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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Question for this week.

    Is it possible to give Cortez/O'Hara the ME slot? Also, can I get the opening segment (it'll be another cold opening, pre-opening theme, or we could just go right into the show). Thanks in advance, peeps.
  2. Zack Malibu

    Question for this week.

    Would it work out the way I did it (pre-theme song, as if we just cut right to the arena) or is his segment similar to how mine starts the show?
  3. Zack Malibu


    Yes folks, we've opened up a developmental territory. What I figured we'd do this for (in storyline terms at least) is so we have a place to stick people that we have ideas for, but aren't quite sure how to introduce them yet. It can also be a place for "send downs" (re: if someone is taking a leave, etc.). We already do the HI-YAH stuff, so why not do this, right? I've come up with several characters for the roster, but I'm keeping them as freelance for now. I'd just like a heads up if they plan on being used anytime soon. Los Diablos Del Fuego, or "Devils of the Fire". (Mariachi and Moracca). Cool name, huh? Sounds badass, don't it? Well, there's nothing badass about these guys, unless you think pink tights and sombreros strike fear into the hearts of others. Yes, it's a luchadore tag team doing a gay bit, and they're shockingly popular for it. Cameron Carmichael. This was the guy I had intended on using in the WDI fed, which faltered. Over there, he was doing the MNM gimmick (before they were, I might add, so GO ME~! Here, he's the "Pure Athlete", and will gladly pee in a cup to prove so. "The Specialist" Brian Bradley. Impressive matwork and high-flying at only 19 years of age. Has a great in-ring charisma, but the promo's leave a little to be desired for now. Should easily be a major star on the main roster within the next year or two.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Hey, guess what I get to do tomorrow...

    No, that's me. For a while it was at least.
  5. Zack Malibu

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    That's what I was thinking. Probably along the lines of how he should just stay at home, since every time he comes back he winds up having to kill himself even more to keep the fans happy. I wonder if they'll do the Orton/Foley walkout type of deal, or maybe something more subtle like picking up a barbed wire bat but then dropping it and storming off.
  6. Whether it's official creative input or not, I'm sure Corny will at least add his two cents on how to improve stories and characters. He's too outspoken in that sense not too. Also, I wonder if he'll be able to sell them on Matt Morgan now, since Morgan was unable to get in on his own.
  7. Nothing but good can come of this.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Booking for 5/11 HD

    Street Fight: The in-ring debut of "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez vs. Jamie O'Hara!
  9. Zack Malibu

    Booking for the 5/4 HeldDown

    You know, I honestly have no idea. If anyone's expendable, probably Julie. I can't see any of the four core characters or the Cohens meeting their end. ...and goddammit, I just got the Kelly tickets in (and they cost a pretty penny) I've just now found out that Ashley Parker Angel (formerly of O-Town fame) is part of a concert at the same arena in two weeks. Must...buy...tickets. Goodbye, spending money.
  10. Zack Malibu

    Booking for the 5/4 HeldDown

    ::blames Hoff:: OH BY THE WAY GUESS WHO'S GOING TO SEE KELLY AGAIN! ::watches Hoff cry::
  11. Zack Malibu

    Mucho segmentos for HD.

    Can we please stick this as the cold opening, as in before the "theme"/lead in commentary, etc.? It's a normal Thursday night...as normal as they get here in the OAOAST! In the back of the arena, everyone's gathered around, doing what they have to do as we prepare to take to the air...when suddenly one of the camera men catches a door swinging open, marking the arrival of Zack Malibu to the arena! Malibu, with the straps of his bag draped over his shoulder, walks into the halls of the arena, and upon doing so everyone appears to freeze in place, stopping whatever they were doing to look at the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion. Malibu walks, peering over the rim of his sunglasses, knowing that these stares aren't the normal OMG IT'S ZACK type of reactions, but rather some of concern, of shock, and of disappointment. Malibu continues to walk slowly, looking around at everyone and waiting for someone's voice to crack, for somebody to say a word. Nobody does, and Malibu looks back one last time as he reaches his destination; his dressing room door. All eyes are fixed on him, but the silence is mutual, as Zack grabs his back off the ground and carries it into the room, slamming the door behind him, just as we're ready to go with this week's broadcast.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Mucho segmentos for HD.

    PK!!! I hope this isn't too late, I just got in and want this added as the final segment if possible. JOSH Fans, before we sign off tonight, I've just seen Zack Malibu step out of his dressing room and head this way. We're going to try and get a word with him as it pertains to the arrival of Bruce Blank, Todd Cortez, and Bloodshed, as well as how he feels about being blamed for what many in the company are calling a case of excessive violence against Scotty Static this past Sunday. Almost right on cue, the door to the arena opens, and Malibu, bag slung over his shoulder, starts heading for the back lot. JOSH Zack! Zack, over here! MALIBU Now what, Josh? More of an expose? More finger pointing? JOSH Look, since you were cut off earlier tonight, I figured I'd take it upon myself... MALIBU What do you want me to say, Josh, huh? What do you exp... *WHOOMP* Suddenly, Malibu is tackled and pushed against the side of a car, as Johnny Jax of the GPX has attacked! Malibu starts pushing him away, but Jax holds him by the arms, allowing Jamie O'Hara to appear from behind some of the parked cars, and start hammering on Zack's back! JOSH Guys...WE NEED NEED SOME HELP OUT HERE! Jax...c'mon get off of him! Jax and O'Hara wrestle Zack to the ground, and start putting the boots to him, but not your normal stomping. These are hard, relentless kicks, driven into the ribcage of Zack as he tries to swat his attackers away! JOSH WE NEED SOME HELP! DAMMIT! ANYONE, GET OUT HERE NOW! Jax and O'Hara reach down and pick Zack up, and as he comes up Jax drives a hard knee into his gut. Together, they both hold Zack by the head, and then throw him backwards, sending the back of his head right through a car window! JOSH My...my God, Zack! Malibu slides down to a seated position on the ground, blood smearing itself down the door of the vehicle. Malibu's face is a bloody mess, and his eyes are barely open, as Jax and O'Hara look down at him, pleased with themselves...until the back door swings open and a mass of superstars and staff rush outside! Jax and O'Hara back off slowly, then sprint away, hopping in a car and starting it up, peeling out of the parking lot as several superstars give chase. The cameras witnesses the vehicle speeding out of the lot and out into the city somewhere, watching until the taillights fade along with the scene.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Mucho segmentos for HD.

