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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    The caption says "way spinet rock to sleep within structure miadeze" Somehow, I think that my Czech-English translator is knackered... Oh, now its perfectly clear. Am I the only one getting flashbacks to Mike Myers and the "Sprockets" segments on SNL when reading that?
  2. Zack Malibu

    You asked for it, you got it. The Smartmarks

    There's actually a movie called this? I just thought that was the name of the Slumber Party Massacre movies killer.
  3. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    You and Game should hook up. Me and your dad should hook up. Well as long as he's not as ugly as you then screw that. I'll go back to rioting. OMG a parent joke! So witty! Personally, I'm glad you find me ugly. Now go push someone's poop in.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed for 10/9/03

    I see it as this. Not only could it have to do with Calvin's IZ arrangements, but think about this...what champion wants to be the king of a sinking ship? He's trying to bring out the best in people, but in the end he wants to be the one to wind up stepping on their toes. Notice what he said to Mad Matt in the promo. Plus, it's also a rally for a brand. You saw the same thing in the WWE during the WCW invasion, and nowadays during their brand split.
  5. Zack Malibu

    You asked for it, you got it. The Smartmarks

    Hey, I didn't say it was a GOOD movie...I'm just naming shit I own off the top of my head to fill the void.
  6. Zack Malibu

    You asked for it, you got it. The Smartmarks

    April Fools Day Silent Night, Deadly Night Dr. Giggles Strangeland
  7. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    The In Crowd was never a joke, though I'm pretty sure Ed embellished his character a bit. I never did .
  8. Zack Malibu

    Yet Another "What Happened to" post

    Quack is still around, and trains wrestlers at the Chikara (sp?) Wrestling Factory, located in Pennsylvania. He also writes articles on his career for one of the Apter mags, I believe The Wrestler.
  9. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    You and Game should hook up.
  10. Fucking computer crashed on me just as I was finishing an in depth post on my 10 picks. At any rate, here's the list I had, with brief explanations. 1)Eddie Guerrero (I agree with many of the reasons already posted. Appeal to fans everywhere, including a major demographic. Can work well as either face or heel, and can adjust to virtually any style match.) 2)John Cena (Average worker, but presence and mic skills draw the audience in, which is a major plus. In order to get them to watch, you have to make them care, and Cena can do that) 3)Lance Storm (I LOATHE the bouncing babyface act he's got going now, so I'd make him a Hennig-esque heel, getting a little too overconfident about his natural talent. Give him a manager to aid him in the promo heavy WWE, again similar to the Heenan/Perfect relationship, and have him get dirty when his "position" is threatened. Could be a major heel if done right) 4)Shannon Moore (sympathetic, Ricky Morton style babyface as part of a tag team to rein in the teenybopper market) 5)Paul London (other half of aforementioned tag team. Natural face charisma, workrate is off the charts, and once the two run their course as a team, they should be over enough for a major feud and elevation) 6)Shelton Benjamin (would not be given a stereotypical rapper/street talkin'/racist gimmick that WWE tends to stick on their African American workers. Maybe a bit of an imagined backstory about a "hard luck" childhood, but used to showcase how he's made it when given the opportunity in college, and now in WWE. Inspirational face or cocky heel, the gimmick could work for both, and would hopefully help draw in another major demographic) 7)Brock Lensar (prototypical WWE monster, still incredibly young and already established. Will always be a major player, but not in Undertaker/HHH "clinging to their spot" style) 8)Rob Van Dam (fans want to see it, break him out of his through the motions workrate which WWE has no doubt told him to use, and have him become more innovative and daring, a la ECW's RVD. The guy has stayed more over than 3/4 the roster during this constant burial, so imagine what he'd be like if actually utilized right) 9)Jamie Noble-the kid has been called "Mini Benoit" time and time again, and not for anything, it's appropriate given the treatment he gets. He's used as filler, just to get the occasional above average match on the card, and after several promising weeks, they didn't even try with his gimmick anymore. Have him burst out of the redneck deal and start kicking ass, similar to how AJ Styles has that "southern flair" about him. Noble is someone who could get over just by skills alone, but if they define his character more (and not stupidly) that would help him out as well. 10)Trish Stratus (covergirl looks with a passion for the business. Who would have guessed three years ago that Trish of all people would wind up a better worker than pretty much every other woman on the roster? She's worked her ass off to get where she is, and is someone that is easily marketable. I'd continue with that) EDITED:I had an announcer in the list, more or less getting too caught up in the fantasy booking. I changed that choice to a wrestler now, as building the promotion around a non-talent is pretty much what is killing them currently (though it's not like I had the person in a wrestling role).
  11. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    Quick Update on the show: Apparently Fox realized it had a hit on it's hands, so rather than the Thursday night timeslot the show was supposed to get, it will return to the air on Wednesday, October 29th. That's good news, since Fox obviously has faith in the show and didn't want to throw it to the dogs by having it up against Must See TV, CSI, etc.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Ratings Feed for 10/9/03

