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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    The Player Haters Ball.

  2. Zack Malibu

    Aj vs Big Poppa Pump at next ppv??

    Where did Meltzer report this? There's been a lot of citing him as a source for rumors lately, and I haven't heard anything of this yet.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Promo, and Malibu vs. Faqu for HD.

    COLE Up next fans we have what promises to be a tremendous matchup. Seeing as how we're in the Land of the Rising Sun tonight, both OAOAST Coporate and the HI-YAH promotion have decided to put on a contest for one of Japan's prestigious titles, held by one of our own. CABOOSE It was back in February that Zack Malibu captured the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title from Christian Wright. The Upstarts were severly damaging the relationship between the two companies, and decided to rectify that situation by pitting Wright against the main target of The Upstarts. Since capturing the belt, Zack has done a tremendous job with it, defending it on a HI-YAH tour just before Anglemania, where he retained the belt and earned an OAOAST World Title shot thanks to his win in the Two For The Money match. COACH Yo, I'm all for prestige and grandeur, but c'mon. Malibu's just happy to have a belt around his waist. Helps feed the ego a little better. COLE The last thing Zack Malibu is is a vanity champion, and I for one feel he has proven that the HI-YAH promotion, which uses many OAOAST talents on its tours, is on the same level as our home promotion. HI-YAH is getting more notoriety in North America, and Zack is one of the most visible superstars in the world not only as the face of our company, but as the HI-YAH Champion as well. COACH Whatever. It's just another company kissing his ass, is all. COLE Now in tonight's contest, the match will be contested under one fall rules. Typical rules of disqualification and countout apply, however the count will not be a standard ten count, but rather a twenty count which is used in puroresu. We also understand that this match will be broadcast on an upcoming HI-YAH television special airing in Japan, as well as on the HeldDOWN~! you're watching right now! DING! DING! DING! The sound of the bell calls attention to the squared circle, but instead of famed announcer Michael Buffer, in the ring stands HI-YAH's resident announcer, Mr. Harold Satishara! COACH Who's this eggroll? CABOOSE Eggrolls are Chinese food, Coach. The announcer, who gets a huge pop due to his recognizable profile, nods and smiles at the crowd before beginning the introductions...in Japanese! Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship!translation> COACH What did he just say? CABOOSE Use your translation book for something other than to pick up chicks and find out! The sound of the Deftones' "My Own Summer" is combatted with a loud pop from the crowd, as the intimdating guitars bring forth one of the more intimidating members of the OAOAST and HI-YAH rosters. The burly Samoan Faqu, accompanied by James Blonde, heads down the aisle, thumbing his nose and looking out into the sea of fans that helped him reinvent himself overseas. Blonde, arm still in a sling due to not having it rest well after last week's attack by the GPX and O'Hara, climbs up the steps and watches from the apron as Faqu rolls into the ring and throws an arm up, delivering the sign for "I love you" to the crowd. CABOOSE A show of respect from Faqu for the fans there. COLE It was before these fans that Faqu and James Blonde were able to erase their past stigma, and grow into worthwhile, hard-hitting competitors. Now tonight, amongst the same people who saw them break through, Faqu gets a shot at one of the most coveted championships in the Far East. Faqu's theme stops, and after a moment's hesitation, the bass line that opens "Getting Away With Murder" is cued up, once again drawing a large pop from the Tokyo crowd. COLE Here comes the champion! Malibu, with the belt wrapped around his waist and semi-hidden by the lower part of his hooded vest, throws his hood back and stares into the crowd, raising both arms up in salute before continuing his trek to the ring. Malibu hops up on the apron and steps into the ring, unstrapping his belt and raising it up in the air as he walks to the corner and climbs up, standing on the middle rope with belt held high. CABOOSE What a reception for Malibu. No matter where he goes, there is no denying the popularity he has with the people. Zack hops down off the ropes, and as the lights come up, suddenly the fans surrounding the ring start throwing streamers...specifically, red, white, and blue streamers...into the ring, which brings yet another wave of cheers from the rest of the attending fans! COLE What a show of respect right there, showering these two with the colors of their home country! Blonde pounds the apron and nods in approval from the floor, as both Zack and Faqu play to the crowd, while the announcer begins to speak. Introducing first, the challenger for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship. Hailing from Honolulu, HI, USA, he has weighed in tonight at an even 290 lbs. he is known the world over as "The Samoan Tsunami"...FAAAAAAAQUUUUU!translation> Faqu comes out of the corner and throws an arm up, listening to the fans clap for him as he looks across the ring at his opponent. His opponent tonight is the current titleholder, and he hails from Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Weighing in tonight at 200 lbs., the man whom the Japanese press has dubbed the "Modern Day Warrior"...the defending HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion, ZAAAAAAAACK MAAAALIBUUUU!translation> COACH What did they just call him? I'm looking it up and it's telling me "Mustard Day Weedwacker". Is that some foreign thing? CABOOSE Read more, talk less. COLE I believe he said "Modern Day Warrior", Coach. Back home, we've come to known Zack as "The Franchise", due to his recognition as the OAOAST's most prominent star. However, his "fighting spirit" has given cause for the Japanese to dub him with the Warrior tagline, and I think we're all in agreement it suits him well. As the HI-YAH appointed referee clears the ring of streamers, Faqu and Zack come forward and face each other in center ring. The two men shake hands in a show of respect, and nod to each other just as the bell ring. DING! DING! DING! *THWACK!* Immediately, Faqu strikes with a chop, stunning Zack! Malibu stumbles back a step or two, and Faqu comes at him, raising his arm up and bringing it down. *THWACK!