    COLE Welcome back, fans. This past Sunday night at Living Angleously, we had a question that had been burning in everyone's mind recently answered, as Zack Malibu stepped into the ring with two mystery partners to take on the trio of Scotty Static, Johnny Jax, and Jamie O'Hara. COACH Partners? More like hired assassins! COLE At the beginning of the contest, Scotty Static took the microphone and demanded that Malibu, who brought out the three masked men who have come to his aid in recent weeks, unmask, or else no match would take place. Taking advantage of Malibu's character, he backed the HI-YAH Champion up against a wall, but the revelation has sent shockwaves through the wrestling world. The three men unmasked to reveal Todd Cortez, Bruce Blank, and Bloodshed, all of whom have competed previously, and in some cases currently, with the Smarks Wrestling Federation. It was a coup that Zack Malibu amazingly pulled off, uniting these men who are known to be some of the most brutal competitors in the sport today, but it was not without controversy. CABOOSE Controversial would be putting it lightly, Michael. First of all, I'm still not certain why Malibu, who has become the face of this company, and is the person I respect most here, went "behind enemy lines" so to speak and brought in athletes from the outside. Secondly, that match broke down into one of the most vicious displays of violence I've personally witnessed, as Bloodshed, fresh off having his own head busted open by several chairshots, entered the ring and brutalized Scotty Static until the canvas was stained red, and Static was motionless. COACH Brutalized? He was trying to kill him. KILL, Caboose. KILL. COLE Calm down, Coach. COACH You want ME to calm down? Man, SCREW that, homey. Don't let your bias get in the way this time, Mikey C. Malibu's gone too far this time... CABOOSE ...while I'm not condoning anything at this point, Coach, it's your boys who have pushed things this far. COLE It's an incident that has brought more questions than answers, not only amongst the rival factions, but across the OAOAST as a whole. So right now, I understand that Zack Malibu has acquired some interview time, and hopefully we'll have some light shed on the situation. "Getting Away With Murder" hits, and soon after it emerges over the soundsystem, Zack Malibu steps out onto the entrance ramp, and begins making his way to the ring...followed by three familiar faces. COACH Why are they here again? This isn't where they belong! COLE Hey, if you want answers, then maybe you should wait and see what gets said here tonight. Bruce Blank, Todd Cortez, and Bloodshed...all clad in normal, everyday attire, follow Zack down the aisle and into the ring. While Zack is greeted with his normal, crowd-enthused reaction, and plays to it, the three newcomers simply stand and stare, looking out to the fans, or watching as Zack plays to his supporters, before the entrance fades and the arena returns to form. COACH This guys shouldn't have the privelege of being on our show! ESPECIALLY after what they did! CABOOSE You know how you get on Cole and I for "biased journalism"? COACH Yeah. CABOOSE Look in the mirror. The crowd is buzzing, but mellow out soon enough, as Malibu gets a microphone from ringside. He circles the ring, while his newfound allies stand tall at center ring, and once things get quiet enough, the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion begins to speak. MALIBU I know that right now, there are a lot of question to be answered. Right now, a lot of different people are thinking a lot of different things. Now I've secured this time not only for myself, but for these men as well, and I'm going to let you hear from their lips, how this all came to be. Malibu graciously turns and hands the mic over to Todd Cortez. The man known the world over as the "Urban Legend" was not one of the active participants the other night. Having been a favorite of many wrestling fans, a noticeable "Cortez" chant starts up, but quickly fades, as he starts to speak. CORTEZ I bet you never thought you'd see the day that the four of us were standing together in a wrestling ring somewhere, now did you? The crowd roars, as the collection of stars in the ring is quite the force. CORTEZ Let's start with a little backstory. A couple of months ago, I decided to leave the SWF and ply my trade elsewhere. I had been in the same place for so long, seemingly fighting for everyone's cause but my own. I opted out of renewing with the SWF earlier this year, and toiled for a while, doing a lot of overseas work. It was during a booking thru HI-YAH that I first came into contact with Zack Malibu, who had just won the HI-YAH Championship from Christian Wright. Zack and I talked on that tour, and he approached me with the opportunity to join the OAOAST. At the time I declined, feeling that I didn't want to get caught up in the same things that made me grow jaded with the SWF. I continued to do some tours in Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and most of all, get some downtime at home to spend it with my family. I went thru some *ahem* girl drama again, and if you know me you know exactly what I'm talking about. Now, about a month back, just after the Anglemania event, Zack came into contact with me again. He told me about the Global Party Exchange and Jamie O'Hara, and how they were doing their best to hurt this company, a company that this man right here loves. He told me that he wanted to do something, something that would grab their attention, and make them realize that the games were going to stop. That this was very serious. So I sat back and I thought about it, and thought to myself that these three guys are here talking about "street cred", and who knows more about the streets than Todd Cortez? I told Zack I'd be in, and when he asked who else we could call...well that's when I thought of these guys. Blank snickers, as he's chomping on a toothpick. Bloodshed, his head having titled down as if he wasn't paying attention, perks up upon Todd mentioning them in passing. CORTEZ Bloodshed...he and I ran together not long ago, and Blank...Blank's one of the toughest men in the world. Not the type of guys that the GPX and O'Hara were used to messing with. It was just a matter of finding a way to get them involved, and... Suddenly, Blank snatches the mic away from Cortez. BLANK ...I'll take it from here, Toddy. Ya see, when Cortez got ahold of me, I thought he was yankin' my chain. When Zack got ahold of me, I still thought it was a joke. I mean, I'm fresh out the trailer park and ain't exactly the type you see pallin' around with Zack Malibu, but he told me that that's exactly what he wanted. But I couldn't just up and leave the SWF, and neither could Bloodshed here, until we found out a lil' somethin'...apparently, our actions have spoken loudly to the corporate officials heading the Smarks Wrestling Federation, and it's not somethin' they wanted to hear. 'Course these are the same people who enjoyed puttin' on family friendly wrasslin' shows. Anyways, I told Zack about our predicament, and he came down and the three of us sat and talked with some of the suits in charge. Seein' as how they were so unhappy with us, they thought they could just pawn us off on someone, and that's when Zack stepped in. He agreed that he would pay off half our standing contracts with the SWF to get us here, but that we'd have to work off all future contactually agreed dates with the SWF. All's well that ends well, and a day later, Zack had OAOAST contracts in front of us, and that's how you're lookin' at us here, as well as on a certain other network. CABOOSE Well I'll be...we weren't kidding when we said it was a coup for Zack to get these guys here! He paid out of his own pocket to do so! BLANK Now the thing that irks me right now, and no offense, Zack, but the other night, you seemed a little...disturbed by what was goin' on. We've been gettin' funny looks all night in the back, ain't not one superstar other than you talked to us, so if you got somethin' to say then by all means, let it on out. Blank hands the microphone back to Zack, who grabs it, and looks up at the large backwoods bully. He takes the mic and paces by the ropes, as the three men he's responsible for bringing into the OAOAST look on. MALIBU You know something, Bruce. It did disturb me. And apparently, it disturbed a lot of people, because I've had everyone breathing down my neck since Sunday night. I've had people questioning why you're here. I had James Blonde and Faqu, two guys I respect the hell out of, calling me out for not choosing them. I've gotten stares from all of the "Originals" wondering why I didn't use them to settle the score that's lasted a year now. My own ex-partner hasn't even done anything but give me a glare...but that shouldn't matter to you, because right now, it doesn't matter to me. Now hear me out, because this is not meant as an attack on anyone's character, but this is something I needed to do. Week after week, the beatdowns, the insults, the attacks on everything I've worked for made me realize that maybe along the line of defending everyone's honor, of sticking up for this company, that I lost what made me a star in the first place. The scheming, the not caring of the consequences, the unpredictable nature of it all...I thought outside the box! I brought you all vintage Zack Malibu, and I did it for the GOOD of this company. Because these men didn't get their start here, because they made their names elsewhere, you shun them? Or was it something else...a certain incident that set you all off? At this point, Zack gets up close to Bloodshed, who now looks up, appearing agitated that Malibu seems to be placing blame on his shoulders. MALIBU I did what I had to do by bringing you here, but I have to ask...was it worth it? Was it me who crossed the line, or was it someone else? Bloodshed leans his head down, and talks into the microphone. BLOODSHED Are you speaking to me. MALIBU I don't need to speak to you, but if you have something to say, here. Malibu shoves the mic into Bloodshed's chest, which causes him to look down, then back up at Zack. BLOODSHED Weeks ago, Zack, you were the one who came to us. You know, you have always known, what we are capable of...what I am capable of. The name Bloodshed, it's not simply something marketable, something catchy. Bloodshed is a way of life, a part of me that is alive and well. Crossing the line? This is professional wrestling, Zack. This is a live and die sport, a game of survival that only the strongest fighters can win. You coming to me gave me the chance to write a new chapter, a fresh start. The chance to go back to my roots, when blood loss and permanent scarring and injury was not an option, but simply a cold, hard fact. I may have beaten the World Champion not once, not twice, but three times, and yet still, I haven't felt as victorious as I did the other night, with Scotty Static's blood staining my ringwear, my hands...it felt GOOD. Somewhere along the way though, you got...scared? Weak in the knees maybe? Don't fear, Zack, you're not responsible for my actions...I stand by them proudly. You are not to blame. MALIBU Maybe to YOU I'm not to blame, but the fact is I brought you in here to get even, but you exceeded that expectation in the wrong way. You... Blank, seeing where this is going, grabs the microphone. BLANK Whoa whoa whoa now hold on just a second there, Zack. Now Bloodshed makes a good point...you didn't go blindly into this thing. You knew what you were gettin' when you signed up this package deal. We made ourselves a living in some of the most violent matches imaginable, and you cringe at the sight of a lil' blood? Now we owed you a debt for getting us into the company as far as I'm concerned, we paid it off in full. If anything, it scared those boys senseless, and they'd be stupid to mess with you, or any of us, ever again. Blank barely gets a trademark chuckle out before "I'm A Hustla" sounds over the speakers, and Jamie O'Hara starts down the aisle! Right behind him though is Johnny Jax, who rushes down the aisle and cuts him off, backing up the eager young Upstart, who starts issuing threats to the men in the ring. BLANK I stand corrected! What have we here now, you finally gettin' some hair on that chicken chest o' yours or what, son? You want yourself some of this? Jax, trying to keep his partner from doing anything stupid, motion for a mic, and manages to calm Jamie down enough that he doesn't charge the ring. JAX Let's get one thing straight...I don't care who you guys wanna pin in it, but the fact remains that you took my partner out Sunday night, sending him to the hospital for a blood transfusion because he left half of the blood in his body on the mat. I don't care how you got here, I don't care what your reps are, but if you think you've seen the last of us, you're sadly mistaken! Jax pauses, and in that one moment, O'Hara grabs the mic. O'HARA Yo, what's up with this? You think you're just gonna walk after what you did to my boy? That ain't how we play in the streets dawg! I'll cut all you mothaf... CORTEZ Wait a minute...did I hear you say "streets"? Let me tell you something, you poser... The crowd ROARS, but Jamie is unimpressed. CORTEZ ...you don't get any more "street" than Todd Cortez, and if it's one thing I hate, it's punks like you acting like what they're not. A man of the streets doesn't talk, he just does...kinda like how I just hit the ring and left you bouncing off the top of your head a few weeks back! O'Hara looks like he's ready to charge the ring again, but Jax tells him to think better of it, saying "there's four of them!" O'HARA You think I can't hang? Bitch I'll slap the taste outta your mouth and then put you on the corner so you can use it for what it's good for! "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" CORTEZ So you wanna go? You wanna do this? O'HARA Yeah G, let's do this...let's do this... O'Hara starts to walk towards the ring. O'HARA Let's do this NEXT WEEK! The crowd starts booing loudly, while Blank waves O'Hara on for Cortez to get a piece of. CORTEZ Next week? OK, that's cool...you probably need time to prepare...but if you wanna talk street, you wanna act street, then there's only one way this should be settled. STREETFIGHT. COLE Whoa! COACH Aw J, c'mon dawg, they'll kill you! O'Hara starts shouting that Cortez is "on", and again looks ready to bolt for the squared circle, but he's forced back up the aisleway by Jax. Not one for threats, Blank steps over the top rope and hops off the apron to the floor, and starts to head up the aisle. Cortez is soon to follow, and Bloodshed is the last to exit the ring, looking back at Zack as he steps through the ropes, then pausing on the apron, staring at the man responsible for bringing him to the OAOAST, before hopping to the floor. COLE This looks like an extremely volatile situation...Zack Malibu tried to end his war with the GPX and Jamie O'Hara, but in the process has put himself at odds with friend and foe alike, including some of the men he brought in to back him up! COACH Karma's a bitch, ain't it? CABOOSE I've known Zack for a while, and if it's anything he's good at, it's coming out of these situations looking better than ever...however this time, putting himself ahead of the company after doing so for so long, it's going to raise a lot of questions, ESPECIALLY with the company he's keeping these days. COLE Only time will tell, but for the sake of Zack's reputation, and this company, let's hope it tells us what we want to hear.
  14. Zack Malibu

