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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    HeldDOWN~!, November 30th Booking

    My stuff will be in GCF within the next hour.
  2. Zack Malibu

    2006 Angle Awards

    You just want to give yourself time to come up with an Angle Awards moment . I kid, I kid. It's completely up to PK, but it's typically been November-November for the eligibility period.
  3. Zack Malibu

    *SPOILERS* TNA Impact results for next two weeks

    I can almost sense a Styles/Sabin vs. Daniels/Lynn feud brewing after AJ moves past Rhino.
  4. Zack Malibu

    NR:Zack Malibu vs. Todd Cortez

    Done and done, boys.
  5. Zack Malibu

    NR:Zack Malibu vs. Todd Cortez

    COLE Fans, we again apologize for the Triple Cage Championship match not taking place tonight, but we at the OAOAST feel you'll be very satisfied, if you haven't been already with this pay per view, with our main event. The first ever singles meeting between Zack Malibu and Todd Cortez. COACH This has chaos written all over it, Cole. COLE For months, Zack Malibu has been tormented by a band of sadistic wrestlers known as The Wildcards. After coming in to supposedly aid Zack Malibu, it became obvious The Wildcards had their own agenda in mind. Their bloodlust has engulfed the company in 2006, and quite honestly, there appears to be no end in sight to the war between Zack Malibu and The Wildcards. In a strange twist, The Hooligans, the same men who Malibu brought The Wildcards in to help him again, have been Malibu's main aids in the war, along with Leon Rodez, Zack's former tag team partner who was put on the shelf at War Games, thanks to Todd Cortez. COACH Now tonight, Malibu's got revenge on his mind, but with a twist. Anglesault has been making waves since taking his company back under his full control, and he said that he wanted Malibu and Cortez to channel that hostility into a wrestling classic, not a bloodbath. COLE Originally the winner of this match was to go on to the Triple Cage match. We know that Zack still lays claim to a title shot thanks to his win at Two For The Money back at Anglemania this past year, and if there was ever a man whom he'd like to get his hands on as much as Bruce Blank, it's Drek Stone. Tonight, that is not the case however, as we will cap off our extravaganza with what many are calling a "dream match". Cortez, despite what we've seen him as, is a well-rounded grappler, having held numerous championships in the SWF. He's notorious for what he calls "adapting to his enviroment", making him somewhat of a hardcore MacGyver. He's held the World Tag Team Titles there with two different partners, one of them being Landon Maddix. He's known for his run as Hardcore Champion there, competing in some of the most innovative matchups imaginable. In one of his last appearances, he made then-World Champion El Luchardore Magnifico tap out to the Street Dreams sleeper, showcasing his submission skills as well. COACH All that looks good on paper, Cole, but he's up against a man on a mission. Zack's one of the world's greatest wrestlers, but let's face it, he's not thinking about wrestling. He's focused on redemption, for what The Wildcards did to his family, and to his best friend. He's been walking around with a target on his back for a long time, but there hasn't been anybody since The Wildcards, and especially Bruce Blank, that has gotten to him this way. Mos Def's "Oh No" is cued up for the final match of the evening, and as the lights dim for the entrance of the Wildcards member, the fans respond with the expected response, booing him out of the building. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, this is your MAIN EVENT here at November Reign! Approaching the ring at this time, hailing from Hollywood Boulevard, he weighs in tonight at two hundred and twenty six pounds. Representing The Wildcards, he is the URRRRRRRRRBAN LEGEND, TODD CORRRRRRRRRRTEZZZZZZZZZ! Cortez peers over the rim of his shades, and it's probably lucky for him he wears a bulletproof vest, as the crowd isn't taking kindly to his arrival. The man who assumes responsibility for hooking Zack up with The Wildcards, only to become the gravest danger he's had to face powerwalks down the ramp and gets in the ring, hopping up on the ropes and angrily tossing his shades and vest off, trash talking the crowd from his perch on the middle rope. The lights go low again, and Stabbing Westward's "Save Yourself" is cued up, this time drawing a favorable reaction from the crowd. In fact, it's one of the biggest pops of the night, as the OAOAST's favorite son makes his way to the ring! BUFFER His opponent, hailing from Providence, Rhode Island. Weighing in tonight at two hundred and five pounds, he is widely regarded as The Franchise of the OAOAST, he is ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MALLLLLLLLLLLLIBUUUUUUUU! Malibu walks fast, wasting no time in getting to the ring. Cortez is there waiting for him though, and stands in wait with open arms, daring Malibu to come at him. Zack does, but is immediately pushed back by the referee for the match, Earl Hebner. Cortez chuckles, knowing he's already in Malibu's head tonight, and continues to taunt him as the two stars wait for the bell to sound. COLE Here we go, Coach! DING*DING*DING! The two competitors, for the first time pitted against each other under standard match rules, come out of their respective corners storming towards one another, locking up in center ring as the crowd watches on! They tie up, and immediately Cortez throws down Zack's arms, then shows the amount of respect he has for the Preppy One by firing off a slap with his right hand, stunning Zack and drawing a mix of "oooh's" and boos from the crowd! Malibu checks his lip, then opens up with a flurry of right hands, each one more powerful than the prior one, backing Todd to the ropes! He tries for an Irish whip, but Cortez holds onto the top rope, prevening it from taking place. He swings around and grabs Malibu in a headlock, dragging him back towards center ring as he wrenches on his head, until Zack is able to fire him off! Todd bounces off the ropes, colliding hard with Zack and driving him down with a shoulderblock, but missing the followup elbowdrop attempt! Both men roll to their feet and Zack snares Cortez in a side headlock, but the "Urban Legend" breaks free by lifting Zack for a back suplex...that Zack floats through! Zack spins Todd around, and before the streetwise superstar knows what hit him, Malibu delivers a hard slap, repaying the favor from earlier, and then grabs a headlock again, trapping the Wildcard in his grasp! COLE I think this is the most "legitimate" action I've seen from either Malibu or Cortez since the war between Zack and The Wildcards started over six months ago! COACH Both o' these playas got the talent, and that's what the boss wants them to show. We know Zack's got the skills, and now tonight we'll see if Cortez has what it takes to hang with him. Malibu hangs onto the headlock for a few moments, until he's shoved off and spun around by Cortez, who takes him over with a deep arm drag! Malibu gets up, and Cortez looks to tie up with him again, but Zack knocks him back with a European uppercut, then a chop across the chest that brings a groan out of Cortez! Zack takes him by the wrist and sends him to the ropes, but it gets reversed, and it's Zack who winds up bouncing off the three strands! He comes back as Todd leaps up with a dropkick, but Zack swats it down, then grabs Todd upon his recovery and brings him to the mat with a rear waistlock takedown! Zack holds onto Todd, trying to tie him up somehow, but Cortez squirms forward and grabs the bottom rope, causing a break and forcing Malibu to have to back off and allow his foe to his feet. COLE Imagine how Malibu must feel, having to back off and ease up on one of the men who has made his life a living hell in recent months! Back off is exactly what Zack does, but as Todd gets to his feet, Zack storms forward and shoves Cortez, an act that Cortez responds to with an incredulous "oh HELL NO" and pushes back! Malibu comes forward and clocks him with a right hand, but Cortez fires back with one of his own, and now both men are trading fisticuffs, with referee Earl Hebner trying his damndest to not let things break down! COACH Here it comes! I got money on a double DQ within the next sixty seconds! After absorbing a hard right hand from the street fighter, Malibu turns and tackles Todd, forcing him back to the corner...but as he rams his shoulder into Todd's ribcage, Cortez pounds on his back with forearms, not allowing Malibu to gain the advantage and trap him against the turnbuckles! After wearing Malibu down, Todd grabs him by the head and leads him out of the corner and hits a quick snap suplex, rolling through with it and lifting Malibu off his feet again, holding him upside down in a second, delayed vertical suplex...but Malibu starts kicking his legs and shifts his weight so that he falls back to the canvas! Now it's Malibu hoisting Cortez up, dropping him forward on the top rope to slingshot him back into a suplex, which Malibu floats through with, landing atop his rival for the first pin attempt of the match! ONE! The kickout comes just before two, as Todd gets a shoulder up rather quickly. Zack brings him up and delivers two forearms across the cheekbone of Cortez, then sends him to the ropes...but Todd holds onto Zack's wrist and spins back to face him, delivering a kick to the stomach that doubles him over! With Zack reeling, Todd pulls him into a standing headscissors, preparing for a RIOT ACT PLUS~!...but Zack manages to push him away, then fires his leg into the air, trying for SCHOOL'S OUT~!...but Todd catches the leg and holds onto it before spinning out and taking Zack off his feet with a sweep kick, then hits a standing moonsault on Malibu, hooking the leg after landing! ONE! T-KICKOUT! Just as Zack did to him, Cortez stands up after the kickout, bringing Zack up with him, and while holding his head, rams his knee into it! Todd then hooks both of Zack's arms in a butterfly lock, placing his right leg behind Malibu's legs to give himself some added leverage, and stretches Malibu while he's trapped! COLE Butterfly stretch by Cortez, working the arms and shoulders of Malibu here. Malibu struggles, but with his arms hooked behind his back, he's unable to get to the ropes. He wriggles around, finally able to drop his head low, and then pushes up, elevating Cortez over his back! Todd lands on the canvas, but as Hebner drops down to count, Cortez, still holding the lock, rolls both he and Malibu to their feet and drops him with a butterfly suplex! Cortez gets up and stomps Malibu down, then after the last stomp delivers a little "spit shine" to his fallen