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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    This week in the NBA

    More than that if you ask me. Kobe makes his players worse, mostly because he completely deviates from offensive sets. Its the equivilant of the quarterback calling a running play in the huddle and throwing it downfield after the ball is hiked. When you practice a certain way and one player(and in this case, the one with the ball) decides not to run it, you will leave the rest of them standing around. not know where to go or what to do because they will have no idea WHAT the hell to do. I understand he thinks he has to carry the team, but simply put, he has no experience in doing it. Maybe in a few years, but Tracey has been carrying teams for years, and looking at the decline in players that played with him in Orlando after they were traded, I think it is obvious that he is alot better at it.
  2. Ripper

    This week in the NBA

    Yeah, no doubt, but I am saying that you don't even have to go to the Orlando days to see Tracy carrying a team. Right now, you got Tracy, Yao, and to some extent Wesley(he is only putting up 11 ppg) and thats it. Kobe/Odem/Atkins/Butler/ are all putting up 14+ points a game. Tracy is just a better all around player than Bryant.
  3. I always found mans disobediance to God (the original sin) to be the product of love in the first place and it was kinda on God. I mean, if you really look at the story of Adam and Eve, its more of just a statment that love is more important than anything else. God made Adam and gave him domain and control over everything that there was AND Adam was able to be in the magnificent presence of God and it STILL wasn't enough. Adam needed Eve in the same way God needed Adam. He needed someone he could love and could return it. God used Adams rib, thus saying that Adam was not a complete man unless Eve was by his side. She made him whole. Then Eve goes and does the fruit thing, which Adam knows what the reprecussions would be, so he bites into the fruit also, not because the Devil tricked him, but he was sacrificing himself and all that he had to be with the one he loved because without her he would not be complete. Dude gave up everything to be with someone he loved. Thats a pretty kick ass story. Then, their kids start killing each other and stuff and I guess its not as sweet then, but hey...one hell of a love story.
  4. Ripper

    This week in the NBA

    McGrady is still doing it with his own team.
  5. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    From why we fight: Angel says something like "I don't want to be trapped at the bottom of the ocean and spike says "Well, I don't want the government experimenting on me." Funny stuff.
  6. Ripper

    AutoCad 14

    There are plenty of free cad programs out there. Get one of those. Thief.
  7. Ripper

    M. Night Shyamalan

    okay, lets see if this works... I forgot all about the tombstone. I think it would be very necessary to say that the year was the late 1800's to force themselves into thinking that they are in a different time away from the world, the same way they needed the black boxes to remind them of why they left and to prevent them from wanting to go back. Noah didn't steal a suit from the elders. He found a suit and discovered that the things weren't real and made his own. He was taking the fur and skins from all the livestock to make his own suit. Noah was the proof that evil could be anywhere and not just the town. It brought on a realization that they couldn't really escape the horrors that they had gone through as it was a part of life. And personally I liked the idea that this was a movie that could actually happen. The only monsters were the people, just like real life. And the fact that Ivy hasn't got the slightest idea about whats going on in the outside world, they could continue their little farce. Personally, I think directing and character wise, this is probably his best movie(okay, character wise, Unbreakable was better, but this is a close second) I found it to be a beatifully directed movie, and the depth of the focused characters I found to be great. I CAN understand why some people don't like this movie, but I still think it is a product of the movie being NOTHING like people expected it to be. I know if I went in to see a horror movie and got a goddamn romantic period piece, I would be more than a little disappointed too. So I am not even trying ot say "Like this movie DAMN YOU" cause obviously alot of you are not going to. I still say it kicks ass. And so did Signs. Dammit.
  8. Ripper

    M. Night Shyamalan

    for the love of shit, I go through all of that to find spoiler tags and you could have at least used them. and the ones I got aren't working. And the director of "The Jacket" is pissed off right now about his movie being presented as a horror. Mismarketing is a very common problem, but honestly, what do you think would sell more from the studio standpoint....a romantic period piece or a M. Night Shyamalan HORROR movie. Studios are in it to make money, and but I think if people went in thinking it was a romance, then they would have possibly appreciated it more.
  9. Ripper