    On AIM Just Now.

    "Love At First Sight" and "Slow" were also notable US Top 40 hits in the last few years.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Character Specs

    These are my old SWF stats, with some minor tweaks, for you all to get familiar with the Todd Cortez character now that the OMG MYSTERY MEN have been revealed. Wrestlers Name: "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez Height: An even 6 ft. Weight: 226 lbs. Hometown: Hails from Hollywood Boulevard, which is a reference to the name of his SWF championship tag team with Mike Van Siclen. Age: 22 Face/Heel: Babyface Stable: Made his OAOAST Debut at Living Angleously 2006 as part of Zack Malibu's so-called "Wildcards" with Bruce Blank and Bloodshed, a group of wrestlers used to surprise and help dismantle the trio of The Global Party Exchange and Jamie O'Hara. Looks: [Description of how your character usually looks inc. ring attire.] Thick build, as Todd is jacked but not excessively "cut". Natural olive skin. Closely cropped black hair, faded. Thin black goatee. No tattoos or really distinguishing marks, as even his skin is "pure" due to his straight edge philosophy on life. Black baggy, "Tajiri" style pants, with "Urban Legend" scrawled in graffiti type writing down the legs. Both wrists and fists taped up. Wears gold chain and cross to the ring, but removes it before every match, holding it in his hand and kissing it before handing it over to the timekeeper or announcer. During entrances, now wears a bulletproof vest, and more of than not may have sunglasses on. Outside of the ring he won't dress like a stereotypical "thug". While Todd is from the streets he doesn't flaunt the fact, and dresses very trendy, no doubt showing some of that Van Siclen influence again. He will rock the throwbacks though. Ring Entrance: Todd's NEW THEME of "Oh No" by Mos Def, Nate Dogg, and Pharoah Monche (because I love that song) hits, and the first time Nate Dogg shouts "Oh No", a quick burst of pyro shoots up from both sides of the ramp, showering Cortez in sparkles as he prepares to walk down the aisle. Will get in the ring and give a quick crowd taunt, nothing specific, but your usual arm raising, up on the ropes, etc. saluting of the fans. Style: Todd has not used as many submission holds as in the past, keeping them on the back burner in favor of a more in your face style. The Hardcore Title run saw Todd become very innovative in the ring, as he believes in "adapting to the enviroment", which means his matches are never formulaic, and he tries to keep his foes guessing what they'll be hit with next. That said, he does have an offense of preferred manuevers, but it's more of a "when" he'll hit you with them as opposed to a "will" he hit you with them. Todd is also an accomplished tag star, having held the tag titles with Mike Van Siclen as Hollywood Boulevard, and then with Landon Maddix as Martial Law. The team with Van Siclen did wonders for the rookie last year, and now one year into his SWF tenure, he finds himself in a tense situation, teaming with a guy that he at times doesn't even like to be around. Still, they're the champs for a reason. Cortez, as noted throughout his career, is from the streets, and can scrap with the best of them. Size and strength advantages don't matter...he'll go right after an opponent the best way he sees fit, and won't stop until they're down or he's unconscious. Signature moves: -Neckwrecker: Todd lifts the opponent powerbomb style and puts them across one shoulder (Canadian backbreaker) then wraps his arms around their neck and drops them to the canvas with a neckbreaker over his shoulder. This could end a match on it's own, but it's mostly for Todd to weaken the neck to set up a Riot Act Plus or Street Dreams. -Urban Assault: Sitout Chokeslam Bomb. Todd's former finisher, and can still be used as such if hit at the appropriate time in a contest, although it's been seen less and less as Todd now favors the Riot Act Plus. Crotch-Droppah: Inverted atomic drop. It's simple, but highly effective. This overlooked offensive manuever has been made into a threatening move by Cortez, as he once took Dace Night from the top rope to the canvas, spiking his nether regions on his own knee. Any variation of this move, be it from the apron, the ropes, etc. can be used. Todd will also often do repeated Crotch-Droppah's to stun/incapcitate the opponent. If built properly, a series of them or a Super Crotch Droppah could easily end a match, as tremendous pain is sure to follow. Hollow Point: The "Pounce" tackle, or more specifically, a spear aimed at the side of the opponent's body rather than head on. Used to damage the ribs and/or get the opponent down. Sitout Spinebuster: For use on foes of equal/slightly larger stature. You know he's not getting someone like Janus up for it. Todd will send the opponent into the ropes and snare them for a spinebuster, but instead of dropping them "main event style" or driving them down like Double A used to, Todd will slam them down to the canvas and sitout with it in powerbomb-like fashion. Shooting Star Lariat: From either the top rope, the apron, or springboard variety. Todd will execute a shooting star press while the opponent is standing, and end the move by extending his arm and taking them out with a flying lariat. Common moves: -Springboard aerial moves. Crossbody's, dropkicks, ranas of all sorts and sizes. Get creative when writing against me though, if at all possible. Todd's not afraid to bust out something unheard of or something risky at the last moment. -Standing moonsault -STO -Russian Legsweep/Legdrop combination (rolls through the legsweep, comes up and immediately drops a leg across the opponent's throat). -Lots of kicks. Superkicks, spin kicks, wheel kicks, dropkicks. He's got the martial arts background, and he uses it. -European uppercuts. -Todd is not above using a quick tide turner like a thumb to the eye, eye rake, low blow, etc. Being raised on the streets, sometimes even the most dedicated fighters have to fight dirty. Rare moves: -Somersault Rana. Todd will dive off the top rope and do a full flip, landing on his opponents shoulders and quickly snapping him over with a huracanrana. Even rarer version is for Todd to do a somersault plancha to the floor ending with this move. -Moonsault Fallaway Slam. With opponent on the top rope, Todd will climb up and pull the opponent into his arms, then moonsault off the ropes, ending with the opponent hitting the canvas with Todd's full body weight coming down on top of him. Finishers: -Riot Act Plus-Canadian Destroyer. Todd positions his foe in a standing headscissors, as if to set them up for a piledriver. Instead, Todd leaps over their back, pulling the opponents weight over with him as he lands on his feet and spikes their head on the canvas with a piledriver. The name is Todd paying homage to the man who got him his break in the SWF, Mike Van Siclen. *NOTE: Should not be used on opponents over 260-270 MAX. This is mostly a cruiserweight offensive move, however it would be possible for him to pull it off against a smaller heavyweight wrestler. Don't look for him to do this to someone like Janus though. YOU CAN NOT KICK OUT OF THIS WITHOUT ASKING PERMISSION. You want to counter it, go ahead and try to, but do NOT use it as a near fall. This move knocked Dace Night the fuck out, and that should mean something. -Street Dreams-Dragon Sleeper/Armbar takedown w/ grapevine. Opponent is grabbed in a reverse facelock (Dragon Sleeper), and Todd takes them to the mat, wrapping his legs around them to make escape tough to come by. With his free (left) arm, he'll wrap it around the opponent's left arm and pull back, also putting pressure on the left shoulder/upper arm area. -The Hook Up-the new, odd looking finisher that Cortez has used in the past. With the opponent on their stomatch, Cortez will kneel down on their upper body, pressing his knees against his opponents shoulders to pin them down. Todd will then reach back and pull the leg of his opponent (can be either one, depending on what one is weaker), bending it over his own shoulder before pulling down on it and attempting to snap the leg in two. It's sort of a Sicilian Crab with a twist to it. Accomplishments: SWF Tag Team Champion in Hollywood Boulevard with Mike Van Siclen SWF Tag Team Champion with Landon Maddix in Martial Law SWF USJL Champion SWF Hardcore Gamers Champion
  16. Zack Malibu

    Living Angelously Feedback

    The match was actually a joint writing effort between Bruce and myself, although he got struck with a computer crash that left him scrambling to get something...anything, done in time to get it to me. I simply polished the match so that it flowed better without reading two very different paragraphs and looking sloppy in that sense, but Blank deserves as much credit as I. Same goess for Rando, who had input on the match, especially the finish involving his character. I've begun reading the show, and hope to have feedback later.
  17. Zack Malibu

    On AIM Just Now.

    Dare I say that her numerous hits here have very much erased the Locomotion from everyone's immediate memory. Then again, I'm Kylie-biased too, just not to the Kotz extent.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Living Angelously Feedback

    For your reading pleasure, I have edited in the Zack/???? vs. GPX/O'Hara match.
  19. Zack Malibu

    GPX/O'Hara vs. Malibu and Co.

