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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    I Finally got a Job!!!!!!!

    You MUST be in high school or college.
  2. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Did Angel ever rhyme something with the word "effulgent". Well. DID HE!!!!! Did Spike ever sing BARRY MANILOW? OR WANG CHUNG??! HUH! ARE YOU HAVING FUN TONIGHT??! CAUSE HE WAS!! YOUSONNOFABITCH! HE WAS!!! EVERYBODY WAS!!! AND HE SANG SO!! SPIKE~! sung a song called "Rest in Peace". no... HE FREESTYLED THAT SHIT. OFF THE TOP OF HIS DOME, SON...OFF HIS DOME~! Did ANGEL ever freestyle a song the captured his relationship with BUFFY. DID he ever fuck Buffy so good that it knocked a goddamned building down? Well....DID HE!!!!!
  3. Ripper

    ESPN's 25 greatest single season teams...

    Dumars/Thomas - Fraizer/Monroe - West/Baylor - Magic/Kareem own their faces. Their fucking faces.
  4. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Did Angel ever rhyme something with the word "effulgent". Well. DID HE!!!!!
  5. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    You claim to be a Whedon fan and want things to be cut and fucking dry....for shame. I loved LOVED SPIKE~! beating Angel for the cup. I loved Marsters on the show. And honestly, he got what 4-5 shows out of 22 that focused on him. Gun, Wes, Fred all got more and Angel...of course, had the bulk of them. The show might have been called ANGEL but it was a ensemble show. damn you. edited for ~!-ness.
  6. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Less TALENT?? REally. Okay, you got Kobe Shaq...after that point to where the Lakers have a better player than any of the guys that touch the floor for the Pistons. Billups, Hamilton, Williamson, Wallace, Wallace, Prince are all better than the rest of the Laker team. Hell, Elden Cambell, Okur > Medvadenko, and Cook. Bottomline is the Lakers have 2 talented players and role players that can't play their fucking role. The pistons have the deeper, more talented team, the lakers have the more dominant players in Oneil and Kobe, two guarenteed HOF's BTW.
  7. Ripper


    WHOA!! Are you questioning his performance in Magnolia. That performanc owns different faces. Maybe Tom Cruise just cries like he is constipated, but the rest of that performance was GREAT.
  8. Ripper

    TV shows which made the greatest impact

    Seinfield and Friends. There have been so many clones that it makes me cry.
  9. Ripper

    Ray Charles

    Not only was the joke already used in this thread, it was used better.
  10. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Oh that is the completely ignored daughter until she gets fame playing college hoops. he has younger ones now.
  11. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Eh, I didn't like a single fight on Buffy until season 3. watching Anne you can just tell they stepped up in the fight scene catagory. The one in becoming kicked ass because of the emotional stuff though. Oh, and I love the episode where Kendra first comes along and they are fighting in the church trying to stop Spike from makeing drusilla all strong again and Kendra does the WORST KIP-UP IN THE HISTORY OF FIGHTING. That shit is funny!! I think the best fight scene in Buffy history would be in Bad Girls in the Winery with Caleb. The lines that Nathan was getting in that was wonderful. Caleb: "The Slayer must indeed be powerful. (punches Buffy and sends her flying) So, what else you got?" Caleb:: Well, you're the other one, aren't you? The Cain to her Abel? No offense meant to Cain, of course. Faith:: Never was much for the good book. Caleb:: Oh, it has its moments. Paul has some good stuff, for instance. But overall, I find it a tad complicated. I like to keep things simple. Good folk, bad folk, clean folk, dirty folk. Caleb:: What can I say? I work in mysterious ways. Also some fairly straightforward ones. Caleb: "Now it's a simple story -- stop me if you've heard it. I have found and truly believe that there's nothing so bad it cannot be made better with a story. And this one's got a happy ending. There once was a woman, and she was foul, like all women. For Adam's rib was dirty, just like Adam himself, for what was he but human? But this woman, she was filled... with darkness, despair, and why? Because she did not know. She could not see. She didn't know the good news, the glory that was coming. That'd be you. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and forever. You show up, they'll get in line. Because they followed her, now all they have to do is take one more step, and I'll kill them all. See? I told you it had a happy ending." Plus he took Xanders eye.
  12. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Somebody beat me to it today. You know, everytime they do the whole "Karl Malone...a damn great human being" thing and talk about how he looks forward to retiring and playing with his kids, I can't help but think "So I am guessing you are going to take care of these and not wait until they are stars in college ball and people realize that they are your childredn to acknowledge them like before huh?" Fucker.
  13. Ripper

    USA Olympic Basketball

    OR they could shock the world with thier team. They ahve 2 first round picks and 3 second rounders. They only have Jason Terry, Boris Diaw, Chris Crawford, and Wesley Person under contract. There is honesty no way in the world to know what their team is going to be. Damn shame when the only highpoint of a team for the past few years is the day they have noone playing for them.
  14. Ripper

