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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    Ninjas and dry smileys are my weapons of war!
  2. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    That only means YOU know who he really is...
  3. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    I'm not going to a concert tonight, twatscrubber.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    Yeah, good call. I'm not gonna be at home tonight.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    I'll take Oblivious Heel. There.
  6. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    Yeah, there's a lot of that going on in NHB these days .
  7. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: Draft Declarations

    Who is this Zach and why does Leena want everyone to be on his team?
  8. Zack Malibu

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    Wow, now I don't regret buying one of the T-shirts.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Brian Pillman's Jump to ECW

    His last appearance was on a WCW Worldwide broadcast, interfering in a Flair/Savage (IIRC, might have been Savage/Benoit) matchup that was taped months prior.
  10. COLE Fans, this is IT. Right now, we are mere moments away from the most anticipated grudge match in OAOAST history. This match...this FIGHT, is not about a title. Not about former partners colliding, not about a matter of respect, because there is none of that involved in this war. This is the culmination of a series of events which led to Zack Malibu having to watch his girlfriend Candie, and his baby daughter Jenna put in harm's way, as Bruce Blank and The Wildcards, men who were brought into the OAOAST BY Zack Malibu, confronted them and made them a part of their vendetta against Zack. COACH Like you said, it was all three Wildcards who broke into Zack and Candie's home, intimidating Malibu's girlfriend and daughter...however Bruce Blank has always led the charge, and has proudly taken full responsibility for being the one behind the mental anguish Zack Malibu has gone through. COLE Mental anguish is putting it lightly, as certain incidents transpired since that sick scene at the Malibu house that should have never taken place inside an OAOAST ring...events that nearly led to a forced retirement from Malibu, until the company namesake himself, Anglesault, made a return and pretty much promised to shut the company down and pull his affiliation from it if Malibu wasn't immediately reinsated! Anglesault then cornered the company into booking this match, because for the first time in months, Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank will stand inside the same ring, needing no regard for rules. The referee is here tonight simply to count to three and nothing more, because this is going to be brutal, and completely within reason when it comes to the pain Zack Malibu wishes to inflict on Bruce Blank. COACH It ain't gonna be pretty, Cole. We're not gonna see any collar and elbow tie ups, headlocks, or even that many pin attempts. We're going to see PUNISHMENT, pure and simple. Chairs, chains, tables, whatever they may find to use as a weapon is fair game. *DING! DING! DING!* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest has been deemed NO RULES NECESSARY by the OAOAST! The fans roar for the announcement, and are immediately deflated by the opening sounds of THIS SONG, the anthem for a man with an insatiable taste for blood. BUFFER Introducing first, as he comes down the aisle...hailing from Mobile, Alabama. Weighing in at two hundred, ninety five pounds, he is known the world over as the King of Hardcore, and is the leader of The Wildcards...BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK! Bruce snickers as he twirls his barbed wire baseball bat, happily anticipating the chance to kill the legend of Zack Malibu once and for all tonight. While deep down he knows it may not be that easy, you'd never known it from his demeanor, as he cackles while he walks by the fans who hate him so. COLE Yuck it up now, Bruce...you won't be laughing soon! Blank steps up onto the apron, and then over the top rope, swaggering across the ring. You'd never think this was a man about to head into a war with the person who hates him most on this earth...one who actually pulled a gun on him on national television...but no matter what Bruce may be thinking, it doesn't let it show on the outside. The jeering continues as Blank strolls across the ring, clutching his barbed wire bat, as the lights drop for the introduction of his opponent. Several moments go by before anything is heard over the PA system, and once something is played, it's not the expected "Getting Away With Murder". Instead, SOMETHING NEW begins playing, along with a new Angletron video for the OAOAST's favorite son. COLE HERE HE COMES, COACH! COACH ZACK IS BACK, BABY! As his new theme song plays, Zack Malibu, clad in "fight