    He's a homegrown hD~! talent, and he's motivating people in his own way, similar to how WWF/E rallied against WCW. Calvin ESTABLISHED himself on hD~! You IZ boys are just lucky he's the champion. Same thing with the DM's, baybee! ::Goes to spraypaint "hD~! rools IZ drools~!" on Popick's house.::
  13. Zack Malibu

    2003 IWA-MS Ted Petty Invitational Thread

    I understand where you're coming from, but given Trent's stake in CZW where he's the messiah of wrestling (not to be confused with his stablemate in Hi-V, The Messiah), I'm just wondering if we'd have seen a H8 Club/Hero type of incident. The promo at One More Time was obviously just done to rip on the competition and get the easy face pop for the CZW loyalists, but given the mindset through many indies on former XPW talent (how ROH and CZW won't book any of them, etc) I just wasn't putting it past them to have tension. Then again, I might be reading too much into a dead issue.
  14. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    Ahem...*clears throat* I would like to thank everybody that voted for me in this tournament. There were times where all hope felt lost. The Buffy marks undying support of one of their own, and the lack of New York Rangers fans here on the board seemingly hurt my chances. However, thanks to good friends, OAOAST brethren, and the owner of our lil' site himself, I persevered. I'd also like to say thank you to Ripper, for not only giving me some competition, but for keeping me entertained with his posts. The man is an asset to the board, and should be viewed as such. I'd like to thank Dames for the naming of myself as a mod yet again. Just FYI, there were never any intentions on banning those who voted against me if I lost. No serious intentions at least. Now...onto the victory party! *puts on crown and sash, and goes to get blitzed with fellow posters*
  15. Zack Malibu

    New Matches Signed for MLW

    Teddy Hart vs. Sonjay Dutt would be a junior heavyweight dream match.
  16. Zack Malibu

    What happened to all the peeps

    Monty Brown worked a tag match not too long ago that featured Gangrel, Sabu, and another guy who I forget the name of. Malice also worked in XPW. Malice was Snuff, right? But wasn't that in the early stages of TNA, when he was around pretty much every week?
  17. Zack Malibu

    What's bookin'...

    I thought we were waiting until after the PPV. We can switch it up if you'd like.
  18. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    That makes no sense, given your vote. To quote Popick... duh...Zack. Remember?
  19. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    Oh shaddup, yah Nomar lovin' mooch. Victory speech is imminent.
  20. Zack Malibu

    World Without End thread

    Zack Malibu vs. CWM, with stipulation TBA.
  21. Zack Malibu

    Name Change

    All set.
  22. Zack Malibu

    What happened to all the peeps

    I saw Monty Brown's name in some Michigan (I think) indie results in one of the Observer updates. Malice had been touring in All Japan.
  23. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/9/03

    PROPS: Axel Northstar Crystal Calvin Matt Zack Jay Rags
  24. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/9/03

