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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Recent purchases

    Cradle 2 The Grave Kings and Queens of Freestyle:Volume 1 Kings and Queens of Freestyle Presents:Stevie B. XPW Exit Sandman XPW Lizzy Borden XXXPosed XPW Fallout XPW Baptized In Blood 3:Night of the Champions
  2. Zack Malibu

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Whom do you feel is crap. As a Guru I would like to hear your opinion.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Official Preview (HA! I WIN)

    Daniels, BG James, and Don Harris, wasn't it?
  4. Zack Malibu

    The person above you thread!

    ^KNOWS I'm cute
  5. Zack Malibu

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Don't kick us when we're down, Capt. Haiku.
  6. Zack Malibu

    The person above you thread!

    ^hails from Dandyland
  7. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    Funny that Choken compared O.C. to being a Dawson's Creek style hit, because last night I was getting the total early-Creek Joey/Pacey vibe from Seth and Marissa when they kept bickering. Next week looks good, with Ryan in juvy and it looks like he'll win the mom over by defending her (from what I saw in the previews).
  8. Zack Malibu

    Official Mortis Returns Thread!

    Watch, he'll probably still wind up on Velocity, retreading his feud with The Cat. Then when snow falls in the arena and Blood Runs Cold videos start playing, we'll know the apocalypse is upon us.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Official Mortis Returns Thread!

    It's probably more of a marketing ploy than anything. Just like how they made Rey put the mask on...they'll try to make Mortis into the new Kane so the fans (especially the younger set) eat it up.
  10. Zack Malibu

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Uh, the band is breaking up?
  11. Zack Malibu

    XPW EWR Diary (offshoot of WWA?)

    Time for more fan participation: I've let go a few open contract guys that I have no real use for (Chetti, Doring, etc.) and I need to hire more. That, and Chris Hero, after just starting a feud with Crocodile Dupree, goes out for SIXTEEN MONTHS with a knee injury! Before I get desperate and have to resort to "Coat Rack Chris Hero", spill some ideas here, and maybe you'll see them come to fruition. Stupid injury list ::grumbles::.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Happy Birthday to...

    Salutations go out to my good buddy and fellow teen show mark, TSM columnist and NWA:Wildside superfan Thomas Green. Have a good one buddy.
  13. Zack Malibu

    You are all banned!!!!!

    Blame Dames, WJM.
  14. Zack Malibu

    XPW EWR Diary (offshoot of WWA?)

