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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. So I've read the thread and while I've chosen not to reply as to not fuel the fires of NYU or FFMS (who would no doubt flamebait me upon uttering a syllable), I'll throw my two cents in here first and see if it sticks. Firstly, the Civil War. Contrarty to popular belief, it DID have an end result, which would have been Stone (the leader) getting the better of Malibu for nearly a year before an Originals triumph in War Games, and a potential championship win for me. With the lack of effort and then departure of NYU the plan was to jump to Hoff as the kingpin, and then we all know what happened there. Now I think we've made the most out of everything, but I see why many people feel things get too jumbled/confusing, especially with some of us controlling multiple characters. So here's my solution to it. The Upstarts Home Office Invasion segment will air on the New Year's Eve Special. The following HD! (1/5) will see none other than a pissed off ANGLESAULT hit the ring unexpectedly (I'd be controlling him, since he gave me carte blanche over the character when he left) and cut the Patton style speech of how we're all under one roof, and while there will always be tension, he will not take the treason of the Upstarts. After the Home Office Invasion segment, the "investors" have unanimously decided to put the federation on "probation", and if The Upstarts really want to destroy the company, then all they have to do is keep it up...but if the company is destroyed, it means no paychecks, no fulfillment of contracts, no place to work, no food on the table. It basically puts a "Scare" into the Upstarts to grudgingly accept the fact that The Originals will always be there. As it pertains to Axel and PK, they can still be the "rebel faction power trip" type of duo, saying that they don't need an army to overthrow the company. This can also seperate The Originals to an extent and we can go back to a full roster of feuds without worrying about conflicting with the story. Keep in mind it's a rough idea at best, but it's part of the solution if the War angle should be ended. I'm not going to feel bad if we do, because I want what's best for the place (a fact seemingly lost on several people), but it should be ended in a logical manner.
  2. Zack Malibu

    WCW PPV 2000

    Three Count vs. Jung Dragons 6-man ladder match from New Blood Rising.
  3. Zack Malibu


    Where have you been all my life!?
  4. Zack Malibu

    The Valid Concerns From the "Future" Thread

    I need to know what you want to propose though, since at this rate every major and most secondary characters are going to be tied up one way or another. If it's a "surprise", allow me to just say this. Hoff, OK. NYU, no.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Why hasn't Brent Albright been called up to WWE?

    Those jobs are relegated to guys like Al Snow, Lance Storm (at one point), Val Venis, etc. Albright is a contracted developmental talent.
  6. Zack Malibu

    The Future of the OAOAST

    Hypothetically though, it's all well and good that everyone is sharing their opinions on the War angle, but this deep into it, how would you logically end something like that? Just act like it never happened?
  7. Zack Malibu

    The Valid Concerns From the "Future" Thread

    Oh I don't need the belt at all, but me winning it was also an act of symbolism that the "face" of the company put the final nail in the coffin of the ultra-heels. It's almost at the point where in order to pacify EVERYONE and get the f'n drama out of some people's systems, that we're approaching WCW Restart levels.
  8. Zack Malibu

    Final Resolution lineup

    Shannon Moore vs. someone like Dutt, or Aries or Sabin. Probably Sabin actually, since he did a dark match against him. That way he and AJ can faceoff at the next PPV due to the attack at the tapings. If they can't get Kidman to take on Raven, then who? It seems that they're positioning Raven as more of the face lately, so I doubt it'd be someone like Sandman who is guaranteed a babyface pop. They tried for Kidman but he's not hearing it, unless they manage. Maybe Perry Saturn?
  9. Zack Malibu

    The Future of the OAOAST

    Well as long as we've got people writing, apparently people give a shit, so that part of your opinion is null and void. Papa, if you've noticed, my AIM time got cut down drastically in the last six months or so, due to some more responsibility at work, classes on top of that, and just the stressors of life in general. I used to be able to AIM it up a lot at work, post HD for us and everything, and a lot of that freedom has lessened, although I do get some posting/writing time in while on the clock (such as now). As for FFMS calling us "Dumb As Fuck", well, Pot. Kettle. Black. I love how the only negative opinions of this place are from people who a)have no idea what it is, or b)did something that pissed everyone rightfully involved in the company off.
  10. Zack Malibu

    What was worse?