foe, drawing many jeers from the crowd! Uncaring, Cortez waves his arm at some of the fans who watch as he exits the ring, moving out to the apron. With Malibu prone on the canvas, Cortez springboards off the ropes and into the ring, but as he looks to land with a kneedrop, Malibu rolls out of the way! Cortez reacts quickly, turning his landing into a roll and coming up to his feet, but turning around to be blasted with a hard running lariat by Malibu! The fans roar as Zack yanks Todd up by the arm and shoots him into the corner, following up with a crushing corner lariat that drives the wind out of Cortez! Malibu starts firing off jabs with his left hand, rocking Cortez again and again before hoising him up and putting him on the top rope. COACH He's goin' high risk, Mikey Cole! Zack follows up, and delivers a European uppercut while standing on the middle rope to keep Todd at bay. He climbs up onto the top rope, pulling Todd up to a standing position...but Cortez shoves Zack back, and with nowhere to go the OAOAST's pride and joy falls down to the canvas below! Zack rolls across the mat and struggles to his feet, while Todd braces himself on the ropes, then launches himself into the air, coming down with a legdrop to the back of Malibu's head as he's rising off the canvas! COLE He came right down on the back of his neck! COACH And smashed him face first back into the mat! Cortez stands over Zack's back, and pulls back on his head, then slams his arms across his face with vicious crossface shots! Cortez then rolls Zack onto his back and leaps into the air, driving his knee into Zack's temple upon landing, and then covers him once again. ONE! T-SHOULDER UP! COLE Malibu escapes defeat after being worked over, but he's still weary, and Cortez is still in control! Todd lifts Zack up off the canvas, and then hoists him off his feet, dropping Malibu with an inverted atomic drop, a move that has become one of Todd's calling cards! He connects with a second one as well, stunning Zack, then takes his head under his arm and rotates, looking for a neckbreaker...but Malibu manages to counter quickly by hooking Todd's arms and pulling him down with a backslide! COACH He got him, yo! ONE! TW-NO! Todd rolls through to escape that pin attempt, and as Zack is getting up, grabs him in a front facelock...but he's pushed to the ropes and then taken down with a drop toehold! Todd checks to make sure all of his teeth are intact after falling face first, and is unable to fight Malibu off as he brings him up to his feet and delivers several elbows to the small of the back before he's pushed into the ropes, and then tossed into the air and back bodydropped down to the canvas! Cortez cringes as the shock surges up and down his back, and while he reels from the manuever Malibu scopes him out, waiting for just the right moment...and then runs forward, leaping into the air and coming down on the back of Todd's head with a scissor kick...but the attempt is no good, and the kick misses! Malibu's leg slams back down to the canvas, and he winces for a moment as his knee buckles under him, which is just enough of a window for Todd to fire off a kick to that very leg. And another! And another! AND ANOTHER! COLE Cortez has opened fire on that right leg of Zack Malibu's with those hard martial arts kicks, and if he's able to weaken it enough, it's going to take away Malibu's most reliable weapon, the School's Out superkick! COACH If the right leg is hurting, he ain't gonna kick with it. Cortez is gonna keep on it, or at least he should, because it'll eliminate a surefire match ender! Malibu inches away, now hobbling as his leg is sore from the kicks. He grabs the top rope to support himself, but Cortez pulls him away and rocks him with a hard right, then drops him with a scoop slam. Cortez then bounds for the ropes and comes off with another kneedrop, but this one misses, and he drives his knee into the hard surface of the ring! As he gets up Malibu is back on both feet, and Todd gets caught with a pair of blistering chops across his chest, and then gets ROCKED with a ROARING ELBOW~! from Malibu! Cortez takes the high road after being knocked silly with that blow, and rolls out under the bottom rope to the floor, making a quick escape to cut off any momentum Zack may be able to channel. COLE Cortez got blasted with that shot from Malibu, and now has headed out in front of us to catch a breather before Malibu mounts a heavy offense. COACH He could just be pacing himself. Cortez walks around ringside, holding his jaw and looking up angrily at Malibu...who charges with a baseball slide...but misses! Cortez then takes Zack by the leg and yanks him out under the bottom rope, then uses the grip he's got on his legs to snap Zack over with a wheelbarrow suplex ON THE FLOOR~! COLE MAN ALIVE! The back of Zack's head just slammed down on the floor! Cortez, still winded, takes another moment to work himself back into shape, as Malibu lays on the floor, holding his head. Cortez then gets up on the apron, and with Malibu down he races across the apron and leaps off, dropping onto Zack with a splash from the apron! Todd bounces off of Zack's ribcage, and now the Preppy One curls up into the fetal position, his ribs feeling crushed after the impact of that blow! COACH So much for resting up! Neither of these guys are gonna give...we've seen in every time they've been pitted against each other, and now without any weapons, without any stipulations, these guys are going balls out to prove who the better WRESTLER is tonight! Todd leads Zack to his feet and drives one knee into Zack's forehead, and then another, staggering him even more before hitting ANOTHER inverted atomic drop! Zack winces, and now Cortez opens up with hard slaps, rocking Zack across each side of his face repeatedly before Zack knocks his hand away and opens up with right hands, drawing the crowd into a frenzy! Zack then boots Cortez in the gut and takes him by the head, and rams it repeatedly and rapidly into the ring apron, knocking Todd senseless! COLE If he keeps that up he's going to crack his skull like an egg! Malibu, tired of slamming Todd's head into the apron, shoves his foe up onto the apron and back into the ring. Todd crawls away from the ropes and staggers to his feet, dazed and confused. Malibu hops up on the apron, eyes wide with rage as he springboards in, snapping Cortez to the canvas with a huracanrana! Cortez scrambles back to his feet but can barely stand, falling back into the corner. Malibu gets up and stays right on him, charging the corner and hopping up on the second rope, ready to open up with more punches...but Todd throws him off before he can act on his offense! Malibu charges in again, this time jumping up and monkey flipping Cortez out of the corner...but the backstreet brawler lands on his feet! He turns around and takes a swing at an oncoming Malibu, but Zack ducks it, spins Todd around, and carries him over with a Northern Lights Suplex! ONE! TW-NO! Cortez pushes up, but does so while holding Malibu's waist. He rotates as they get to their feet, and holds Malibu in position, then leaps over his back with another attempt at the RIOT ACT PLUS~!...but Malibu grabs Todd's ankles as he leaps over his back, holding him upside down to prevent the hold...then snaps him overhead by his ankles and slams him to the canvas! COLE Malibu once again managed to avoid that flip piledriver that has won Cortez numerous championships, numerous matches, and put Leon Rodez on the shelf for an indefinite period of time! With Todd down, Malibu steps to the apron and begins climbing the ropes, always eyeing Cortez. Zack perches himself on the ropes, and stands straight up on the rope, waiting on Cortez...but Cortez notices Malibu in wait as he gets up, and purposely falls towards the ropes, sending Malibu off balance! Zack falls and crotches himself on the top rope, giving every man in attendance sympathy pains! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" COACH That Cortez is like a chick with how he targets our weak spot! COLE I've gotta say though, Coach, he has gotten the inverted atomic drop over with the masses. Cortez, now with the advantage, races up the ropes and snares Zack in a front facelock, pulling him back up onto his feet. Both men are now standing on the top rope, with Zack fighting not to be taken over and Cortez fighting to weaken arguably the OAOAST's most resilient competitor. They jockey for position, with Zack hammering Todd in the ribs to break the facelock...but before Malibu can react Todd grabs him by the throat and braces his lower back, leaping off the top and carrying Malibu into the air, bringing him down with an URBAN ASSAULT ONTO THE ELEVATED RAMP~!~!~! COACH YO~! COLE URBAN ASSAULT FROM THE TOP! CORTEZ JUST USED THAT CHOKESLAM/POWERBOMB HYBIRD OF HIS TO DEVESTATE ZACK MALIBU! Malibu's not the only one devestated, as the move had an impact on Cortez too, leaving both men sprawled out on the ramp! The crowd shouts their "HOLY SHIT" chant loudly, as a split screen replay shows us both men coming down from the top rope with a brutal crash landing. COLE Both men are down, and despite it being an offensive tactic on the part of Todd Cortez, it's still anyone's guess as to who can recover first! With both men down, Earl Hebner starts the count...although the only thing Zack or Todd are counting right now are the stars they're seeing after that leap of faith. ONE. TWO. THREE. Neither man is moving, nor do they look like they're ready to. FOUR. FIVE. SIX. Slowly, Cortez turns onto his stomach and starts crawling across the ramp, desperately trying to make it back into the ring before the count is up. SEVEN. Cortez is nearly there...but suddenly Malibu grabs his ankle, preventing him from going in! Frantic, Cortez kicks Zack's hand away, and uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. EIGHT. Just as quickly, a groggy Malibu pushes up, and uses what little energy he has left to charge Cortez...only to get backdropped over the ropes and back into the ring! COLE Well, that'll break the count for sure...and I don't think Cortez even realizes that move cost him a victory! Cortez quickly steps through the ropes, right at the last nanosecond, and uses a go-behind on a recovering Zack, trapping him in a rear waistlock. He tries for a German Suplex, but Zack reaches out and grabs the top rope, preventing himself from being carried over! Cortez breaks, and delivers two elbows to the back of Zack's neck, dazing him, and then pulls him away from the ropes. He tries again for the suplex, but Zack fires back with elbows of his own to break! Todd backs off, while Zack is too worn out for a followup...and Cortez comes back and traps him in a full nelson, then takes him over with a RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX, DROPPING