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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    What about Alf vs. PK, title for title at November Reign? You guys can each have a successful defense (PK puts X Title up, Alf's title isn't up, then vice versa), but because each time was a close contest, Cal made the rubber match for both belts.
  2. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    Actually, I was thinking that instead of qualifiers, Cal could bring Black T into his office and tell them about a match he's booked them in. They'll think it's a tag title shot, a grudge match with GPX, anything...until he says it's a match for the title. Tony and Dan will start to have reservations, and Calvin stipulates that if he were Black T they should take the opportunity, as he's giving them a title shot and a chance to get revenge on SJ. Weave the stories together.
  3. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    November Reign poses a good question. I thought of when SJ gets the belt that Malibu, knowing how he works, targets him immediately, but Popick ducks him, refusing to allow title shots or feeding into Zack's challenges because he doesn't want Zack "crowding his spotlight". Having the GPX be his main "front line" backups works, which means stretching the series out over two PPV's would be fine. Once Popick wins the belt, I'd have him do a series of title matches where he graces "potential headliners" a shot at the belt. This would range from some bums to OAOVW rookies to guys like James Blonde perhaps? (SJ let me know what you're thinking of these scenarios). "Patty" talks to me all the time, and said if we get in a bind he'd come back with Alix. I had asked if he'd bring back Northstar, but he said that he wanted to keep that character "killed off" since he was destroyed by my heel self last year. Adam did say Ken was coming back with K-Money.
  4. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    You mean World Without End. As for a stip against the GPX, I dunno. Tag Team Ironman Match?
  5. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    Next week.
  6. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    I've also seen NYU peeking in the folder today, yet remaining quiet. It'd be cool if we got a heads up from ya dude, we're all wondering what's going on here.
  7. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    I just saw Popick's edit. What I would do is I would say the Stephen Joseph character is the best choice for a new champion right now, because the way the angle can be furthered is that he becomes "typical" Popick after winning, proclaiming his championship status at every turn, dubbing himself the leader of this brave new world, yadda yadda yadda. He'll wind up making enemies of The Upstarts, who keep reminding him that he's not the one calling the shots in The Upstarts, but Popick states that he's the one with the belt, so he can do what he wants. This sounds more like them getting turned face, but we'll play it that Popick does well with the title, has some close call defenses, refuses cheap wins, etc. It'll basically be his own ego, but his championship reign will see him grow less cheap-tactic heel and more in your face, head on. That way when The Upstarts can him, it will be seen as Popick "getting in the way of the ultimate goal". I do still have my ideas on who it will be revealed was behind this the whole time, but I'm not letting the cat out of the bag publicly yet. I would say SJ wins, and we build to Dan Black winning at Climax, that way the year ends with Dan Black holding the belt, and it allows for the final stages of the feud between the Originals and Upstarts to get moving towards Anglemania.
  8. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    Yogalattes. In OC speak, that means "That works!"
  9. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    Here's what I was thinking: OAOAST World Title, Four Corners Elimination: Hoff vs. Tony Brannigan vs. Dan Black vs. ?? (preferably an Upstart) Zack Malibu/Leon Rodez vs. GPX Women's Match Parka vs. CW X Title: PK vs. someone Heartland Title: Alf vs. someone
  10. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    What about making the World Title match at the PPV a multi-man (Four Way?) in order to make the end result less obvious. With Hoff being a lame duck champion at this point, it might be nice to throw a curveball out there, and by writing a four way for the World Title, that's pretty much guaranteed to take up an hour of "real" pay per view time.
  11. Zack Malibu

    Get ready for your FOURTH Slice of Pie

    This thread depressed me until I saw that Prototype450 has Sleepaway Camp 3 as his avatar. Fuckin' awesome. Last I had heard about Eddie Kaye Thomas was that he was in a pilot that didn't get picked up by NBC that had he and one of the chicks from City Guys as a young, married with child couple.
  12. Zack Malibu

    HeldDOWN~! Opening Segment.

    OK, this segment is all set. Whoo!
  13. Zack Malibu

    HeldDOWN~! Opening Segment.