    This is NOT DONE YET. I am working on wrapping it up before I leave work at 8pm! COLE Up next at Living Angleously, we have perhaps the most intriguing contest of the night. The trio of Jamie O'Hara, and Scotty Static and Johnny Jax of the GPX, taking on Zack Malibu, and two mystery partners. COACH It ain't intriguing at all, Michael Cole. You think about it this way...if Malibu had anyone worthwhile backing him up, he'd have revealed it to the world right now to get some extra bank off the buyrates. CABOOSE He doesn't get a cut of the pay per view take, Coach. COACH Says you. COLE At any rate, O'Hara and the GPX having been making Malibu's life a living hell for nearly a year now, and now proclaim that they're going to use Malibu to gain street cred, by eradicating him from the wrestling industry! CABOOSE That's something that's easier said than done. Besides, we don't know who Zack has backing him up, whether it's some OAOAST stars past or present, some of his HI-YAH allies, or somebody brand new to the fold. COACH I'm tellin' you, there ain't nothing to worry about! Malibu ain't what he used to be. He's too predictable, too serious, too one-dimensional. You heard my boys the other night...Zack Malibu is a shell of what made him famous, and if anyone is leeching off the name "Zack Malibu" to stay credible, it's the man himself! What my boys are doing to him, what they're gonna do tonight...baby it's a mercy killing! "In a world full of posers, phonies, and pure wannabes..." The lights drop, and so does the mood of the fans, as their raucous buzzing turns to a sea of catcalls and jeers for one of the most unpopular trios to grace the squared circle. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, is SIX MAN tag team action! Introducing first, hailing from Hotlanta, GA, and the 313-Detroit, MI, they are the team of Scotty Static and Johnny Jax...the GLOBAL PARRRRTY EXCHAAAANGE! Their tag team partner, hailing from Birmingham, England, this is JAAAAAAMIE O'HARAAAAAA! Cocky and confident, the trio of instigators walk the ramp, with O'Hara the most animated of the three with his "I'll take you all on" attitude. Static and Jax converse with one another as Jamie gets all up in everyone's grill...including the camera man, and the viewers at home, who are dared to "get off yo' couches and come get it!" by the brash Britain. The trio steps into the ring and taunts the crowd, working the fans that they once gave a damn about, before Static swipes the mic from Michael Buffer. STATIC That will be all, Michael. You earned your check, now take a seat. Buffer, confused since he has the opponents to introduce, protests, but Static brushes him off. Seeing that it's falling on deaf ears, Buffer exits the ring, leaving Scotty with some mic time. STATIC Well, here we are. Living Angleously 2006, and we are LIVE! Now, there's been a LOT of talk about just who Zack Malibu's partners are going to be tonight. Who are these masked men that he has to thank for saving his ass the last few weeks? Who are these men who think that everyday is Halloween? Well folks, I've got news for you...if you've paid attention to professional wrestling over the years, mystery partners are never a good thing. If you will, direct your attention to the Angletron, please... COLE Oh lord, what now? The Angletron, which was flashing the logo of Living Angleously, now shows a picture of wrestling legend "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka. STATIC EXHIBIT A. This man, known the world over for diving off a cage, soaring through the air, and getting beaned in the head with a coconut, came in as a mystery partner in 1996 for a certain company, when he was about 10 years past his prime! I mean, would YOU take a 60 year old man dressed in leopard spandex seriously? Even Mick Jagger doesn't get that kind of love! The fans boo loudly at the mockery of the legendary superstar, as his image fades and is replaced with another. SAVIO VEGA~! STATIC Yeah, now believe me, I don't expect you guys to pop for THIS face. Plus, if he was gonna show up as ANYONE'S partner, letdown or not, it'd probably be for the Lightning Crew, ya know? So we can scratch him off the list. But the point remains, the mystery man in wrestling is always...ALWAYS... At this point, Jax puts his hand over the mic, and interjects. JAX Yo man, what about Hulk Hogan? He was the third man in the NWO! STATIC Wha...WHAT? Hogan? Please...he'd never play second fiddle to Malibu. He'd probably come in here as ask to punk us all three on one, and then have Jamie put over Brutus Beefcake! JAMIE I ain't puttin' over no Barber, yo. JAX OK, OK...what about Curt Hennig!? STATIC You mean Mr. Perfect? O'Hara slaps Jax's forearm, and Jax seems surprised. STATIC Dude, he passed away years ago! Even Malibu couldn't carry all that dead weight! "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" Jax and O'Hara make those "yeah, you're right" type of faces, as Static pleads his case. STATIC Well, whatever...whatever...you know what, we don't need to guess, because it's time for show and tell! Malibu, you and whoever you got with you, get your asses out here now! Static makes the call, and just seconds later, Papa Roach's hit "Getting Away With Murder" starts pumping through the speakers, pumping up all the fans in attendance. After the slow, bass-heavy intro, the wailing guitars pave the way for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion to appear on the ramp, flanked by three men clad from head to toe in black, their faces still a mystery to the world. COLE Here comes the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion, and he's got his friends with him! COACH He's got one too many with him! That third guy...ONE of those guys...have no business being out here! Malibu and company enter the ring, and the sight of the four men send the GPX and O'Hara back pedaling, although Static still has the mic. STATIC Whoa...whoa now. Let's get one thing clear...we signed on for this match, but not to take on Zack Malibu and The Executioners! COACH Haha! My man Scotty is on FIRE with the old school references tonight! STATIC Malibu, you want this match to happen, you get your boys to take off their masks right here and now, or it's NOT GONNA HAPPEN! The crowd boos, and Malibu protests the call, as Static just nods his head. STATIC You heard me. Either you let us know exactly what we're up against right now, or we WALK. That means no match, and that means YOU have to answer to Bill Watts or whoever calls you in the morning and blames you for the bait and switch. The little "man behind the mask" game has run it's course, it's been real, it's been cute, but it's all over now. Let's see who you got there, huh...whaddya got, Leon Rodez playing hero again... Static goes to tug on the mask of one of the men, only to have his hand knocked away, and have the man approach him, going nose to nose. STATIC You think you scare me? You think I'm afraid. Who's the one hiding behind a mask, huh? Who's afraid of what? Malibu calls his allies back, and takes a deep sigh, knowing full well he's been backed into a corner. He motions for the mic from Static. MALIBU You know, last Thursday night, you guys got real personal. You told me that I'm not what I once was. Not that I can't hang in the ring, or sell tickets, but that my character, my essence of being...all of my traits...were gone. That I was just another drone of the company, and that I fell into normalcy, and that I took the company down with it. That the days of beltshots and Hollywood invasions and stunt doubles and monsters and everything...EVERYTHING that made this company great, was gone. You told me that things got too serious, and too predictable. Well, I agree on one thing, that this tonight, is serious. However, I don't think you can call me predictable. Because you said the other night you wanted the old Zack back. You wanted the instigator, the ballbuster, the pain in the ass, the cocky, confident, antagonizing son of a bitch that I used to be, BACK. Well, ask and ye shall receive, because for tonight, I did just that. I thought outside of the box. I went to a place no one thought I'd go to for backup. I didn't look to the Originals. I didn't look on our roster. I didn't look to HI-YAH...I didn't do ANYTHING you'd think Zack Malibu would do. No, no, this isn't something that Zack Malibu the company man would do, but it's something that the old Zack Malibu would do to even a score, because he would go to any length to pull himself back up. So you want to know who your opponents are? Take a good long look at the faces that are going to haunt you long after tonight. TAKE THE MASKS OFF! Malibu makes the call, and two of the three men step forward, slowly pulling their masks back until they get them up over their forehead...then rip them back and lift their heads to reveal BRUCE BLANK AND BLOODSHED OF THE SMARKS WRESTLING FEDERATION! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" COLE What the...WHAT THE HELL!? CABOOSE That's Bruce Blank and Bloodshed, Cole! Those are two of the most dangerous men in wrestling today! COLE But they don't work for us...do they? COACH NO! NO THEY DON'T! This must be a violation of some contract right? RIGHT? The crowd is ecstatic, as the two men, known the world over for their bloody wars with superstars of the SWF, have arrived in the OAOAST! Static, Jax, and O'Hara can't believe what they've gotten themselves into, as Static kicks the ropes and shouts to the crowd to shut up. COLE Listen to these fans, they can't believe it, but what a coup Zack Malibu has come up with! The GPX and O'Hara dealt him a hand, and he has trumped them with these...these wildcards! Blank and Bloodshed look their most intimidating, while Malibu plays to the crowd. MALIBU So there you go. You wanted the unthinkable, the unpredictable, the Zack Malibu who can scheme and scam with the best of 'em? He's BACK...and he's got some company with him! Now, if you're ready to do this thing... STATIC Whoa whoa WHOA there, Malibu. First off, don't get ahead of yourself. Think of this like a game of chess...one move doesn't win a game. Besides, if you want us to fight, we want ALL the masks off, you dig? So let's go...you...off with it. Let's see who else you got...or did you blow your whole lo... Before Static can finish, the third masked man comes forward, right in his face, and yanks his mask off to reveal... THE URBAN LEGEND, TODD CORTEZ! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" CABOOSE I DON'T BELIEVE IT! COLE Neither do I! The Urban Legend, here in an OAOAST ring along with Bruce Blank and Bloodshed! Did you ever think you'd see the day!? Scotty Static obviously didn't, because he gulps and steps back, as his partners remain still. Cortez just smirks and then steps back, then turns around and high fives and embraces Malibu, while Blank snickers and Bloodshed stares. COLE I...I can't believe it! Zack Malibu has found three of the most notorious fighters in the world to back him up! Notice how I didn't say wrestlers...these men are FIGHTERS! CABOOSE If you asked me to write down ten names on a sheet of paper for who I thought was under those masks, none of these men would have made it. Malibu has truly thought outside the box on this one, and it's going to be hell for the GPX and O'Hara to pay! As the bell sounds, Malibu motions that he'll start things off, leaving Blank and Bloodshed to retreat to the apron, while Cortez takes a spot down on the ringside floor. COACH See, I don't like this. What business does this Cortez character have at ringside? Send him to the back! Despite Coach's protests, Cortez remains. With the crowd still buzzing from the revelation of Zack Malibu's newfound allies, Jamie O'Hara tells his partners he's "got this", and wants to be the first one to start off with Zack. COLE O'Hara wants to kick things off for his team, and these two men just had quite a clash for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title along with Faqu just a week and a half ago on HeldDOWN~! Malibu braces for a lockup, but the brash O'Hara comes forward and shoves him back, then starts shouting him down about his partners. Malibu, never one to be intimidated, steps forward, but O'Hara doesn't back up, and instead slaps the taste out of his mouth! Malibu flinches from the slap, then comes back with one of his own, repaying the favor to the young thug! O'Hara comes back and nails Malibu with a forearm shot that sends him staggering back, then cracks him with two hard chops before racing to the ropes. He comes off, but surprises Malibu by sliding through his legs, then popping up behind him and grabbing a rear waistlock, running him to the ropes...but Malibu holds on to prevent from being taken over. O'Hara rolls backwards and pops up to his feet, charging Zack and managing to duck a clothesline attempt before hitting a dropk-no! Malibu swats him down, and then goes into a mount, pinning O'Hara to the mat while peppering him with right hands, as Jamie tries to shove Zack off! Malibu breaks on his own will, and brings Jamie up to his feet by his hair, causing the high-flyer to wince before striking him with a chop! O'Hara reels, and Malibu sends him to the ropes, catching him with a hiptoss on the rebound! He moves down for O'Hara, but Jamie kicks Zack back with both feet, then kips up as Zack rolls to his feet at the same time! The two foes now eye each other and begin circling each other again, as the crowd applauds loudly for their showcased hostility. CABOOSE They may be two of our most exciting superstars, and they may even respect each other, but the hatred between Zack Malibu and these three hooligans has never been more apparent. Immediately, the two move towards each other and lock up, with Malibu snaring him in a side headlock only to have O'Hara slip out easily. Zack then has to absorb three clubbing forearms that O'Hara uses to wear him down before pulling him back up to a vertical base and snapping him to the mat with a Russian legsweep. Now it's O'Hara who rolls over into a mount and starts hammering on Zack, stunning him with a quick succession of punches before leading him to his feet and then slapping him across the face yet again, this time being the hardest of all! O'Hara then delivers a kick to the stomach and sets him up for a suplex, but as he's lifted Malibu floats over, and grabs O'Hara for a back suplex...but he floats through that and takes Malibu down from behind with a double leg, then sits on his back and pulls his head back, then jams his fingers into Malibu's mouth and pulls back on his cheeks, looking to tear the skin off of the superstar's face! COACH Tear him up, J! Tear him up! Referee Charles Robinson protests the tactic, telling O'Hara he's got until the count of five to break. Jamie milks it for all it's worth before getting off of Zack's back, and then delivers a hard boot to the back of the head before moving towards his corner and tagging in Scotty Static to an ovation of boos and jeers. COLE Ref sees the tag, and now the spokesperson himself comes in as the legal man. Static steps into the ring, and as Malibu comes up, he gets snared in a rear waistlock and taken right back to the mat. Static then stands over him and paintbrushes across the back of his head numerous times, then stands and spits right at Bruce Blank before backing up and extending his arms, offering himself to the newcomer. Blank just chuckles, having seen it all before...but then spits right back at Static, catching the party animal right on the chest with a loogie! CABOOSE That's cute. Static is disgusted, but before he can react, he's spun around by Malibu, who unloads with a flurry of right hands, then a hard chop that knocks Static to the mat! Static gets picked right back up by Zack, who grabs him by the waist and hurls him overhead with a release Northern Lights suplex! Static bounces off the mat and quickly rolls to his feet, hurriedly picking himself up with the aid of the ropes...but a furious Malibu charges, and connects with a running lariat that sends both of them out to the floor below! COLE They've toppled out to the ringside area, but keep an eye on everyone else, because this is a point where things tend to break down... Malibu and Static both get up, and face to face again, they trade hard slaps before Malibu takes Scotty and sends him to the guardra...REVERSED! Malibu gets sent across the floor and slams hard into the metal barricade, leaving Static to roll back into the ring and recover. Acting dazed, Static uses Robinson to try and pull himself to his feet, and with Robinson preoccupied, Jamie O'Hara walks to the far side of the apron, then runs across it, leaping off and crashing down atop Malibu with a splash against the railing! "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" COACH Ha HA! Thatta boy, J! Blank bluntly questions "what the hell was that" to the official, who has no idea what just went on. Bloodshed remains silent, peering across the ring as O'Hara hops back up to his spot on the apron, leaving Malibu a crumpled mess on the floor. He slowly pushes up and crawls back to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope, but as he rises to his feet Static hits the ropes and knocks him over with a running kneelift. Malibu gets picked up off the mat by his foe and sent to the rival corner, crashing against the turnbuckles, but when Static races towards him, he runs right into a boot! Malibu then nails both O'Hara and Jax with a right hand, knocking them off their perch, then turns to see Static charging again! He sidesteps, and Static crashes chest first into the turnbuckles, only to be shoved back into them a second time, then pulled out and dropped on the mat with a German