    Comparing the financial information of the companies shouldn't be a part of what we think is worst. TNA is still a money loser but they've had more enjoyable matches and storylines this year than WWE has. Comparing overall entertainment value, count me among those who enjoyed WCW in 2000 MUCH more than WWE this year. There was a time in my life where I taped every damn RAW, SD!, Nitro, Thunder, ECW, etc. without hesitation. Now I still tape RAW but don't kick myself if I forget, and tape SD! maybe once in a blue moon if they have a match or storyline that appeals to me. WCW in 2000 had the New Blood angle which, while it failed, was still something a bit fresh and worth giving a chance to. The use of Lance Storm was the best in WCW 2000 than in ECW or WWF/E. Three Count, The Jung Dragons, and The Filthy Animals were putting on entertaining spotfests. The emergence of the Natural Born Thrillers, a favorite stable of mine. Hell, even Ernest Miller's use as the GM entertained me, because he was pretty quick and funny on the mic. The failed Goldberg turn, the Arquette stunt, the Russo/World Title deal...sure, they were all things that sent the company spiraling downward, but I still found WCW to be more entertaining during those sagas than the current WWE product based around people like Chris Masters, The Boogeyman, or the new LOD. I never expect to see a **** match on RAW anymore (last one was Shelton/Michaels), and with the talent on that roster, it's amazing why more above-average matches don't take place. Smackdown has the better tag roster, but it's still always the same few teams battling over the belts, and a Cruiserweight division that could rival the X Division, yet has it's legs cut off. At least WCW, for all their faults, never told any of their cruisers to hold back in the ring.
  11. Zack Malibu

    AC Writers

    Just an FYI for you Tony, the Diablos/GPX match is done, save for me putting the entrances in. If you'd like to make any type of edits, or add in any AC-style commentary (cut to the brackets after the match, etc.) then feel free.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Merry Chrismukkah, OAT TOASTers.

    Happy holidays to all of you involved with our favorite little e-fed. Now, all this thread needs is someone beltshotting Santa Claus and we're set!
  13. Zack Malibu

    Jericho possibly the next GM?

    According to Da Meltz, Dusty Rhodes is the current top choice to insert in the GM role.
  14. So every year around holiday time, there's always some thread in here that gets full of sheer randomness and stupidity (you know, even more than usual). I guess it may as well be this one.
  15. Zack Malibu

    What are your Keychains?

    Yankees logo keychain, the letter "D" written in Olde English type (first initial of my last name), keyless entry for my Impala, a Shaw's Supermarket card, a CVS card, key to my car, two keys for the house, key to the office/wharehouse.
  16. El Gigante, Dustin Rhodes, Big Josh and The Freebirds were all released overseas (England mostly, IIRC). We actually had an El Gigante mint in the box (stored in a case) at work for a while a few years back before putting it up on Ebay.
  17. Zack Malibu

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

    Hung out with her last week, actually. Mole, I'll keep you posted.
  18. Zack Malibu

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

    Well, now it's officially a whoring thread~! ::canned laughter, followed by canned tuna.::
  19. Zack Malibu

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

    ::pees on you::
  20. Zack Malibu

    Happy Birthday, Malibu.

    You know, I've barely been on lately with the Xmas rush at work and all, so thanks to all who said happy b-day in one form or another. Needless to say, that night was some fun shit. A restaurant/sports bar was put into the same building as "my" coffee shop (my hangout that I help manage sometimes) and we got in good with the staff there, so they hosted my bash. My friends, who are a very good rock cover band that's gotten some airplay on a local rock station here, booked a gig there and advertised it around our area as the "Zack Malibu Birthday Bash". We had about 50-60 people show up for my party alone, in addition to the usual crowd of concert goers and clientele for the restaurant. They blew up my old senior pic (complete with surfer boy wavy hair and gear) and plastered it around the place, and screenprinted it onto my cake, which read "Zack Malibu My Ass! Happy Birthday!"...and was then dumped on my head. Twice. In addition to the festivities, I made my onstage debut with the band. During their rendition of "Careless Whisper" (one of my favorite songs ever), they always break into something else before going back to the original song. Well, when it was time for the transition, I was called onstage to perform the song that they segued into...Ice, Ice Baby. I cut the whole rap even in my semi-inebriated state, and got a Hogan-sized pop for it before busting into the dance that made me famous back at Pleasure Island. It got over so well that last night at a local clubs Christmas Party that the band played at, they shockingly called me onstage to perform it again, so I'm now "part of the show" for the next few gigs it seems. Gift-wise, I bought myself a NEW CAR~! (2005 fully loaded Chevy Impala), mostly money from the fam. From friends I got such gifts as a Pop-Up Kama Sutra, Ultra Thin condoms, some DVD's and gift cards, and more of the usual lot. My digital camera broke during the party, so I only got like ten pics off, but once I can leech them off my friends webshots/photobucket/etc. I'll share some with you all.
  21. Zack Malibu

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

  22. Zack Malibu

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

    If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it.
  23. Zack Malibu

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

  24. Zack Malibu

    Hoff's Roommates are teh loud.

    It's appropriate that a thread started by Hoff includes something about black man filling. Now the joke will always relate to him.
  25. Zack Malibu

    TSM's Holiday Whoring Thread 2005

    I've got you beat. I own the movie...and like it.