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! Season Premiere? Eh eh. Our season never ended, baby! It's time once again for the hottest show this side of the sun, OAOAST HeldDOWN~! One win in the ratings war is not enough to stop our efforts. For like the mighty phoenix, or as some would say, like Coach during a Crystal match, we shall rise again... The action (and the ladies) might be hot, but our hosts are two of the coolest cats around. We take you now to the Awesome Announcers themselves... Michael Cole and DA COACH~! MC:"Fans, tonight is going to be a HUGE night in OAOAST history. Right here, on HeldDOWN, we've got not one, not two, not even THREE titles, but FOUR TITLES all on the line tonight!" Coach:"Man, I am so psyched for tonight, Michael. We've got the World Tag Team Champions, the Dream Machines here, and they're taking on THREE members of Totally Endorsed. Axel and Colvid failed in their bid to win the Tag Titles at Dirty Deeds a few weeks ago, so tonight Sly Summers has been contracted to team with his allies, giving TE a huge edge over the champs!" MC:"Also tonight, the 24/7 Title will be on the line in a Triple Threat Match. Northstar will defend that title against the man he defeated last week, CWM, and a man that he's come very close to beating in the past, our former World Champion, Zack Malibu!" Coach:"Tensions between CWM and Zack have risen in recent weeks, with CWM blaming Zack for things that most people find inspiring, then accuses him of hogging the spotlight. Professional jealousy has taken a turn for the worst, and that match could break down into a slugfest quite easily." MC:"Another match we have to look forward to tonight is an interpromotional match. That's right, for one night only, an IZ talent has been given a free pass..." Coach:"More like a "get out of jail free" card, hehe." MC:"...to come to IZ and try to obtain gold for the IZ brand. Tonight, in that ring, it'll be our X Champion, Ragdoll, defending the belt against IZ's "Shooter" Jay Darring, a man who came this close to World Championship gold recently!" Coach:"Speaking of the World Title..." MC:"Oh, I haven't forgotten. In what some find to be a shocking move, Calvin Szechstein, the OAOAST World Champion, took it upon himself to anwer the open challenge laid out by Mad Matt last week. Tonight, in that ring right in front of us, we'll see Mad Matt take on Calvin, with the OAOAST Title on the line!" Coach:"We can't forget that other match, Mikey...savin' the best for last..." MC:"Oh geez, would you like to do the honors?" Coach:"Yes I would. Folks, one week after becoming the Number One Contender, my babygirl, Crystal, will be in action tonight against not one, but two females, as she deals with Josie and Melanie in a No Holds Barred Match!" MC:"You gonna be able to keep your pants on during that one, Coach?" Coach:"I make no promises." MC:"Well, with that lovely picture in my head, let's go up to our announcer, as we kick off this awesome edition of HeldDOWN~!"
  25. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/9/03

