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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    CZW Shockwave Results

    Zandig won the belt? So I'm guessing the big win for Mondo is pretty much cemented as a no-go, eh?
  2. Zack Malibu

    the jericho/trish angle

    Benoit doesn't have enough charisma to be champ? Charisma is more than cutting a promo, and while he might not have MIC SKILLS of a Rock or Austin, the man has enough of an in-ring presence that just earlier this year, he earned himself a standing ovation along with Kurt Angle at the Royal Rumble. Also, Brock is a monster. Benoit is a badass. There is a difference. If they pushed Benoit as the guy who CAN Cripple you at will, then I'm pretty sure he'd be just as big a heel as the "Manster" or whatever lameass name they dub Brock this week.
  3. Zack Malibu

    World Without End thread

    My match, Dam's promo and Sturgis' promo are all in the Production folder. Caboose, I covered that Moysey promo, so everything is all set.
  4. Zack Malibu

    What new TV shows are you digging?

    Skin is going to move to Wed. with O.C.? Awesome, now I'll be able to tape it. I missed the first ep, but I'll just tape it in reruns later on. BTW, hype for The O.C. is EVERYWHERE. Between all the ads during the World Series, I'm always hearing radio ads, and saw a long preview commercial for it on VH1. I can't wait for this Wednesday.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 10/23/03

    A little early feedback before my actual post on it... GREAT. FUCKING. SHOW. Major thanks to all involved in the Title Wave match, I think we stole the show and you should all be proud. Also happy to see the newcomers getting involved so fast. Congrats to Dam, Sturgis and Papacita for fitting in so nicely. For those unfamiliar, here's how we rate: ::TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTION... THIS IS CABOOSE! TAKING OVER THIS THREAD! Rate in the old 1-10 way or I will hunt you down and kill you! ...::THE PRECEDING ANNOUNCEMENT WAS PAID FOR BY CABOOSE::
  6. Zack Malibu

    announced type match thingy

    The thought crossed my mind yesterday, and I think I've realized who Hart's mystery man could be... Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart JJ's always insulting Bret, Neidhart is much more notable than freakin' Meng or Kamala, and (I'm not trying to make this sound like a bad move on TNA's part, so don't get wrong), but with Stu Hart's passing fresh in everyone's mind, I could see them go the whole "inspirational" route with Neidhart heading into the match. Haven't seen Neidhart wrestle in a long time, but it could be a passable contest if they go the brawling/street fight route.
  7. Zack Malibu

    The New Me's Blog

    Dear Diary, The fact that New Me had a boner on the same night he mentioned his mother in law staying at his house worries me. Unless she is of MILF capactity, ensure me that he will instead get zooted out of his mind and be bonerless in her presence. Watching out for his buddy, Zack
  8. Zack Malibu

    Halloween halloween halloween

    Do you go to your dentists for a haircut?
  9. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 10/23/03

    This new ratings system (which admittedly, I am not a huge fan of either) will appear for the first and last time in this very thread. From now on, feedback will not be the poll, but it will have you state your rating (like what Rags did above) and then you'll tell us why you gave it that. As for not giving you credit, you did several sequences, and while you didn't get to write as much as you wanted to, you still wrote. So you're credited.
  10. Zack Malibu

    Name change

    ::Goes to work on turning chave into "Swirly McFartSuck"::
  11. Zack Malibu

    Name change

    All set, Mr. Coffey...er, no pun intended.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Matches That Never Happened Vol I

    All right, that cinches it. I'm officially disturbed by this hazing bull.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 10/23/03

    I miss it too, heh. And whether it was commentary or action, you did more than your share and deserve equal credit. Bask in your glory!
  14. Zack Malibu

    HeldDOWN Roster

    Added AJ Flaire to the active roster, and Charlie Hoss to the non-poster character roster.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Name change

    Hey, I try.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 10/23/03

    Here I am. He meant good ones. Not the kind that could get beaten out by The Mullets.
  17. Zack Malibu

    Name change

    Done and done.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Name Change

    Are you asking, or suggesting that for someone?
  19. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 10/23/03

    For any further rating, do not worry about the Realism category. It's been decided that we really shouldn't have that as a factor in the ratings system. So since IZ already used it this week, we'll be fair and use it this week only. After today, it's a moot point, so do not worry about it. Thank you.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 10/23/03

    Curse you and your favoritism for the "script format" style of commentary. Nitpicker . I can see where you're coming from though. Personally, it doesn't matter to me how the commentary looks since I read the show through twice (once when I format, once after I post it, and that means I read it at LEAST two times) but I know how some people find your way (aka the PPV way) easier to read. Onto the next portion that I quoted from you, thanks for the compliments on the match. The match was a combo of a few of us thinking of something original to do, and Northstar once said to me he had the idea of the heel champions pairing up on an episode. Between his suggestion and my wheels turning, we came up with Title Wave. I think it was a success, and I'm going to incorporate it as a HeldDOWN~! creation, busted out a few times a year, a la the Elimination Chamber on the RAW brand.
  21. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed 10/23/03

    Zack Malibu Ratings-O-Rama 1)Entertainment-5 all the way. I was really pleased with the efforts of the newbies, as well as everyone doing their part to further their feuds, and make the Title Wave match mean something in the grand scheme of things. If this were on TV, I'd have taped it and snapped that little tab off the tape to make sure it never got erased. 2)Writing-4, for it being above average, but not perfect. This is just because we have some newcomers trying to adjust to our style, and they're unsure how to format/space things out. It's not really a problem per say, as I do my best to edit things out while formatting before the show goes up, but there are some instances where we could have used more description of atmosphere, etc. 3)Presentation-5. We only had three matchups, but given the length of Title Wave and the fact that six stars were involved in it, that was fine for this show. Excellent skits to build to that match (Calvin/Crystal, the prematch promo's and the CWM confrontation with Moysey). AJ Flaire's character got off to a great start after being cheap-shotted by Sly Somers, Brock Ausstin made a big return, and we had several debuts including an opening segment that kicked off Damaramu's angle with a bang. So you had an intro/attack to hype the crowd up, nice continuity from last week with Axel choosing Panther's opponent, buildup to their match at the PPV, Brock Ausstin's return, AJ's intro segment to cement him as a face, a strong debut match...phew, I'm out of breath from rambling. I think everything hit home. 4)Realism-this is the rating I hate, because honestly, look at what it says: "Did the fans react the way you wanted them to?"...OF COURSE THEY DID, WE WRITE OUT OWN SEGMENTS? That said, as far as "realism" goes, I'd give this a 4, simply because let's face it, it's fantasy. Who looks for realism in fantasy. If we want highspots galore, go for it. You write what you want to write, and I can honestly say that no one here has a self-serving agenda. Sly wrote his match with AJ, and put him over like a million bucks. Panther still looked strong against Brock Ausstin, and that was Brock coming back after a long hiatus against a newcomer. Title Wave had numerous near falls, close calls, and train wrecks, but that's a way of life when it comes to a match of that caliber. Again, I'm not one in favor of a "realism" category, but what we did was above expectation. The show was one of our best efforts to date, and a milestone in the show's run. I'd give it a thumbs up over last week's, simply because the effort was there from everyone. Northstar, Ragdoll and myself worked our asses off on Title Wave, and then you've got guys like Sturgis who haven't been here a week, and they're sending in promo's right off the bat. I was really glad to see that kind of motivation. So... E5, W4, P5, R4 + 1 (X Factor)=Overall rating of 19 from myself.
  22. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/23/03