* Malibu is struck with another overhand chop to the chest, and it's enough to send him against the ropes. Faqu takes him by the arm and prepares to send him across the ring, but Malibu swings around and stops the Irish whip from happening, and then wrenches the arm of Faqu and drops an elbow on his forearm! Zack then releases the wrist of the big Samoan and fires off a knife edge chop, striking Faqu across the chest, then goes right back to the arm wrench, then pins it behind Faqu with a hammerlock. Faqu ponders his next move for a moment, but Zack simply releases his grip and swings him around, grabbing a side headlock. The more powerful Faqu easily counters, lifting Zack up off his feet, but Malibu floats over and lands on his feet, then snares Faqu in a headlock once again! COLE Nice move by Zack, countering and then going right back to the headlock! Faqu wriggles but can't get free, so once again he utilizes his strength advantage to push Zack off. Malibu bounces off the ropes and comes right back at Faqu, but it's Zack who goes down after the collision, as he simply bounces off the big guy! Faqu then drops an elbow, but Zack rolls out of the way, and gets up, dropping an elbow of his own...that misses! Both men get back to their feet, and Faqu lets loose with a hard kick to Zack's left thigh, then strikes with another chop to the chest before dropping Zack with a fireman's carry! Faqu hits the ropes, but Zack rolls onto his stomach and forces Faqu to hop over him, then springs up and catches him on the rebound with an awesome dropkick, planting both feet into his chest! Faqu staggers, so Zack charges, but Faqu drops his head and elevates Malibu up and over! Zack lands on the apron, and quickly springboards into the air...but Faqu catches him and then falls forward, sandwiching him between the canvas and his own 290 pound frame! With Zack down, Faqu runs for the ropes and bounces off, jumping into the air and bringing his large frame down across Zack Malibu with a back senton splash! Faqu rolls onto all fours and crawls over, covering Zack with a leg hook applied! ONE! T-KICKOUT! CABOOSE Faqu is showing his dominance in the early going. He nearly won the Two For The Money match, but it was that spear off the top of the ladders that sent him, along with his championship chances, crashing down. Faqu gets up and brings Zack with him, and sends him to the corner. He charges, but Zack puts a boot up...so Faqu grabs it, throws it down, and delivers a running shoulderblock to the gut! Zack doubles over, and the next thing you know he's prepped in powerbom position, and hoisted up...but he rolls over the back of the Samoan Tsunami, and brings him down with a sunset flip! ON-NO! Not even a one count, as Faqu rolls through and grabs the legs and turns over into a Boston Crab, then ties the legs up and wraps his arm around Zack's head, trapping him in an STF! COACH TAP LIKE GREGORY HINES, BABY! The crowd cheers the segueway from move to move, as Malibu stretches his arm out, struggling...and reaches the bottom rope! COACH Sonuva... Quickly, Faqu breaks the hold and rolls off of Zack, picking him up off the canvas and dropping him stomach first across his knee with a gutbuster! Zack rests on his knees, clutching at his stomach, but Faqu brings him into a standing headscissors again, and lifts, this time connecting with a hard powerbomb, and pins Zack's legs against his shoulders, holding him down in a cradle! ONE! TW-NO! Faqu lifts again, but Zack fights back, pounding at his forehead and the bridge of his nose with right hands, eventually hitting so hard that a cut starts to creep open across the bridge of the Samoan's nose! Malibu is dropped to his feet, and he hits a headbutt that rocks Faqu, then hits the ropes...but winds up running into a hard spinning wheel kick from the agile Samoan! COLE Faqu has been dominant so far, truly proving his worth in this contest! Faqu drags Malibu into position, then drops a leg across his throat before getting to his feet. He steps out to the apron and looks out to the crowd, then climbs up the turnbuckles, something that you wouldn't think was possible given his girth. CABOOSE This could be bad...very, very bad! Faqu balances himself, but as Malibu rises to his feet, he lunges forward, knocking the top rope and causing it to shake Faqu off balance! Faqu doesn't topple, as he reaches down and grabs the top rope and tries to balance himself again, but Malibu leaps up and springboards off the top, twisting his body to the side to deliver an enzugiri kick to the side of Faqu's head, which causes him to finally fall off balance and crotch himself! Malibu gets up and now runs up the ropes, jumping onto Faqu's shoulders, and snaps him off the top rope, sending him down to the canvas after a huracanrana from the top! COLE Zack Malibu has just taken Faqu down from the top rope and...well, what the hell... For some reason, BIFF ATLAS and FLEX PHILLIPS, known collectively as NRG, are racing down the aisle, and slide into the ring! Immediately, the (much smaller) referee approaches them, throwing his hand up in a signal of ejection, telling them to get lost. Flex and Biff simply look at each other, then pick the man up and press him over head, then simply drop him over the top rope and to the floor below! CABOOSE What the hell do THESE two want? They've just ruined the HI-YAH Title Match! The bell sounds, and Flex and Biff high-five each other, until James Blonde rolls into the ring and swings Biff around, nailing him with hard left jabs! Flex tries to intervene, but he's met with chops, and the one-armed man (but not the guy from The Fugitive) starts to clean house on the two interfering stars. Normally ,that'd draw quite a pop from the crowd, but all that can be heard now is booing... ...although that's because JAMIE O'HARA and the GPX are sprinting down the aisle! COLE Wait a second...wait...it's them! They're responsible for this! CABOOSE Zack told them to wait until the bell was rung to strike... COLE ...so they sent NRG out here as decoys to ruin the match FOR THEM! COACH That's BRILLIANT! O'Hara clobbers Blonde from behind, then tears the sling off his arm. Taking him by the wrist, O'Hara pulls him near the ropes, then hops OVER the top and to the floor, snapping the right arm over the top rope! Blonde falls back, holding his arm as he falls to the mat, as the GPX start putting the boots to him...but Faqu and Malibu are up, and now all hell is breaking loose! COLE HERE WE GO! Malibu and Faqu start nailing everything in sight, but the GPX duck out of the ring, leaving NRG to get the brunt of it. Johnny Jax walks over to the timekeper's table and rips the bell up from it, then rolls back into the ring, crouching down and waiting for Faqu to turn his attention away from Flex Phillips...AND HITS A RUNNING SHOT WITH THE