Suplex! CABOOSE Malibu's pent up frustration is certainly shining through in this match, and one can only wonder for now how much of that has passed onto his newfound allies. After releasing the suplex Zack quickly rolls over towards his corner and makes the tag to the big brawler, Bruce Blank, which draws a large pop from the crowd! COLE Looks like we're about to find out, 'Boose! Blank, who is chomping at the bit to get in the ring. The second the hands touch the big redneck steps into the ring and approaches Static, grinning at the self-appointed spokesperson of the "Hooligans" as Caboose would call them. COLE Scotty Static doesn't seem too happy about having to lock up with Bruce Blank! Bruce raises his arms and tries to lock up with Static but the smaller man deftly ducks under his arms and then lands a drop kick to Bruce’s back – a drop kick that has little effect on Bruce except for pushing him forward half a step. CABOOSE This guy is PURE power. Static barely budged him! COACH He's a big lug! You think that because he's all tall and burly and smilin' like Nicholson in The Shining that we should fear him? COLE YES! Bruce quickly turns around and with a grin invites Scotty Static to drop kick him once more while he spreads his arms out and gives his opponent a free shot. The arrogant smirk is quickly wiped off his face as Jamie O’Hara sneaks into the ring and dropkicks Bruce in the back before the referee can stop him. As the referee is distracted by Jamie Johnny enters the ring behind his back and doubles up with Static to dropkick Bruce square in the chest knocking the big man into the corner. COACH There you go!! Small and smart beats big and stupid every time. CABOOSE And you’re the foremost expert on stupid, Coach. Johnny Jax grabs Scotty by the wrist and then whips his smaller tag-team partner towards Bruce in the corner, speeding him up. Scotty leaps at Bruce but instead of striking the big man he finds himself backdropped OVER the turnbuckle pole to the ground... ONTO HIS FEET!! COACH See that? See? That’s TALENT damn it! Static can’t help but grin as he points to the side of his head showing just how smart he is, a grin that’s quickly wiped off his face when Todd Cortez grabs him by the waistband of his bands and spins him around, tossing him back into the ring under the bottom rope! COACH What did I say? Does anyone EVER listen to me? Cortez should not be out here, he’s just here to stick his nose into the match. Zack looks down at Cortez, having not expected the "Urban Legend" to get involved, while Cortez backs off when the referee accosts him. Once he's back in the ring, Static finds himself covered by Blank, who takes advantage of Todd's assist. ONE!! TWO!! FOOT TO THE BACK!! Jamie O'Hara rushes in, stomping on the back of the newcomers head to break up the pin attempt. Blank gets up, laughing to himself as O'Hara, brash as he is, shoves Blank and dares him to come at him! The referee quickly seperates the two, and pushes O'Hara back to his corner...leaving Blank open for a lowblow from Static! COACH Oh yeah!! Oh yeah that’s how you do it! Scotty bolts from the mat and towards the ropes, hooking Blank's head as he comes towards him off the rebound. He kicks off the canvas and jumps into the air, swinging around...but Blank clutches both of Scotty's legs and runs forward, driving him hard into the corner and pinning him against the buckles while he tags Zack Malibu back in! COLE Nice block by Blank, who brings Malibu back into the fray. Malibu comes back in and immediately goes to work on Scotty, striking him with a pair of left jabs before hopping up on the ropes and monkey flipping Static out of the corner...but Scotty, quick as a cat, lands on his feet again, and dives towards his corner, tagging in O'Hara! CABOOSE Static wanted to get the hell out of there! O'Hara slingshots up onto the top rope, and dives off as Malibu turns and approaches, coming down on the prep with a high crossbody block! O'Hara covers... ONE! ...but Malibu pushes him off at the count of one! Zack gets up and grabs a side headlock, but O'Hara pushes him towards the ropes and leaps onto his shoulders, snapping Zack over with a quick huracanrana! O'Hara gets up and then turns to Zack's corner, and nails both Blank and Bloodshed, stunning both! COLE These two...three if you count Cortez...but these guys are some of the most brutal, sadistic men in the wrestling world today...and Jamie O'Hara is BEGGING THEM to come at him? That's suicidal! COACH No fear, baby. We live on the edge! CABOOSE You live with your parents. O'Hara backs off, and Blank and Bloodshed turn to each other, then step into the ring and approach O'Hara. He steps back, rethinking his daring tactic...but now Malibu inches behind him and shoves him forward, right into a HYOOOOGE back bodydrop from both Blank and Bloodshed! Malibu then turns around and nails both Jax and Static, knocking them off the apron and to the floor, while Blank and Bloodshed hold O'Hara in the corner, each by an arm, and Malibu runs across the ring and leaps into the air, crashing into the British badass with a leaping corner splash! Blank and Bloodshed exit the ring and Malibu hurls O'Hara back to the mat, but the preppy one then tags in Bloodshed, who steps right back into the ring and drops an elbow on the fallen O'Hara before kneeling on the canvas and pulling him up into a rear chinlock. COLE Now we see the man, Alan Clark, known as Bloodshed due to his affinity for... COACH Blood? COLE Well, yes. CABOOSE It would seem that Bloodshed is trying to wear the speediest of the three out, but O'Hara is stubborn if not stupid. He won't allow himself to be taken out by these newcomers, no matter what their track record may say. Bloodshed cranks the head of O'Hara, but Jamie fights his way up, and lifts Bloodshed up for a back suplex...who floats through the attempt and lands on his feet! A clubbing forearm, and then many more, double O'Hara over as Bloodshed pounds on him, then whips him to the corner...REVERSED! O'Hara hurls Bloodshed forward into the corner, and he hits hard, sneering as he connects, and then morphing his face right back into the trademark sadistic grin of his. O'Hara charges, and leaps up, trying for a monkey flip, but Bloodshed shoves him down, kicks him in the stomach, then tries for a suplex...but O'Hara lands behind him! He spins Bloodshed around, but before he can try to follow up, Bloodshed rocks him with an inverted atomic drop, then takes him by the head and tosses him through the ropes, sending O'Hara splattering to the ringside floor! COLE Bloodshed simply throwing O'Hara to the floor with...waitaminute, look at Zack... O'Hara gets up, holding his head, and barely notices Malibu racing across the apron for his patented Apron Run...NO! Jamie jumps up and dropkicks his leg out from under him, sending Malibu falling face first on the apron! O'Hara then pulls Zack to the floor and rams his face into the apron, then simply presses it into the hard edge of the ring, mushing his face against the canvas...until Bloodshed delivers a baseball slide that sends O'Hara bouncing backwards and slamming into the guardrail! Bloodshed then runs to the far ropes for some momentum, but as he goes to bounce off them Johnny Jax pulls the ropes down, and Bloodshed goes SPLAT! on the floor below! With the referee busy trying to break up O'Hara and Malibu on the other side, the GPX hop off the apron and go to town on Bloodshed, doubling up on the newcomer before Static lifts him off his feet and then drops him...HARD...onto the guardail crotch-first! In the ring, Bruce Blank walks across the squared circle, but not without incident, as the referee sees him and now tries to block him from going after the GPX, much to his protest! That leaves Cortez, who has seen everything go down, to come around the corner and tackle Johnny Jax from behind and start crossfacing him, making the save for Bloodshed before Charles Robinson exits the ring AGAIN, this time to break up that melee! COACH The referee is losing control! See what Malibu's caused! Robinson shoves Cortez back, and Cortez openly protests his call. Static meanwhile, nods for Jax to go and help O'Hara out on the other side, while Scotty reaches over the railing for a steel chair. Jax hops into the ring and runs across, then leaps up onto the top rope for some springboard momentum...but finds himself shoved onto his back by Bruce Blank! CABOOSE The big man just stuffed Jax on his aerial attempt! The big redneck steps over the ropes and into the ring, plastering Jax with a right hand as he gets up and charges in. He picks Jax up and grabs him by the throat, not noticing that Jamie O'Hara, having sent Zack into the guardrail on the floor, has springboarded into the air, and lands on his back! O'Hara tries to apply a sleeperhold, but Blank squirms, trying to shake the high flyer off of