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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    Doug Christie traded for Mobley and Bradley

    The Kings "shut down defender" couldn't defend, he couldn't shoot....I say get rid of him. I refuse to believe this is the best they could have gotten though. And Orlando....not a good move there. NOT a good move.
  2. Ripper

    Another Rule Added to the TSM Forums

    Well, even though I managed to snag your address, I am also unable to post it. Instead, I'll just post a pic of where you live -- address-free...
  3. Ripper

    Another Rule Added to the TSM Forums

    See....right when I get all ^^^^ this guys personal info, here comes the new rule. Just another way for the ma-yawn to hold down the brovas.
  4. Ripper

    Do you believe Athletes

    I was thinking more along the lines of when he spearheaded the effort to intentionally lose games to get Byron Scott fired, and then made sure they won 12 in a row after he left to "prove" that the coach was the problem. I guess it's not a case of not wanting to win with him, but rather that it's a very low priority behind stabbing people in the back that annoy you. Jason Kidd had great stats during that losing streak with Byron Scott, and comeon, you think the Nets could just win 12 games in a row because they FEEL like it? That statement is just as ridiculous as saying Kobe ran Shaq and Phil out of town when both of them were asking for ridicilous amounts of money to stay. just more stuff to blame the players for. Kidd and the Nets for that matter didn't lose game intintially to get rid of Scott. The Management didn't renew Byrons contract for a reason. They knew he wasn't gonna come back.
  5. Ripper

    I have blood in my stool

    Then they put stuff in the water to screw with everyones eyes, so that they will need glasses, helping the big Glasses lobby in Washington. This country is fucked up.
  6. Ripper

    This Week In The NBA - Jan 2nd - 8th.

    It suprised me. Damn.
  7. Ripper

    Islamic Law Makes No Sense...

    Its all about how you stretch your syllables. Lil wayne rhymed the words "alive" and "retired" sucessfully. Rappers are truely the most gifted writers of all time.
  8. Ripper

    Islamic Law Makes No Sense...

    According to one scientist: "If the head is severed from the human body with a sharpe enough weapon, the brain remains conscience for 10 seconds. Long enough for me to give you one last message, and when you get to hell, you can tell Lucifer I said it." If Canibus said it, it must be true.
  9. Ripper

    Do you believe Athletes

    They should be given the first three picks in the draft by default if they break the record...i mean damn.
  10. Ripper

    Do you believe Athletes

    Grant Hill should be a All-Star. and not that "awwwww lets give him a All star selection because he isn't hurt" but really...he is at 20-6-5 if I am correct. He is having a hell of a year. If only someone in Detroit had said 4 years ago "hey, Grant, maybe playing a entire series with a broken ankle isn't that good of an idea...maybe you should sit down" he would be one of the best of our generation.
  11. Ripper

    Do you believe Athletes

    Yeah, he is refusing to report after he got traded and is sitting out, without pay, waiting to get traded...which the Hornets seem to not want to do. He would rather forfit millions of dollars than waste his time playing for a team that stands no chance at winning (2 freakin wins and we are a month befor ethe allstar break) The funniest part is that there were Hornets players(namely Baron Davis) who were saying they completely understand where he is coming from. I mean, who wants to be on the team that has a shot at being the WORST TEAM IN NBA HISTORY.
  12. Ripper

    Do you believe Athletes

    Don't get me wrong. I am sure there are a few New Orleans Hornets that only show up for the check now, but at the same time, you see a guy like Jim Jackson willing to sacrafice his pay for the rest of the year if he isn't going to be on a team that at least has a chance of winning.
  13. Agreed. Cracker just doesn't cut it anymore. It never cut it. It has all if the power behind it as someone getting the best insult in the history of man on you and you come back with "yeah...well....you....SMELL!!!" Thats why violence ensues when racial statments are hurled at most miniorites. Not because we are really that pissed...we just don't have a good comeback.
  14. And I still say, white people get to walk around tax free while all the minorites get the joke hurled at them that "aren't that bad" and they need to "just stop being so sensitive". I blame minorities for not coming up with better ethnic jokes for American born white people.
  15. Ripper