BELL, KNOCKING THE BIG MAN OUT COLD! Meanwhile, Biff, O'Hara and Static hogpile on Zack, and drag him to the ropes, tying his arms up in it and leaving him with nowhere to go! With Zack trapped, everyone gets some shots in, and O'Hara rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair AND a microphone!? CABOOSE What are they doing...we need help out here! Static takes the mic from O'Hara, while the cocky youngster walks up to Zack and paintbrushes him across the face, then jabs him tauntingly with the edge of the chair. STATIC Malibu, we held up our end of the bargain...we didn't do anything to ruin this match. We waited for the bell...and pun intended, but the bell isn't saving ANYONE tonight. Take a good look Malibu, you're looking at history in the making. You're looking at the future, and now, old friend, it's the last thing you're ever gonna see. Take him out, J. Static throws the mic away, and NRG and the GPX back up as O'Hara cocks the chair back...and the lights go out, leaving the arena in darkness?! COLE Now what!? What's going on here tonight!? COACH I don't like the feeling I'm getting...no good ever comes of these lights out incidents! Once again, the arena is illuminated by the spotlights up above, but now instead of the GPX/O'Hara crew and their decoys, there are three other people in the ring, clad all in black. COLE Who the hell is this!? COACH It's NINJA! CABOOSE I don't know who it is, but I don't think they're ninjas. How many ninjas carry a barbed wire bat!? Indeed, one man is clutching a barbed wire bat. Another, a Singapore cane, and the third, a long length of chain, partially wrapped around one hand and dangling in front of him. COLE What is going on? NRG, the GPX and O'Hara turn around, and are startled by the appearance of the men, and especially by the weaponry! Once they turn, the trio springs into action, as Flex Phillips catches a cane shot to the head that lays him out, and Biff Atlas is drilled in the stomach with the barbed wire bat, allowing the chain weilding masked man to whip him with the metallic links in his possession! The crowd roars as GPX and O'Hara's patsies are disposed of, leaving the young hooligans to face off evenly with these three mysterious people. O'Hara, still weilding the chair, charges the man with the bat and swings for the fences, but the man swings the bat, knocking the chair out of his hands, over the ropes, and to the floor! That's enough to put the fear of God into the normally arrogant trio, as they back up out of the ring, walking past all the fallen bodies of Blonde, Faqu, the referee, and NRG, and look on in wonder as two of the men free Zack from the ropes! CABOOSE Whoever they are, they're here to help Zack Malibu! Malibu, worn from the beating, takes a breath and stares at the man holding the bat, and nods his head. The man nods back, and now they all part ways, with Malibu heading out towards the aisleway and the three masked men jumping the railing and racing through the crowd. As Malibu walks up the aisleway, the GPX and O'Hara shout out, asking "what was that"?, and all Malibu can do is smirk and shrug in response. COACH Wait...did Malibu...did Malibu set them up? COLE I...I don't know...could that be why he told the GPX and O'Hara he wanted them in the ring tonight? Was the title match just a backdrop for revenge? CABOOSE Do you think Blonde and Faqu knew about this? COLE This is turning into quite the whodunit, but the bottom line is, Zack Malibu, we think, has found some backup in his war with the GPX and Jamie O'Hara...we just don't know who!
  4. Within the inner workings of the arena, various OAOAST staff, Japanese press, arena crew, and lost fans searching for a rest room. Amongst the sea of randoms and non-randoms populating the backstage area, we see three familiar faces...and not familiar in the good way. However, any notoriety is good enough for them...them being three of the most talented, yet arrogant superstars currently competing on the active roster. "Yo, let me get at that sushi, J." Scotty Static and Johnny Jax, collectively known as the Global Party Exchange, aka the GPX, stroll through the backstage area along with their partner in crime, the OAOAST's resident thuggish high-flyer, the UK's own Jamie O'Hara. "Bitch, you have too much sake? This is mah su-shizzy!" O'Hara pulls the paper bag away from Static's grabby hand, and plops another piece of sushi in his mouth. As the trio walks, they suddenly hear a familiar voice. "'Bout time. I was wondering if you had the balls to show up." The trio stops and looks, as the cameras close in on the man coming down the hallway approaching them; HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion Zack Malibu. "Of course we showed up. Whatchoo think, we're scared of you or somethin'? You wanna step off g, then..." Malibu, tired of O'Hara's ebonically fueled courage, knocks the sushi-holding bag out of his hands, sending it sailing through the air. "Oh no you DIDN'T just do that to my sushi!" "Pipe down, short stack, and listen up. You three...you've got balls. You say you respect me, then lay me out. Did a nice number on me. Gotta admit, I was impressed. Impressed not only with the fact that you brought me down last week, but impressed that for once, you did it face to face." The three hooligans are taken aback, and it's Jax who is the first to speak up. "So what, you're thanking us for attacking you? That's the stupidest sh..." "Thanking you? Not quite. But let's face it, this respect thing is only going to carry us all so far. So here's the deal. I called you out tonight. I told you to make sure your asses were here. Now I've got a match defending my title, and I know how antsy you three can be. So here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to go out there, and put my belt on the line. You three are gonna stay clear of the ring, of me, of Faqu, of James Blonde, of anything and everything. You stay back here and watch. When that match ends, whether it's my hand or his getting raised, you've got an open invitation to hit that ring, because I'll be waiting for you." The three are surprised again, this time thinking Malibu is just a tad overconfident. "You've gotta be kiddin' me, Malibu. Is this some type of set-up for a lawsuit, or you found some loophole in our contracts that gets us fired after so many beatdowns on yo' ass?" "No, it's much more simple than that. I said last week you had my respect, and I don't say anything I don't mean. You wanted respect, you got it. I just wanna know how far you guys are willing to go to keep it." Malibu walks off, leaving O'Hara, Static and Jax perplexed, yet prepared. "...ya'll ready for this? We're gonna squash this thing, tonight."
  5. Zack Malibu

