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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Dirty Deeds Prediction Thread

    Falls Count Anywhere Match for the OAOAST Title: Calvin Szechstein Vs. Shooter Jay Calvin squeaks by somehow Tag Title Match: The Dream Machines Vs. Colvid & Axel Axel and Colvid, to continue the T.E. dominance Triple Cage Match for the OAOAST Contract: Blurricane Vs. Bizarro Blurricane Blurricane Farewell Match: Zack Malibu Vs. Spider Poet Alfdogg Stairway to Hell Match for the X Title: Ragdoll Vs. Mad Matt Mad Matt Last Man Standing Match for the North American Title: Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. K-Ness PRL Sly Summers Vs. Crystal Crystal Jailbait Vs. Jingus Jailbait
  2. Zack Malibu

    Best HeldDOWN~! matches

    OK, we've had the split in effect for almost six months now, so it's time to have a little fun. Here's a thread where you can nominate any HeldDOWN~! brand match, either from our flagship show or a PPV for what you'd consider the HeldDOWN~! match of the half year. All nominees are taken into consideration, and I'll follow this up with another thread where we'll determine the HeldDOWN~! Match Of The Half-Year.
  3. Zack Malibu

    I'm the New Ask411 Movie Guy

    Hrm, not really a stumper, but it's to do with a semi-obscure 80's movie, something Deacon has a good knowledge of. At the end of Making The Grade (put out in 83-84 I believe, starring Judd Nelson, along with an early performance by Andrew Dice Clay), it says that "Palmer and Eddie (Judd's character and his partner in crime) will be back in Tourista, coming soon." I don't think Tourista ever was made, but are their any details as to why? Perhaps due to The Breakfast Club rising Nelson's star, or just general slacktitude on the part of Cannon Films?
  4. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Hey that's my thread... How can you live in RI and be a Phins fan though? Quite easily. Personally, I despise all our hometown teams, save for the Celtics. Hockey (my favorite sport) I like Montreal and the NY Rangers. Football, I'm a Dolphins fan. I've been a Marino mark since I was a kid. Baseball...Yanks. Oh yeah, you know it. And stardust, I'm assuming what you thought was a compliment along the lines of "that lucky bastard" .
  5. Zack Malibu

    XPW PPV #2 in the works

    If it's anything like the first one, featuring stuff I've already got, I won't bother with it. Speaking of, I'm working on a review of the Best of The Enterprise DVD. About time someone with an unbiased opinion of XPW, be it positive or negative, wrote something up about them 'round here.
  6. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Dude, you know you are still Number 1 in my heart. But I love the Idea of a guy that never post winning this thing. I point to who I voted for between me and Marney. That should get me some slack. What about me? Am I still #1 too?
  7. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    I direct you to page 23 (I think) of the "Would You" thread in General Chat, to see the girl I've gone out with recently. That is why Ripper is giving Dames the sympathy vote. He feels I'm happy enough.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Character Actor Gordon Jump Dies

    Jump was also on Soap for a while, and had guest appearances as a race track owner on the episode of The Incredible Hulk where Banner befriended a young retarded man. I think he was also the actor who portrayed "The Bicycle Man" in the special episode of Diff'rent Strokes where Arnold and Dudley were befriended by a bicycle shop owner who was a child molester. Last but not least, I just watched him recently as the headmaster of a prep school in a highly underrated 80's comedy called Making The Grade, which I think was Judd Nelson's debut (he was the main star of it).
  9. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

  10. Zack Malibu

    The New Me's Blog

    Dear Diary, I think The New Me should save his money. Or buy the Saved By The Bell DVD boxed set of Seasons 1 & 2. That is, unless he already has it. Encouragingly, Zack
  11. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    I'm Corporate now... Damn right I'm on a power trip? Got a problem with...go on, complain, I dare you. I'll change your match. I'll let you fight Mario You'd like that wouldn't you? Avast, shove off, I am the golden one around here for now...I am CORPORATE~! /ooc man, that power trip was fun TONY/BPP Power Trip #2 > HHH/Austin Power Trip #1 You're the IZ Power Tripper. I'm a HeldDOWN~! star.
  12. If you re-read that post, you'll notice that I never called you names. Go ahead. Look. It's there.
  13. If I could steal a phrase from Mario Logan: Zack what the fuck are you thinking you stupid little Jew-whore. I'm not that filthy little anti-semite. Note: Yes he has posted this here, and the only thing Dames did was talk about his rage problem. Racist. Since when is "DePetrillo" a Jewish name?
  14. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

  15. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    You like the Dolphins. Go away. I like the Dolphins too.
  16. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Did someone not detect the sarcasm/joking nature of my post on the subject? I didn't know - it seemed sincere. Everything does on the internet. I figured it was going to garner more "pssh, OK Zack" reactions knowing that it was in a joking sense than "Really? You are?" reactions.
  17. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Did someone not detect the sarcasm/joking nature of my post on the subject?
  18. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Date and time TSM jumped the shark: Sep 23 2003, 02:27 PM Yep...you're first on the list. I was gonna let you slide, but nooooo...
  19. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    I'd just like to note that I'm in the process of buying the site from Dames right now, so a vote for Dames is a vote for banishment from your soon to be Admin.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Garrison Cade, Mark Jindrak & Maven

    From what I gathered, Orton would be taking over the Evolution moniker, it'd just consist of people that are "evolving", or in Anglesault speak, "that suck". Orton, Maven, Jindrak, Cade and possibly Batista look to be the group, at least in my opinion. I honestly thought we were going to get the Orton turn last night during the six man, and the four young guys would beat Flair and Triple H down, but alas, all we got was a bland six man.
  21. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    ::Listens to "Love Child" by Sweet Sensation::
  22. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    At least you'll be losing to someone on your level though.
  23. Zack Malibu

    HeldDOWN Booking for 9/25

    I'm going to write it up, LPYC, so I'll post it in the GCF tomorrow night when it's done.
  24. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Nevermortal Kotz Zack Malibu -EDIT:Dames went ahead and voted for himself, after I no-voted us. Well, psssh...Homey don't play dat. I'm voting for myself too. Downhome CobainWasMurdered evenflow Incandenza Banky-only because IDRM has seemingly vanished. Ripper DangerousA ShooterJay LaParkaYourCar FrozenBlockOfPissReborn Jhawk chave The New Me-no vote on this one either. Anglesault
  25. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    For God's sake man, I know she was hot, but let it GO~!