    PROPS: Damaramu Sly Sturgis Axel Brock Rags Northstar Cal Zack
  23. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/23/03

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! OFFICIAL PREVIEW Tonight, the HeldDOWN~! brand looks to make wrestling history yet again. From the promotion who has brought you the X Division, Glass Tables Matches, and epic Iron Man encounters comes a match with huge ramifications for those involved. Tonight, OAOAST HeldDOWN~! presents... Three champions. Three contenders. On one side of the ring are the current champions as recognized by HeldDOWN~! 24/7 Champion Northstar X Champion Ragdoll OAOAST World Champion Calvin Szechstein The three men will form a (hopefully) cohesive unit tonight, as each one is putting their title on the line. The match, scheduled as one fall to a finish, could cost one man his championship gold. The opponents? Zack Malibu, Mad Matt, and the Number One Contender to the OAOAST Heavyweight Title, Crystal~! With World Without End just mere days away, this match could shake up the foundation of the company. What happens if Calvin drops the World Title days before Crystal's shot? Could Mad Matt claim X Division glory before entering a brutal barbed wire match this Sunday? Or will the championship alliance maintain an edge over their challengers, and watch each other's backs to ensure that they leave the building with their gold firmly intact? ALSO EXPECTED TONIGHT: Newcomer Panther made an impact last week by challenging and defeating Totally Endorsed member Axel. The Dark One is none too pleased about tasting defeat, and rumors are circulating that he has more in store for the rookie tonight on HeldDOWN~! Several debuts are expected tonight as well, showcasing some new faces on HeldDOWN~! that are looking to establish themselves on the OAOAST's premier brand. Those expected to be in attendance are The Mighty Damaramu, Ryan Smith, and the surly Sturgis. Plus all your HeldDOWN~! favorites, and much more action in store, coming to you live and in just a short time, only on OAOAST HeldDOWN~!
  24. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/23/03