clothes" of black boots, jeans, and taped fists, appears on the entrance ramp, drawing a HYOOGE pop in the process! Not wasting any time in getting to the ring, Malibu powerwalks down the ramp and hops up on the apron, stepping into the ring and pushing Michael Buffer aside before he can make Malibu's introduction! Referee Nick Patrick begs Malibu to hold on a second, at least so the bell can be rung...and the cocky Blank puts his bat aside, then waves Malibu on in a taunting fashion, almost daring him to come at him! After weeks of being kept apart, and months of surviving both mental and physical torture, the bell sounds, marking the first time that Zack Malibu has officially, legally, been able to get his hands on Bruce Blank since the rough and tumble redneck crossed the line by involving Malibu's family in their war. As soon as the bell sounds, Malibu knocks Patrick aside and rushes Bruce, hooking him around the waist and driving him backwards into the corner! With Blank caught in the corner, Malibu stands up and immediately rakes Blank's eyes, taking away his vision even for just a second or two to keep him off guard! Blank puts his hands up, trying to defend himself as he's blinded, but Malibu breaks through the defense and goes for the right eye of Blank, pushing his thumbs into the light socket of the hardcore superstar! COLE He's trying to gouge his eye out! COACH I suppose it'd be too cliche to make an "eye for an eye" joke here, right? Blank actually howls out loud as Malibu tears at his eye, then pulls Blank's head close to him and starts biting the skin above the eye, driving his teeth sharply into his skin! COLE He's biting him now! COACH Mikey Cole, this is not the Zack Malibu we're used to! COLE We knew that going into this. We knew Zack Malibu would be out for blood. We knew this wouldn't be a mat classic. Zack Malibu is simply looking to dismantle the man who accosted his family! Blank again screams, agonozing as Malibu tears at the skin above his eye, pulling away from the prep before he loses his eye to the bloodthirsty superstar. Just moments into the match, Bruce is a grim visual, as a gash over his eye from the bite wound is oozing blood, caking up over his eye and affecting his vision. Bruce tries to wipe the blood away so that it doesn't affect him, but Malibu continues to be relentless, charging over and hitting a running kick to Bruce's midsection that doubles him over in agony! COACH I don't care HOW hardcore you are, that hurts EVERYBODY! Blank winces as Malibu takes him by the head, taking him to the corner and slamming his face into the turnbuckle before dragging his head across the top rope, using the friction to create rope burn on Bruce's forehead! Blank groans again, in obvious discomfort, as Malibu pulls him away from the ropes. Malibu again tears at the eye, but this time Blank puts up a defense, shoving Zack away from him. Malibu doesn't stop, and comes right back at Blank, but as he reaches in, he gets piefaced by the hardcore monster, who then reaches out and grabs Malibu by the throat! Blank squeezes with both hands as Malibu gags and gasps, flailing as he's hoisted off his feet and held in the air by his throat! COLE Bruce Blank is choking the life out of Zack Malibu! Blank, already bloodied, looks up at Zack and slyly grins, then tosses Malibu down hard, into the corner. He then charges in, but Zack swings out of the way just in time, and Blank crashes shoulder first into the steel ringpost! Blank inches out of the corner, keeled over and bracing himself against the middle rope, when Malibu gets a running start and delivers a hard kick to the side of his head, knocking Blank through the ropes, sending him bouncing off the apron and out to the floor below! COLE You knew it was only a matter of time before this match spilled outside, Coach. COACH They're spilling outside, there's blood spilling everywhere...spill spill spill! Groggy and bloody, Blank staggers to his feet, stumbling backwards and leaning against the guardrail. Staying on his foe, Malibu runs the ropes inside the ring, and then goes airborne, diving over the ropes with a no hands plancha and crashing down onto Blank... *KER-ACK!* ...and driving into him so hard that his back snaps against the metallic railing! COLE Coach, did you see that!? COACH That plancha just bent his back over the guardrail! Both men fall to the floor after impact, but Malibu gathers himself and pulls himself up right away, and immediately starts stomping the wounded animal known as Bruce Blank. As he does this, ringside fans voluntarily stand up, hoisting their chairs up in their hands and offering their services to Zack Malibu, as there isn't one person in this arena tonight who isn't supporting Zack's mission of justice. Zack grabs one of the chairs and holds it by both legs, cocking it back before bringing it around and slamming it against the small of Blank's back as he stands up! Bruce drops to one