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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. If this is true, I'm going to hear Lushus marking out all the way from Nebraska Sunday night.
  2. Zack Malibu

    So TNA Could Have Gotten Jericho But Went With Sting

    The whole deal was taken out of context. What the Observer said was that when the Sting deal became public, it drew interest from Jericho, as well as someone else who was never interested in working TNA until he thought he might be able to get that type of deal (my guess is Goldberg). There have been no serious discussions with either of those guys, it's just that the Sting deal opened up some eyes.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Do You Know How Dumb You Sound?

    Also (and I hate replying to myself), how do you figure Mondo's age has anything to do with how he's being used? We're not talking like the man would be WWE World Champion, yet there's a 41 year old guy who just had to give that belt up.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Do You Know How Dumb You Sound?

    ...and the reports of Doane getting a big head in OVW came from where? Between him being from the area and me knowing a lot of guys who have worked with him, down to my own dealings with OVW for work, I've never once heard that one.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Do You Know How Dumb You Sound?

    Do you even watch/follow OVW? 3 out of those 5 are definitely not bland.
  6. Zack Malibu

    Do You Know How Dumb You Sound?

    I'll tell you, the one thing that got under my skin last night was Triple H not even helping to put the new heel champion over. That charity case/I don't make new stars speech was a little too close to the "real" Triple H than the character. Granted, he's been persona non grata for years now, but enough already.
  7. Zack Malibu

    Vince Russo on WOL

    Supposedly it was going to be an WCW Invasion rehash led by Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Scott Steiner and Goldberg. Conspiracy theorists figure that Russo proposed the whole thing in order for WWE to rethink hiring him and let him out of his contract, which freed him to go to TNA.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Do You Know How Dumb You Sound?

    Sylvan was in the battle royale for the World Title. He had that brief feud with Hardcore Holly, and got plastered by Lashley in recent months, not that either meant anything for him. As for the Bashams, they both just relocated to Florida, and Doug's been working shots in OVW (and flying himself to KY for the shots). Apparently Danny has/had the chance to do some OVW spots since he's not being used, but doesn't feel obligated to fly himself from FL to Louisville. I'm guessing they'll be on the chopping block soon enough.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Vince Russo on WOL

    For all of Russo's wrongs, I can't hate the man for the simple fact that he enjoyed involving everyone in the show. When Russo was around, everyone had a gimmick (no matter how bad it may have been, re: Beaver Cleavage/Chaz) and something to do. He managed to find something that for a time, got Mark Henry over, something they couldn't do for three years prior. In WCW, he handled Lance Storm very well, came up with Three Count and the Natural Born Thrillers, and did a lot for younger guys and newcomers, something that WCW couldn't/didn't do with just Bischoff and his underlings running the show.
  10. Zack Malibu

    Do You Know How Dumb You Sound?

    Isn't Sylvan's wrestling career basically over because of some disorder? That would be Dupree you're thinking of. He's had hernia troubles several times which they feel could end his career early, and actually just got injured at an OVW show this past week yet again.
  11. Zack Malibu

    Do You Know How Dumb You Sound?

    If they want to do a group of male cheerleaders as a gimmick, more power to them, but the fact that they've wasted not one, but two of their top developmental prospects (one in particular, Ken Doane, is miles beyond many people on the active roster now, nevermind the comparisons to Orton at his age, etc.) in this angle. You're telling me they couldn't have used someone like Sylvan in this role? I don't think the Euro Rick Martel angle has taken off, so why not?
  12. Zack Malibu

    hey leena

    Dangle? You'd be swinging on that thing like Tarzan on a vine.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Dancing......can you do it?

    If anything, living in Rhode Island should make me have to hear it even more, lol. There is one place that plays a lot of "throwback" music like 80's pop, freestyle, etc. but I can't even recall hearing it there, which is weird. Oh well, life goes on.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Dancing......can you do it?

    I haven't heard the Electric Slide anywhere besides a wedding since 1992, lol. There's a club here that every Thursday usually towards the end of the night they bust out the Sugarhill Gang's "Apache (Jump On It)" and it's hysterical watching these people attempt it. As for dancing, I just go with the flow like the rest of the guys have mentioned...I'm not about to be a backup dancer on MTV or anything. However, I direct you to the famed "Vanilla Ice" story from my Florida trip last year for the perfect example of how you don't have to be a cast member of You Got Served to win people over with dance skill.
  15. Zack Malibu

    WWE Fantasy Season 3

    I'm signed up and good to go. Team name is Lost In The Shuffle.
  16. Zack Malibu

    Worst film you've ever seen

    I remember doing a similar thread about two years ago, actually...ah well, you knew that wasn't getting bumped anytime soon, lol. I'm with Corey on Redneck Zombies for sure. I love the Troma movies and the like (I know RZ isn't a Troma movie and is only distributed by them, I just mean the similarities with gore/comedy like the Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke 'Em High, etc.) but I hate hate HATE this movie. The sad thing is that I've seen it more than once. Still, one of the few movies that made me want to punch my TV in protest, and this is coming from a guy who owns and likes From Justin To Kelly. Another movie that I can't stand is a low-budget karate (actually "karate", since the amount of martial arts in the movie is about 5 minutes total) film called Blackbelt II: Fatal Force. The original Blackbelt was a fun, low budget Don Wilson vehicle that easily kills an hour and a half of your time, and was a staple of HBO and Cinemax in the mid-late 90's along with the Bloodfist, Martial Law and China O'Brien movies, amongst others. This movie was actually finished in 1987 under the name "Spyder", then released in '92 under this title. The basic gist is that a group of mercenaries are getting money out of a rich guy who believes his son that was taken prisoner in Vietnam is still alive. Apparently there are POW's in HAWAII, or so this movie would have you believe. Anyways, the mashed together plot had the mercenaries fake finding the son, using some drug addicted actual former POW, who was brother's with a cop who was partner's with Brad Spyder (and if that doesn't reek of an 80's actioner name, what does?), but then the cop goes to Hawaii to find his brother and gets killed by the mercenaries, so Spyder goes to Hawaii for REVENGE. Got all that? Because if that sentence went too fast and made no sense, then this movie puts it to shame. The sad thing is, I purposely wrote it that way...if they purposely made the movie this bad, then the producer, director, and even the caterer should be kicked in the junk. I'm also not a big fan of Police Academy: Mission To Moscow. I used to love that series more than anyone, but seriously...quit while you're (somewhat) ahead, guys. I'm sure I'd be here all night listing movies I hate, but these are a few of the main ones.
  17. Zack Malibu

    let it all out

    I win the pool. Pay up!
  18. Zack Malibu

    MTV is starting a wrestling promotion

    This actually perks my interest. An entity like MTV would actually cater to their audience and (I'm guessing) give this somewhat of a pop culture edge to it to cement it in the mainstream. If this got off the ground, this could be good.
  19. Aw dammit, how'd I miss Marney of all people? This fucking cold shit makes me drowsy and stupid.
  20. Ooooh yeah. Knew I was forgetting some people.
  21. Zack Malibu


  22. The only chicks I remember/know of are CC, Leena, TSA, that Alice in Chains Chick that DJ Jeff stalked, and that Amy Ace girl. Oh, and Yuna. How could I forget Yuna. Unless he WAS Yuna...
  23. Zack Malibu

    let it all out

    Spoon, we need to trade music again sometime soon.
  24. Zack Malibu

    let it all out

    Wouldn't they go watermelon then?