    *The ring bell sounds, signalling to everyone in the arena that it is now time for the main event* Michael Cole: "Coach, I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t have goose bumps, right now." Coach: "You’re not the only one dude! I think everyone here in the arena and everyone at home is eagerly anticipating the first ever OAOAST title wave match. Knowing the six competitors in the match, I have feeling this could be the greatest OAOAST match ever." Cole: "That’s a bold prediction, Coach." Coach: "I’m a bold man." The lights are dimmed, with a lone spotlight shining in the ring. A familiar looking man enters the ring, clad in an expensive tuxedo. Fans deliver an ovation for the famous face, HeldDOWN~!'s new announcer... MICHAEL BUFFER~! The ringbell sounds, as a signal to quiet the crowd down, as introductions are about to get underway for the participants in the first ever OAOAST Title Wave match! MB:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event for the evening, and is a first for the OAOAST. The contest will be contested under six man tag team rules, one fall to a finish, with only one stipulation, that being if any of the champions involved in the match are pinned, they will lose their title!" Fans cheer, and some chant "Title Wave", knowing they are about to witness history. MB:"Are you ready?" Fans unanimously shout "YES!" MB:"ARE YOU READY?" Even louder response from the fans. MB:"Then, coming to you from The Pond in Anaheim, CA, being broadcast live nationwide, those in attendance and those watching at home, it's time for the TITLE WAVE~!" "Just A Girl" by No Doubt starts, and the fans pop HUGE. Crystal comes jogging out of the back, checking out her many fans in attendance. Signs are held up with everything from "Crystal Rules" to marriage proposals written on them, and Crystal points a few out on her way to the ring. She slides in under the bottom rope and then climbs up on one of the turnbuckles, raising her arms up and looking out into the sea of fans. Coach: "Hot damn! Hot damn! Did you know I payed to have the entire Crystal fan club flown into watch this match?" Cole: "Are you the president?" Coach: "No, I’m only vice president. Some fat bitch from Lexington beat me in the election. She doesn’t even have the Crystal action figure with rapid fire motion!" Crystal's theme fades out, and is replaced with "Higher", the theme of Mad Matt. The man who has fought so hard to try and obtain the X Title comes out, a determined look on his face. Tonight he's got a chance not only to capture the gold he's wanted for so long, but to possibly capture one of the other prestigious OAOAST Championships. Matt comes down to the ring at a slow pace, stopping to slap a few fans hands, but otherwise staying in his "zone". Matt steps into the ring and nods at Crystal, then looks out, as fans give him a great ovation as well. Cole: I firmly believe that this is Mad Matt’s time to shine. For so long he’s busted his BUTT to win a title and each time he’s come up short. Well, folks I don’t think that’ll happen tonight. I think we’ll see Mad Matt walk out with a title around his waist. "Higher" gets lower and lower, and suddenly all the lights in the arena shut down. Fans are unable to see for a few moments, until the AngleTron video that is all too familiar plays, illuminating the arena... After it's mellow intro, the chorus of "Bring Me To Life" hits, drawing out Zack Malibu and his valet, Candie. The duo is greeted by a huge crowd pop, as they come out looking as psyched as ever, and work their magic on the crowd. Zack is no stranger to gold, and looks focused despite his hyperactive entrance, as this will be his first chance at regaining the gold he lost this past August. Coach: "What can we say about Zack Malibu that hasn’t already been said? A former world champion who never takes a night off. He never gives up and he never does things half assed." Cole: "Unfortunately for Zack, he’s had run ins with just about everyone on the opposing team. They all know him pretty well, especially Northstar. Don’t be surprised if Zack ends up taking the pin fall, tonight." Zack and Candie hit the ring, and huddle up with Crystal and Mad Matt. The three competitors and their cornerperson strategize, and the sounds of Stacie Orrico's "More To Life" emit from the speakers in the arena. Flanked by Alix Spezia, his main Acolyte, is the 24/7 Champion, Northstar. The fans shower him in jeers, but he's oblivious to them, as he comes down the aisle with his arms outstretched and spins around, as if to bask in the hatred the fans have for him. Northstar comes up the ring steps and eyes the opposing team, as he's had run in's with most of them in the past. Cole: "The 24/7 champion. Northstar. Say what you want about his snobby attitude but you can’t question his in ring abilites. Over the past three months, he’s beaten Spider Poet, Tim Moysey, CWM and Anglesault. That’s a who’s who list of OAOAST superstars." Coach: "Here’s a fun fact. Northstar and Crystal have never been in the same ring with each other." Cole: "Yet another factor we can add in to this OAOAST milestone!" Before Northstar can enter, the sound of "VIVA LAS VEGAS" booms over the PA, and fades into "Deceptacon". Strutting out from the back, with a cig in his mouth and a title over his shoulder, is the current OAOAST X Champion, Ragdoll. Ragdoll takes a final puff of his cig, and then walks over near the rail and flicks it at a fan, nearly catching them in the face. Never flinching, he continues on his path to the ring, his Ragettes Josie and Melanie right behind him, taunting fans on their way. Coach: "Look at the babes he’s got! If I all of sudden turned on you and beat you could I get the type of poon he’s hooking up with?" Cole: "Doubtful. In truth I don’t think Ragdoll’s focus is on his “poon”. Right now he’s probably wondering how he got himself into this mess and what can he do to get out of it." Ragdoll gets to ringside and removes his sunglasses, pacing ringside and looking in at his opponents, then quickly turning away. You can tell by body language that the X Champion doesn't like this predicament, and calls Northstar over so that they can begin planning out ways to walk out with their championships intact. Over the sound system, a countdown begins, counting down from 3...2...1... "I'm The Bomb!" Waiting a few seconds into his song to step out onto the ramp, but then emerging with a sinister, sneaky looking grin, is the current OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Calvin Szechstein! Looking out at the crowd, Calvin parades the stage with the World Title slung over his shoulder, clad in the NEW Totally Endorsed Hockey Jersey (now available at the NEW OAOAST Shop-Stop). The World Champion takes his trek to the ring slowly as well, as his two partners stand at ringside, looking on as he comes down to them. Coach: "Shiiiiit! I gotta me one of those Totally Endorsed Hockey jerseys." Cole: "The world champion is here and all you can focus on is some stupid Hockey Jersey?" Coach: "He’s not my champion! Crystal is. And either tonight or Sunday, she’ll be your champion also." Cole: "Hey, I sure hope so. I’m getting a little sick of this corporate sellout walking around with the title." Calvin steps up on the apron after exchanging pleasantries with his teammates, and raises the title belt up high. Calvin steps into the ring, followed by his cohorts for this evening, and we have a three on three stare down, with each team giving the other the eye from their positions in the ring. MB:"Ladies and gentlemen, before we introduce the participants, I have been told by order of HeldDOWN~! General Manager Tim Moysey, to prevent any outside forces from having an impact on this match, that Alix Spezia, Josie, Melanie, and Candie must all leave ringside!" Coach: "No Ragpoon? No Alix? I’m going home!" Cole: "Thank god!" Josie and Melanie pitch a fit, while Ragdoll nearly throws his title out to the crowd in disgust. Northstar confronts BUFFER about this. Candie simply gives Zack quick kiss on the cheek for luck and heads out, followed reluctantly by the other girls. MB:"And now, to introduce the participants. First, after making his debut in a tremendous tag team contest earlier this year, he has proven his determination to the HeldDOWN~! brand. In several days he will recieve a shot at his arch-rival in a one on one setting, but tonight, could emerge victorious in the Title Wave matchup. He is MAD MATT~!" The crowd cheers loudly, as Matt stretches in the corner. MB:"His partner, she is of strong heart and will, determined to prove she belongs in what is considered by many to be a "man's world". Her determination has won her legions of fans both male and female alike, and has gotten her the Number One Contendership to the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title. She is HeldDOWN~!'s Female Phenom, she is...CRYSTAL~!" Another huge response, and Crystal raises her arms up, then