    Saved By The Bell

    An animated SBTB could be entirely possible seeing as how there was a comic book produced of the show, so they could always just copy that artwork. If they ever parodied it that way, it'd be pretty awesome.
  6. Zack Malibu

    Booking for 4/13

    Since we're in Japan, our Japanese affiliate HI-YAH has officially booked: HI-YAH Heavyweight Title: Zack Malibu © vs. "The Samoan Tsunami" Faqu The only change in rules is that rather than a ten count, it will be a 20-count ruling (like all Japanese matches) for being on the outside. Other rules apply as normal.
  7. Zack Malibu

    AngleMania V feedback

    Seth: So what's the GP, RA? Ryan: What? Seth: Game plan, Ryan Atwood. Ryan: You're using initials now? Seth: They save time. Ryan: Not if you have to translate. Oh man, I remember when I used that as an away message. Classic OC moment.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Active Roster List and Controlling Interests

    Zack Malibu Scotty Static-GPX Johnny Jax-GPX James Blonde Faqu
  9. Zack Malibu


    wait, now it's not TO THE BATCAVE
  10. Zack Malibu


    Teh bored is teh broked tho!
  11. Zack Malibu


    WHAT UP!
  12. Zack Malibu

    Booking for 4/13

    Zack Malibu has issued a statement DEMANDING the presence of the GPX and Jamie O'Hara this Thursday! Will they show? What does Zack want? Are cookies involved? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!
  13. Zack Malibu

