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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    When TV Shows get Serious

    I think Michael J. Fox's last shows on Spin City could fall under the "special episode" thing because of the teary eye'd-ness of the cast members and you knowing the real reason he was leaving the show.
  2. Ripper

    Let's be sincere and non-self-referential

    I think you should just put a big grey spot in your head. People will think it is kewl and women would flock to you. So do it or something... pics plz.
  3. Ripper

    When TV Shows get Serious

    This show falls under the "every episode is a special episode" catagory. Like when Rob gets shot by the "GANGSTA" ass group that had Tyrese in it after they took Nicks coat and jumped TK. OR the time that fine ass Thelma from goodtimes played TK's mom and she had just gone through rehab and was getting her life together and TK was going to move in with her but she showed up at the house drunk. AH...that show was something. Question though, did they ever acknowledge the brother with the gay ass braids anymore after he went to college. I mean he didn't even show up after rob got shot and was in a coma and in heaven with the white dude from 227. What a dick.
  4. Ripper

    Hero or Villain?

    actually, the villian gets the really hot, but Sluttishly Dressed® female villain that eventually gets in the fight with really hot Conservatively Dressed® heroine. Either that or he has some random girl give him head in the VIP of a night club to show how much of a badass he is that he can get head in public and not react to it. The hero gets to have slow, boring sex in water or with candles lit or some shit.
  5. Ripper

    Trish Stratus

    I can see how this arguement could be made. I mean its like, Jordan wasn't the best shooter, best scorer, best defender....hell...best at any catagory of basketball, but he had enough of the parts that many think he is the greatest of all time (i disagree, but you get the point) Wrestling wise, Trish isn't the best ever, but she isn't Lita bad at wrestling. She sells very well and can bump, but has a pedestrian offense. I say you could put her middle of the road wrestling skill wise, but seeing as she has the ability to tell a story in the ring with her selling and bumping, you would be hard pressed to call her a bad worker. on the Mic wise, I think she is the best the women's division has ever had. Lets face it, most women wrestlers have sucked on the the mic, although Molly is pretty good. But I think she takes the cake here with her heel persona. Looks (which you have to admit, having the look is part of wrestling) she is probably across the board the best. I mean, personally, Molly is more my type, but you would be hard pressed to find a guy that finds Trish unnattractive. I don't know if I agree with the statement but she does rank up there in most of the catagories in making of a all time great wrestler.
  6. Ripper

    Suicide --- Hard-Core Style!

    True story, I had a friend that did that. And she still lived for like 3 days.
  7. Ripper

    That bitch had it coming

    Dude...ALWAYS expect your family to steal from you. ALWAYS. They steal from you because they can justify it by saying "its kinda my stuff too...we are family". ALWAYS expect your family to steal from you. Ripper - Family hasn't stolen from me since...well...ever...but dammit...still watching since 1979.
  8. Ripper

    Kid writes a zombie story and...

    They need to arrest his fucking English teacher. Goddamn.
  9. Ripper

    Senate to Vote on Minimum Wage

    No they aren't.
  10. Ripper

    The origins of He-man

    Was I the only one that thought Prince Adam was the worst secret identity in the history of super heros. I mean, at least clark put on glasses and a suit and took the curl off his forehead. He-man looked like Prince Adam if he took his shirt off. And seeing as prince adam always wore that spandex shirt and a vest, he was showing off his equally buff body with a fucking sword on his back, it should have been even MORE obvious. They looked the exact same way. Then Prince adam had a green and yellow cat. He-man rode a green and yellow cat. How many green and fucking yellow cats where there? THEN He-man hung out with all of Prince Adams friends. How stupid were the people in Eternia that they couldn't notice all that shit.
  11. Ripper

    Senate to Vote on Minimum Wage

    I understand that it is avoidable for young people to get around applying for a card, but lets be realistic. If you start shilling free money to college kids they are going to go for it. They do make up a large percentage of credit card debts, which is why the credit card companies target them most aggresively. They know either the student or mommy and daddy will probably pick up the tab. People in urban areas are more likely to take the card, but they also know that there is a greater liklihood they will never recieve that money back so they don't go for them(really, you aren't going to find a credit card application anywhere in the innercity). It is at best shady advertising practices so i don't want to see them whining about "we wants our money" when they are creating a situation to take advatange of those they KNOW can't pay the immediate balance and they can rape with intrest and late charges later.
  12. Ripper

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    I haven't either. Plus, I am a computer animator. I had a teacher tell me I had no business trying to learn animation if I had never seen those movies. I preceded to ask her if the fact that I was better than her at animation prove or disprove that theory. She tried to kick me out of class. I remembered it wasn't Highschool and I was paying a couple thousand bucks to be there so I said fuck that. She got mad. I still didn't leave. ... That is my story about Star Wars.
  13. Ripper

