair shake as Berlyn.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu schtuff for HD.

    After his encounter earlier with his arch-rival, Zack Malibu appears to be a bit on edge...more than ever. As he walks down the hallway of the arena, passing other roster members, he suddenly hears a familiar voice shouting to him. "Yo, Zack. Malibu!" Zack turns, and within seconds, he's approached by the three Hooligans; Scotty Static, Johnny Jax, and Jamie O'Hara, with his ever present forty ounce of beer stuck in his hand. "What's up guys?" "Look man," begins Static, the longtime spokesman for the trio. "I ain't gonna pretend to know what it's like to be goin' through what you are. We've been through this one with you for a while now, but there ain't no denyin' you've gotten the worst of all this Wildcard business. Fact is, no matter what anyone's tellin' you...about showin' up in the SWF last night, or about puttin' it all on the line to get Blank back in the ring, we got your back." "It's appreciated. Just think, if it wasn't for you three, we might not be having this conversation right now." All four share a quick chuckle, with Jamie O'Hara toasting to it before chugging a good quarter of the bottle in one fell swoop. "The past is the past, Malibu." chimes in Johnny Jax. "In this business, if we didn't cross paths at least once, it would've been a friggin' miracle. We might've drawn you out with the whole Upstarts thing, but we always respected you. That's why you were a target at first...everyone respects you, and to get over on Zack Malibu woulda meant a hell of a lot for us. You earned our respect though, Zack. You put up a hell of a fight, and like Scotty said, whatever you gotta do to settle this once and for all with Blank and The Wildcards, us Hooligans ain't too far behind, ya dig?" Malibu, touched by the sentiment by the three who don't often show it, gives daps to his three allies before turning and heading on his way. The camera closes in on the three streetwise stars, who despite their respect for Malibu, have a bit of doubt apparent in their facial features.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu schtuff for HD.

    "Where is he? WHERE IS HE?" Backstage, Bruce Blank walks IN ANGER~!, searching for an answer...although no one's quite sure exactly who he means. Without getting an answer, Blank bursts through the door marked "Anglesault", likely the makeshift office within the arena for the OAOAST's proud owner. Blank comes in, and before Anglesault can get off the phone, Blank brings his trusty barbed wire bat down onto Anglesault's desk, causing the former World Champion to instinctively roll back in his chair. "Let me call you back." Anglesault gets off the phone, fuming, and stands up from his seat. "I know you're not one for manners, Blank, but what the hell do you think you're doing?" "What do I think I'M doing? Looky here boy, I know you and Zack are tight. I know that you and this little operation you got here want nothing more than to protect your investment. I know you HATE what I have done to Zack Malibu, and what I've forced him to do. I've backed you and your company against the wall, because you and I both no that Malibu's life, and the lifespan of this company, are in MY hands now." "Cut the theatrics, Bla-" "I wanna know why the hell YOU signed off on this deal he's made! I wanna know why Zack Malibu, the OAOAST poster boy, the guy who stated with the world as his witness that he was going to walk away from the wrestling business if he can't beat me come Anglepalooza, is wrestling for the SWF." Anglesault snarls. He's likely not happy about it either. "Look Blank, you need to-" "You need to listen to what I have to say." Both stop, and Blank turns around, smirking as in the doorway stands ZACK MALIBU. "I figured that you'd have questions, so I've got some answers. Yeah, you saw me on the SWF last night, that wasn't your eyes playing tricks on you. And yeah, I did vow to walk away from this business if you can beat me at Anglepalooza. My deal with the SWF isn't a backup plan of any sort. I signed off on going there as Calvin Szechstein's partner one, to help out a friend, and two, to make amends for the ill-fated arrangement that brought you here. I'm a man of my word on all counts, Blank, so I'm making good with the SWF while I can. I know Anglesault, and other friends of mine, are critical. I know some people think that I've turned my back on the company. I know that some think that I don't think I can take you in that Survive Or Surrender match. All I'm doing is picking up the pieces of a world you shattered. Anglesault, I told you before I signed my name to that contract, when I sat in your office, that nothing...NOTHING would distract me from this company..." "...you're not long for this company anyways, boy." "I'm glad you're confident, Blank, because you're gonna need that boost. The only way you're walking out of that cage at Anglepalooza is over my dead body, so you either show up with a body bag to slip me into once we're done, or you don't bother showing up at all." Blank leans in, fuming, steam shooting from his nostrils. Malibu doesn't give, and stares right back, never even blinking. "All right...ALL RIGHT, both of you, get the hell out of here now." "You ain't gotta ask twice, boss." quips Blank, as he turns and tips his hat in the direction of the Company Owner. He turns and glares at Malibu one last time before exiting, and turning down the hall. "Zack," asks Anglesault. "I hope you know what you're doing. The Survive Or Surrender match, cutting a deal with the SWF...even you might not be able to walk away from all this." "I guess we'll find out soon enough." says Zack, as he does walk away, heading out of Anglesault's office, and closing the door behind him.
  17. Zack Malibu