points out to the fans that are rooting for her. MB:"Finally, the third member of the team. He has been through some of the most violent, most historic matches in OAOAST history. His championship win this past year at AngleMania 2, and a subsequent defense against the former Shattered Dreams have won him Match of the Year praise. Tonight will be his first chance to attempt to regain the World Championship he lost this past summer. He is known as the Franchise of the OAOAST...ZACK MALIBU~!" Huge cheer for the ex-champ, as he steps towards the ropes and props up on them, hollering out to his supporters. MB:"Now, introducing their opponents, making up the alliance of champions, all of whom are defending their titles tonight. First, he debuted on HeldDOWN~! as the third member of the Dream Machines, soon breaking out on his own. After proving himself against those who said he was all style and no substance, he went on to nearly capture the OAOAST Title, defeating Zack Malibu 6 times in one night during an Iron Man matchup. After that, he went on to capture 24/7 gold, and has defended it against nearly everyone on the HeldDOWN~! roster as of today. The current 24/7 Champion, at one point known as Shattered Dreams, but you know him now and forever as NORTHSTAR~!" Many, many jeers for the flamboyant one, as he raises his belt up and points to himself, as if he needs to remind the people that he holds that belt. MB:"His partner is one of HeldDOWN~!'s breakout stars of 2003. After debuting at the side of his brother, K-Money, he became a bitter, vicious competitor, blowing through anyone in his way, including his own family. After retiring his flesh and blood, he has kept an iron grip on the X Division Title. Ladies and gentlemen...RAGDOLL~!" Rags smirks, and slowly raises his belt up in gloating fashion. He then looks at Mad Matt and flips him off, saying that it's something he'll never have. MB:"Last, but certainly not least, the final member of the championship team. He has had the support not of the fans, but of the various corporations that he was able to gain support from. He has been called names ranging from a shameless shill to a corporate leech, but after this past August the only thing he deserves to be called is champion. After nearly seeing his Totally Endorsed empire crumble, he rose up like the phoenix, and took the World Title from Zack Malibu in a brutal ladder match at AngleSlam, and has since then been the man known worldwide as the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion...ladies and gentlemen... THIS...IS...CALVIN.....SZECHSTEIN~!" Calvin throws the belt up with one hand, as everyone in attendance shows their loathing for him. Like his two partners before him, Calvin hands the belt over to the referee, who signals that it, just like the 24/7 Title and X Title, is on the line. MB:"Ladies and gentlemen, these are your competitors, this is the Title Wave matchup, and we are now...READY...TO...RUMMMMMBBLLLLLLLLE~!" Cole: "Real quick, who’s going to win?" Coach: "Uh, Calvin over Zack. No wait, Calvin over Mad Matt. Um, hold on..." Cole: "Never mind." The bell sounds for the match to get underway, and Buffer exits the ring, as the fans are waiting on this with great anticipation. Both teams determine who's going to start off, as Ragdoll is heard telling Northstar and Calvin that he's "got this". They step out onto the apron, and Ragdoll turns to see the other team trying to decide who's going in first, since that one person could wind up winning a belt in quick fashion, leaving the others empty handed. Coach: "This isn’t a democracy! Just attack someone!" Cole: "Preferably you." Spying that Ragdoll wants to start things out, Mad Matt tells Crystal and Zack that he wants in. Zack and Crystal both oblige, and the first two men in the match are the two who know each other quite well. Matt comes to the center of the ring and calls Ragdoll on, and Ragdoll scowls at his rival, looks ready for a lockup, and...turns and tags Northstar! Even the 24/7 Champion is shocked, but Ragdoll doesn't even offer an explanation, he just gets onto the apron as Northstar enters the ring. Coach: "Maybe Ragdoll should’ve taken this chance to soften up Mad Matt before thier big PPV match." Cole: "Why do it yourself when you can get the perfectly capable 24/7 champion to do it for you?" Northstar tries to figure out what's going on, and Ragdoll points him in the direction of Mad Matt. Northstar turns around, and immediately Matt goes on the assault, staggering him with right hands. Matt sends Northstar in, but it's countered by the 24/7 titleholder, and Matt bounces off the ropes. Northstar ducks for a back bodydrop, but Matt floats over his back. He spins Northstar around and then leaps up, swinging across his shoulder with a crucifix for the first pin attempt in the match...and it barely gets one, as Northstar quickly kicks out! Both men get to their feet, and Matt uses an open hand palm strike across Northstar's chest, the sound of his palm cracking on Northstar's chest echoing through the arena. He grabs Northstar in a headlock, keeping a firm grip, until Northstar is able to slip out. Matt turns to him, but gets taken over with a fireman's carry, and then Northstar applies a headlock of his own. Matt fights up to his feet, then fires off an elbow to the bread basket...then another...and a third breaks the headlock. He grabs Northstar's arm and sends him to the ropes, then catches him coming off with a back elbow that sends him to the mat. Mad Matt runs the ropes, hopping over Northstar's body and running to the other side. Northstar gets up and puts his head down again, and this time Matt grabs him in a facelock and hooks him for a suplex, but Northstar blocks the try. Northstar tries a suplex of his own, and gets Matt up, but Matt falls behind him, and immediately goes for a waistlock, pushing Northstar to the ropes, and going for a rollup. Northstar clutches the top rope however, sending Matt rolling backwards. Matt rolls to his feet and charges Northstar, who ducks down and pulls down the top rope, sending Matt spilling to the outside...but landing on the apron! Quickly, Matt springboards up and off the top rope, nailing Northstar in the back of the head with a springboard missle dropkick! Matt covers, hooking the leg, and just barely gets a two count, as Northstar is quick to get his shoulder up! Coach: "Does any one ever listen to me? It’s pointless to try and pin Northstar early in the match! He’s got such a high endurance level that he always kicks out and gets right back on his feet." Northstar recovers, and now he and Mad Matt and Northstar slowly circle each other before locking up in a quick collar-and-elbow, which Northstar gets the advantage of, putting Matt into a side headlock. Mad Matt struggles to get free, but Northstar has the side headlock locked on tight. Matt tries to push Northstar away, but NS keeps the headlock on tight. Once again, Matt tries to push away, but to no avail. NS chuckles as Matt stops pushing…CRASH!! Northstar grabs the back of his head as the fans erupt! Mad Matt just delivered a HUGE back drop suplex, and floats over with a pin attempt, again barely hearing the ref's hand slap the mat twice, nevermind three times. Coach: "I’m about to get into the ring and smack some sense into that boy!" Cole: "You won’t either." Matt gets up from the pin attempt, and goes to pull Northstar up, but gets taken over with a monkey flip. Northstar kips up and does a little dance, then charges at Matt with a lariat, which is ducked, but when Matt spins Northstar around, the flamboyant one sticks a finger in his eye, blinding him. With Matt stunned by the move, Northstar hops up on the second rope and jumps off with a flipping neckbreaker (Buff Blockbuster) that snaps Matt to the canvas. Northstar prances around a bit, and shakes his ass at Crystal and Zack, before turning back to Matt and laying some stomps in. Northstar picks him up, and hits another neckbreaker, this time a Hangman's variation, and goes for a cover on the X Division upstart...only getting a two count! Cole: "Did we really need Northstar to shake his ass?" Coach: "It’s a nice ass. If I had an ass like his, you can bet I’d be shaking that money maker!" Matt quickly picks up NS and pulls him into his team's corner, where Zack Malibu is tagged in. Zack slowly picks NS up…WHACK!! The fans "Whoooo" as Northstar clutches his chest, courtesy of a vicious Zack Malibu chop…WHACK!! Another lights up Northstar's chest. Causing the 24/7 Champion to scream in pain…WHACK!!! The third chops causes Northstar to crumble to the mat. Zack smiles wide at the fans…before tagging in Crystal! Crystal hops into the ring, and quickly starts putting the boots to NS, who tries to cover up his chest and face with his forearms. After about four good stomps, Crystal quickly picks Northstar up into a standing position…AND GETS A THUMB TO THE EYE FOR HER EFFORTS! The fans boo as Northstar stumbles over