    Hockey is the most exciting team sport

    I challenge any person that believes that Basketball isn't a wear on your body, physcially banging game, to take that ass to the paint and try to get position in the post or go for a rebound or take a pick. All these things happen every play of the game. and that shit hurts. I am sorry but at least you get padded up in Hockey. There is a reason Yao Ming is clutching his chest and sucking air when he comes up court after about 3 plays. Basketball isn't finesse people. You are just looking at the wrong part of the screen.
  14. Ripper

    Italian journalist shot

    really? I would guess Speeding car would be the "send as many shots as possible to put that fucker down" scenario. Especially seeing as it was night.
  15. Ripper

    Senate to Vote on Minimum Wage

    Because lord knows that giving kids 5000 dollars with the understanding they have to pay it back when they are broke and in college is perfectly okay and no fault of the credit card companies. Shit why don't we let Sponge Bob be the new spokesperson for Newport, and run commercials on Nick Jr. all day. I mean, its not like he is actually putting the cigerette in the kids mouth. Sadly they have credit card applications in the welcoming pack to alot of colleges, they are in the Student Services areas, they are there to entise kids and its wrong.
  16. Ripper

    Italian journalist shot

    All the people saying the car doesn't match up with the story. You obviously have never been shot at. Someone shoots at you witha automatic weapon it is going to seem like hundreds of shots came a flyin. So while in hindsight it sounds like BS, it is possible that aperson fired upon by more than one automatic weapons believe that they were shot at hundreds of times. the rest of the story sounds like BS though, but that part, I can understand.
  17. Ripper

    Hero or Villain?

    Villian would be so much more fun. I would play a great villian.
  18. Ripper

    That bitch had it coming

    If I leave my Bently unlocked with the keys in it and running while I walk off I deserve to have it stolen. If it was such a big deal, you should have taken it with you.
  19. Ripper

    Senate to Vote on Minimum Wage

    I would like to point out that I still feel that the whole credit rateing thing is BS. I have so much shit on my Credit Report that is the case of some company trying to get over and selling it off to a credit collection agency quickly so you can't really dispute it with them any more. Bullshit. BULLSHIT.
  20. Ripper

    When TV Shows get Serious

    That was the episode where the college was playing some school in football and Ron sold his tickets so he stayed in the car to listen to the score. He made a bet with a group of white guys on the way in, Dean Cain was the ring leader and when Hillman won the game they came out and they were all pissed and got all racial with Ron. Good times.
  21. Ripper

    Senate to Vote on Minimum Wage

    You can tell the people that have never had to work a day in their lives from the ones living in the real world. In the REAL world, showing up to work, and being a hard worker doesn't mean shit. Seroiusly...it doesn't. There are times and opportunities that might arise, but right now there is some dude that has been at his job for years and showed up to work on time everyday and works his ass off and he has seen no advancement for it. Dumbass people say "why doesn't he just quit and get another job". Well because John Q. Hardworker has a family that he has to support and goes to his second job when he leaves there and gets home exhausted and does this 6-7 days a week. He can't afford to quit and find another job because that is time where no income in comeing in. And we know that someone like mike isn't saying let him get on unemployment insurance during that time, because, you know, that is WRONG. Fun Fact: Finding a new job requires time to look and apply and go on interviews. So basically so many people who are in the "have" catagory keep pretending that those in the "have not" catagory are lazy or not hard workers or unskilled or whatever and continue to prove what stupid ass cunts they are. OPPORTUNITY and/or HARDWORK will allow you to succed, hardwork alone will not. That "the poor are poor because they don't work hard not to be" has got to be the dumbest thinking in the world.
  22. I listen to Mike Jones EVERYDAY seeing as the dude that I ride to work with is from texas. If you are into that Screwed stuff, he is the mutha fucking man. If you don't feel that style, you won't like Mike Jones. Plus he says his name a awful lot in his music. Paul Wall though (the white dude at the end of the single that came out with Slimm Thugg) is the mutha fuckin man. It still has the half naked women. Just not as many and not as hot.
  23. Ripper

    When TV Shows get Serious

    You know, I am a HUGE ritter fan and I didn't watch that ep. Of and a different world around the end when they were doing serious eps every other week. Like the Slap happy boyfriend, when that guy tried to rape Freddy, Dwayne and Whitley when to LA around the time of the riots for their honeymoon(why the fuck whitley's rich ass went to fucking LA for their honeymoon is beyound me) the issues with interacial dating...itwas all so kewl.... ... then Kris Kross did a concert in the middle of the dorm.
  24. Ripper

    This Week in the NBA

    So bostonites...I know most people hated Ainge at first, but seeing as they basically have every draft pick in the next few years and managed to get Antoine Walker back for Michael Stewart and Tom Guguliotta, which basically means he got Raef for Tony Delk...what do you think of the job he is doing now. Add in the fact that Al Jefferson is going to be the truth, and a couple of nice looking guards, Boston has a pretty respectable team.