    Like usual, I'll do my "bits n' pieces" routine and notify when it's finished. This needs to be the opening segment, and it will set something up for later in the show. As soon as clocks around the nation hit 8pm (Eastern Standard Time, of course), we are taken to the ring, as a wild Rhode Island crowd has packed inside of the Dunkin' Donuts Center tonight for the latest edition of the OAOAST's flagship wrestling program. It's time for another HeldDOWN~!, and standing in the ring is the General Manager of HeldDOWN~!, Calvin Szechstein. Looking ever so dapper in his three piece suit, Szechstein has a mic in his hand, and prepares to address the crowd. CALVIN Ladies and gentlemen, WELCOME to OAOAST HELDDOWN~! ::crowd roars:: CALVIN I'm General Manager Calvin Szechstein, Cal to my friends, and a slew of dirty words to my enemies, and tonight, I am pleased to bring you this special HeldDOWN~! Homecoming! The fans pop again, and everybody in the arena begins chanting one name and one name only. "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" CALVIN I know, I know, you want him...and you GOT him! Ladies and gentlemen, presenting one half of the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, he is Providence's own ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALIBUUUUUUU! "Getting Away With Murder" hits, and the DDC walls rattle as the noise from the cheers shakes the building to its very foundation! Out onto the entrance stage steps Rhode Island's favorite son, the OAOAST World Tag Team title belt draped over his shoulder. Malibu walks down the stage, but then stops, and holds up his finger as if to say "wait a minute". Malibu then turns around and motions for someone to come out from the back, and the crowd goes wild for a second time, as CANDIE makes her return to OAOAST programming alongside her beau! COLE We haven't seen Candie in nearly six months, since being put on the shelf thanks to Dan Black's Blackout, and now she is back and looking as good as ever! COACH I'll second that! CABOOSE Oh what the hell, I'll third it! Dressed in boot-cut jeans and a white polo shirt, Malibu leaps up onto the apron, then leans over and helps Candie up to it. Malibu raises Candie's arm up into the air, and raises his OAOAST tag belt up with his other hand, and the cameras scan the crowd who are happy to see their favorite couple back together, here tonight in Zack's hometown. COLE What a welcome for the hometown boy who made good! "Getting Away With Murder" fades out, and Zack and Candie enter the ring. Malibu shakes Cal's hand, and Cal leans over to give Candie a peck on the cheek, although she's a bit reluctant to take a smooch from her old stablemate. Malibu calms her down, and the three remain silent, as no one could even begin to talk over the rabid cheering. "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" Candie smiles at Zack, who smiles back. Calvin takes a backseat to it all, stepping back and letting the local boy have his spotlight, as he finally raises the mic to his lips. ZACK The Zack Attack is BACK HOME, PROVIDENCE~! The crowd roars, and Zack laughs, knowing that he's got the fans in the palm of his hand. ZACK That's right, it's good to be back, but more importantly, it is so good to have my babygirl back, so give it up for her, huh? Give it up for Candie! Again, the crowd roars, and Candie's cheeks turn red, because despite performing live in front of OAOAST crowds for over two years. Zack smiles about it, and then continues addressing his hometown crowd. ZACK It's great to be back, it's great to be back with Candie, and it's great to be back in town holding some OAOAST gold! The OAOAST Tag Team Championship, you know, this belt means as much to me as any World Title I've won. Leon Rodez and I went through hell to get these belts, and I guarantee you we're going to go through hell to keep them! In fact, I'm sure you all caught Dirty Deeds, and... "OH! OH! OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" CABOOSE What the...that's "Sexy Boy!" COLE Some Guy! We haven't seen him in a while, but here he comes!" The crowd pops, but Zack and Candie are shocked by the interruption. Clad in blue jeans and a David Ortiz Red Sox jersey, Some Guy does his trademark dance before walking down the aisle, looking slightly miffed. He climbs up the steps and into the ring, and instead of greeting his former tag team partner with a handshake, he rudely snatches the microphone from his hand! CABOOSE This should be interesting. The crowd is cheering, but some fans have picked up on Some Guy's demeanor, and are jeering the mic-snatch. SOME GUY Zack, Zack, Zack...welcome home. The crowd roars, but Zack is still perplexed at the disruption. SOME GUY I know you're surprised to see me, but hey, who doesn't like surprises, right? I mean, I know that I for one love to be surprised, except when SOMEONE decideds to leave me off the pay per view that was coming from MY hometown! Some Guy glares at Calvin Szechstein, who glares right back at him, not intimidated. SOME GUY What's the matter, Calvin, you gonna pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about? Dirty Deeds took place from Boston. From Fenway Park, the home of my Sox, and it was a chance for the world to see Some Guy on a grand stage again. It was a chance for me to return to the ranks with a bang, and what did I get? I got to sit backstage and watch those matches with the ring crew. Instead of kicking some ass, I got catered food, bottled water and NO AIRTIME. You left one of the superstars of the past 3 years, one of the OAOAST "Originals" as we've been called, off a pay per view extravaganza, and yet you think you're a GOOD General Manager? Calvin has no retort, because Some Guy won't give him the mic. As Some Guy and Calvin bicker off-mic, Zack takes the mic back and responds. ZACK Hey man, look, if you've got a bone to pick with him, that's cool. You do your thing. He's out here because tonight is... SOME GUY You give that mic back to me, you son of a bitch! Some Guy snatches the mic back from Malibu, and now things are getting tense between the two. SOME GUY For months, I