him. He violently releases his grip on Jax shoving him towards the ropes...and just as Jax shakes the cobwebs loose Blank charges, delivering a hard lariat that sends Jax, Blank, AND O'Hara all over the top rope to the floor~! COLE Unbelievable! Bruce Blank just sacrificed himself to take out two members of the opposing team! Robinson stares on in shock as the match is breaking down before his very eyes, and the distraction provided by Blank's tactics keep Charles from noticing Scotty Static brandishing a chair at ringside, and bringing it across Bloodshed's back as he gets up... WHAM! ...but Bloodshed simply turns to Scotty Static, and SMILES! CABOOSE ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Bloodshed, not afraid of the chair, smiles gleefully as Scotty cocks the chair back, this time bringing it down across the crown of his head! WHACK! Bloodshed hobbles, nearly dropping to one knee, but stands right back up and approaches again...and this time Scotty winds up like a cleanup hitter and NAILS him across the side of the head with a shot that brings the pain loving superstar down to the floor! Scotty then disposes of the chair and rolls back into the ring, just as a weary Malibu is doing the same. COLE I don't think...in fact I'm pretty sure Scotty and Zack weren't the legal men when everything got crazy, but the referee letting it go! With all their teammates indisposed, Scotty and Zack trade right hands, until Static gouges Zack's eyes, then pulls his head in close, and BITES it! Zack reels, and then gets sent into the ropes, where Scotty tries a hiptoss...BLOCKED...and Zack swings around with a backslide! ONE! TW...NO! Static rolls through, and grabs Zack as he's getting up, lifting him for a suplex but then dropping him stomach first across the top rope! Static backs up, and tugs on Robinson's shirt, but it's merely a distraction for a recovering O'Hara to climb up to the top rope and deliever a legdrop to the back of Zack's head as he dangles on the ropes, and falls back to the canvas after the move connects! Static then lets go of Robinson, and moves in for the kill, covering Zack's fallen body. ONE! TW...NO! BRUCE BLANK YANKS SCOTTY RIGHT OUT OF THE RING! Blank then takes Scotty by the head and swings him around, sending him headfirst into the ringpost, and Scotty bounces off of it like a beach ball! COACH YO, ROBINSON! YOU GOTTA STOP THIS! COLE This match is really breaking down, because it appears the newcomers are getting a bit of a hardcore itch... CABOOSE And if they scratch that itch, it's going to cost them the victory! With Scotty having been yanked out of the ring, O'Hara slingshots over the ropes and runs up behind Zack, grabbing him in a waistlock and pushing him towards the ropes, then rollling him up for the pin! Robinson counts, probably wanting to get this match over with as soon as possible before things get worse... ONE! TWO! ...but Malibu kicks O'Hara off, and the momentum sends him THROUGH THE ROPES, into a dive onto Blank! COACH YEAH J, YEAH! Once again, Malibu struggles to his feet in the ring, but this time he's knocked right back down, as Johnny Jax enters the ring after having been taken to the floor by Blank earlier, and hits him with a running YAKUZA KICK~! that actually causes Zack to twist in the air before landing hard on the canvas! Jax then starts putting the boots to Zack, and Static, a cut on his forehead opened because of the ringpost shot, slides back in, and now the Global Party Exchange are doubling up on their arch rival! COLE Blank has been wiped out by O'Hara, Bloodshed's out cold in front of us, and Cortez...well he's TRYING to get into the ring, but Robinson is doing his best to get him out of there! Cortez, the last hope, is the one man still fresh at the ringside area...but he's not in the match! The GPX continue to work over Zack, until the crowd begins to stir, because a certain someone at ringside is getting up. COACH How in the... CABOOSE BLOODSHED IS UP! Blood trickling down his face as he stands, it takes the form of a crimson mask, and all Bloodshed can do is grin as the camera's close in on his plasma plastered face. He reaches down and picks up the source of the wound, the chair from earlier, and darts back into the ring, coming towards both unsuspecting GPX members. COLE No...don't do it...don't do what I think you're gonna do! As soon as Johnny Jax turns to Bloodshed, he's blinded...by a spray of Bloodshed's own blood into his eyes! CABOOSE He misted him with the blood! Static reaches for the chair, trying to grab it during the act of bloodmist, but Bloodshed pulls back, and instead brings it over his head and brings it down across Static's knocking him out cold and further opening the cut on his head! As Scotty falls to the canvas, Bloodshed brings the chair down on him again...and again...and AGAIN...tim and time again smashing the steel implement across any open body part he can connect with! Static tries to cove up, but he's further weakened with every shot, as the blood starts to fall from his forehead and stain the canvas. Like a shark, Bloodshed drops the chair and then targets the open wound, holding Static's head in one hand as he claws, then pounds on the wound with hard elbow shots, even digging it into the head of Static! COLE He is busted open badly, and Bloodshed...his hands...they're COVERED in blood! The crowd is roaring as Bloodshed beats on Static. Malibu, who hasn't turned around to see the sight yet, his SCHOOL'S OUT on a blood-blinded Johnny Jax, knocking him out through the ropes and to the floor. O'Hara climbs up on the apron, but before he can react, he's yanked off the apron, then hoisted up onto Blank's shoulders...and hurled into the guardrail with a powerbomb-like manuever! Blank steps on the apron just as Malibu turns to see what's going on...that being Scotty Static being pummelled into a bloody mess! COLE This isn't...I don't think this is what Zack wanted at all! COACH Yeah, RIGHT! Malibu makes a move towards Bloodshed, trying to pry him off of Static...but he gets shoved away for his troubles! The crowd "oohs" as Malibu gets right back up, and both he and Robinson take an arm and try to pry Bloodshed away, but to no avail! Finally, Blank and Cortez come over and forcefully lift Bloodshed up off of Static, and Blank backs him into the corner so that he can't dive for him again. Robinson looks disgusted as he looks down at all the blood, which is just oozing out of a gaping wound across Static's forehead...and then he goes to the ropes and motions for the bell, saying that the match is over! COLE What...that's it? CABOOSE The match is over! Robinson has thrown the match out! As soon as he calls for the bell, Robinson motions for EMT's to hit the ring, checking on Static, which Zack looms over him. Malibu then turns to the three men he brought in, nudging past Blank, and shoving Bloodshed back into the corner, asking "what the hell was that?" Blank goes to put a hand on Zack's shoulder, but Zack knocks it away, then again asks Bloodshed "what the hell was that?" This time, Blank spins Zack around, looking down into the popular superstars eyes, telling him "That's what YOU wanted. That's what we do. You knew that! You knew that!" COACH See, hear what Blank said? That IS what Zack wanted! CABOOSE I don't know...I mean, have they really pushed Zack that far? If this is what he wanted, he doesn't look to happy about it. Malibu, not flinching despite Blank's larger frame, looks up into his eyes and says that's not what he wanted, and then turns to exit the ring. Todd Cortez tries to stop Zack, but Malibu hesitates only momentarily before jumping to the floor and grabbing his HI-YAH Championship off the timekeepers table. He starts to head back to the dressing room, as more medical personnel hit the ring, and order the trio of newcomers out of the ring so that they can tend to Scotty Static. COLE We...we expected a melee, or a brawl, or quite frankly all hell to break loose. What happened here tonight...I mean...that was horrific! He would not stop beating on him. It was almost vampiric in nature, the thirst for blood that that man has! CABOOSE The name "Bloodshed" isn't just a tagline it would seem. Keep in mind though that it was the GPX, namely Scotty Static, who split HIS head open earlier in the contest. I fully believe in retribution, but these actions...I mean this was way over the line. The crowd, who has been stunned by the previous few minutes, remains at a hush as Jax and O'Hara, groggy as they are, come and check on Scotty Static. Meanwhile Blank, Bloodshed and Cortez exit the ring, with Blank looking quite happy despite the lack of victory, or the immediate tension he's facing with the very man he aided tonight. COLE We certainly pride our pay per view events on being a night to remember, but tonight...it could be for all the wrong reasons.
  20. Zack Malibu