    XPW Monday Nightmare for October 20, 2003 Hosted by Chris English and Jon Ian I'LL JUST ADD TWO MORE PEOPLE TO THE MATCH AND YOU'LL NEVER NOTICE THIS FREAKIN' FEUD IS STILL GOING: Dunn, Marcos, and Konrad vs Zack Sommers, Sly Slater, and Mary Beth Kapowski. Match Background: This is a continuation of the Teen Show Express vs Ring Crew Express feud. Ring Crew Express are the reigning XPW Tag Team champions, and have been since 28 September 2003. The Match: Dunn connects with a back heel kick on Zack and gets back up quickly. Zack takes a flying neckbreaker from Dunn. Dunn tags out to Konrad. Zack Sommers takes a butterfly suplex from Konrad. Reverse DDT on Zack. Hooks the leg for a two count. Konrad tags out to Marcos. Konrad \ Marcos whip Zack into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Zack Sommers takes a knee lift from Marcos. *sigh* Running knee lifts always remind me of the late Curt Hennig. Zack counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Zack hits a dropkick on Marcos and gets right back up. Tag between Zack Sommers and Sly Slater. Face crusher from Sly on Marcos sets up for an elbowdrop. Sly Slater blasts Marcos with a superkick. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Sly hits a soaring kick on Marcos. Tag to Mary Beth Kapowski. Mary Beth Kapowski punches away at Marcos only to get the tides turned quickly. Mary Beth hits a dropkick on Marcos. Marcos reverses a waistlock. Marcos tags out to Dunn. Flying elbow from Dunn connects. Tag to Zack Sommers. Zack Sommers connects with a back heel kick on Dunn and gets back up quickly. Flying reverse elbow by Zack Sommers. Dunn slugs Zack Sommers, sending him down into the corner. While Dunn fires up the crowd, Zack is removing the turnbuckle pad! Dunn comes over...but Zack goes low! Zack Sommers gets up, then goes for the irish whip into the corner, but Dunn reverses! Zack Sommers goes head first into them, knocking him silly! Schoolboy from Dunn: 1....2....3! The referee never noticed the exposed turnbuckle. Another referee comes running down the aisle, and points out the exposed steel turnbuckle to the assigned official. The referee reverses the decision! He is disqualifying Dunn for using it to gain an advantage! My Opinion: Sadly, a 1\2* match. I know, I know. A DQ in XPW, of all places. They have a King of the Deathmatch title, but running into an exposed turnbuckle is apparently a cardinal sin. After the match George Steele comes out and devours the padding on every turnbuckle. There, now that one exposed piece isn't so out of place, is it? OVERALL:52% (37, 67). After we clear the ring of the feathers, which will be used to make headdresses for Rob Black's latest flick, Geroniho (or How I Learned To Stop Masturbating and Nail a Native American), GQ Smooth and Lance Silva come on out. They wanna know what's up with Angel turning his back on the rest of the heels. Guys, it's nothing new...he did that voluntarily. Just because you didn't take him up on the offer doesn't mean you can run him down. Avenging Disco Angel (accompanied to the ring by his new "It's Raining Men" theme, which isn't from the disco era that he and Rudy Ray are trying to portray, but we've only got a One Hit Wonders CD in the back tonight and it's the closest we could come. This also explains why Kaos came out to Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me" later tonight, and why Marty Jannetty was jamming to "Rock Me Amadeus" before the show. Back to the promo, and GQ and Lance are so disgusted by Angel (who waves his ass at them and encourages some two on one action) that they ready for attack, until Rudy Ray Smith makes the save, taking both of them out with Tornado Punches~! Rudy Ray tries to help Angel up, with Angel tries to pull him down. Rudy gets the better of it, and drags his flaming little friend to the back, as the Whore's Men demand vengeance. OVERALL:56%. GQ Smooth and Lance Silva gained overness from this segment. Crocodile Dupree is in the back, shining up his brand new XPW Television Belt. Chris Hero isn't here tonight, and that's a good thing, otherwise Dupree would have forced him to endure the worst Australian torture there is: watching The Wiggles. When kids are encouraged to watch guys like that on a consistent basis, it's no wonder many of them turn out like Angel. Well, Angel never had The Wiggles, he had Bert and Ernie. Nothing more needs to be said about that that hasn't been already. OVERALL:69%. All the innuendo going around in the company, and it's Croc who gets the first 69 in the company. Must be the outfit. Marty Jannetty and Kaos come out to the ring for an interview, but neither man is sure what to say. Kaos keeps saying "Line" under his breath in hopes that someone on the staff will throw him a bone, while Jannetty slides out of the ring and starts looking around. Enraged, Marty gets back in and yells "YOU LIED TO ME!" before choking Kaos. The Four Whore's Men arrive, luckily on cue to interrupt before Kaos gets strangled mistakenly in Marty's coke-filled haze. Steve Bradley is tired of Kaos, and tired of Jannetty's blatant disregard of authority. Nothing personal Steve, I just don't know what I'm doing. Bradley doesn't wanna hear his excuses, but Marty's serious. One night he woke up in fishnets and a leopard thong next to Jake Roberts. I guess not knowing what you're doing is best in a case like that. Bradley doesn't care what kind of fetishes Marty has, he doesn't want him or Kaos representing the company as a champion of any kind, and proposes a Three Way Dance for the KODM Title...NOW! OVERALL:62%. Kaos, Marty Jannetty, and Jonny C. gained overness from this segment. JUNKIES ARE PEOPLE TOO MATCH FOR THE XPW KING OF THE DEATHMATCH TITLE: Marty Jannetty vs Kaos vs Steve Bradley. Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. Kaos and Bradley have been feuding for quite some time now. This match is for the XPW King Of The Deathmatch title. Marty Jannetty has been XPW King Of The Deathmatch champion since 28 September 2003. The Match: Jannetty just WAFFLES Bradley with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Marty Jannetty connects with a back heel kick on Kaos and gets back up quickly. Steve Bradley is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Bradley hits Jannetty with a plastic dinosaur! Bradley takes a NICE hurrancarana from Kaos. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Kaos takes a flying neckbreaker from Marty Jannetty. Kaos once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Bradley \ Kaos whip Jannetty into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Jannetty! Kaos hits a face jam on Steve Bradley onto a chair! Bradley blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! BAAACK Body drop by Jannetty gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Marty Jannetty is in trouble. Roll The Dice! 1....2....3. My Opinion: Well, hello there *1/4 rating, how are you? Marty just wasn't the same after that dinosaur shot. I don't know how someone is such a permanent fog can be dazed by being hit with a childrens toy, but I try not to argue with a legend like Marty Jannetty. It would probably just lead to vague recollections of smoking a crack pipe while he had sex with a ringrat in a toilet stall in Memphis. With skills like that it's apparent he probably was the more talented Rocker. Bradley gets a belt and head back to celebrate with the rest of the Whore's Men and Lizzy Borden. Lizzy said she'd give him a spread if he won, and NEWSFLASH, she doesn't work for a magazine. Draw your conclusions, children. OVERALL:63 (54, 72). The XPW King of the Deathmatch Title has gained in image. 59% OVERALL .13 rating. 322 people paid $6440.
  15. Zack Malibu