knee, holding onto the railing for support, and Zack comes again with the chair, bringing it over his head and down onto the top of Bruce's, delivering a gunshot like chair shot that lays Bruce out cold on the floor! Malibu slowly walks and stands over Bruce as the crowd roars in approval of Zack's vengeance, and cheers even louder when he stands over Bruce, driving the edge of the chair down into his throat! COLE Listen to the fans! COACH They're bloodthirsty here tonight! COLE I wouldn't say that, Coach, but they're just like you and I...and everyone else who saw the torture Zack Malibu has been put through. This is Bruce Blank's day of reckoning, and if there is ANYONE who deserves exactly what he is getting right now, it's that man down on the ground, having the life choked out of him! Referee Nick Patrick, who has been assigned to this match to simply count to three and nothing more, watches on along with the packed arena, as Blank struggles to push the chair up off of his windpipe. Eventually, Malibu discards the chair and drops to his knees, pinning them down on Blank's shoulders, and digs his fingers into the open wound over Blank's eye, trying to stretch the cut and get more blood pouring out so that Blank's vision is hampered! Blank squeals like a pig, the more focus put on the cut the more he's affected, but his power finally comes into play and he shoves Malibu off of him, trying to get to his feet and gain a decisive advantage against the vigilante like Malibu. Blank rolls over and starts to push up, but Malibu is right on him, grabbing him by the head again and looking to exploit the cut once again, not losing focus, but Blank reaches up and grabs Malibu by the head, pushing him backwards and slamming the back of his head against the steel ringpost! Malibu's arms drop by his side as he absorbs the shot, but now it's Blank's turn to act relentlessly, as he pulls Malibu back up to a vertical base, and then SLAMS the back of his head against the ringpost again! Malibu slumps down, as Blank steps back a bit, then reaches down into his boot. When he brings his hand up, he raises it in the air, showing the viewing audience that he's brandishing a metal spike that he had concealed in his boot! COLE Look at this! What's he gonna do with that? He's sick! SICK! COACH There's no rules, Cole! We wanted Malibu to be able to get back at Blank without any regard for rules and regulations, but it's coming back at him in a bad way right now! Blank drags Malibu up, and while holding his head in one hand, starts to dig the spike into the forehead of the former World Heavyweight Champion! Malibu screams, and the fans gasp in horror, as Blank takes the sharp object and rakes it across Malibu's forehead, opening a wound on him and allowing the blood to flow over him! Blank then pulls Malibu close, and now it's his turn to tear at the wound, as the sadistic redneck starts biting and tearing at the cut before driving a knee into Malibu's midsection...and another...and then hurls Malibu into the ring steps, knocking them loose from their perch! Zack rolls around ringside, trying to suck it up and get back on his feet, not wanting Blank to gain the advantage...but Blank is stalking him with the spike in his hand, like a horror movie villain going in for the kill! As Malibu crawls across ringside, Blank comes and stomps the back of his head, then reaches down and brings him up to his feet, just so he can slam his back hard against the apron! Malibu slumps again, but Blank stops him from dropping to the floor by again trying to drive the spike into him...this time into his eye! COLE What was that you said earlier, Coach? COACH An eye for an eye! Blank pushes, but Malibu grips the wrist of his opponent, desperately trying to push the spike away from his eye. Weakened, Malibu struggles, as the sharp point of Blank's weapon of choice is coming dangerously close to being driven into Malibu's eyeball...but a well placed low kick helps Zack in deflecting it! Blank reels, and Malibu takes his head and slams it down into the apron not just once, but repeatedly, stunning Blank and causing him again to drop to a knee. Malibu backs off and now undoes the belt from around his jeans, then takes it and wraps it around the throat of Bruce Blank, choking the life out of him! COLE Look at this! He's choking him with his belt! Blank staggers, trying to break free, and then uses his height and weight advantage to push up onto the apron and slide in under the bottom rope, all while Malibu is basically dragged as he hangs on, trying to suffocate Blank! Bruce comes up on both knees, then just one, and finally pushes himself to his feet, falling backwards half purposely, have wearily, and crushing Zack in the corner! COLE Blank has gotten Zack off his back now... COACH Literally! COLE ...right, Coach. Blank staggers away, quickly wiping the blood from his forehead and flicking it away before turning around and charging the