    let's reminisce about Bolo Yeung

    Can't forget the Tiger Claws movies either. Direct to video karate movies just ain't what they used to be.
  18. Zack Malibu

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I also liked Alex Wright. I was intrigued by the rumors of a heel turn to join a new version of the Horsemen in '95 (the formation of which wound up being the Flair/Arn/Pillman/Benoit grouping). IIRC he was also rumored to be a part of Pillman's rogues once he and Benoit turned on Flair and Arn. Flair loved Wright, so was wanting to push him big-time.
  19. Zack Malibu

    AnglePalooza booking

    All three Hooligans, and Todd Cortez are available for the Rumble.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Segment for HD.

    PK, if you can, put this after the normal banter/show intro. COLE One of the most shocking developments at Mainframe Monday did not stem from any of the matches we saw. We had heard last week on HeldDOWN~! that Zack Malibu had something that Bruce Blank wanted, and was going to offer it to him at Mainframe Monday. What Zack Malibu did was ask Blank for a last chance at defeating him, something that Blank has done twice in one on one competition. In order to get that chance, Zack Malibu is risking his career, his life in wrestling as we know it, to take on Bruce Blank in one of the most brutal matches the OAOAST has ever seen...Survive Or Surrender. COACH We only saw it once though, yo. COLE True, Coach...and the one time we did see it, Malibu was on the losing end! But Zack has had enough, and emotions have boiled over since Blank and The Wildcards made their debut last spring. Zack wants the chance to finish this war off once and for all without any outside forces interfering. He wants Blank to himself, and just like Blank humiliated Zack by beating him in the Respect Match several weeks ago, Zack wants to be the first man in history to make the sadistic redneck say "I Quit". COACH It's a tough task for any man, even my man Zack, but...yo, boss man on the way! The crowd pops loudly, as OAOAST Company Owner ANGLESAULT~! comes down the aisle and circles ringside, coming over to the commentary station! The man in charge grabs the mic, and looks none too happy tonight. ANGLESAULT Cole, Coach, excuse me, but before we kick this show off, I've got something to say. Anglesault, still holding the mic, climbs up into the ring, that way he can make his address. ANGLESAULT I'll try not to hold the show up for long, but Cole and Coach were touching on something in the commentary that's been on my mind since this past Monday, and surely it's been on the mind of each and every one of you. In case you missed Mainframe Monday, Zack Malibu has challenged Bruce Blank for a match that will take place at Anglepalooza. The match is called Survive Or Surrender, in which a steel cage, complete with roof and minus a door, is lowered over the ring and connected to the ring apron. The idea behind it is that the structure will keep interfering parties out of the contest, leaving whoever is inside to have to go it alone. Now that's fine. If Zack felt that this is what his vendetta has come down to, then more power to him. But he took it one step further, and now the match not only has that stipulation, but the added bonus of being a Career vs. Career match, because Zack Malibu has vowed that if he cannot defeat Bruce Blank this time around, he will walk away from the wrestling business. Zack, I can't pretend to know what you're going through, or the hate you feel for that man. I can guess, but I don't know for sure. As a friend though, I'm asking you...do NOT go through with this! COLE Wow! COACH Anglesault don't wanna see Zack go! ANGLESAULT Zack, I'm not doubting you, so don't get me wrong. It's just that, when I walked away from this company...at times cursing it's name and wondering