MALIBU RIGHT ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD~! COLE Did you see his head snap back on that suplex!? COACH I did, I did! Cortez collapses to all fours out of exhaustion, then turns to his fallen foe and drags him by the ankle closer towards him, turning him onto his back and trying for a pin to end this encounter! ONE! TWO! T-NO! SHOULDER UP! COACH HE KICKED OUT~! COLE That's the heart of a lion, the heart of a champion! Zack Malibu will not go down that easily! Shocked, Cortez is wide eyed as he struggles to bring Malibu's dead weight to it's feet, snapping him back to the canvas with a quick Russian legsweep before leaping over him and onto the middle rope, floating backwards with a quebrada onto the OAOAST Original! Cortez hooks the leg, and once again, Hebner is in position to count the pin. ONE! TWO! TH-NO! NO! ANOTHER KICKOUT! The crowd roars as Cortez slams his hands on the canvas, disgusted with his own inability to defeat the very man who brought him into the OAOAST. He lures Zack to his feet again, but as he does Zack quickly scoops him up onto his shoulders with a fireman's carry, then starts spinning around and around and around and around! COACH I'm getting dizzy, Cole. Get me a bucket! Malibu spins and spins and spins and spins, as the crowd roars with every rotation. After what seems like thirty revolutions, Malibu dumps Cortez down on his back and collapses, dizzied from his own airplane spin! Both men are back down on the canvas, but the crowd is electric, sensing that their hero is starting to come back to life! COLE They are exhausted, they are banged up, and they are two stubborn bastards. There's no title shot on the line anymore tonight, there's nothing at stake except pride, respect, and honor! COACH Anglesault said that he knew what they were capable of. It's the first time we've seen Cortez away from the barbed wire and spikes and chairs and tables. This is simply two men who hate each other, and have the God given ability to do something about it inside our ring! Both men lay under the bright lights of the arena, using every precious second that they can to gain as much stamina as possible. Both woozy, they struggle to their feet after the airplane spin sequence, their backs to each other. They stagger, trying to keep their balance, and while doing so back into each other, causing Malibu to spin around instantaneously and drop Cortez with the ANGLE SLAM~! COLE HE GOT HIM! ZACK MALIBU JUST LAID TODD CORTEZ OUT WITH THE ANGLE SLAM~! COACH The Boss must REALLY be smiling now! Malibu, sweaty and spent, rolls onto his stomach and inches over to cover Cortez, as the crowd is roaring wild! ONE! TWO! THRE-NO! TODD CORTEZ KICKS OUT OF THE ANGLE SLAM! COACH OK, so maybe The Boss isn't so happy now! The air is let out of the crowd, as they surely thought Malibu had this won with the manuever passed down to him from the company owner. He yanks Cortez up to his feet and sends him into the corner, then charges in and nails the Hispanic superstar with a running back elbow that sends spittle shooting into the crowd! Malibu then takes Todd by the head and swings around so that he can sit on the turnbuckles, using them to propel himself into a Tornado DDT...NO! Todd holds Malibu off his feet and brings him back around, planting him back on the ropes! As he slips his head free he hits a palm strike under Malibu's chin, rattling his jaw, then climbs the ropes and hits a top rope huracanrana that brings Malibu down to Earth! COLE Dammit! We already had one Wildcards victory tonight, and now it looks like Todd Cortez is shifting the momentum back into his favor! As Todd rises to his feet, he slaps his chest, taunting the fans in attendance as their hero lay face down on the canvas. Todd turns around and moves towards Zack, slapping the back of his head and he lays on the canvas, unable to get up. COLE And now he's playing with him, playing with the fact that he's got the advantage. COACH For months, Zack's tried to take out The Wildcards, and for months they've tried to do the same to him. Neither of these guys are gonna let up, Mikey Cole! Nevermind the lack of a Triple Cage here tonight...this is as intense as it gets! Cortez brings Malibu to his feet, squeezing his cheeks together as he trash talks him, then lets loose with a hard chop to the chest! A series of chops follows, until Malibu manages to duck one wayward shot, and then opens up with a flurry of his own, going so far as to tear the wifebeater of Cortez so that it's nothing but skin on skin contact, causing the skin on Todd's chest to redden and crack! He sends Cortez to the ropes, but Todd reverses, then hits the side ropes, ready to pounce Zack with the Hollow Point...but Malibu leapfrogs over the attempt, then turns around just as Todd does...AND DELIVERS A SCHOOL'S OUT~! COLE HE GOT HIM! COACH DAMN RIGHT HE DID! After catching Todd flush in the jaw, Malibu drops onto him, hooking a leg, as the crowd counts along with Hebner. ONE! TWO! THREEEEENO! NO? NO! TODD CORTEZ KICKS OUT! COLE I don't believe it! Zack Malibu...he just NAILED Cortez with that patented superkick of his, and Todd Cortez, after everything these men have been through, has KICKED OUT! Malibu is just as amazed as anyone, but he knows he can't waste time. He brings Cortez up to his feet and goes behind, lifting Todd up and over with a German Suplex, but hangs onto his opponent, rolling him to his feet again, and again dropping him on the back of his head and neck! Another rollthrough, and Cortez gets German'd again, but as they come up to their feet Cortez becomes dead weight, causing Malibu to struggle to get him over. Todd pries at Zack's wrists, breaking the waistlock, and then spins around, cradling Malibu down into a schoolboy! ONE! TWO! TH-NO! Malibu kicks out of Cortez's flash pin, much to the delight of the crowd, who are now all standing, watching on as these men try valiantly to one-up the other just enough to score a three count. Both men get up, and Malibu goes for a School's Out out of nowhere...but Cortez catches the leg! He throws Malibu's leg down, then follows up with a quick STO, driving Zack into the canvas, and then pulls Malibu up into a seated position, cracking him between the shoulder blades with a hard low roundhouse kick, then runs the ropes and hops over Malibu's body, jarring his neck with a snapmare! Malibu falls back holding his head and neck once again, and Cortez rolls to his feet, eyeing his aching foe on the canvas. COLE Another attack on the neck, and now Cortez plays the waiting game, bracing himself before attempting to put Zack Malibu in a hospital bed alongside Leon Rodez! Cortez moves over to Malibu and pulls him towards him as Zack is getting up, then delivers a kick to the stomach...but Malibu catches the leg! Quickly, Todd leaps up and tries an enzugiri, but Malibu ducks, and the Urban Legend belly flops to the canvas! Zack stumbles back, but as Todd gets up he runs behind him and forces him to the ropes, trying for a rollup...but Cortez hangs onto the ropes! Zack rolls backwards on his own, and when Cortez spins around... CRACK~! ...he's face to face with the heel of Malibu's boot once again, as he's dropped by ANOTHER SCHOOL'S OUT~! COLE SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SECOND TIME~! THIS IS IT! ONE! TWO! THREENO!NO!NO! TODD CORTEZ KICKS OUT OF SCHOOL'S OUT AGAIN~! COLE HOW ON EARTH DID HE MANAGE THAT!? COACH COLE, HE KICKED OUT! COLE I saw, Coach...and I have no idea how he has survived not one, but TWO of them! The crowd, having surely thought that was it, can't believe it. Malibu looks up at Hebner and double checks, and Hebner gives him the signal that it truly was only a two count! Malibu looks as if he's about to lose it, as the resilience of not ony Cortez but The Wildcards in general, coupled with their heinous actions since their arrival have mentally torn him apart! He mounts Todd's shoulders and starts clubbing away, peppering his forehead with hard right hands before leading him to his feet. Taking Todd by the head, Zack takes him to the corner and rams his head into the top turnbuckle not once, not twice, but five times! Cortez staggers back, but Malibu grabs him and throws an arm across his chest, lifting him off his feet and dropping him over his knee with a Rock Bottom Backbreaker! Cortez convulses on the canvas, his lower back tingling with pain as he gets to his feet, and finds himself trapped in a front facelock. Malibu reaches down and cradles his left leg, lifting him upside down...and then SPIKING HIM ON HIS NECK WITH THE FALLING STAR DRIVER~! COLE WE HAVEN'T SEEN THAT IN AGES! THAT COULD BREAK A MAN'S NECK! COACH ...AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHY WE JUST SAW IT! Malibu covers once again, as the crowd chants along with the count, everyone's fingers crossed that this is enough to put Todd Cortez away. ONE! TWO! THREE! DING*DING*DING! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner...ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALIBUUUUUU~! COLE He did it! Finally, Zack Malibu, resorting to that devestating manuever in his arsenal to put Todd Cortez away! COACH You know, Mikey Cole, I don't think Zack cares that there's no Triple Cage tonight. I think that he's gotten some satisfaction out of this, because this was a hell of a match, and he was able to put one over on The Wildcards once again. COLE You know Bruce Blank is watching this in the back, and he's probably smashed the monitor with that barbed wire bat of his. Regardless of how he feels, listen to this crowd, cheering about the fact that they just witnessed a classic! No weapons, no bloodshed even...just balls to the wall action between two men out to prove that they are among the best in the world! COACH Anglesault must be proud of this one. What a way to cap off our November tradition! Malibu circles the ring, while Cortez is being tended to by Earl Hebner. Malibu turns and looks up the aisleway, and at the top of the ramp stands Anglesault, clad in his suit, clapping and nodding to the crowd who is giving a standing ovation. COLE Look at this. A great show of respect from the fans, and from the company owner himself, for the man he passed the torch to. Malibu, though, doesn't seem completely pleased as he looks back one last time before exiting the ring. He heads up the ramp ready to hit the showers. He walks up to the ramp and past Anglesault, eyeing him, and even the naturally smug AS gives him a "what gives" type of look. Malibu comes over and stares Anglesault down, in a somewhat intimidating fashion. The cameras close in, and Malibu says "You got what you wanted, now give me what I want. Give me Bruce Blank!" and storms off, disappearing behind the curtain as the screen fades to black.
  6. Zack Malibu