corner, blasting Zack Malibu with a running corner clothesline that drops him down to a seated position! Bruce then lifts his leg, driving the heel of his cowboy boot into Zack's throat, choking him against the turnbuckles! Blank then yanks Malibu to his feet and sends him across the ring, into the opposite corner, and Malibu hits so hard that he falls forward, face first to the canvas! Blank snickers as he watches Malibu slowly pushing himself up off the canvas, but when he stands him up, Malibu quickly grabs onto a place that no man wants another man to grab onto, forcing Blank into agony by trapping him in a testicular claw! COACH Aw man, this is hurting ME! I'm squirming in my seat, Cole! Blank's jaw drops, as he moans in pain, while Malibu stands up, using his free hand to jab a finger into the open wound over Blank's eye and tear at the cut! It's double trouble for Blank, who can't fight off both tactics, both of which are hurting him immensely! Ultimately, Malibu releases on his own will, charging the ropes and nailing Blank hard with a spinning wheel kick as he comes off, taking the towering superstar off of his feet! Instantly, Malibu rolls atop Blank and mounts the shoulders, bracing his head in one hand as he pummels the superstar with repeated blows to the temple, once again simply looking to stretch that cut and drain him of more blood. Malibu, his face bloodied as it is, is the picture of rage as he wails on Blank, finally standing above him and wiping the blood of his foe on his jeans before spitting down into Bruce's face! Zack then backs off and turns to the corner, pausing for a moment as he notices Bruce's trusty barbed wire baseball bat just sitting there, waiting to be put to use. COLE We've seen that look in Malibu's eyes before, and we know exactly what he's thinking! COACH That same weapon, that barbed wire bat...it's the same weapon that put Zack Malibu on the shelf. It's the same weapon that Bruce Blank has used to cause so much pain and turmoil ever since setting foot in our company! COLE And right now, it's in the hands of a man with absolutely NOTHING TO LOSE! Malibu grabs the weapon and turns around, watching as Blank again shows his high tolerance for pain by battling to his feet...and Malibu comes out swinging, cracking him in the upper thigh with a hard barbed wire bat shot! Blank falls immediately to one knee, and tries to get back up, only to be blasted again just above the knee with another shot! COLE Malibu's trying to cut his legs out from under him! The height and weight advantage is all Blank has tonight, because Malibu will go through...he HAS gone through hell, and will not give Bruce the psychological edge! COACH Blank always has fear and intimidation on his side, but not tonight. Zack Malibu is fearless, and quite frankly, careless. He doesn't want to win, he wants to MAIM that man for what he did to his girlfriend and his baby daughter! Blank again falls to one knee, favoring his leg, as Malibu cocks the bat back again and swings...and Blank throws up his arm just in time, catching the shot on his forearm rather than across the head! Blank quickly reaches out and grabs the fat end of the bat, his unprotected hand clenching the barbed wire and beginning to bleed, as he yanks his weapon of destruction away from Zack, pulling Malibu towards him in the process and drilling him with a short clothesline! Malibu lands on the mat, dazed from the blow, while Blank clenches the bat in his hand and brings it down...just barely missing Malibu, who is able to roll out of the way! Blank lifts the bat up over his head again, bringing it down towards Zack...but Malibu rolls himself backwards and to his feet, avoiding another shot with the devestating object...AND DRILLS BRUCE BLANK WITH A FLASH SCHOOL'S OUT, DROPPING HIM LIKE A GUNSHOT! COLE SCHOOL'S OUT! HE NAILED HIM WITH THAT! COACH That was out of nowhere, but it was all Zack needed! Blank, with the bat still stuck in his grasp, is flat on his back, and Malibu falls on top of him, going for the first pinfall since this contest even started! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! COACH WHAT!? COLE He kicked...Bruce Blank KICKED OUT of a School's Out!? After all that, he's still got something left in him!? Zack looks up, obviously disappointed that he wasn't able to put Blank away, not giving any regard to Blank's tolerance for pain. Malibu stands up, contemplating his next move momentarily before prying the barbed wire bat from Bruce's hands, and yanking on the sadistic Southerner Boy's hair to bring him up to his feet...and then drills him with a bat shot to the ribs! Malibu rips the bat away, tearing pieces of Blank's shirt as he does so, as Blank drops to both knees. Malibu then takes the bat long ways and stands behind Bruce, pressing it against his forehead, which jabs the sharp points of the wire into Bruce's skin! Malibu then begins raking the bat to the side, opening new wounds