    AngleMania V feedback

    No offense taken by it, but I hardly see how it was five scrubs. The GPX have always been upper-midcarders as faces and heels. They're more or less in the MNM role to make a comparison these days, as they've been used to further angles and recently put Blonde and Faqu over. Blonde and Faqu I could understand, since they're in the midst of being reworked into what they are now, and O'Hara nothing much has been done with him until now. So while the result of this match was never truly in question I guess, it was to give all characters equal build and exposure, and I think it accomplished all of that. Maybe it was just me, maybe not, but I never bought into the GPX as top-tier heels. I missed some of their work, but I also saw some, and it just felt manufactured in a sense -- perhaps because they were SO successful as babyfaces, perhaps because of their young look; I mean, they don't look like threatening guys. You did a good job balancing the offense, which I should have mentioned. I'm actually MORE willing to buy Blonde or Faqu in this, as they seem on the verge of a rise as opposed to the (somewhat and very arguably) stale GPX. O'Hara, I don't know enough about to comment on intelligently. Anyway, in the broader sense I understand WHY the GPX were in the match. It made sense from a booking standpoint, as it pertains to the Civil War angle. But hey now, one, take the compliment why dont'cha, and two, you couldn't have squeezed a little feedback in while you were typng this? Well, the whole intimidation factor for the GPX doesn't come from the fact that they look threatening...it's that they're instigators. They love stirring up trouble, and aren't afraid of the consequences. That's why the heel turn, I think, worked so well for them...they don't LOOK like heels, so it was a shock. Plus, they kept the aspects of the original babyface party boy gimmick as to not give them the "stereotypical heel makeover". As stated in one of the earliest Civil War promo's, Static said that they were going to take what was given to them originally (the names, the pop music entrance) and make it stand for something entirely different. As for the rest of the feedback, I haven't been online for more than a few minutes since Friday, and probably won't be long for it tonight. I have read the rest of Anglemania and will do more of a stream of consciousness feedback by tomorrow night, when I'm actually required to be at a computer all day.
  14. Zack Malibu

    The Torrie Eps Of Saved By The Bell

    Holy shit...someone besides me and Slayer remember that show? I actually still have all the eps on tape. Loved that show as a kid. I remember Running The Halls. One of the kids in that was in some kids movie my little cousin has called "The Skateboard Kid", where Dom DeLuise loans his voice to a talking skateboard. I remember one ep where they broke a statue or something, and they always had that R.A. guy Mark "The Shark" Stark on their case. The guy who played him pops up in various commercials from time to time. I also remember Malibu Beach, but I never got into it. I never really looked at that as part of the TNBC family, since it was never hyped or anything...just kinda got put "there". I know various TNBC stars would pop up in guest roles. Here is the Swan's Crossing opening, complete with the infamous Swan's Crossing dance. http://youtube.com/watch?v=2cWxMOcPOtA ...and here is the California Dreams "music video" from the first ep. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Mp823uNEi6o
  15. Zack Malibu

    Plans Plans!

    Well, it was the post-PPV show, not to mention our "biggest PPV of the year" show at that. In the SWF, it's the norm to have a one/two match show and nothing but promo's after every PPV, just to further angles and whatnot. Perhaps we should try a setup like that?
  16. Zack Malibu