    Christmas Music

    The Chipmunk Song. Also, "All I Want" by Collage, Lil Suzy and Denine. It's a freestyle (as in early 90's style club music, not rap) Christmas song.
  7. Zack Malibu

    November Reign Idea

    I get the ME slot? Awww! lol. I assume we are still putting the show up tomorrow night, which is great since I postponed finishing up a little bit, but can finish up tomorrow from work. As for storyline explanation, let me know what you're going to do so that I can tie it into my match commentary.
  8. Zack Malibu

    The OAO Black Friday/Holiday shopping DVD steals and deals thread

    X-Men and Devil's Advocate 2 for $8 at Circuit City, as well as House Season 1 for $12.99. Ong-Bak and You Got Served for $4.99 at Best Buy. By the time I had gotten to Wal-Mart, they had none of the $1.88 DVD's left (I planned on getting a widescreen copy of Hulk, since the one bought for me back in the day is full screen). They had tons of the $3.44 ones, but it's the same stuff they tend to have every year at that price, and I either already have it, or have no interest in it.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Black Friday

    I'm headed to Circuit City in about an hour or so.
  10. Zack Malibu


    I also figured I'd stop by the thread to ask about the details of the After The Fall DVD set. I have it on order for work via Big Vision, and was surprised that a new DVD set would be out so long after XPW faded from the mainstream.
  11. Zack Malibu

    Black Friday

    I do the Black Friday routine every year, and have since '97-'98 or so. Normally I won't even bother sleeping on Thursday night, and just pull an all nighter so that I'm out waiting in line somewhere by 3:30-4am. In the early stages of the tradition, it was a good way to not only get the big gift that I'd want (with my birthday a week before Christmas, I'm lucky enough to aim for expensive things I've wanted like TV's, computers) but to get a lot of the kids in the family taken care of. Now that they're older and are more a money in a card/gift certificate types, I basically have my own agenda when I go out on Black Friday. Not sure what I'm aiming for just yet, but I'll be out there with a few friends in tow to make a day of it.
  12. Zack Malibu