on Bruce's forehead as the bastard has to endure getting a taste of his own medicine! Malibu then tosses the bat aside, and jams his fingers in Bruce's mouth, pulling back on his cheeks while pressing his thumbs into open forehead wounds, tearing away like a savage animal! COLE He's trying to tear his face off! Blank grabs Zack's wrist, desperately trying to pry his hands away. He finally succeeds, as he stands up on both feet, and sends Malibu careening into the ropes, driling him with a hard boot across the head as he rebounds! Blank then simply falls down onto Malibu with a hard elbow drop, then takes him by the head and slams the back of it into the canvas repeatedly before pulling him to his feet. Blank braces Malibu for a moment and then reaches down, grabbing him by the waist of his jeans, and runs with him, hurling him through the ropes to the outside so hard that Malibu bounces off the front of the announcers table! COACH He just tossed Zack like he was nothing! COLE To Bruce Blank, Zack Malibu IS nothing, Coach, and that's what he's looking to prove here tonight! Blank stares at the fallen superstar, then turns back to retrieve his weapon of choice, staring out into the eyes of the fans who hate him so. Through the blood and sweat that drench his face, he looks back to the outside, stepping through the ropes while holding his barbed wire baseball bat, moving to the floor to stalk Zack Malibu! COLE They are right out here in front of us, and that's not something I'm comfortable with! COACH Me neith... *CRASH~!* Before Coach can utter those two simple words, his worst nightmare comes true, as Malibu dodges a shot with the bat that smashes across the Sofa Central announce table! COACH YO~! COLE Oh no no no, please don't let me have to put my health benefits to use tonight! Malibu stumbles as he pushes himself to his feet, and motions for a fan to throw him a chair again, grabbing it just in time to turn and use it as a shield for the next shot that Blank takes at him! The bat clangs against the metal chair, and when Bruce pulls back for another shot, Malibu takes one with the chair, but whiffs, narrowly missing Blank. Bruce then swings the bat down with one hand, knocking the chair from out of Malibu's grip, then waylays Zack in the side of the ribcage with the bat, causing the wire to stick into it! COACH Oh...ohhhhh man. Malibu's legs weaken, but he's struggling to stand as Blank pulls the bat away. Zack lunges with a wild haymaker punch, but Blank easily avoids it, and then winds up and lands a hard shot with the bat to the rib cage, doubling Zack over and dropping him to the floor! COLE He's beating him with that damn bat of his! Once again, Malibu struggles to stand, and does so...but winds up taking ANOTHER hard shot to the ribs with the bat, leaving his stomach area a bloody mess, and causing him to cough blood up out of his mouth! COLE He's smashing him from the inside out! COACH And it's perfectly legal! Malibu AGAIN pushes up, nearly falling over until he catches himself on the apron...but Blank lets out a war cry and charges, holding the bat longways and drilling Zack across the forehead with it, bowling him over once again! COLE Zack is...he's bleeding pretty badly, Coach. He doesn't look good at all! COACH Mercy kill this thing, then! COLE Sorry to say Coach, but that word doesn't exist amongst these two men. Bloody Blank snickers and chuckles as he stands over Malibu, who lay in a heap of his own spit, sweat, and plasma...but then slowly rolls over and starts pushing himself up off the ground again, drawing a loud ovation from the sold out and highly surprised crowd! COLE HE'S GETTING BACK UP! Malibu pushes up once again, but this time Blank drives a hard knee into his gut, and then swings behind him, trying to pull the bat down over his head, and choke him out with the wire covered weapon! COLE HE'S TRYING TO CHOKE HIM! COACH HE'LL TEAR HIS THROAT OPEN! Malibu, just like Blank earlier, uses his bare hands to grip the long end of the bat, not caring about the cuts that open up on his hands, as he's trying to prevent something much more serious from happening. Blank forces it down, but Malibu, with his last bit of energy, pushes the bat up back over his head, and then turns in towards Blank, driving repeated elbows into his midsection before staggering back to give himself room, and then opens fire with another School's Out...THAT BLANK CATCHES! Throwing Malibu's leg down, Blank then rushes in with ANOTHER hard bat shot to the ribs, and then another one right between the shoulder blades, causing Malibu to crumble to the floor! COLE DAMMIT YOU SICK BASTARD, DAMN YOU TO HELL! COACH Zack... Blank drops to his knees, and pulls Malibu's head up, the cameras catching the grisly visual of Zack, with his eyes squinted shut, drenched in blood. Blank wipes his hand across Malibu's forehead, staining his own hand with some of Zack's blood, and LICKS IT, before spitting it back