    AngleMania V feedback

    No offense taken by it, but I hardly see how it was five scrubs. The GPX have always been upper-midcarders as faces and heels. They're more or less in the MNM role to make a comparison these days, as they've been used to further angles and recently put Blonde and Faqu over. Blonde and Faqu I could understand, since they're in the midst of being reworked into what they are now, and O'Hara nothing much has been done with him until now. So while the result of this match was never truly in question I guess, it was to give all characters equal build and exposure, and I think it accomplished all of that.
  17. COLE We're back live with you tonight here with more HeldDOWN~! folks, fresh off of Anglemania V this past Sunday on PPV. It's an event that's been on everyone's lips since Sunday, and we've felt a lot of the ramifications here tonight amongst various roster members. However, one of the feel good stories of the night in addition to Alfdogg reclaiming his spot at the top of the mountain, was Zack Malibu's huge win in the first ever Two For The Money match. COACH Let the verbal fellation commence! CABOOSE As if you wouldn't be doing the same thing if one of your boys had won that match? COLE To be fair, Coach, I thought that all six men put forth a hell of an effort in that match. We watched on as they endured such painful circumstances, and it was that effort that made that an Anglemania match to remember. It was at the end of that match though, that only Zack Malibu was left standing atop the ladder, holding not only his reclaimed HI-YAH title which was on the line in the contest, but an open opportunity to take on the OAOAST World Champion, whomever it is, at any point in the next twelve months! The plucking of bass strings sets the tone for "Getting Away With Murder", and as the lights drop the fans rise, scrambling to their feet as the OAOAST's favorite son is set to appear live and in living color. COLE Zack Malibu is HERE! COACH Thank you, Captain Obvious. Malibu is welcomed by a loud crowd pop as he appears onstage, with the HI-YAH Championship draped over his shoulder, and a pile of papers stapled together in another...no doubt the contract for an OAOAST World Title shot that he captured just days ago. COLE We should also note that none of the men involved in Two For The Money will be in action tonight, as all were given this week off as a healing period. Although no threatening injuries were suffered in that match, we know that James Blonde is in a sling as a result of the damage his right arm sustained, that Faqu had some bruised ribs, and... COACH ...now how you not gonna mention what happened to poor Jamie O'Hara? Dude's been limping around for days because he got pushed off the top rope and landed with his little general on a ladder rung! COLE I wasn't finished! COACH You weren't gonna finish! Bottom line is, it sickens me to see other people putting effort like what you saw the GPX and Jamie O'Hara do Sunday night, and get no props, no respect for it, while THIS man's ass gets kissed on a daily basis! Malibu steps up the stairs and into the ring, circling around and looking around to his numerous fans, all applauding his arrival. Malibu heads over to the side of the ring and requests a mic, taking a moment to address the crowd as the fans continue to chant his name. "MAL-AH-BOO!" "MAL-AH-BOO!" "MAL-AH-BOO!" COLE What a response for this respected superstar! CABOOSE After what he did the other night, he deserves every second of it! Once the fans realize Zack would like to speak, they finally die down, and allow the preppy one to put his mic to use. MALIBU So, I'm guessing you all saw Anglemania V the other night, right? *huge crowd pop* MALIBU Well, in that case, I'm guessing you noticed a few things. You probably noticed that the New, New Midnight Express are no more. You probably noticed that Leon Rodez, my ex-partner in The Usual Suspects, became a champion once again in a brutal ladder match. You probably noticed that Peter Knight LOST his Heavyweight Title in the main event, and that we have a NEW World Heavyweight Champion named ALFDOGG! *huge crowd pop* MALIBU OK, well there's no need for a more descript recap, because I'm willing to bet you've taped it, read the results on the internet, and have the DVD on pre-order. But there is one last thing I'd like to refer to, and that's to what I'm holding in my hand right now... COACH That sonuva...He puts the MICROPHONE over, but he can't give credit to my boys!? COLE What do you mean put the microphone over? He's talking about the contract, you twit! COACH He's gonna put THAT over too? CABOOSE ...you don't quit, do you? MALIBU In my hand right now, is a contract. A contract I pulled off the back of this belt, my HI-YAH Championship Title, when I snapped it free from it's harness to win the first ever Two For The Money match. A match that quite frankly, had everything going against me. The numbers game. My belt on the line. The expected brutality and wear and tear. The OAOAST and HI-YAH put that match together to show good faith towards each other, to show that people like James Blonde and Faqu are on the same level as anyone else in the OAOAST currently. They did it to show that this belt, the one I'm holding, means as much as any championship anywhere in the world. They did it to... It wouldn't be a wrestling show without PROMO INTERRUPTION~! CABOOSE I believe the Latin term is Promo Interuptus. (How the hell did Caboose respond to my description? Anyways...) "Make Her Say" cuts off Zack's train of thought and silences him for a few moments, as Scotty Static, Johnny Jax, and Jamie O'Hara, not looking extremely pleased, head down the aisleway. COLE It never ends! Three sore losers are heading to the ring! COACH Maybe they've got something good to say. They've got just as much right to be out here addressing the world as Zack does! O'Hara, Static and Jax all enter the ring, while Zack makes sure to keep on eye on all of them, ready in case they choose to pounce. Jax waves for a mic and has one tossed to him by a stagehand, then taps it to make sure it's on before handing it over to Scotty Static, the more talkative of the Global Party Exchange. STATIC Now hang on, Malibu. We're not out here to rain on your parade. We're out here to give you your due. See, Anglemania wasn't just a victory for you that earned you your title back, and a contract to get an OAOAST World Title shot, oh no. It was a moral victory of sorts too, because after that match, as the three of us lay in the back moaning and groaning, hoping to heal and wondering what the hell is wrong with us that we were just diving off ladders and using that same cold hard steel to bust one another open, it hit us. See, some of us, like me, Johnny and Jamie, do what we do for the thrill. For