watched your back. You brought me back because shit was going down, and you didn't know where to turn. Remember Anglemania? It was Caboose and I who helped save your ass when Dan Black, Tony and CWM had you at their mercy. It was me who helped you handle the GPX and Drek Stone, and then when I needed to rest myself, to let myself heal, well it seems that the world just forgot about ol' SG, didn't they? Especially YOU, partner. Then a few weeks ago I turn on HeldDOWN~! and what do I see? I see you and a kid, a rookie, someone who for all you know could be playing you like a fiddle, win the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles...the titles that should have been OURS. It shouldn't have been "Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez" in that match. It should have been Zack Malibu and Some Guy, two Original asskickers, and you and I both know we'd have run through all those teams in half the time it took you and Silk Stalking or whatever he wants to nickname himself, and it would cement The Originals as the driving force behind this company, but no. That didn't happen. I was almost ready to forgive it, because I figured it was just some goodwill gesture to open the eyes of the rest of the young lions, and show them that we're standing on equal ground, but then when I got left off Dirty Deeds, from Boston...FROM BOSTON, Zack, I realized I needed to stop playing nice. I needed to stop playing, and start doing what's good for me, and for my career at this point. Now you, and the booker man over there robbed me of my chance at gold, and tonight, I... CUE: Oh Hell Yeah CABOOSE What the hell? COACH No 'boose, it's "Oh Hell Yeah" by the H- CABOOSE Fist. Face. Unless you shut up now. Another unexpected arrival enters "The Dunk", as the OAOAST X Division Champion, Peter Knight, makes his way down to the ring. Knight looks agitated, and rolls under the bottom rope, coming to his feet, revealing that's he's brought his own mic. He looks at Some Guy, while Malibu, Candie, and Calvin all look on. KNIGHT You know something, Some Guy, I've been hearing you bitch for the last few minutes about being left off Dirty Deeds, and all I can say is it could be a LOT worse. SOME GUY How do you figure? KNIGHT How do I figure? Do you even need to ask me that? You weren't even on the show, and to me, that's a hell of a lot better than being the focal point and losing the big one, blowing your shot at the World Heavyweight Title in front of your friends and family! The crowd is shocked, as Knight continues. KNIGHT Dirty Deeds was supposed to be MY night, MY time, MY chance at being at the top of the mountain. Don't get me wrong, I'll do everything in my power to keep this X Title presitgious, but the World Heavyweight Title is the belt that everyone strives for, and I let it slip away from me. I made myself weak, I made myself tap, and I made myself miss out at a chance for glory. I stood in that ring heartbroken the other night once I heard that bell toll, and now here we are, rolling out the red carpet for Zack Malibu. All eyes are on Zack now, and he quickly snatches the mic back from Some Guy to retort. ZACK PK, look man, I've been where you are, and I know what you're feeling. KNIGHT No, no you don't. You have no idea what mental torture I've been through these last few days. You didn't lose in front of thousands of people who all knew you before you were a star! Some Guy takes his mic back, and now the mic-swiping is getting ridiculous. SOME GUY Knight, you're right, he doesn't know, and that's why tonight, I want you in this ring, Zack. I want you and Leon Rodez across the ring from me, and I want what should be mine...the OAOAST World Tag Team Championship...and I'm going to take Peter Knight as my partner! The crowd is in awe, and Knight is taken aback by it. KNIGHT What do you thi- SOME GUY Hear me out. You talk about how he doesn't know what it's like? Well now's your chance to show him. You can redeem yourself tonight, you can be a DOUBLE CHAMPION tonight, you can win the gold with me and have Preppy Boy flat on his back, looking at the lights in front of allllllll these idiots! The crowd boos, and then start a chant up against Some Guy. "MASSSSSSSSHOLE!" "MASSSSSSSSHOLE!" "MASSSSSSSSHOLE!" Some Guy runs to the ropes and kicks them, threatening some ringsiders, while fellow Massachusetts native Knight looks a bit unimpressed at the chant. KNIGHT Look, you've made your points, Some Guy, but I think you and I are on different pages here. I think that... All of a sudden, Calvin Szechstein finally steps in. CALVIN ALL RIGHT! That's it, no more talking, no more name calling, no more musical chairs with the microphone! Now, it seems that we've got a few issues boiling over here, a little bit of controversey, and I've gotta admit, I like it. Controversey equals ratings, boys, and tonight is no exception. So tonight, in this ring, your main event will see Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez put their OAOAST World Tag Team Championships on the line against...PETER KNIGHT AND SOME GUY! The crowd roars for the announcement, and Some Guy looks pleased. Knight looks around him, first at Calvin, then at Some Guy, then at Zack. Malibu looks at Candie, then turns his attention to Some Guy, who walks up to him, smiles, and then heads out. As Some Guy leaves, Knight and Malibu stare at each other, and then Knight ducks out of the ring, leaving the hometown hero and his girlfriend bewildered at all that's just happened. COLE What an announcement, what a night it's going to be...tonight, the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles are on the line here in Providence! Fans, stay tuned tonight, because this one is not to be missed!
  14. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    That's something we'll need to sort out. Right now it's all about picking the best option for the champion, what with Hoff MIA. Whether we do the title switch there or on an HD and have a different match be the title match needs to be discussed as well.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Toxic Crusaders - TV Series - Vol. 1