    HD:Thanksgiving Flashback

    COLE Fans, thanks for tuning in tonight to the OAOAST's Thursday, and Thanksgiving Tradition, HeldDOWN~! Up next is a little flashback, a trip back in time to when things weren't the way they are now? COACH Memmmmorieeeeeesssss... COLE Singing aside, our flashback here is from our very first Thanksgiving episode, back in 2002. A matchup pitting Zack Malibu, then a rising star, against relative newcomer at the time, the one and only Reject. A great match with an interesting twist at the end, back before a mutual respect was forged between Malibu and then-champion, now-owner Anglesault. Let's take you back now to Thanksgiving 2002, here on HeldDOWN~! OAOAST THANKSGIVING TIME CAPSULE~! HeldDOWN~!, Thanksgiving 2002 Zack Malibu vs. Reject "Hate Me Now" plays over the loudspeakers, and the song is fitting for who it introduces, as Reject heads to the ring. A scowl on his face, this does'nt look like a Happy Thanksgiving for the man from NYC. Reject gets in the ring, and swipes the mic from the announcer. Reject:"Do me a favor people, and quiet on down, because what I have to say is more important than anything you could be saying right now!" Reject soaks in the boos, attempting to speak several times but refraining as the jeers were too loud. Reject:"Thanksgiving. A day of thanks. All you people should be thankful that you've got someone like me, a role model, an idol and icon to little children everywhere, performing for you! I could be chillin' with celebrities, having sweet potato pie with P. Diddy, or maybe "stuffin' the turkey" with J Lo. But nooo, I get booked to wrestle. So you know what, I'm not thankful for anything. I'm just gonna make this quick, cuz I got things to see and people to do!" Reject hands the mic back to the announcer, taunting the fans even more, as his opponent is introduced. "Die Another Day" starts up, and the fans go wild, as the Pissed Off Prep, Zack Malibu, comes charging out from the back! Malibu goes from side to side, working the crowd up, and then jogs down to the ring, ready for battle. Malibu slides in the ring, and just as the announcer is exiting through the ropes, Zack asks for the mic. ZM:"Whoa, Reject ,what's your deal? You'd better be thankful this year...thankful that I don't knock the taste out of your mouth as bad as I'm going to. All this people are getting prepared for Season's Greetings, but between you and me tonight, it's all about Season's Beatings!" Zack tosses the mic to the announcer, and we're underway. Reject and Zack circle the ring, then lock up. After a brief struggle, Reject simply shoves Zack back. Zack measures him up, then goes for another lockup, but Reject shoves him off again. Zack confronts Reject, only to get the taste knocked out of HIS mouth, courtesy of Reject! Another lockup follows, and Zack grabs a headlock, only to get sent to the ropes. Reject tries for a hiptoss, but Zack blocks and takes him over with a headlock takedown. Reject gets up and comes at Zack, but Zack takes him back down with a drop toe hold, but when Zack goes for a headlock, Reject slips out and grabs Zack's arm, locking him in a hammerlock. Zack gets to his feet while still in the hold, and fires an elbow back into Reject's cheek, then another. Zack spins out of the hold and into a hammerlock of his own on Reject, but Reject reaches back and snapmares Zack over, then locks on a chinlock, but Zack fights to his feet again, and back suplexes Reject! The ref checks on Reject but Reject brushes past him, angry that Zack got one up on him. Reject calls for a lockup again, but as Zack reaches up for it, Reject kicks him in the stomach. Zack takes two punches to the cheek, dazing him, and Reject follows up by Irish Whipping him to the ropes. Reject ducks as Zack comes off, and Zack kicks him up, then goes to follow up with a lariat, but Reject ducks it, and grabs Zack's head, snapping him to the mat with a neckbreaker! Reject bounces off the ropes and drops a leg across Zack's throat, then covers...Zack kicks out before the ref hits two! Reject taunts Zack as he's getting up, lightly kicking him in the head, as if to toy with him. He pulls Zack up, and sets him up for a suplex, but Zack slips out and lands behind Reject. Zack shoves him towards the ropes, trying to roll him up, but Reject holds on to the ropes. Zack rolls to his feet and charges, but Reject ducks and Zack takes a HUGE back bodydrop, landing face first on the floor! Reject laughs to himself, as the ref goes over and begins the standard 10 count. Zack is barely up on all fours before Reject rolls out of the ring and comes up behind him. He grabs Zack by the head and unceremoniously tosses him into the guardrail. Zack hits shoulder first hard, and fans in the first row reach over, trying to touch their hero. Reject comes over and grabs Zack by the head, then rolls him back into the ring, just as the referee hit 8 on his count. Reject climbs back in as well, then scoops Zack up, and drops him with a shoulder breaker. Reject goes for a cover, but Malibu kicks out at 2! Reject continues to work on Zack's shoulder, using arm wrenches and blatantly pulling at Zack's arm, as if to rip it out of the socket. Zack is finally able to counter an arm wrench, and sends Reject in, then tries for a hiptoss, but it's blocked by Reject and countered into an armbar! Reject takes Zack to the mat, and pulls back hard, trying for the submission, but Zack doesn't quit! Zack fights up to his feet, as Reject segues into a hammerlock, but Zack elbows out of it like before. Zack turns to Reject and hits two stiff elbow shots to his mouth, backs up and rotates into a ROARING ELBOW on Reject, taking him out! Zack picks him up and slams two forearms across the back of his neck, then lifts him up and drops him with a sideslam. Zack goes up to the top rope, and comes flying off...Guillotine Legdrop! Zack covers, hooking the leg, but Reject kicks out at 2! Reject rolls over onto his stomach, and Zack goes to pick him up. Zack sets him up for a back suplex, but Reject reaches up and gouges Zack in the eye. With Zack blinded, Reject bounces off the ropes, and takes him out with a spinning wheel kick! Reject covers, but again Zack kicks out at 2. Frustrated, he pulls Zack to his feet and whips him into the corner, hard, and Zack hits chest first, then stumbles backwards, right into a WICKED Release German Suplex! Zack nearly lands on the top of his head, and it out on the mat. Reject stomps him a bit, then sets him up on one side of the ring, then bounces off the ropes...ROLLING THUNDER...NO! ZACK ROLLS UNDER IT! Reject holds his lower back, giving time for Zack to get up...FLYING FOREARM BY ZACK! Reject falls through the middle ropes and to the floor, as the fans go nuts! Zack goes to the ropes, and waits for Reject to get up, then as he holds onto the top rope, kicks through the ropes, nailing Reject (think Jeff Hardy on that move). Reject staggers back a bit, then Zack slingshots over and wipes him out with a pescado! Fans are getting more into this match, and as Zack and Reject brawl at ringside, we see ringside fans and kids being entertained by a turkey? JR:"Ha ha, shades of the Gobbeldygooker! I guess the OAOAST staff has spared no expense in entertaining the fans tonight." Zack goes for Reject, but Reject backdrops him into the front row, and a few fans get up close and personal with Zack! Reject comes over and starts wailing on Zack, then goes to ram him headfirst into an empty chair, but Zack blocks the shot, and Reject meets the steel facefirst! Reject staggers back, running right into the Thankgsiving Turkey! Reject gives a WTF look to the turkey and shoves him off, not seeing Zack come at him and clothesline him over the railing! Zack works the crowd into a "Zack" chant, then hops over the railing. Zack rolls Reject back into the ring, but as Zack goes to reenter, the Turkey comes over the railing and pulls on his leg. Zack tells the Turkey to back off, but the Turkey starts clapping, apparently wanting Zack to help him treat the fans. Zack tries to go back into the ring, but again the Turkey pulls him away. Zack is getting a little angry now, so he takes the Turkey and brings him back to the railing, telling him to go back into the crowd. The Turkey seems to oblige, but as Zack turns his back, the Turkey grabs a steel chair, and CRACKS Zack in the back of the head! Zack falls to the floor, and the Turkey picks him up and rolls him back into the ring. Reject covers an out cold Zack, and the referee makes the count...1...2...3!!! Winner:Reject Reject is somewhat in shock, but he beat Zack so he hightails it out of there, gloating all the way. The Turkey reenters the ring, carrying the chair, and starts wailing away on Zack with it. The referee tries to pull the chair away from him, but the Turkey nails HIM as well. After staring down at Zack, the Turkey asks for the mic. Turkey:"Be thankful, everybody. Be thankful that I didn't drill your hero here into the ground. Be thankful Zack, that I let you off easy tonight. Because I'm no turkey Zack, and I'm definetly not a chicken..." The Turkey takes off his mask to reveal the Champion, Anglesault! AS:"MALIBU, you're the cough that won't go away. You've diseased this company, MY company, for too long. No more Zack. I don't care what Popick promised you, I don't care if you're the so called Number One Contender...if you think you can live in my world, you're wrong. You're lucky I'm in the holiday spirit, because this is your last chance. Get out while you can, Malibu. You think you've got POP? I don't think that stands for Pissed Off Prep, I think it stands for Pleasure Or Pain, and believe me, it'll be my pleasure to put you through pain you've never felt before!" AS drops the mic on the unconscious body of Zack, and exits the ring, as the medical staff comes out to check on Malibu.
  13. Zack Malibu

    SD Spoilers for the 11/24 Airing

    Not quite. Freakin' Deacon (a Bruiser Brody clone who's been in developmental for some time now) was the Fake Kane, and was also supposed to wind up on Smackdown doing the Brody gimmick at some point last I'd heard. MVP is/was Antonio Banks out of Florida. The MVP gimmick is what he started using in Deep South.
  14. Zack Malibu

    So Hotbutter Spoontoaster is gone...

    "Hot Butter" is easy to figure out, but I'm still wondering what the purpose of a Spoontoaster is.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Prison Break

    NYU, no need to DL the ep if the VCR messed up. FOX posts all the fresh episodes of their main TV series for viewing on Myspace, so it's a nice way to catch up if you miss an ep.
  16. I should play devil's advocate here and point out that Angle has great power over his programs, and has been meeting with creative/Russo about things...so the Joe/Angle debacle should not be placed (at least not completely) on Vinny Ru's shoulders. Kurt likely had a lot of say so going into this. It seems if anything that it was the impetus for Joe to grow into more of a monster heel role, with the whole "hard way" talk. However hyping the match the way they did and using it as a steppingstone is bad business.
  17. Zack Malibu

    November Reign Idea

    Malibu/Cortez for a spot was made official last night, so w00t and stuff!
  18. Zack Malibu

    Wildcards/GPX stuff for HD.