in Malibu's face and dropping him down again! COACH Jesus, this guy...when is enough enough for him!? Blank stands up, and walks over to the announce team, pounding the bat on the desk to cause Cole and Coach to jump, and starts taunting them about "ruining their heros return!" COLE You're sick, you know that? Get away from me, get the hell out of here! Cole and Coach ward Blank off, not noticing that Malibu, once again, is forcing himself to get up, and not be beaten down by Bruce Blank. Clutching his ribs, Malibu hobbles, and spins Blank around, stunning him with a hard right hand that sends the crowd into a frenzy! He takes Blank's head and slams it into the announce desk, then reaches down and pulls one of wires up from the floor, wrapping it around Bruce's neck and yanking back on it! COLE GET HIM, ZACK! GET HIM! Blank drops the bat now, trying to use his hands to pry the wire away from his throat, as Malibu looks downright evil as he tries to cut off the air going into the body of the big redneck! Blank uses his large legs to push back, knocking Malibu back with him and smashing his back into the hard edge of the ring apron, causing a break! Blank falls forward, catching himself on the announce desk, as Malibu cringes from being rammed into the ring. He comes over again and reaches out for Blank, but as soon as Bruce feels him, he spins around, grabbing one of the small monitors off the announce desk as he does... *WHAM~!* ...AND HE BLASTS ZACK MALIBU ACROSS THE HEAD WITH IT! COACH GOD DAMN IT! Malibu is laid out flat on the ground, and now Bruce grabs the chair that Malibu attempted to use earlier, and simply opens up, bringing the chair down across Zack's body numerous times in a bloody rage! Shot after shot after shot hit Malibu as he lay defenseless, trying to push himself up on all fours to no avail! COLE Stay DOWN, Zack! STAY DOWN! COACH He can't, Cole! He can't do it, not because of himself, but because he has to make things right for his family! COLE IF HE DOESN'T STAY DOWN, HIS FAMILY WON'T HAVE HIM TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT FOR THEM ANYMORE! The more Blank attacks, the more Zack tries, growing weaker and weaker as he absorbs every blow. Nick Patrick looks on in horror, wondering what he did to have pulled this assignment, because there is nothing he can do as the proud father of a newborn baby girl, a man respected by his peers and fans the world over, is being brutalized by a man who went further over the line than anyone before him. COLE Don't try to get up, Zack. Please, just let him end this! Cole and Coach plead with Zack to let this be done and over with, but Malibu can't hear them. Nor can he hear the fans, all trying to encourage him, hoping that one last bit of adrenaline comes. He can't hear anything, except for the loud clangs of the steel chair, as they make impact against his body. Even they start to fade, growing softer and softer and softer, until Zack Malibu lay motionless, and Bruce Blank finally stops. COLE You've beaten him! You've beaten him, you bastard, now end it already! Bruce Blank stops, and hurls the chair behind him, nearly clipping Nick Patrick in the process. He looks down at Zack Malibu, who is out cold on the pavement, having been victimized far too much and lost too much blood. Blank turns and motions for Patrick to come over, while he kicks at the limp body of Malibu, turning him over with his foot. Blank drops to his knees, and then lays across the chest of Malibu, while a reluctant Nick Patrick does the one thing he was hired to do tonight. ONE! TWO! THREE! *DING! DING! DING!* "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" begins to play, as Bruce Blank pushes up off of Zack Malibu, and spits on him again, showing total disrespect in the face of victory. Blank stands up as the crowd opens up with feverish boos, the loudest Blank has probably ever seen. COLE I hope you're happy, Bruce Blank. I hope you're...damn it! Michael Cole throws down his headset in disgust, while Coach remains silent. Walking with a slight limp, and completely worn down, Blank reaches down and picks up his barbed wire baseball bat, and begins to head to the back, while Michael Buffer has to make the announcement that nobody wants to hear. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner...BRUUUUUUUUUUCE BLAAAAAAAAAAANK! Blank doesn't even smile about the announcement of victory, as he appears to be more intent on washing the blood off of him, and getting hits cuts stitched up. For Bruce Blank, the physical scars are nothing more than trophies, something he wears proudly. The mental scars, however, run deeper for his opponent. A man who came back tonight not simply for vengeance, but for justice. A man who came back for the honor of his family. A man who did all he could, even surpassing the limits everyone had set for him in their minds. A man who failed.
  11. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