towards his corner…BUT GETS STOPPED MID-RING BY MAD MATT! Matt turns Northstar around and tries for a DDT, but Northstar reaches down, lifting him by the legs and slamming him with a standing spinebuster, then holding onto the legs, and delievers a boot to the midsection, taking the wind out of Mad Matt. Coach: "I think it’s time for Northstar to make the tag." Northstar picks Matt up and holds him in a facelock, pulling him towards the corner and tagging in...Calvin Szechstein, as Ragdoll holds his hands up to say he doesn't want in, despite Matt's current condition. Calvin comes in and the duo hit a double team Russian Legsweep on Matt, again jarring his head on the canvas. Calvin picks him up and then snapmares him over, then grabs him in a chinlock (no doubt taught to him by Northstar, who does it best) and tries to wear down the rookie. Cole: "Calvin’s borrowing one of Northstar’s favorite moves. I wonder if he’s got it sponsored?" Coach: "Who the hell would sponsor a chinlock?" Cole: "Same people who sponsored WWE Unforgiven." Coach: "Ouch." Matt does his best to fight through it, as his team rallies him on from there corner. He manages to stand up, but Calvin slams him to the mat head first to stop any potential tags from happening. Calvin then bounces off the ropes and uses a fistdrop, but misses, as Matt rolls out of the way just in the nick of time! Calvin shakes his hand and sneers in pain, as Matt starts crawling for the corner. Calvin grabs one of his feet in order to prevent him from making the tag, but Matt jumps up and kicks back, getting Calvin off of him. Calvin is only slightly phased, but Matt scrambles quickly to the corner and makes the tag...TO ZACK! Cole: "Here comes the Z Bomb! The corporate shill is about to get what he deserves." Malibu slingshots himself in over the top rope, and Calvin starts begging off immediately. This is the first meeting of the two in the ring since Zack dropped his title to the Totally Endorsed lynchpin, and you can rest assured that that match has been on Zack's mind every day since. Calvin backs up, raising his hands in truce, and then extending his hand to Zack as a sign of...friendship? Zack looks around, then like a bolt of lightning slaps Cal's hand away and UNLOADS on him with punches and chops that send Calvin staggering back into the corner! Zack works him over, but in doing so doesn't notice Calvin slip his hand out to Ragdoll, making a tag that the referee did in fact see. Zack pulls Calvin up and sends him to the other corner, then CRUSHES him with a running splash that slumps him against the turnbuckles. Zack pulls him up, oblivious to the ref's pleas to stop (since he's not the legal man), but Zack starts firing off a traditional ten punch countalong in the corner until the referee finally is able to pry him away from Calvin...and Zack falls right into the waiting arms of Ragdoll, who NAILS him with a release German Suplex! Ragdoll helps the breathless Calvin out of the corner, and on his way back to the apron he kicks Zack in the head for good measure, as the World Champion was in no mood to hang with the man he beat for that title. Cole: "Oh come on! Look at that cheap shot. Now that you don’t have to fight him, you sure are willing to hit Zack, aren’t you Calvin? What a punk." Coach: "I won’t dispute that Cal might be a punk but the guy who just tagged out gets between five and twenty seconds to stay in the ring." Cole: "Says who?" Coach: "WWF No Mercy for N64." Ragdoll sends Zack into the ropes, and catches him coming off with a sideslam that Zack counters by spinning out and taking Ragdoll to the mat with a headscissors! Zack follows up with a lariat, but it's ducked, and Ragdoll reaches back and pulls Zack down with a backslide...Two Count Only! Zack floats over to his feet and gets Ragdoll as he's recovering, hooking both arms, and carrying him over with a butterfly suplex. Zack then sits Ragdoll up, and pulls back on both of his arms with a stump puller submission, causing the X Division cornerstone to howl in pain. Ragdoll gets to his feet, with Zack now holding him in a double chickenwing type hold, but spins towards his foe and uses a double leg takedown on him, then flips over into a bridge...only a two count on Zack, who rolls over and manages to get Ragdoll in a standing headscissor as he's getting up...powerbomb attempt, BLOCKED WITH A RANA...COUNTERED WITH A ROLLUP BY ZACK MALIBU! ONE...TWO...RAGDOLL KICKS OUT! Both men make it to their feet and Ragdoll marches up in Zack's face, then BITCHSLAPS the taste out of his mouth, angered that he's being shown up here tonight. Zack rears back, rubbing his cheek that was reddened by the blow, and nails a slap of his own, knocking the cocky smirk off Ragdoll's face! The two men then lock horns in the middle of the ring, each one trying to push the other back a few steps. Ragdoll goes to work on the arm quickly, using an arm wringer, and Zack reels for a minute before being able to counter with an arm wringer of his own! Ragdoll paces himself, then flips forward, landing on his feet in order to flip out of the hold, but before he can Zack kicks his legs out from under him, and then sits out with his legs locked around Ragdoll's arm. Rags is screaming, not liking the position he was put in at all, but manages to grab the bottom rope to break.. Cole: "I’ll tell you what, I thought that match could’ve been over. Coach: Why didn’t one of Ragdolls teammates come in to break the hold?" Cole: "Probably because they’d rather see Ragdoll lose his title then them." Zack backs off, and Ragdoll lets out a sigh of relief before getting to a standing position and charging at Zack, getting pulled back to the mat with a crossface style takedown! Before Zack can do any more damage to the arm, Ragdoll slips out from under his grip, and pulls Zack up with a waistlock, however Zack fires an elbow back, and counters into a waistlock of his own. He reaches down and grabs both of Ragdoll's legs, pulling him over with a wheelbarrow suplex...COUNTERED IN MID MOVE BY RAGDOLL WITH A BULLDOG! Ragdoll rolls Zack over, and hooks his leg...BUT IT'S ONLY FOR TWO! Crowd: Let’s go Zack! Let’s go Zack! Let’s go Zack! Coach: "How come they never chant lets go Coach?" Ragdoll pulls Zack up off the mat, and then brings him towards his corner, where he violently throws him into it. Ragdoll makes the tag to Northstar, who is all too familiar with Zack himself. They perch Zack up on the top rope, and then each one stands on the middle rope (on either side), and they each hook one of Zack's arms, hiptossing him from the top rope down to the mat! Ragdoll gets down, but Northstar goes up to the top rope, and nails a PERFECT flying elbow smash, one that would make the Macho Man jealous, right into the chest of Zack Malibu. He lays across Zack for the cover, but doesn't hook the leg, figuring he's finished...and he's wrong, as Zack is able to get a shoulder up! Cole: "Once again, Northstar’s arrogance has cost him a pinfall. Is that much of weakness to hook the leg?" Growing agitated, Northstar scoops Zack up, and then slams him to the canvas, then points to the turnbuckles. The crowd boos his taunts, as he goes to the corner where Crystal and Mad Matt stand, hoping that Zack can make a tag to one of them. He taps Mad Matt on the cheek with a pat and draws his ire, enough for Matt to try and enter. With the ref having to hold Matt back, Calvin sneaks in and hits a running knee drop into Zack's chest, making sure that he stay on the mat. Seeing this however, Crystal has a plan of her own, and when Northstar climbs the ropes and makes kissy faces at her, she reaches up and slaps him! Stunned, Northstar hops down to the mat and confronts the Female Phenom. He reaches out and grabs her by the hair, shouting down at her, and he gets spit at, square in the face for his troubles! Northstar starts wiping his pretty lil' face off, disgusted by the move, and stumbles around right into a ROARING ELBOW~!, hit out of desperation by Zack! Moving on all fours, Zack makes his corner, reaching out to the closest of the two hands...CRYSTAL! Coach: "OH YEAH!! I live for moments like this! Go get him girl!" Crystal immediately climbs the ropes, waiting for Northstar to stand up. His mind foggy, he looks around for his opponent, thinking Zack is still legal, and turns around right into a flying bodypress from the top rope by the former 24/7 Champion! Crystal hooks the leg, but gets shoved off of Northstar before the three count! She gets to her feet first, and meets Northstar with a kick to the gut, then forearm shots to the side of his face, dazing him. She tries for an Irish Whip, but Northstar counters and hip tosses her over, however Crystal lands on her feet and hip tosses him across the ring! Northstar again scurries for his corner, and tags in the eager Ragdoll, while Calvin keeps an eye on his World Without End opponent from the apron. Cole: "Darn. I wanted to see Crystal pound on Northstar some