    ”I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone” WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! COLE Aw *beep* what does HE want now? COACH I dunno Michael, after he announced that he had left the SWF I have given up trying to guess with these people. Unpredictable is their nature, so we gots to deal with it. Bruce is out there alone tonight, no Wildcards, no Landon Maddix or any else as he just walks to the ring with a grin on his face and a very, very surprising T-Shirt on, a T-Shirt that reads “O.A.O.A.S.T. 4-Life” Which only seems to anger the fans even more BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! YOU SUCK!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! YOU SUCK!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! YOU SUCK!! ”I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone” COACH He has some damn nerve showing up in an OAOAST shirt with all this "company pride" after all the crap he’s done to us. COLE I’m surprised it’s a CLEAN t-shirt! Bruce takes the microphone from Michael Buffer and then enters the ring to the sound of tens of thousands of OAOAST Fans booing him. The booing doesn’t seem to bother him tonight, in fact he’s smiling and giving the fans a thumbs up as he waits for them to stop booing. Then he actually APPLAUDS the crowd and nods like they were chanting his name. Which in a manner they are: Bruce Sucks! After a couple of more moments of booing the crowd finally quiets down so that Bruce can say what he came to say. BRUCE BLANK Thank you, thank you everyone. COACH & COLE Th...THANK YOU!? BRUCE BLANK GOOOOOOOOOOOODEVENING SASKATOON!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! BRUCE BLANK Hey now is that any way to greet a guy who’s a tried and true OAOAST supporter? Is this any way to greet a guy who’s quickly become a cornerstone in this federation? A fixture, nay an institution in the OAOAST? F*CK YOU BRUCE!! F*CK YOU BRUCE!! BRUCE BLANK Some might even call me the phenom of the OAOAST and unlike some of the supposed “heroes” I am man who isn’t afraid to say it like it is. You see unlike Zack Malibu I have been up front with everyone since day one… You knew what I was the moment I took that mask off. COACH Yeah a pain in the ass! COLE Amen! BRUCE BLANK Unlike YOUR Hero, Zack Malibu MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! Bruce pauses for a moment to let the fans get it out of their system. BRUCE BLANK Unlike Malibu I don’t play games, I don’t pretend to be something I’m not – and you lot should respect that. COLE He’s an asshole but at least he admits it so it’s okay? BRUCE BLANK You talked about change Malibu, how you’ve changed yet you haven’t – how this place has changed and boo-hoo we’ve been so mean to force the change on you. Listen man, change is good – otherwise you’ll end up being a balding, bleachblonde fifty year old doing the same punch, big boot, leg drop combo time and time again. One thing hasn’t changed though Zacky, you still haven’t stopped me! Sure you’ve managed to put Bloodshed’s shoulders to the mat, yes you’ve made Landon quit – but ME? SCOTTY STATIC Someone doesn’t remember the Great Angle Bash! Scotty Static seems to have taken exception to Bruce’s comments and is out there to correct a few misconceptions, much to the delight of the crowd already bored with Bruce's false sincerity! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! BRUCE BLANK How about you just turn your skinny ass around, walk away and don’t come back until you’re able to do it WITHOUT Malibu’s help! Bruce grins, he figures that would take the wind out of Scotty’s sails and Scotty does turn around much to the surprise of everyone in the arena. Static walks through the curtains only to spin right around and come back out again. SCOTTY STATIC That would be now! BRUCE BLANK Are you serious? Right now? SCOTTY STATIC Unless you need to go to the back and find your spine first? BRUCE BLANK Oh I’m ready Scooter, I’m ready to show you and the rest of the OAOAST that I am the “Irresistible Force”. In fact I’m so confident that if you can pin me I’ll tear up my OAOAST contract. No Strike that! Bruce looks more than a little pissed off, the kind of pissed off where you speak before thinking. BRUCE BLANK If ANYONE can pin me without interference then I’ll tear up my OAOAST contract. COACH No F*cking way? COLE Oh Bruce went and put his foot in it, his career is on the line here. COACH And not just here, if Bruce isn’t pinned tonight I’m sure a long line of people are ready to attempt it just to get rid of him COLE GOOD! SCOTTY STATIC So lemme get this straight…I pin you and you leave the OAOAST? BRUCE BLANK I swear on my mother’s grave, I will tear up my OAOAST contract if anyone can pin me without interference. If not you tonight, then whoever next week, or at November Reign...I don't care if some lucky punk gets my shoulders down during a house show under a tent in front of a crowd of twenty, I swear if someone thinks they can't beat me, then get to it, and if you succeed, I'll walk! SCOTTY STATIC That’s good enough for me! And with that Scotty drops the microphone and races towards the ring! Scotty slides under the bottom rope ring into the waiting arms of Bruce who wastes little time in attacking the GPX’er! *DING*DING*DING* COACH We’ve got a match right here and now!! COLE Scotty is still in his street clothes, he wasn’t scheduled to wrestle tonight but that’s not stopping him! Scotty avoids Bruce’s next kick, kips up to his feet and then leaps up in the air preparing to strike Bruce either square in the chest of maybe on the jaw with a jumping Yakuza like Kick.. Bruce swiftly takes a step backwards and grabs hold of Scotty’s leg as he quite obviously saw his opponent coming. *WHAM!* COLE He took his head clean off! Cole says as Bruce swiftly goes from holding Scotty’s foot to spinning Scotty 360 degrees in the air with a Lariat! COACH He suckered Scotty in! COLE What are you talking about Coach? COACH He looked like he didn’t see Scotty kip up, but the second Scotty tried attack him Bruce caught him, he’s not fast enough to react like that unless he prepared for it! Bruce drags Scotty back to his feet, twists his opponents arm with an arm wringer and then pulls Scotty forward sending him bouncing off Bruce’s shoulder not once but twice. Moments later Scotty finds himself straddling Bruce’s shoulder, trapped by the big man for a moment before Bruce drops the GPX’er with a shoulder breaker. The shoulderbreaker obviously hurt Scotty but even then he still tries to fight Bruce off the best he can, throwing a couple of fists at Bruce’s mid section. Bruce easily shakes the blows off, clenches his mighty ham of a hand and then blasts Scotty across the back with that clobbering forearm smash he’s hurt so many opponents with. COACH Hate him or love him it’s an awesome sight when Bruce just lets rip like that. With Scotty down Bruce uses the opportunity to land a couple of fists drops to Scotty’s neck and shoulder area, ensuring that Static remains totally under his control. If Bruce thought that controlling Scotty would be easy he has another thing coming tonight, Scotty is fighting tonight to kick Bruce out of the OAOAST and he’s not about to let it stop him. Although a poke in the eyes does thwart Scotty’s plans of a comeback at least for now! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! When you’re as powerful as Bruce it’s easy enough to whip Scotty into the ropes and then catch him with both hands. Bruce manages to lift the much lighter opponent up in the air pressing him over his head with the Gorilla Press like it was nothing. As he pumps his arms Scotty starts to wiggle and squirm enough to escape Bruce’s grasp. Static slides down behind Bruce’s back landing in a Sun-set flip position with both hands on Bruce’s tights as he tries to drag him to the ground for a pin. COLE That’s quick thinking from Scotty, now if he can only get him down Bruce goes down, but not in the way Scotty had hoped though as Bruce sits down on Scotty’s chest with all of his 295 pounds behind it. When the referee gets to his knees to count the pinfall on Scotty Bruce puts his hands on the top rope for added leverage ONE!! COLE It can’t end like this! He's got the ropes! TWO!! But there is no three, the referee has seen Bruce’s hands on the ropes and immediately broken the count. Instead of giving Bruce the customary 5 count he uses his own discretion and kicks at Bruce’s hands instead, making the Wildcarder release his hold AND roll backwards straight into a roll up from Scotty Static! ONE!! COACH BRUCE COULD BE OUT OF HERE!! TWO!! But not three, Bruce has managed to flip his body forward again so that he’s sitting on Scotty’s chest once more but this time with Scotty’s legs hooked as well. ONE!! COLE No, no, no kick out Scotty! TWO!! THR-NO!! Scotty kicks out by flipping Bruce back down onto the canvas with his legs, but Blank uses his momentum to roll through it so that he sits up on his knees as well. The moment Static sits up straight Bruce leaps off from his crouched position and lands a shoulder tackle that knocks the smaller Static back down! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! In the past the crowd has been able to distract Bruce with their chanting but nothing he’s as focused as he’s ever been, determined to not make a mistake, to not let Scotty get a moment to breathe because it could cost him his career in the OAOAST. After getting back to a vertical base Bruce pulls Scotty up by the jeans and pushes him back into the corner where he peppers him with a series of elbow smashes that threaten to knock Scotty’s head off. COLE I hate to admit it but Bruce is looking very strong tonight, and he has yet to play it dirty. COACH We heard Anglesault earlier said he wanted Todd Cortez to prove himself as something more than a streetfighter, and now tonight it looks like Bruce is following that lead by doing some actual WRESTLING! Bruce whips Scotty across the ring to the other corner, then he runs at Scotty ready to crush Static under his gigantic frame. Bruce doesn’t make contact with Scotty through, quite the opposite as Scotty lets loose with a low drop kick that knocks the legs out from under Bruce. When Bruce gets to his knees Scotty moves in and tries to wrap his arms around Bruce’s for a double underhook position but the moment Blank feels the set up for the Spiked Punch he quickly pushes Scotty off and moves backwards until he’s got his back against the turnbuckles. COLE Bruce was not about to get caught napping! COACH His contract is on the line Cole, he can’t afford to be napping! Scotty capitalizes by Bruce’s position in the corner by rushing in, placing a foot on Bruce’s knee as he steps up and then... *BLAM!