    MC:It is now time for the main event. For the OAOAST World Title. Coach:Mad Matt could pull off a major upset tonight. The kid is focused. "Beware of the Shadows of Madness" "Higher" by Creed plays and out comes Mad Matt. Mad Matt looks focused and almost expressionless. Mad Matt enters the ring and warms up in the corner. Coach:Mad Matt took Ragdoll to the limit back at Dirty Deeds. Let's see if he can do the same with Calvin Szechstein. "I'm the Bomb" by Electric Six plays and out comes the OAOAST World Champion, Calvin Szechstein. Mad Matt doesn't look too impressed by the grand entrance. MC:Mad Matt's mind is on the match. Nothing else. Coach:He is not underestimating the champion. That could be costly. The bell wins and they lock up. Mad Matt with a side headlock and Calvin shoves him off. Calvin with a leapfrop and Mad Matt with one of his own. Mad Matt with a dropkick. Mad Matt now with a deep armdrag taking Calvin down. Calvin looks flustered and he runs into a hiptoss from the challenger. Calvin goes to the outside MC:Calvin is taking his time. A high tempo match is not something you want to get into with a high flying wrestler such as Mad Matt. Coach:Mad Matt is patiently waiting for him. Calvin reenters the ring and another lock up. Calvin with a waistlock into a takedown into an armbar. Stretching on the arm of Mad Matt. Mad Matt does a foreward roll but Calvin maintains the hold. Mad Matt kips up out of the hold. Calvin goes into a chickenwing and Mad Matt falls backstages to break the hold. The chickenwing part is still on and Mad Matt struggles to his feet. Mad Matt with a snap mare to break the hold. Mad Matt now with a running neck snap. Mad Matt with a cover. One...Kickout. Not going to pin the champion less then two minutes into the match. Mad Matt picks up Calvin and Matt with a kick. Matt with another kick. Matt with a third kick. Matt with a huge martial arts kick. Matt picks up Calvin and wrings the arm out. Mad Matt now climbs up top and walks the ropes with Calvin in a wristlock. Mad Matt with a rana from the middle of the second rope onto Calvin. Calvin crahses down to the canvas. MC:Mad Matt is going for the cover. One, Kickout. Again another one count. Mad Matt picks up Calvin and shoots him into the ropes. Mad Matt with a spinning leg lariat. Mad Matt now with a cartwheel into a splash. Mad Matt with another cover. One, Kickout. Mad Matt picks up Calvin and throws him into the ropes. Mad Matt charges in but he eats boot. Calvin now with a clothesline taking Mad Matt down. Calvin grabs Mad Matt and double underhook. Calvin with the double underhook backbreaker to Mad Matt. Mad Matt attempts to get up by using the ropes and Calvin knees him in the back. Calvin grabs Mad Matt in an inverted facelock and lifts him up. Calvin brings Mad Matt down with a backbreaker across the knee. MC:I know what Calvin is trying to do. If he takes away the back, Mad Matt can't do the Shadow of Madness. Coach:Smart strategy by the Champion of the World. Calvin with a cover. One....Two....Kickout. Calvin now with a surfboard, digging the knee into the back of Mad Matt. Matt is in pain but he refuses to give in to the torture. Mad Matt gets up to his feet and Calvin grabs Mad Matt around the waist. Atomic Drop driving the challenger down on his tailbone. Calvin with a knee to the back. Calvin now grabs Mad Matt in a waistlock again and backdrop suplex. Calvin now rolls over Mad Matt and knee to the back. Another knee to the back. Calvin picks up Mad Matt and irish whip into the corner. Mad Matt falls facefirst onto the canvas clutching his back. Calvin picks up Mad Matt and side waistlock. Calvin with a running side suplex onto Mad Matt. Again driving the back down to the canvas. Calvin with a cover. One.....Two.....Kickout. MC:Mad Matt kicks out. His back has to be killing him. Coach:Calvin has Mad Matt hooked. Calvin drops Mad Matt across the knee with a backbreaker. Calvin bends Mad Matt's spine across his knee. Mad Matt shakes his head no at the referee's checks for submission. Mad Matt elbows Calvin across the head. Mad Matt whips Calvin into the ropes NO reversal and Mad Matt hits the turnbuckle again. Calvin with a kick to the back as Mad Matt attempts to get up. Calvin grabs Mad Matt and NEW LINE CINEMA NECKBREAKER. Mad Matt was crashed into the canvas. The referee with the cover. One.....Two.....Thr....shoulder up. The crowd pops at Mad Matt kicking out of that one. Calvin picks up Mad Matt in a full nelson and Calvin with a knee to the spine. Another knee to the spine. Calvin grips Mad Matt and Full Nelson Slam. Bringing Mad Matt down on his spine. MC:Calvin is not going for the cover. This could be a mistake. Mad Matt has not offered too much offense in this match. Coach:Calvin with the cover and yes he does hook the leg. One.....Two......Thr....shoulder up. The crowd can't believe this. Calvin picks up Mad Matt. Calvin slams Mad Matt. Calvin rolls Mad Matt over and drops a knee to the back. Calvin climbs to the top rope. Matt is prone and FREDDY VS JASON FROG SPLASH TO THE SPINE Calvin then goes right into a bow and arrow submission. Sweat is rolling down the face of Mad Matt but he just won't submit. You will have to kill Mad Matt before he gives up the match. Mad Matt rolls the hold and he just manages to grip the ropes barley. Calvin picks up Mad Matt and whips him into the rope. HUGE Spinebuster and Calvin now grabs the legs. Boston Crab to Mad Matt. Sitting down on the spine with that one. MC:Calvin is pulling back on the legs. Sitting down on the spine. Mad Matt is in the center of the ring. Coach:Mad Matt could end up with a broken back. If I was him, I would submit while the submitting his good. Mad Matt is inching his way towards the ropes. Calvin has this hold on tight but Mad Matt is a slippery guy. Mad Matt almost has the ropes but Calvin pulls Mad Matt back to the center. Mad Matt is attempting