the rush. The notoriety doesn't hurt either. That's why we do what we do. James Blonde and Faqu, they do what they do because they're out to prove something to the world. That the stereotype they fell into years ago will be null and void, and people will remember them as fighters. Last, but not least, we know why you do what you do, Zack. Right now, I'm talking to you free from the chains of any group affiliation, any war, any...any anything. I'm telling you, face to face right now, Malibu, that we know you do what you do because it's in your heart. It's in your blood, in your veins. You took this sport, this company of ours, and made it your life. We know that's why you're the one who came to the forefront of The Originals. We hurt the company, we hurt you. On the other hand, you look good, and the company looks good...well let me tell you people, speaking from personal experience, this man right here made this company look pretty damn good this past Sunday night. The crowd roars as Scotty Static, oddly enough, has just given props to Zack Malibu for winning Two For The Money. STATIC Sunday night, you won that match, but you have to call a spade a spade, Zack. Look at what we went through to get that gold belt that rests on your shoulder right now. Look at what we did to EACH OTHER, and we're boys, man...but look at what we did to try and get some glory, some more notoriety. That's what you don't understand, Zack. It's what you've never been able to come to terms with. You get all this glory, all this fame and fortune, and then when a group of us wants the same damn thing...we're the villains? We're the bad guys? Let me tell you something my man, you can paint us in any light you want. The fans can hate us for not staying soft. Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion and we're not gonna front and tell you you're wrong or right. Like the song says, hate it or love it. The reason we came out here, the reason we're in your face right now, is because we want something from you. One thing. Not a title shot. Not a match. Not a fight. There's one thing the three of us want from you, and that's for you to shake our hands, and give us some respect. Malibu looks genuinely surprised at this turn of events. Many fans boo, sensing a trap on the part of the GPX and O'Hara, and are even more shocked when Static lowers his mic and extends his hand to Zack Malibu. STATIC It's all we want, Zack. It's all we ever wanted. We want you to admit you respect us. Forget your hatred. Forget the Upstarts and the Originals and this war we've been waging. As a man, Zack, as a man, we want your respect! Malibu, still perplexed, walks forward, and is now caught in a staredown with Static. The two look into each other's eyes and don't flinch. Jax and O'Hara remain still, not taking an opportunity they normally would to attack Malibu. Zack steps back and looks down at Static's hand, and in a scene unheard of since the GPX changed their attitude 12 months ago, he shakes his hand! COLE Well I'll be... COACH Damn! Now even I didn't know where this was gonna go! Malibu then turns to Johnny Jax and does the same, shaking his hand, and finally Jamie O'Hara's, the young man who may have absorbed the most punishment of all this past Sunday night. The crowd cheers at the sportsmanship of the three normally loathed competitors, as Zack steps away from them. STATIC DID YOU PEOPLE EVER THINK YOU'D SEE THE DAY? Haha, that's what I'm talking about. You wanna talk about your Anglemania moments, well we just created another HeldDOWN~! memory on live TV. The only thing is that, while we do respect you, Zack...we still don't like you. THUNK! In a flash, Malibu is nailed in the forehead with a microphone shot by Static, and as he stumbles around, O'Hara hits the ropes and connects with a jump spinning roundhouse that drills Zack in the chest! Down on the mat, Malibu has the boots put to him by the GPX and Jamie O'Hara, who just moments ago were seemingly turning over a new leaf! STATIC Keep him down! Keep him down! Static shouts commands into the mic as he and his cohorts continue to pound on Zack, who is struggling to get up. STATIC You brought this upon yourself, Zack! It took us this long...now we're gonna make sure you CONTINUE to respect us! The beating continues, until out of the back come Faqu, and James Blonde, complete with his arm in a sling! As the big Samoan comes through the ropes, Jax delivers a hard soccer kick to the ribs, knocking the wind out of the big man who is still reeling from Sunday night! As he ducks back out to the apron, Jax hits the ropes, and NAILS Faqu with a YAKUZA KICK~! that sends him careening down and into the guardrail! Meanwhile, O'Hara jumps on Blonde, but as James fights back with some wild left hands, Jax reaches from behind and rakes his eyes, enabling O'Hara to tear his sling off and start choking him out with it! COLE This is insanity! All that talk about respect... COACH This is how you earn it on the streets, playa! You don't get respect with words, you get it with action, and this is what the Global Party Exchange and Jamie O'Hara are showing us right now! Blonde is kicked out of the ring, discarded for the very fact he dare interfere as the GPX and O'Hara use Malibu to send a message to the world. With Zack down, O'Hara and Jax each hold him down by either his arms or legs, as Static goes up to the top rope and leaps into the air, crashing down on Zack's exposed body with STATIC SHOCK~!, reeling from his own move as his body is still sore from Anglemania~! CABOOSE Well I'll tell you one thing, they did nothing to earn MY respect here tonight! With Zack laid out, Jamie O'Hara picks up the HI-YAH Title from the mat, and waves for Jax to pick Zack up. Malibu is yanked up onto his feet and shoved forward by Jax, as O'Hara charges and leaps into the air, cracking him across the head itwh his own title belt! COLE OK now ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Malibu is officially laid out, as the booing grows throughout the crowd. O'Hara looks and sees the mic on the mat, and picks that up, taking his turn to address the crowd. O'HARA What you just saw...was the beginning of our rise. WE are the next mainstream superstars, and dat's on the REAL, yo! WE are going to be your poster boys. Your role models, icons, and champions. We respect this man laying here, we really do, but we've warned him to step aside. You don't wanna move on your own, g, well we're more than happy to give ya a push, you dig? O'Hara, skinny street thug that he is, disposes of the mic by throwing it down on Zack's unconscious body. The triumphant trio raise their hands in salute before exiting the ring, as the scene fades with Zack laid out in the ring, and the crowd still shaken in disbelief of the actions of the GPX and O'Hara.
  18. Zack Malibu