    iZ Recall~!

    IZ recall? There was something wrong with IZ? Where is my nearest IZ dealer so I can get the recall fixed?
  16. Zack Malibu

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Wow Judas, you became BPP's bitch without even being inducted in as said bitch. For listening to someone when you didn't really have to, I'm wondering if you have the rebellious qualities needed for our cause...
  17. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    ::Rocket launches mannequin onto CWM. Tells him to go fuck himself. Literally!::
  18. Zack Malibu

    Official Preview (HA! I WIN)

    Sadly, the interference in this one is pretty predictable. Russo will probably try to talk Ki out of it (unity with Triple X, "I made you a star" type of speech) and Ki refuses. Skipper interferes into the match, and they set up a Skipper vs. Ki feud to "officially" end the Triple X team. It's logical. Russo always said that Skipper was "his favorite" and that he had the soft spot for him, so I look for Elix to be the next addition to SEX 2.0.
  19. Zack Malibu

    Question for hD~! members

    Can someone write up the 24/7 Title Battle Royal for this week's show?
  20. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

  21. Zack Malibu

    Question for hD~! members

    Here are the people who I know will be in the 24/7 Battle Royal: Hex Naz Mistry Rando Zero Colvid Foshi Shattered Dreams ??? (yes, we know who this will be) IDRM, I put Naz in there since Masked Man won't be around, thus scrapping their planned match. Anyone else want in, post it here ASAP so the writer knows.
  22. Zack Malibu

    The One and Only Zack Malibu Thread~!

    ::Throws frisbee at CWM.::
  23. Zack Malibu

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    You're smacking around the rookie. The new Golden Boy of the Grasshoppers. This here's a team sport, and you're not being a team player. Watch out, because you could be Chosun's next bitch. He's got a lot of errands to be run.
  24. Zack Malibu

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Uh oh... BPP just slapped our latest recruit. TREASON~!
  25. Zack Malibu

    What Ever Happened To Marty Jannetty

    We know. The debate was if his name was Chuck/Charles or Chris Austin.