  12. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

    I could always get Tiffani to vote for me too. Hrmmm...
  13. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0: #1 Pick Determination

  14. Zack Malibu

    Gang Wars v2.0

    I'll mess around with this again.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Malibu promo for HD.

    PK, if you could just mention during the top of the show rundown, that Zack wasn't booked on any shows due to his apparent retirement, so it's been kept that way in an effort to keep the war between he and Blank from breaking down before Angleslam. ------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a sunny afternoon in California, or at least it was when this piece was filmed, because right now we are taken to the front yard of the Malibu household, with Zack Malibu walking up his driveway to the front door, a camera close behind him. Malibu makes it to the door and stops, pausing for a moment before turning around to face the camera. "Bruce Blank, how does it make you feel, knowing that I know you were here? That the stench of you and the other Wildcards hasn't left the air around my house? Tell me, Bruce. Tell me..." Malibu's words drift off as he looks away, up towards a window at the left side of the house, where we catch a quick glimpse of Candie, with baby Jenna in her arms, walking past. "...tell me, Bruce, how did it make you feel? How did it feel to invade a man's home...his family...his LIFE, all for what? For something that could have been settled like men, in a wrestling ring? But oh no, you needed to follow your m.o. You needed to take this one step further, to ensure that you had my attention...YOU GOT MY ATTENTION, BRUCE! All this time, I've been asking how you feel, how it made you feel deep down...do you want to know how I feel, Bruce? Do you want to really know what I feel inside, because no words, no promo's, no staredowns, not even the fact that I had a GUN in your FACE can even describe the way I feel about you. A man's home is his castle...an impenetrable fortress for he and his family to live, laugh and love...AND YOU TOOK THAT ALL AWAY FROM US! You did more than smash a window, or kick a door down the night you confronted Candie, and my daughter...you and The Wildcards left a black cloud looming overhead that just won't go away! It makes me sick...SICK, Bruce Blank...not that you did that, but that I let my family down...I wasn't here to protect them. I shouldn't have even been back in the ring yet after you left me laying inside that cage, but I'm a man of honor. If I was well enough to appear on OAOAST television and show up for revenge on the three of you, then surely I was well enough to fulfill my duties to HI-YAH...AND YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THAT! Where are you now, Bruce? Where are you now that I'm home? Nowhere to be found...hiding somewhere in the back of an arena full of people who want nothing more than to see every last pint of plasma in your bloody bleed out from your forehead and trickle down to your feet. You have them to worry about, Bruce...but not about me. Not tonight, and not next week. I don't have any commitments to fulfill until Angleslam, so I'm going to remain with my family. I'm going to spend time with my baby girl. Then, come Sunday, August 27th...I'm going to walk down the aisle and step into the ring with you. No lights out games, no running in out of the crowd...I'm going to walk up to you face to face, because I want to see the look on your face. I want to see the look of fear in your eyes when you look into mine and realize that nothing...NOTHING...is going to stop me from getting retribution. Nothing is going to stop me from getting revenge for what YOU did. That beautiful baby inside the walls of this house...she's young enough to forget what's happened, Bruce...but if you think I have...if you think I've come to terms with it...if you think Angleslam is going to be a cakewalk just because it might be something up your alley, you are SADLY MISTAKEN. You can bring your barbed wire bat, you can smash a chair across my skull, you can break both of my legs, but until I stop moving...stop breathing...I am coming at YOU, relentlessly, and viciously, without remorse. You crossed the line when you stepped onto my property, Bruce. You stepped into my world and made it a dark, dark place. Bruce...I'm not afraid of the dark...but you...you SHOULD BE." With that, Malibu turns and opens his front door, never bothering to look back as it slams behind him, before our camera fades out of the scene.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Early spoiler from tonight's Impact taping