    I can't be a part of it either, as my plans for the next little bit actually don't focus on anything to do with The Upstarts (not directly, at least). As for The Upstarts breakup, it's obvious that there are several "splinter" groups coming out of the stable (Axel/PK as the Power Trip duo, the GPX/O'Hara contingent, and Wright/Bo). I know a lot of people were worried about dragging the war out any further, and some mentioned Anglemania would be a good breakoff point. Not to scrap the idea as a whole, but perhaps it could be played that PK gets a little angered by the fact he's lost his belt, and thus his power source. He's upset at the fact that other Upstarts have failed. It could basically evolve PK into a one man army monster heel, cement the GPX/O'Hara stable, etc. Especially with Drek and Hoff back, it appears bigger things are on the horizon.
  19. Zack Malibu

    AngleMania V feedback

    -Battle Royal (with cheese). MISTER WARRIOR~! Nice little surprise entrant there. Good usage of a lot of the minor players in the world of the OAOAST, much like how WWE has grown accustom to cramming it's Mania-matchless talent onto a pre-show battle royal. Although if MNM were in the OAOAST, they'd have had a match on the main card for sure. But I digress. Good match to hype up the show and get the ball rolling. D*LUX and Team Heyross seem to have sewn the seeds for a war coming out of this, and those could be some extremely entertaining segments if that's the case. Also liked the female commentary team for the match. Dance Dance Dragon should become a D*LUX groupie. Or form a duo with MISTER WARRIOR~! Imagine a dance off between those four. One thing though: MISTER WARRIOR LEFT: 7th ELIMINATED: Flex Phillips, Dance Dance Dragon ELIMINATED BY: Mister Warrior LEFT IN RING: 13 ...I suppose if anyone could pull that off, it's Mister Warrior. -Graphics kicked ass as usual. It was previously mentioned that the slot machine graphics to go along with the location theme were awesome. -Quickie intro, but I suppose it's better than a rambling rundown of the card. -NNMX vs. Heavenly Rockers Now THIS is how you end a rivalry. No chain wrestling needed! Starting off with a big brawl was a great way to begin the show. The anarchy in this match was a precursor for things to come in the other matches. Loved the slip n' slide guardrail spot as well. This was a good finish to the feud, and it combined the other aspects (COD's past with NNMX, the Bruiser/SCM interference) to make for an all around entertaining match. ...and that's all I can get to right now seeing as how I'm out of work in 20 minutes. Damn phone calls kept me from doing anymore than this menial bit. I'll try to hop online when I get in later tonight and leave some more.
  20. Zack Malibu

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    I still want to know who the other gangsters were, I thought Jacobs and maybe Ace Steel was one. The other one they closed in on at ringside was OVW's Robbie Dawber.
  21. Zack Malibu

    AM-V:Two For The Money Match

    Two For The Money is FINISHED and ready for when you post the show.
  22. Zack Malibu

    AM-V:Two For The Money Match

    I'm gonna start working on this one ASAP, so that's why the thread is here now. This is going to be a "Money In The Bank" style ladder match, with the HI-YAH belt on the line also. So the winner not only becomes HI-YAH Champion, but retains the right to face the OAOAST World Champion at any time he sees fit to cash in his shot during the year. The official announcement of this match will be made in a segment for this week's HD.
  23. Zack Malibu

    AngleMania V booking thread

    Two For The Money is nearly completed, and will be finished by around 3pm EST as long as I don't get any interruptions.
  24. Zack Malibu

    TSM Cliches.

    Dama jokes.
  25. Zack Malibu

    TSM Cliches.

    *FAP FAP FAP* IN ANGER~! "Paging Zack Malibu" (the typical response when someone asks a TNBC related question...I believe Bob Barron came up with this).