what the hell I had gotten into...I knew it was in good hands with you. When the torch was passed at Anglemania 2 four years ago, you didn't just become the World Champion, you became the flag bearer for this company. I might have put the money into it, I might be the guy behind the desk, but Zack Malibu is not lying when he claims this as HIS company, because it is, and rightfully so. He has done more for this company, even more than what you people have seen from him these last five years, than you'll ever know. Whether you love him or hate him, you have to respect him for that, and that is something that I don't want this company to lose! There will never be another Zack Malibu, he truly is one of a kind, and so I'm swallowing my pride by doing this, Zack, but I'm begging you...don't go through with this match. Your pride can take the hit. Forget about Bruce Blank and playing into his games. Aim for the Lethal Rumble. Aim for Anglemania. Aim for Drek Stone and all he's done to corrupt the legacy of that championship...do ANYTHING but go into that Survive Or Surrender match. I don't want to see you go, and these people don't want to see you go! I came back to SAVE your career, to save you from a forced retirement, and I don't want to see you on the verge of disappearing from the OAOAST for the second time in six months. Think about it, Zack. Think about it. Anglesault humbly exits the ring, and hands the microphone back to Michael Buffer, and then heads up the aisleway, letting us get back on track for the evening. COLE An unexpected arrival from the company owner to kick things off tonight...and he's pleading for Zack Malibu to back out of the Survive Or Surrender match at Angleslam! COACH You know Zack ain't gonna do that. He's waited long enough for a chance to take Blank out once and for all, and he ain't passin' it up just because someone asked him nicely. COLE Anglesault did share the sentiments of many of us. Zack Malibu has done more for this company in its entire existence than anyone ever has! To risk losing him would be a major blow to us as we enter out fifth year of business. COACH We ain't lost him yet, Cole. Gotta have faith, playa. COLE I suppose time will tell, Coach. If Zack does stay true to his word and go through with it, than Anglepalooza is going to be judgment day for either he or Bruce Blank.
  21. Zack Malibu

    Fox Cancels "The O.C."

    The first season was a really good blend of comedy and drama, and had the interesting backstory to introduce everyone. Season 2 was the stinker season, with lame characters (DJ the Yard Guy) and stupid storylines (Sandy's old flame, Lindsay falling for Ryan and discovering she's Caleb's illegitimate daughter). At least it ended well with the "Killing Trey" cliffhanger. Last season was certainly more interesting than the second, but honestly this season currently is the second best, trailing only the first one. I highly doubt it'll be picked up by a rival network, but I'll cross my fingers. I never got into One Tree Hill.
  22. Zack Malibu

    Modding EWC

    Also, should we demod Eski? He's been pretty inactive for a while now (though he did warn us ahead of time).
  23. Zack Malibu

    Modding EWC

    It's fine by me. I also gave Patty his mod spot back, simply for editing purposes, occasional contributions, and state of emergency posting duties.
  24. Zack Malibu

    SmackDown Spoilers

    I'm guessing that "logically" since London and Kendrick are both tag team champions, that's their placement in the Sprint. I can also see King Booker and Helms being touted as "Former World Champion" vs. "Longest Reigning Champion" on Smackdown. So while they're face/face-heel/heel, there is a semblance of reason to them.
  25. Zack Malibu

    1/4 HD Booking Thread

    KingPK typically posts HeldDOWN~! these days, so segments can be sent his way.