more." Ragdoll steps in, calm, cool and collective. He waves Crystal on and she comes charging, but he sidsteps her, making her run the ropes. Crystal comes off the ropes with a rana, but Ragdoll blocks, shoving her off of him so that she flips over. Crystal lands on her feet like a cat, but gets kicked in the bread basket and set up for a power bomb. Ragdoll lifts her up onto his shoulders, but before she can be driven down, she starts firing off right hands to stun him, then flips over his back with a sunset flip, however she stands up...AND LOCKS RAGDOLL IN THE CRYSTALLING~! SHE'S GOT IT LOCKED IN THE CENTER OF THE RING! Coach: "If what you said is correct, Northstar and Calvin are going to let Ragdoll fend this off for himself. TAP OUT RAG DOLL! DO IT NOW!" Cole: "Calm down." Ragdoll is trying to reach the ropes, but nothing doing. Crystal leans back, adding more pressure to the move, when Calvin starts to creep into the ring. Zack sees this and comes running, but gets cut off by the referee, who urges him back. With Zack providing an involuntary distraction, Calvin sneaks back in and pries Crystal off of Ragdoll, and SPIKES her head into the mat with an elevated DDT. Calvin quickly slides out to ringside, turning to the fans to make it seem as if he hopped off the apron to jaw with them, as the referee doesn't know any better. Ragdoll crawls over, putting an arm over Crystal's body, as the referee begins the count... One... Two... Th...NO! MAD MATT COMES IN AND PULLS RAGDOLL OFF OF THE PIN! Coach: "Thata boy Matt! Your getting a Christmas card from me!" Crystal rolls to the side of the ring, holding her head in pain, while Matt stands above Ragdoll. The referee tries urging Matt out of the ring, but when Ragdoll stands up, he shoves the referee aside, and gets right up in Matt's face. The two bitter rivals are nose to nose, with the referee coming in again and trying to seperate them, since Matt is not the legal man. Matt steps back to the apron, not taking his eye of Ragdoll, who has made the mistake of taking his eye off Crystal. He turns around, and she jumps at him with a jump swinging DDT...NO! Ragdoll tosses Crystal off...RIGHT INTO THE REF! The collision is not that bad, as Crystal and the official are only stunned. As Crystal is getting up, Ragdoll rushes across the ring...DEVIL DOLL...TO THE REFEREE~! CRYSTAL MOVED, AND THE OFFICIAL CAUGHT THE DEVIL DOLL IN THE HEAD~! Crowd: Bullllllshit. Bullllllshit. Ragdoll looks down at the official, leaving Crystal time to head for her corner and make the tag to...MATT~! Mad Matt hops up to the top turnbuckle and comes leaping off with a flying rana that sends Ragdoll across the ring. Ragdoll backs up and begs for mercy, but Matt will have none of it! He gives chase, and Ragdoll slides out under the bottom rope, and before Matt can get him, he gets caught with a springboard clothesline from Northstar! Northstar starts putting the boots to Matt, then pries him up, locking him in a bearhug at first, but then lifting him up and tucking his head, drilling him into the mat with a Cradle DDT~! Northstar stands up to flaunt what he's done, but Zack rushes in and NAILS him with a Yakuza Kick! Malibu mounts his shoulders and starts punching away, until he's grabbed by the hair by Calvin, who lfts him up on his shoulders and spikes him with a death valley driver, known as the Sony DVD! Calvin gloats, but then turns right into Crystal, who kicks him in the gut and then grabs him in a headlock, runs the ropes, kicks off, and drops him with a Stratus-style bulldog! She sets Calvin up and goes for her double jump moonsault, the Diamond In The Rough, but as she does Ragdoll sneaks back in and shoves her over the ropes and to the floor, where she lands with a horrible THUD~! The X Champion does a little strut on the apron, before stepping back into the ring, amidst all the fallen bodies. He goes and stands over Mad Matt, rolling him onto his back and lightly slapping his face, taunting his foe. Suddenly, like a horror movie monster, Matt recovers, grabbing Ragdoll's hand, as he's finally gotten ahold of him! Ragdoll begs off, but Matt backs him into the corner, and GOES OFF on Ragdoll, with punches, chops and kicks, all catching Ragdoll with full power behind them. Matt grabs Ragdoll by the hair, and pulls him away from the corner, then let's go and runs up to the top turnbuckle, then dives off, turning sideways in midair and kicking Ragdoll in the back of the head with the QUICK RESPONSE~! Rags crumbles to the mat, and Mad Matt covers for the pin, but there is still no referee! Calvin gets up, and goes to break up the pin, but Zack is up behind him, spinning him arond...POP DROP~! POP DROP ON THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION~! PIN, but there is still no referee! Now Northstar gets up, shaking the cobwebs out of his head, and goes to break up the pin attempts...AND IS SPEARED OUT OF HIS BOOTS BY CRYSTAL~! Northstar clutches his ribs, laying on the mat, and Crystal grabs his legs...THE CRYSTALLING~! THE CHAMPIONS ARE ALL IN DANGER~! Cole: "Folks we’ve got pandemonium right here in Anaheim! A Quick response, followed by a Pop drop, followed by a Crystalling! My head’s about to explode! And so is my bladder. I’ve got to pee!" The fans are going NUTS~!, as the babyface trio are standing firm, keeping their pin attempts in hopes the referee will get up. The ref, in a daze and no longer knowing who is legal, wakes up, and sees Calvin being pinned by Zack! Zack nods his head, urging the referee on...here comes the count! ONE! TWO!! TH...SHOULDER UP! SHOULDER UP BY THE CHAMPION! Crowd: Twwwwoooooo. The referee stands up, but turns around and sees Mad Matt pinning Ragdoll, so he dives to the mat again, making the count! ONE! TWO!! THRE...NO! NO! RAGDOLL KICKS OUT! Coach: "Who’s legal man? Which one of these pins should’ve even been counted?" Meanwhile, Northstar is tapping like a bastard in The Crystalling, but when the referee notices a third try at victory, it's too late, as he's grabbed the ropes, breaking the submission. The crowd applauds wildly, as the babyfaces all eye each other, each one knowing that despite their friendship, it's coming down to the wire, and each one is going to try to win a title belt tonight. Each of the faces pairs off with a heel, as Matt gets Ragdoll in a corner, Crystal takes Northstar, and Zack takes Calvin. Simultaneously, they whip all the heels into each other, the three of them knocking heads in the center of the ring! The heels all roll out to the floor, each one on their own side of the ring. Calvin picks himself up with the assist of the guardrail, and turns around, just as Zack darts across the ring...NO HANDS PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE DOWN ONTO CALVIN~! Crowd: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Crystal climbs up to the top rope, looking down at Northstar, before facing away, and hitting a MOONSAULT BODYBLOCK TO THE FLOOR ONTO THE 24/7 CHAMPION~! Cole: "Good god in heaven! Did you see that? Did you see that?" Mad Matt focuses on Ragdoll, and runs towards the ropes for a dive, but Ragdoll looks up at the last second and ducks away, however Matt does the Rey Jr. fakeout, and stands near the ropes, waiting for Ragdoll to notice. The X Champion turns around...SPRINGBOARD SHOOTING STAR BODYPRESS BY MAD MATT ONTO RAGDOLL~! Cole: "No! No! No! He did not just do that! He did not!" Coach: "He did!" Cole: "He didn’t!" The referee is desperately trying to restore order, but that's gone out the window now, as everyone is out for themselves. The champions are trying to retain, while the opposing team is as focused on them as ever. Calvin Szechstein slides into the ring, and Zack sees this, so tries for the YAKUZA KICK~!, but Calvin dodges it, and Zack winds up crotched on the ropes! Calvin quickly runs up the turnbuckle and jumps off with a dropkick, sending Zack spilling to the outside! Calvin gets up, and as soon as he does Matt grabs him with a backdrop suplex, but Calvin floats over, then spins Matt around...NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX~! The referee slides in for the count, but the pin is broken up by Crystal, who kicks Calvin low while he's in the bridge~! Crystal grabs his legs and looks out to the crowd for approval, as she goes for The Crystalling...Calvin kicks her away...RIGHT INTO A SINGLE ARM DDT BY NORTHSTAR~! COVER...CRYSTAL KICKS OUT JUST BEFORE THREE!!! Coach: "That was so close, I nearly peed myself. I thought that the divorce was going to finish Crystal!" Cole: "It almost did. I have a feeling a pinfall is going to come soon." Northstar starts freaking out, tearing at his hair that he didn't get the pin on that move. He confronts the referee, but is fought off by Mad Matt, who recovers, and sends him a few steps back with every punch, until Northstar is at the ropes. Matt whips him in, and then goes down for a back bodydrop, but Northstar fakes him out by sliding under his legs and propping