* Plants a knee on Bruce’s jaw knocking the Redneck Superman down with the Shining Wizard. COLE Scotty is going to take to the air! This could be that one big move Scotty needs to turn everything around tonight!! Cole screams in excitement as Scotty Static quickly climbs up the turnbuckles and then gets his balance right. This could be just the ticket for Scotty, unfortunately he doesn’t quite get to punch the ticket as Landon Maddix comes running to the ring, jumps up on the apron and then shakes the top rope. Scotty drops and lands on the metal bracket that holds the top rope tight, Scotty drops with one leg on each side of the bracket taking the full impact on his groin area! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!! COACH Right on the mommy/daddy button! COLE OH COME ON! After he professed to be able to beat Scotty cleanly? COACH Not surprised though. Look at Landon giving Bruce the thumbs up, I think he’s trying to get on Bruce’s good side after War Games. It’s rare that Bruce ever goes to the ropes but the opportunity is just too good to pass up since Scotty looks totally incapacitated. The Redneck Superman climbs up on the middle ropes, hooks Scotty around the head and then lifts him up in the air for a Super-plex on the already battered Scotty... *WHAM!!* As with all Super-plexes the guy performing the move takes some of the impact as well which is why Bruce doesn’t immediately cover Scotty but takes a moment to see straight again before crawling up on top of Scotty. ONE!! TWOO!!! COACH Oh no! THR-SHOULDERUP!! COLE Bruce’s size is working to his advantage in these situations, it’s 295 pounds laying on you that you have to shift to kick out. Not wasting time with a second pinfall attempt that’s bound to fail Bruce gets back up on his feet, pulls Scotty up by the hair and the arm and then he whips one half of the Global Party Exchange hard into the corner. Bruce gets up on the second rope, grabbing the top rope with his left hand to balance himself before Scotty has a chance to regain the air that just got knocked out of him. Bruce raises his huge right fist in the air and then… ONE!! Right fist upside the head! TWO!! Another shot strikes Scotty upside the head but somehow, somewhere Scotty is able to foster an idea and then let that idea take life as he reaches up with both hands, unsteady as he might be, and then pushes Bruce to the right. The desperation push is enough to throw Bruce off balance and send him tumbling over the top rope, landing with a thud on the floor at a really awkward and painful angle. COLE This could be the break Scotty needs! COACH C’mon Scotty! Landon grabs Bruce by the arm and the shirt and helps the dazed redneck to his feet only for Scotty to take full advantage of the position by blasting the leader of the Wildcards in the mid-section with a baseball slide drop kick! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! COLE YES!! COACH Just stick and move Scotty, stick and move!! Landon tries to help Bruce up once more but the big man doesn’t seem to welcome it, not after what his last attempt at helping did to him. Instead he crawls under the bottom rope and into the ring while still gasping for air. Scotty stalks Bruce like a predator on the prowl waiting for the opportune moment to strike, taking his time. Bruce is only up on one knee before Scotty launches his attack... *WHAM!!* With Bruce on his knee Scotty’s spinning leg kick hits the big man right across the face knocking him back down HARD! COACH Scotty is ON FIYAH~! COLE This is his opportunity Coach, this is a chance to rid the federation of Bruce once and for all! Scotty backs off and leans back against the ropes ready to attack Bruce once more, maybe with another spinning kick but unfortunately it’s one of those things we will never know as Landon reaches in and takes a swipe at Scotty’s legs. Scotty easily avoids the swipe but the constant interference pisses Scotty off to the point where he’s demanding that Landon gets in the ring and fights him right now. COLE That’s crazy! He should focus on Bruce and not make it a 2 on 1 match! COACH We need Johnny out here, where is Johnny? Or Jamie? With Scotty’s attention diverted by Landon he quickly falls prey to Bruce as the big man grabs the Global Party’er by the back of the head and the jeans and throws him over the top rope. Fortunately for Scotty he’s got enough presence of mind to shift his weight around and land on his feet instead of his ass. Landon rushes around the corner runs straight at Scotty hoping to get a few shots in on Scotty Static before he can regain his senses. *SMACK!* The only shot anyone gets in is Scotty Superkicking Landon in the jaw as La Cucaracha approaches. Scotty just grins as he slides in under the bottom rope before Bruce has a chance to realize what just happened. Bruce lunges at Scotty like a wild bull without forethought or planning, Scotty however keeps his cool and sidesteps Bruce’s charge like he was an experienced bullfighter dancing with a horned beast. Even though he missed the first charge Bruce charges Scotty again, only this time in addition to side stepping Bruce he also drills a knee into Bruce’s midsection. HUUUUUURGH! With Bruce doubled over Scotty steps up and locks Bruce’s head between his knees, but before he can pull Bruce into a piledriver position the big man stands up straight backdropping Scotty over his head! COACH Damn it that Piledriver could have finished it off. Bruce quickly grabs Scotty’s legs, steps through them with his left leg as he crosses Scotty’s legs setting Static up for a Sharpshooter, but before Bruce can turn Scotty over the young man reaches out and grabs the ropes for the easy out. COLE What was THAT about? Has Bruce been studying some tapes or was that not the Sharpshooter? COACH I guess he wants to show us all that he’s not just a brawler – I got news for you hayseed, that’s not going to cut it. Since Scotty grabbed the rope Bruce has no choice but to release his hold, but that doesn’t mean he can’t kick Scotty which is exactly what he does even while Scotty is holding on to the bottom rope. It only takes 3 or 4 kicks to finally draw out Johnny Jax who runs to ringside, leaps up on the apron making Bruce take a step back out of his reach. JOHNNY!! JOHNNY!! JOHNNY!! COACH Now the sides are even! A recovered Landon pulls Johnny off the apron and then plants a right fist upside his head before tossing the other half of GPX up against the guardrails! Neither Scotty nor Bruce seem to notice the fight on the floor, instead two men are circling the ring, each trying to find an opening, trying to gain the advantage in the match. Scotty fakes an attack and then when Bruce tries to counter he drives the tip of his boot into Bruce’s midsection. The stiff toe kick doubles Bruce over as well as driving him back a step or two, giving Scotty enough room to run across the ring, bounce off the ropes and then launch himself at Bruce. And “launch” is the right word to use in this case as Bruce straightens up at the last moment and catches Scotty, pushing him up into the air and hurling him overhead with ease... COLE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY!! *CRASH!!* COACH TOSSED INTO THE CROWD!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! The crowd is stunned as Bruce uses his awesome power to throw Scotty Static clean over the top rope, over the barricade and into the crowd. Fortunately for Scotty the fans cushion his blow so that he is not seriously hurt, but it’s still a hell of a drop for someone to take. COLE This is going to end badly I know it. Bruce complains of a leg pain which distracts the referee at the moment that Scotty Static forces himself to his feet... *WHACK!* COLE Landon with a chair!! COACH You son of a b*tch!! Landon cracks Scotty over the back with a steel chair knocking Static down to the floor without the referee seeing it! Once Landon has backed off Bruce calls attention to the fact that Scotty is out of the ring! ONE!! TWO!!! THREE!! The referee doesn’t look happy about it but has no other recourse but to count. FOUR!! FIVE!!! SIX!!! COLE Oh come on, it can’t end like this SEVEN!! COACH Oh look at Landon, he’s dancing with joy over there. EIGHT!! NINE!! COLE No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!! TEN!! *DING*DING*DING* COACH F*CK!! Landon raises both hands in the air like HE just won the match, but the smile on his face is quickly wiped off when Johnny Jax jumps him from behind and drives La Cucaracha to the mat. Bruce looks at Johnny and Landon on the floor, then with a shrug of the shoulders he exits the ring, and then pulls Johnny off Landon. COLE Bruce didn’t look too pleased with having to help Landon out. After being pulled off Landon, Johnny goes over to check on Scotty while Landon runs over and takes the microphone from Michael Buffer. LANDON MADDIX Ladies and gentlemen!! The winner of the match in… let’s say 7 minutes, give or take, the leader of the Wildcards – THE REDNECK SUPERMAN BRUCEEEEEEEEEEEE BLANK!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! Landon looks at Bruce to gauge his mood, then he apparently gets a bright idea as the grin on his face attests to. LANDON MADDIX Let that be a lesson Scotty! No one messes with Blank, the Wildcards or Landon Maddix!! We’ll fight anyone, anywhere! Bruce takes the microphone from Landon, apparently he has something to add. BRUCE BLANK You know Landon I like the way you think. I also think that it’s time that YOU got some payback from War Games. You ready to show me what you got? You ready to show me that you can run with us? Landon nods feverously, Bruce seems to be in a forgiving mood and Landon is going with it in hopes of keeping the Wildcards as allies even after submitting during the War Games match. BRUCE BLANK So how about you and me strike a blow for the cause at November Reign – together we will show these two that a few losses may have slowed us down but we cannot be stopped!! You and me Landon...against THEM! COACH Blank and Maddix vs. the GPX at November Reign? COLE Hopefully it’ll be a lot cleaner than tonight! The GPX nod in agreement as the camera closes in on them, wanting a piece of Blank and the all-too-cocky Maddix as we cut away, headed towards another break in the show. *Fade to commercials*
  19. Zack Malibu