    The Real Chave

    The real Chave doesn't have a hat like that.
  21. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST Living Angleously booking thread

    I've heard from who was writing with me, and sure enough, it was due to a computer crash that they were unable to pass off the 6 man to me until very late last night. I'm going to wrap it up during the day/evening today, and then it'll be edited into the show.
  22. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST Living Angleously booking thread

    Time zones. Computer problems. Family emergencies. School assignments. Illness. Called into work. Just a handful of things that can and should be taken into account before harping on anyone. No one on the active roster has ever purposely blown us off, doubt anyone's starting now. Ease up on the people (and yes, I'd be saying this even if I wasn't waiting for my match to come back to me).
  23. Zack Malibu

    TNA talent to jump to "ECW"

    Sabu's already come to terms for the ECW thing, since his TNA deal was a pay per appearance one. Simon Diamond, Rhino, Raven, Dudleys, Shane Douglas, Jerry Lynn are all contractually bound to TNA. The only thing Diamond would mean to them would be a reunion with Johnny Swinger (if WWE even remembers he's on the roster still), Rhino would be put in the same position he was a year ago, Raven and Douglas would be good for character value but not for match value (and Douglas especially isn't going anywhere). Lynn would be a good workhorse, but again, he's not going anywhere either.
  24. Zack Malibu

    TNA talent to jump to "ECW"

    The only one who would be able to, apparently, is Rhino, and I can't see him doing it. TNA rejuvenated him, and it's obvious by his effort that he enjoys it a lot more than just being WWE midcard fodder.
  25. Zack Malibu

    OAOAST Living Angleously booking thread

    The six man tag is probably going to be late. I'm waiting for one writer to pass it back to me for the finish. If I don't have it by the time I leave to go watch No Way Out, I should hopefully have it done later tonight.