up behind him! He taps Matt on the shoulder, spins him around, and tries a lariat, but Matt ducks it, and sends Northstar towards the ropes, and he's caught by Zack who comes back in and drops him with the Rock Bottom Backbreaker~! Malibu covers...AND NORTHSTAR KICKS OUT~! Crowd: Northstar sucks! Northstar sucks! Northstar sucks! Malibu slaps the mat in frustration, as everyone is avoiding defeat. The fans are biting their nails, wondering what these six stars are going to pull out next. Zack props Northstar up on the top rope, then climbs up, trying for a superplex, but Northstar blocks it. Zack tries again, but Northstar hangs on, not allowing himself to get carried over, when Ragdoll sneaks in under Zack, and lifts him up on his shoulders...ZACK SUPERPLEXES NORTHSTAR WHILE RAGDOLL DROPS ZACK BACKWARDS OFF HIS SHOULDERS~! All three men lay on the mat, and with Zack laid out in the middle of the ring, Calvin Szechstein quickly climbs to the top...FUBU 450 SPLASH ON ZACK MALIBU~! Calvin Szechstein hooks the leg of the former champion, and the referee slaps the mat once...TWICE...THREE...NO! MAD MATT HITS A BASEBALL SLIDE DROPKICK TO BREAK UP THE PIN! Coach: "I wonder if Matt would’ve done that if Zack was the one pinning Calvin? I mean, would he let Zack become the new World Champion so easily?" The crowd lets out a sigh of relief, as they thought that was the end of the match just then. With everyone else laid out, Matt pairs off with Calvin, picking him up but then rolling him up with a small package...FOR A TWO COUNT! They get up and Calvin tries a backslide for the pin...AND ONLY GETS TWO! Calvin and Matt stand up, and Matt charges him, hitting a lariat that sends them both spilling to the floor! Both men lay at ringside, while everyone else is either weary or recovering inside the ring. Matt and Calvin get up, and they start brawling at ringside, not noticing Ragdoll leaping over the top rope...FLIP PLANCHA ONTO BOTH CALVIN AND MAD MATT! All three fall to the floor, as the crowd shouts out a loud "Holy Shit" chant, as Ragdoll executed that move with aerial grace. Crystal, back on her feet, climbs the turnbuckles and looks down at her two opponents, as well as her partner. She waits for everyone to get on their feet, and then soars like a bird through the sky, landing down on them with a flying bodypress from the top to the floor that wipes everyone out again! Coach: "Hot diggity damn! That’s going on my best of Crystal tape, volume 458." Cole: "Never mind that. These high spots that Crystal and company keep doing are just as damaging to them as they are to their adversaries!" Four of the six competitors are down on the floor, leaving only Zack Malibu and Northstar in the ring. They eye each other getting up, and Northstar rushes him, but Zack grabs him and delivers an STO...NO! Northstar elbows out of it, and then sends Zack crashing into the corner, then follows with a running elbow that knocks Zack silly! Northstar starts choking Zack, with the ref warning him not to do so, and backing him away. Zack recovers, and with a sudden burst of energy, rushes forward with a YAKUZA KICK~!...DUCKED BY NORTHSTAR~! Northstar tries his own...DUCKED BY ZACK...SCHOOL'S OUT...NO! Northstar catches Zack's foot and throws it down, then he takes Zack's arm, wrenches it, and pulls him in...OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX BY NORTHSTAR~! Zack hits the mat hard with his back, and cringes, using the ropes to pull himself up in the corner...AND GETS CRUSHED BY A NORTHSTAR AVALANCHE~! Northstar hangs on and tries a bulldog after the corner splash (think Raven here), but Zack slips out at the last second, and sends Northstar crashing to the mat on his BUTT! The 24/7 titleholder squirms in pain, and gets up, only to be met with a ROARING ELBOW~! from Zack. Zack quickly covers Northstar, who must be seeing stars by now...BUT ONLY GETS A TWO COUNT! NORTHSTAR KICKS OUT! Cole: "I’ll admit that was a fast count." Zack takes a moment to catch his breath, and while the two in the ring are trying to get a second wind, the battle continues on the floor. Crystal tries coming back in the ring but is pulled down by Calvin Szechstein, slamming her facefirst into the apron! Matt and Ragdoll brawl all around ringside, and taking it into the crowd, each man taking hard shots and delivering even harder ones! Members of the crowd follow them as they brawl up into the upper level seats, further and further away from the ring! Meanwhile, Crystal is hung over the guardrail by Calvin, as he tries to choke her out, bitching at the fans who are running him down at the same time. With Crystal out, Calvin sneaks back into the ring and clobbers Zack in the back of the head as he's recovering, and turns him around, lifting him with a piledriver that Northstar assists him with, stuffing Zack's head into the canvas! Cole: "You can practically hear Zack’s neck snap against that unforgiving canvas. These monsters have Zack to themselves and I don’t like that one bit." Coach: "I doubt Zack does either." Rather than go for a pin, Northstar and Calvin start conversing, with Calvin telling Northstar something that the 24/7 Champion agrees to. They set Zack up on one end of the ring, and Northstar stands just before him. Calvin runs the ropes, and Northstar ducks, as they go for the old Calvin/Colvid Totally Endorsed backdrop/senton finisher! Just as Calvin is going to crash down on Zack and finish him off, Zack gets pulled to to the floor by Crystal, who grabs him by the leg and pulls him out under the bottom rope, causing Calvin to crash on the mat! Crystal climbs up on the apron, with Calvin down on the mat in the ring just in front of her. Before she can do anything, however, Northstar comes running and dropkicks her knee out from under her, sending her falling to the floor and again nailing her face on the apron! Coach: "That son of a bitch! You don’t take out someone’s knees. You just don’t. That’s a low down and cheap move." Zack starts climbing back up on the apron, but Northstar sees him as well, and looks to suplex him into the ring, but Zack falls behind him, and rolls him up! The referee makes the count...BUT ONLY TO 2 4/5, as NS KICKS OUT! He kicks Zack off of him and Zack goes forward, nailing a recovering Calvin through the ropes and out to the floor! Stunned by the collision, Zack wobbles backwards, and gets turned around by Northstar...HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE~!...NO! Zack elbows down on his shoulders to break...SCHOOL'S OUT...NO!, BLOCKED BY NORTHSTAR...WHO TRIES ONE OF HIS OWN...BLOCKED BY ZACK...NORTHSTAR GETS PULLED IN AND DROPPED WITH AN INVERTED ATOMIC DROP! Hunched over in pain, Northstar is cringing, and Zack quickly grabs a facelock, then hooks the leg...POP DROP~! POP DROP BY ZACK~! He hooks the leg of Northstar! ONE! TWO!! THREE!!! Winner:Zack Malibu wins Title Wave by pinning Northstar (24/7 Champion) in 28:25. Zack Malibu is now the OAOAST 24/7 Champion. Cole: "Coach, I don't believe it! Zack Malibu has just become the OAOAST 24/7 champion!" Coach: "Believe it, playa, because we just saw it!" "Bring Me To Life" cues up, as the fans go WILD. Zack is handed the belt, as Michael Buffer makes the official announcement. Groggy, Zack is helped to his feet by the ref and handed the 24/7 Title. Calvin stomps his feet in anger on the floor, then turns to the side and sees his rival for this Sunday getting up, raising her arm in a salute to Zack. They eye each other, and the tension is building between them for this Sunday. Cole: "What a night, and what a match. The first ever Title Wave matchup goes down in the history books AND the record books, as Zack Malibu has just captured 24/7 gold!" The cameras cut backstage, where a group of hD~! talent is watching the scene on a monitor. Tim Moysey looks pleased, as does Candie, who is applauding her man. Suddenly, the monitor is SMASHED in a million pieces by someone unseen bringing a baseball bat into it. It's CWM~! CWM continues smashing the monitor, and as Moysey tries to approach, he's scared off by CWM with the bat. Charlie Hoss steps in, but is more concerned about watching out for Candie then getting mixed up with the psycho. MC:"What the hell? I thought he left earlier?" Coach:"Did you really think he was going to get out of here without finding out the result of this contest? Do you think ANYONE would have?" MC:"Do you know what this means? With Zack holding a title now, it makes him prone to an attack from that psycho..." Coach:"...possible at any time! And it means that the match on Sunday will have that belt on the line!" MC:"This is all so much to digest, and we'll see the ramifications this Sunday. Fans, we appreciate your love for this show more than you know, and we urge you to stay tuned each and every week. Don't forget World Without End this Sunday on PPV, and we'll see you next time, here on hD~!" *Show close*
  25. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/23/03