    Isn't it the same disc that was included with the Tox Box set? If so, I have it.
  16. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    Keep in mind The Originals aren't a fully cohesive unit yet, especially Black. PK, it's late now, but I'll rattle some ideas off tomorrow. As for your PM's Popick, I now realized it...it's cool, nothing was set in stone, so I know exactly what to do.
  17. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    OK, I've got the perfect plan for this week, but need an idea for someone to fill in a heel slot. I've got one heel in place for the tag title defense, but need someone else. I'm leaning towards CWM at this point (and you'd understand the reasoning when the match is revealed) but I'm not too sure if I'd want it to be him, just in case he comes back with his own plans.
  18. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    Right now, let's please list the active writers for the fed: Zack Tony Eski KC SJ PK Cal Alfdogg Parka On hiatus: Adam MMOM PRL CC AWOL Hoff NYU
  19. Zack Malibu

    People who use MySpace:

    I'll be your friend on both.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Booking for 9/29

    The tag champs, especially Zack, will be in the house.
  21. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    I was doing it for a while when I had spare time, so I'm cool with that. I'd say Tuesdays, and Friday, Saturday, Sunday for them.
  22. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    If Hoff doesn't show up this week, then we're going to have to work an angle with the World Title. I've begun thinking ahead like I've said, so we'll get it all together in due time. Let's give the boy a chance to show his face first.
  23. Zack Malibu

    A few questions

    I haven't heard a word from Hoff or Drek. Drek I at least see around, but he's not responded to anything. At this point we need to write our stories to move ahead without them, but do it in a way that keeps the door open for their characters to return. I've already spoken to PK and Tony about this. I agree with the lateness and short feedback (of which I can be guilty of too, with the whole work/school/typing from the office deal eating up time), and I think as a whole if we work on that things will be better. CWM's status, as a character at least, is as an Original, but he's at war with pretty much everyone. The lone wolf, if you will.
  24. Zack Malibu

    Dirty Deeds Booking Thread.

    Send everything to Tony149 So far: OAOAST World Title: Hoff vs. PK
  25. Zack Malibu

    World Tag Title Cage Match

    All set gang.