    Zack Malibu/Todd Cortez angle.

    There's no need for anticipation tonight, as we dive right into the action as soon as the show is set to start! Already in the ring are Zack Malibu and Todd Cortez, looking as if they've been brawling for a while, and it's Malibu who is on the receiving end of the punishment, as Cortez has him slouched in the corner and is driving his foot into Zack's throat! COLE Fans, we're live, and we are losing control already! Zack Malibu and Todd Cortez, who have each been throwing out challenges to the other since the night of War Games when Cortez injured Leon Rodez's neck, cannot be seperated! COACH Remember when Anglesault took the reins back, Cole. He said that as soon as you set foot inside an OAOAST arena, you are fair game, and these two are both out for blood! Cortez stomps away at Malibu, then drags him up out of the corner, but Zack quickly drops and shoots for the legs, taking Cortez down to the canvas and getting the crowd worked up! Now that their hero is on the offense, the crowd comes alive, watching as Malibu tries to keep Cortez on the canvas and open him up with elbows! COLE Just like with anything we've seen in the past, this is not your typical wrestling feud. This has been a war raging for months not only over respect, but over actions towards a man's family, and now because his best friend is in a hospital bed recovering from a broken neck! Malibu fires elbows off, then starts clawing at the face of the "Urban Legend", trying to dig his fingers into his eye sockets! Cortez tries to push Malibu off of him, but can't...and now the crowd TRULY comes alive, as ANGLESAULT HIMSELF charges down to the ring and yanks Malibu off of Todd Cortez! COLE WHOA! The boss man is here, and he's taking charge! Malibu, incensed at the interference, even from a friend like AS, goes for Cortez again, until the company owner shoves him back! Anglesault and Zack have a tense moment, but Anglesault reassures him to relax, then turns just as Cortez is getting up, and shoves him away before he can get to Zack! COACH This guy can sit behind a desk, or send Watts or whoever out here to take care of this, but instead he's the one trying to keep the peace? That's how you know we got an owner who cares. COLE You said it. COACH Now if he shows it when it comes time for the Christmas bonus, I'll be straight. Anglesault, now with the microphone, stands center ring, while the two wrestlers burn holes in one another with their stares. ANGLESAULT You guys want to kill each other. I know that neither of you want nothing more, and to me, personally, that's fine. Thinking that's an OK for the brawl to continue, Zack and Todd move towards one another, until AS steps back in the middle of them. ANGLESAULT GET BACK! Zack, you too, get back! You know damn well I wouldn't be out here if I didn't have a reason. See, I know that there are two ways for this thing to end. Either Zack goes down in a blaze of glory while searching for justice and redemption, OR, and this one is my favorite, he unleashes a side of him that very few people have had to deal with, something even worse than what you've experience so far, Cortez, and once that happens we'll never hear from you or the rest of you damn Wildcards again! The crowd roars, as Cortez sneers at Anglesault's comment. ANGLESAULT However, THIS is not the time for that. Neither is November Reign, when the two of you meet one on one! COLE WHOA! COACH How's THAT for an official announcement? ANGLESAULT I know how you feel, Zack. I know what you've been through, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt there's no one in this company with more respect for you than me. YOU, Cortez, I sure as hell don't respect you, but I don't let the fact that you run with the garbage like Bruce Blank take away from the fact that you are a hell of an athlete. You've got that sadistic streak burning inside of you, and you take it out on people like Leon Rodez. You've got one of my best workers laid up with a snapped neck, you've made this mans life a living hell, when you could have taken the world by the balls with your God given talent, but NO, you took the easy road. Well let me tell the two of you something. I've given a lot of leeway in recent months. The brawls, the street fights, even War Games, I made the final call on all of them because I KNOW that a standard match can't contain the hatred between the two sides...so that's why we're breaking from tradition at November Reign. It's not going to be a street fight, or a No Holds Barred match, or anything like that. It's gonna be the two of you, Zack Malibu and Todd Cortez one on one, with all rules and regulations applying! Now the crowd is booing, and Anglesault chuckles, seemingly expecting it. ANGLESAULT I knew that was coming, but hear me out. Because IF I made a match like that, what's it going to solve? I know that it's what The Wildcards want, since that's their enviroment, and I know it's what Zack would like so that legally he can do as he pleases to you, Cortez...and personally, after losing Leon for God knows how long, maybe forever even, I'm not ready to let another star of mine risk his career, his LIFE, because of you. So Zack, you have to bite the bullet for me on this one, trust me. You know that you're going to get what you want from these guys down the line, so I'm asking you...actually, I'm telling you, but I'm doing it face to face, man to man, that at November Reign I want the two of you to take that hatred, take this war, and give me a GOD DAMN MATCH OF THE YEAR BECAUSE...BECAUSE IF YOU DO...then ONE of you, whichever one is the better man that night, is going on to fight in the main event for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! COLE WHOA! COACH YO~! Now Zack and Cortez seem a bit more receptive to this. ANGLESAULT Zack, you're the name synonymous with this company. You're the guy who made ME swallow my pride, even just a bit, and admit that I respected you, and you were a better man than me. Cortez, for all you've done, I know about you. I know what you can do. You've got that killer instinct, and quite frankly, you've crossed the line and there's no coming back from it...but I'm not running the risk of putting more of my stars on the shelf. Having Blank give up on the SWF to focus on the OAOAST...he might be doing it as part of his war, but now he's made things between my company and you're old company a little...personal. See, your war isn't the only war going on here...so essentially Todd, I'm using you. I'm using your talent to MY advantage, to show your old employer what they missed out on when they cut you loose...and I'm putting you against a guy who is at his absolute best when his back is against the wall and he's got something to fight for. I am turning you loose on each other not just for your own benefits, but for mine...and that's why whoever is still standing when the bell rings is getting a shot at that belt, because Zack deserves another chance to be on top of this company, and Cortez, if you can prove me wrong, then I will admit that as much as I'd rather see you rot, that you'd deserve the chance as well. And after November Reign, unless you guys cave in and can't wait, you can get back to brawling and bleeding and cutting and smashing and whatever you want to do...but for now...JUST FOR NOW, you work for me, and you're going to do what I want. Now get out of the ring, we've got a show to get on with. With that, Anglesault motions for Cortez to leave first. The "Urban Legend" nods cockily, then ducks out, pointing and taunting Zack Malibu, who stands firm and sucks it up. Anglesault starts to leave but pauses and looks back at Malibu, who keeps eyeing him. Anglesault offers a smirk to his friend, but Malibu, despite the shot at becoming a participant in the Triple Cage match, doesn't look happy. COLE What a speech by the company owner! Putting a cease fire on the Malibu/Wildcards war until after Novemeber Reign so that he can stick it to the SWF! COACH Man, things are heating up in the wrestling world, and of course, we're at the center of the controversy! COLE Isn't it always that way though? Fans, we'll be back with our previously scheduled HeldDOWN~! right after this!
  20. Zack Malibu


    I suppose it's better than Chaka Khan.
  21. Zack Malibu

    So who stinks up the bathroom in your house?

    It's what you've always wanted, isn't it?
  22. Zack Malibu


    Supposedly the writers have definitive stories mapped out for this season and next, and have a basis they want to follow for the next five seasons.
  23. Zack Malibu

    November Reign

  24. Zack Malibu

    November Reign

    I got an idea for the setup: Ramp (of course) in a very light shade of blue, somewhat metallic. The Angletron will be lower than normal, actually as a "wall" at the back of the ramp, and wrestlers come out from either the right or left side of it. The rest of the display is done in the same blue color, as well as white, giving it a November-ish/"winter" type of vibe.
  25. Zack Malibu

    5 Year Retrospective.

    Hey guys, So believe it or not, this spring marks the FIVE YEAR anniversary of the OAOAST. Pretty crazy to think that not only have we been on TSM that long, but that this place has been around that long. I had an idea, and this goes back to when I suggested this during the era that people were praising the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD that WWE put out. What I'm thinking is that over the course of the next few months, we start compiling old "footage" (re: posts, matches, events, whatever), try getting some people like CWM and whatnot involved, and doing a documentary on the life and times of our favorite little e-fed. From the first beltshot to the craze catching on to the Vanilla Midgets days to the first SWF invasion of sorts to Zack Malibu becoming the standard bearer to the Civil War and all the drama that unfolded to now, I'd seriously think it to be cool to get something like that developed. This is me throwing the idea against the wall to see if it sticks, but if we can all work something out I think it'd be a hell of a thing to do for not only the people that have been involved, but maybe to spice up interest as well.