    HeldDOWN~! returns, with a graphic reading "Earlier Today". The graphic then disappears, and we see the face of the former World Heavyweight Champion, Zack Malibu. The camera pans further back, and we then see the faces of both Mad Matt, as well as Crystal, the challenging team in tonight's Title Wave matchup. ZM:"Guys, this is it. We've got a major match tonight, and even though we're working as a team, we've got to face reality. Each one of us wants one of those title belts. You've got the 24/7 Title, a belt that you've held, Crystal." Crystal:"I remember." ZM:"And that belt is a major step to being a superstar. It's a belt that you've got on the line all the time, you're never able to take a break. It proves that the holder of it is worthy, a determined, focused competitor. Then you've got the X Title, and you know all about wanting to be the X Champion, don't you, Matt?' MM:"You're damn right I do, Zack." ZM:"The most exciting division in wrestling. Cruiserweights, brawlers, people of all styles come together in that division to prove who's dominant. Winning that belt shows your ability to adapt, and go at length with the best in the business. Then, we've got the World Title..." ::Both Crystal and Matt nod their heads.:: ZM:"That belt means you're the best in the world. We don't do paper champions here in the OAOAST. If you hold that belt, you deserve every day you get to reign. I know I've done my part in making that belt mean something, and there are others here that have done their part to do the same. It's the belt that everyone wants, friend and foe alike." ::Again, Crystal and Matt nod in agreement.:: Crystal:"I know what you're saying, Zack. I know that I'm willing to go out there and back you guys up. I just want you to know that when push comes to shove, if I'm in the ring alone with one of them, whether it's Calvin, Northstar or Ragdoll, I'm taking my chances." MM:"Me too, Zack. I've waited long enough for a taste at gold. I know you know how that feels." ZM:"You have no idea, Matt. I waited for so long for my chance, and I know you guys want to capitalize. I just don't want you guys to let them turn us against each other, exploit any weakness. We're strong competitors, let's wear them out, take them down, and may the best one of us walk away with gold tonight." The trio gets up, and Crystal hugs each of her partners, while Zack and Matt shake hands. They part ways, and the camera fades to black. The scene opens up again, with the sight of smoke clouding the screen. The camera pans back, showing Ragdoll taking a few drags. Northstar is preening in front of a mirror, when Calvin Szechstein steps into the room. Rags:"Sup, Cal?" Calvin:"What's up? We've got the biggest match in HeldDOWN~! history tonight, that's what." ::Northstar turns from his grooming, and speaks up...:: Northstar:"Look Cal, none of us like this match. It's obvious Moysey has it in for us. You think he likes the fact that all his champions are people that don't see eye to eye with him. Actually, not many people see eye to eye with him being the short bastard that he is." The treacherous trio share a chuckle at Northstar's quip. Calvin:"All right, listen up. All joking aside, I'm not going out there tonight and losing this belt. I'm fairly confident that you fellows feel the same, so I'll make this brief. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. You ensure me that I walk out of thi arena with this belt around my waist, and I'll make sure the same happens to you." Rags:"I'm down for that." Northstar:"I'm with you too, Cal." Calvin:"Then it's understood. I've got things to do before our match tonight, so I'll see you later on. I'm glad we had this little chat." Calvin turns and walks out the door, leaving Ragdoll to puff some more on his cig, and Northstar to prep himself up, as once again, the scene fades. Back to live footage, taking us to our announce desk. MC:"Those were scenes filmed earlier today, when both of the teams involved in tonight's main event decided to pool their efforts and talk strategy. Just a short time ago, it appears plans changed, at least on the part of the Championship Trio, as Calvin Szechstein not only confronted, but got a cheap shot in on Crystal. Despite being caught off-guard, Crystal is fine, and to say she's in high spirits would be a lie. It's more of a "I'm going to kill him" mindset. However, the time has come..." Coach:"...and it couldn't have come soon enough." MC:"You ready for this, Coach?" Coach:"Oh, I'm ready Michael. Let's make some history!"