    M. Night Shyamalan

    See, i think alot of people are kinda saying what I mean in here. People are calling movies like Signs bad because it was bad horror. Well...MAYBE because it wasn't a horror movie. and edwin, since I don't know how to do spoiler tags I will just talk in a way that only those that saw the film will get. The elders never insisted on that. It was never mentioned in word, only with a little overlay at the start of the film. The reason for the actions you mentioned in the film had to do with the head guys occupation. Geez...someone show me how to do spoiler tags...this is hard.
  10. Ripper

    Adventures with Ribs

  11. Ripper

    M. Night Shyamalan

    Well EXCUSE me for not having hillbilly knowledge that would debunk so much of the film. I liked the movie. I think you didn't like the movie because the little girl kept insulting water...thus Nature. It was just the hippie coming out of you. .. hippie.
  12. Ripper

    This week in the NBA

    Well, I think he does a little more than that. MAYBE Kobe is fucking up the team chemistry with his style of play. I mean, if the coach says it, other players say it. MAYBE...Just MAYBE it MIGHT have some validity to it.
  13. Ripper

    Another Nameless Diva Quits

    A discussion board where mostly males discuss the attributes of muscular men in tights, cheering on one of said muscular men for treating barely clothed somewhat attractive females like shit and making them quit. Man. If I didn't know any better I would think this board is...well....you know... Prebyterian.
  14. Ripper

    Adventures with Ribs

    New Yorkers are stupid.
  15. Ripper

    Anger managment.

    Spoken like a true short dude. But you know I am right. Tall, skinney dudes...they don't have anger management problems. Its short guys that work out all the time, those fuckers that are trained in some martial art "Dude, i can crush your windpipe was a knee strike in a second" and Tall, heavy guys. Like, MMA fighters don't have that sense of invincibility, because they know what its like to get beat everyonce and a while. I bet you Damaruaruaau has never had a good ass kicking in his life. Godamn OK.
  16. Ripper

    Anger managment.

    I just think you need to have the shit kicked out of you... preferably by a smaller person. Its not anger. Its a superiority thing. you think "Wow...I am big. I can be a dick with no reprecussions." If someone cracks you in the knee with pool ball wrapped in a tshirt and proceeds to beat the shit out of you one time, you will take pause next time you decide to get all "angry" on someone because you will remember the ass kicking. People who feel invincible are usually dicks. If I hear one more goddamned college kid calling going to school and those fake ass "jobs" stress I swear to god. Dude, "If I don't make money to pay rent I am homeless" is fucking stress. Not "If I don't make any money, I can't buy beer or might have to ask mom and dad for money."
  17. Ripper

    Box Office Report

    He's white.
  18. Ripper

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    Looks like that's exactly what he said Ripper. Um...he isn't talking about the knee injury right there. He is talking about his attitude about everything.
  19. Ripper

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    But he didn't say his knee hurts because of the media. Thats like saying "I woke up and had sex with my wife then went downstairs to get breakfast" is the same as saying "I woke up and had sex with the breakfast".
  20. Ripper

    The Fanta Girls....

    But I bet you none of the lines were better than this:
  21. Ripper

    John Cena copying Jadakiss...

    I don't know. Rip off something that isn't so mainstream. Its kinda insulting when he is ripping off something that alot of people haven't heard of, so eventually people will think its your own creative thing. Shit at least acknowledge Jada if you are going to rip off his signature sound.
  22. Ripper

    Okay, I need this program

    Facestation 1.5 or 2.0. If I am not confused, the company(eyematic) went out of business so its not like I can possibly buy the plugin/program so I don't think its really illegal. But basically the only internet I have at my disposal is work email so if anyone can find it on a P2P program or give me a link where I don't have to look around (can't risk the porn ads being everywhere) please give me a help. oh. and if it is found that this would count as that illegal apps stuff then feel free to delete this thread. but i don't think it is.
  23. Ripper

    Age restrictions in the NBA

    With the Players association and the NBA due to formulate a CBA this summer, one of the issues that people think Stern is going to push for is a age limit in the nba, basically saying that noone under 20 at a certain date can enter the NBA. I for one think this is bullshit, but hows about you guys. I will explain the pure bullshitory of this in a little bit, but I just wanted to see your opinions.
  24. Ripper

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    You are going to have to change your avatar before i can possibly give your post the attention they need. Its too distracting. Ripper - Pot since 3:31 p.m.