to get out of the hold but he is helpless almost. Mad Matt is once again clawing towards the ropes. Mad Matt has the ropes. Calvin is refusing to break the hold. The referee is counting. The referee gets to four and a half before Mad Matt slides to the outside breaking Calvin's grip. Calvin follows suit and Calvin rams Mad Matt backfirst into the timekeeper's table. Calvin rolls Mad Matt back into the ring. Calvin is taking it up top. MC:Calvin is looking to wrap up this OAOAST World Title defense. Mad Matt gave it his all. Calvin is up top and he dives off. Miramax Elbowdrop...NO MAD MATT MOVED. Calvin crashed into the canvas. Coach:Mad Matt still has something left. How much is the question? Will it be enough to win the Championship of the World? Calvin is up and goes for a punch but Mad Matt blocks it. Mad Matt with a punch. Calvin goes for another punch but Mad Matt blocks it again. Mad Matt with another punch. Calvin goes for a third time but Mad Matt blocks it again. Mad Matt with a punch. Mad Matt with a chop. Mad Matt whips Calvin into the ropes and flying headscissors. Calvin stumbles in and rana from Mad Matt. Calvin goes to the outside. Mad Matt springboards off the top rope and SHOOTING STAR PLANCHA. Mad Matt wiped out both himself and the champion on that one. MC:I know he has done that move before but Jesus Christ it takes some balls to do a shooting star press onto a standing opponent all the way to the concrete floor. Coach:Damn straight Michael. The risk of landing on your head is great. Both men are down and the referee is counting both men on the outside of the ring. Calvin rolls back in. Mad Matt rolls back in just before ten. Mad Matt now with a kick no Calvin catches it. Mad Matt with an enzugiri to the champion. Mad Matt is going up top. Calvin is up and Mad Matt with a missile dropkick. Right to the mouth of the champion. Matt slides over for the cover. One.....Two.....Kickout. Mad Matt now signals. He is going for the Shadow of Madness. Can he do it with the back? Mad Matt grabs Calvin and inverted facelock. He goes for the lift but he wrenches his back. Calvin goes for a clothesline but Mad Matt ducks it. Mad Matt with a running neckbreaker. MC:He cannot do the Shadow. Mad Matt has to alter his gameplan. Coach:It may be difficult to do it at this stage in the match. Mad Matt picks up Calvin and whips him into the corner NO Calvin reverses. Mad Matt hops to the top rope and MOONSAULT INTO A REVERSE DDT. Both men are down as the referee is putting on the maditory ten count. Mad Matt slides over for the cover. One.....Two......Thr...New Champion NO Calvin kicked out. MC:Mad Matt was so close on that one. So damn close yet so far. Coach:Mad Matt is going up top once more. This kid is crazy. Mad Matt is up top and Calvin charges him but gets a boot to the face with Mad Matt standing on the top rope. Mad Matt grabs Calvin in a front facelock and tornado DDT. Mad Matt bridges for the cover. One.....Two.....Thr....the back gives out on the bridge. The referee has to restart the count. One.....Shoulder up. Mad Matt now bounces off the ropes and jumping reverse necksnap driving the head of Calvin into the canvas. Mad Matt is going up top. Mad Matt is perched and Calvin staggers up. Mad Matt does a flip and DRAGON RANA. MC:Mad Matt with a flawless Dragon Rana. He may have hurt his back as well. Coach:That strategy of Calvin earlier was smart. It causes a lot of stress doing those high flying moves with a bad back. Or so I've been told. Mad Matt slides over for the cover. He is almost there. One.....Two......Thr......shoulder up. The crowd is really getting into this match now. The crowd is chanting "Mad Matt", Mad Matt is up and Mad Matt hops to the top rope. Mad Matt looks for Calvin and Calvin pulls himself up. MAD MATT WITH THE RADAR OF MADNESS. MC:Radar of Madness. This has to do it. That is one of Mad Matt's main moves. Mad Matt rolls over and rolls on top of Calvin to go for the pin. One.....Two......Thr......SHOULDER UP??? MC:"He was THIS CLOSE, Coach!" 2 and 7/8ths count by the challenger. Mad Matt is starting to get frustrated. He hit Calvin with everything but the kitchen sink yet he can't put the champion away. Mad Matt is climbing up top. Mad Matt is up on the top rope and dives off. Flying Senton....MISSES. Coach:"High risk did not pay off there!" Mad Matt hits the canvas and he is stunned. Calvin pulls himself up. Calvin is going up top. Calvin flies off and FUBU 450 SPLASH!!!! Calvin with the cover hooking the leg. One..... Two..... Three! MC:"Calvin retains!" Calvin is still the OAOAST World Champion. Mad Matt gave him a hell of a match but Calvin proved to be the better wrestler on this night. Coach:"What a match that was. What a SHOW that was!" MC:"Coach, this has been one hellacious night. Hang on...I'm getting word now...fans, turn up your TV's for this. Next week on HeldDOWN~!, we've already had Axel challenge anyone to a No Holds Barred matchup, but Tim Moysey has just informed us that several issues will be addressed next week. Our GM did not take kindly to several IZ talents running amuck here tonight, and will appoint a HeldDOWN~! Security Cheif next week! Coach:"Ooh, pick me!" MC:"Right...also, due to Ragdoll hounding Tim for competition against the best in the world, Tim Moysey has signed...get this...Ragdoll will defend the X Title against...ZACK MALIBU, right here, next week on HeldDOWN~!" Coach:"That's going to be awesome, Cole!" MC:"Tonight was a great effort from everyone on our roster. We've got a lethal lady gunning for Calvin Szechstein, we've got Tag Champions fighting through anything put in their way, and like them or not, the most powerful stable perhaps in OAOAST history continues their rise, and it all happens on Thursday nights. Fans, we thank you for joining us, and stay tuned each and every Thursday for the best action anywhere, right here on OAOAST HeldDOWN~!"