    Do you believe Athletes

    Thats just. Some odd use of the. Period in this paragraph.
  16. Ripper

    "The Documentary" - The Game

    Only thing that made me not want to even think about buying his shit is when he admitted he was dissing Memphis Bleek for NO FUCKING REASON. No beef...no anything. just upped and started dissing dude to get buzz. I find that kinda shit annoying and a bitch ass way to try and get in the game(of course, 50 probably suggested it...he tried the same thing). I like some of his mixtape stuff, but he is way to "I am GANGSTA" on those. I will probably check out the album eventually though, if nothing else to hear the production and some of the guest spots.
  17. Ripper

    Do you believe Athletes

    I am sure some players do, but when you watch these same players out there playing hard with injuries when if they sit they would get paid anyway, it throws a huge wrench in your theory. I mean seriously, JASON KIDD??? Dude is just now recovering from a serious knee injury that he basically played the end of the season and the first two rounds of the playoffs with last year. He probably shouldn't have been back this early, but he is out there. Moss had to be forced to sit his one legged ass down when he was still out there trying to do something for his team. Are we suggesting that a player has to be completely devoid of human emotion and personality to REALLY care about winning the championship. A player does something out of frustration is not a show of him not caring. Him doing something stupid is not a show of him not caring. Scottie Pippin once refused to get back into a playoff game in the final seconds because the play wasn't drawn up for him, but I don't think you can argue that pippen didn't care about winning. He made a wrong decision due to human emotion and at the end of the day, these atheletes are humans first, and atheletes second. ANd seriously, until you have tried to run up and down a court with a partially torn ACL and play basketball, i don't think anyone can question Kidd's devotion to the game and to winning. If you think the guys are assholes, thats fine, but they are definately notout there only for the money. Players out there for the money don't play hurt.
  18. Ripper

    Chris Coey

    ***WARNING: PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT A POSTER AHEAD**** This is what Black Lushus really looks like and a picture of the inside of Black Lushus's home. The internet is a dangerous beast and noones true identitiy is safe.
  19. Ripper

    Your Gamecube Game of the Year for 2005

    More like "smart-and-actually-wants-to-make-money-Capcom" there buddy.. won't this game require the hardrive thing for the playstation? I mean, i don't know how well those things sold, but I don't think there is a HUGE market of people that own the hardrive, then you have to hope EVERYONE that does will want to play Resident Evil. If the hardrive thingy is necessary, i don't see how taking the time to redevelop it for playstation will be that over the top popular that it will be necessary. Now if they had done it for the x-box, i would understand.
  20. Ripper

    HOPE for Ashlee Simpson

    Thats whats wrong with society today. the MISTREATED boy is destroying his dads car because he got YELLED at..... goddamn rich white kids.
  21. Ripper

    How many cats would it take to kill a man?

    I still say 5 would take you. ... Pussy
  22. Ripper

    How many cats would it take to kill a man?

    I think its just taking said number of cats + naked man and last one standing wins.
  23. Ripper

    New Networks coming in 2005

    Black TV News Channel HA. Anyone that has ever watched BET news knows that they can't even fill 30 minutes of television when they try to do a news program featuring predominately stories about people of color. How in the ever loving fuck are they going to make a whole channel? It just gets to a point when they start reporting the dumbest shit in the world, but because it has a black person in it, it fills the requirements. "In breaking news, Allen Iverson is out of milk and has to go to the store to buy more...we will get you more information as it comes in"
  24. I just don't think it helps when you have a preview and they have the "chink in the chain" line and then cut to Dustin Hoffman practicing martial arts. If they didn't mean it that way in the movie, the trailer certainly might ruffle a few feathers.
  25. Ripper

    How many cats would it take to kill a man?

    Yeah, but you aren't taking into account the claw swinging. I mean even if you swat with the arm, remember, you are naked so that sucker will still get a chance to sink a claw in your arm. And thats just one. What if two go at a time? Stop trying to be hard. House cats would kick your ass....all of your asses.