    At one point, America's Most Wanted were very close to jumping (IIRC to be added to Smackdown). Abyss nearly went as well.
  17. Zack Malibu

    After AngleSlam.

    Good thing I have all the original Blondes footage on tape . I'm still grabbing that DVD as soon as it comes off whatever truck delivers it. Everyone at work has been warned.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Early spoiler from tonight's Impact taping

    They've always seen something in Harris as a solo star (remember the orignial planned breakup, and the main event push he got in the babyface Russo days?). However, I have a feeling that Storm as the drunk punk cowboy is going to get more over than Harris should they break up.
  19. Zack Malibu

    After AngleSlam.

    I figure it could be like the episode of the old TNA Wednesday PPV's that had (IIRC) two quickie matches and a War Games main event. Nothing too major (maybe a tag team spotfest and a semi-squash for a guy like PK or something) and then the War Games.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Who Called Admin Bot?

    That's just stupidity. I've taken martial arts in various forms since I was 5, but if someone like Chuck Liddell so much as flicked my nose with his finger, I'd be rendered legally dead in seconds.
  21. Zack Malibu

    Who Called Admin Bot?

    "Disassemble Johnny 5? NOOOOOOOO!"
  22. Zack Malibu

    After AngleSlam.

    That'd be fine with me. We can hype it up as the first War Games ever on broadcast television. For World Without End, maybe we can do one of the tag matches (Usual Suspets vs. Martial Law/Dead Precidents)? Or maybe mix things up and do stuff like Zack Malibu vs. Todd Cortez, Bruce vs. Rodez, etc.?
  23. Zack Malibu

    Early spoiler from tonight's Impact taping

    TNA had planned on a Joe vs. Goldberg dream match at some point, so in order to get that and use it to "make" Joe (since only Sting can really give him a star rub...Jarrett, Steiner and Christian do not have that superstar aura), it could be worth the gamble. I'm assuming TNA wouldn't be stupid to give him a Hogan type contract with creative control and whatnot.
  24. Zack Malibu

    Early spoiler from tonight's Impact taping

    Cornette announces that the match will happen at Bound for Glory and he's tired of all the conspiracies, so next week, Jarrett will "be on trial." He noted that Jarrett passed a lie detector test and if he passes this, he won't have to wrestle until Bound for Glory. If Jarrett fails any part of the test, the fans will get their chance to get even with Jarrett. I think a lot of you are jumping the gun. Read that part of the spoiler again. Jarrett will fail the test, meaning a)the fans will choose to pit him against Joe at No Surrender, Joe will win the belt, and then JJ/Sting can wrap up at Bound For Glory without the title involved. Then there's option b)The fans will choose to have Jarrett have to take Sting on right away, at No Surrender, leaving the title shot open for Joe at Bound For Glory. A distant chance would be to have Joe win the belt on an episode of Impact, but I can't see that happening at all, unless they really do hope to spike ratings and give us a marquee main event episode.
  25. Zack Malibu

    AngleSlam booking thread

    Bruce and I are going to be doing a co-write, and depending on where we're at by the due date will depend on who is sending it in. I've started a draft of the match, and once Bruce adds to it later this week, we'll figure out who'll wind it down. I had planned on doing it solo, but he offered input and I'm not about to turn writing help down .