    USA Olympic Basketball

    With all the free agents, there might not be an Atlanta Hawks in summer. I think they have 3-4 people under contract. There isn't a Atlanta Hawks. Therefore using that theory, the Hawks do NOT suck since they have no players. HA. ... Whats even worse, the hawks have to give up someone in the expansion draft...so they will have all of 2 guys under contract.
  15. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Oh and hurt or not Karl Malone should be suspended for a couple of games. He SHOULD be suspended(again) for going up to a fan and making phyical contact with him. HOW in the fuck they are going to spin THAT in to saying he isn't suspended will be pretty amazing.
  16. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Well. there you go. Luke Waltons one game of effectiveness is over, now someone else is going to have to have one. I think all signs point to Bryon Russell, although I have no idea who he is going to guard when he gets in the game. The Pistons got NOTHING from Rasheed Wallace due to the GREAT "defense:" of Karl Malone(aka, grabbing his arms as he goes up for the shot) and the quick fouls. But Corliss was a beast against anyone that tried to check him and made up for it. I said it before the series started and I will say it again. Lindsey Hunter....X FACTOR. That guy just has to be the most annoying defender in the league. He is alway reaching and tugging and pulling and you can see the Laker guards getting annoyed with it. Everyone is saying fisher is not being effective because of his knee. No. Its because Hunter is him with more defensive tenacity and is working him to death out there. And Rip Hamilton has his shot back. It does not matter who is really on him most of the time, he can get open around those screens, he was just off the first two games(not to take anything away from kobe chasing him wonderfully in game one and some of game two, but Rip was missing alot of freethrows...that says his stroke was off). Thing is, Billups hasn't had a off game, but the way the Lakers leave him WIDE THE FUCK OPEN, he isn't going to have one. Billups is a streaky player and if they stay in his face that is a good 20 points they could take from the Pistons. Right now the Lakers bench is just to horribly mismatched. It is getting bad when they start readying the excuses for Lakers. Its bullshit when you hear the same annoncers that say "Well, honestly, I don't know how much of a difference Sam Cassell(20 point a game ALLSTAR point guard) and Troy Hudson(Microwave part Deux~!) would make in this series" against the Timberwolves say that the reason the Lakers are struggling now is because of injuries to Karl Malone(who besides one game hasn't done much of anything for the lakers) HORACE FUCKING GRANT, RICK FOX, and a gimpy ankle on DEVEN GEORGE(who isn't showing ANY signs of it...He doesn't even have a half a limp). ITs one way or the other. If Phil works in Brian Cook and Bryan Russell, the lakers could have a big game. Cook is a physical rebounding forward with a nice midrange game(sound familiar?) and Russell is a vet with shooting range and a tenacious defender. But how desparate will he have to get to go to them? The Pistions have basically been the better team the entire series and thanks ot a bigass brainfart in game two, the series is only 2-1(although you never know what would have happened in game 3 if it was a 2-0 series. I guarentee you Kobe would have put that ball up more). Hell of a series we have here people. Its far from over but it has been a hell of a series.
  17. Ripper

    "It's a Black man's game"

    Not really. He strikes me as that "complain about everything, call fouls late after he sees he missed the shot game is on pause every 30 seconds as he explains WHY he didn't travel" type of guy. Those guys never get in fights and are the easiest ones to joke with. Its those "super pissed you missed a shot in a FUCKING PICKUP game as if their careers depended on it" guys that are the fighters. They usually suck too.
  18. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well, obviously. You already have it in your mind that this is the best fight scene, so you'd think of some reason why it was better, even if it wasn't. A,N isn't perfect; the scenes with Cordy and Connor (and not just the last scene; that's just the worst) are a drag. The scene in Connor's shack, the alley...it just drags along. Everything else is good, yes, but it's definitely not the best Angel episode. ...and Wes taking out the shotgun is one of your reasons? Wow. That's deep. I will actually agree that it was the best fight scene...although Angel vs Spike from earlier this season for the cup of mountain do was one HELL of a fight that gives it a run for its money. But A,N wasn't the best show of the shows history. This season alone had 7-8 eps that I would place above it. But in terms of best fights...I would go with it.
  19. Ripper

    USA Olympic Basketball

    I hate how sports writers are calling the players that are backing out cowards and selfish. Yeah, Ray Allen, you can always have kids. GO PLAY BASKETBALL...get you priorites right. Sure Jason Kidd, you can't walk right now...but FUCK THAT NOISE...go play. Kevin Garnett, Vince Carter...You can get married during the season. Nothing say love like having to leave the wedding reception early to catch a flight to play the Bulls. People are dropping out for once in a life time(maybe) opportunities(Kevin, Vince, Ray) or injury(Kidd) and a few are just worried for safety. They have every right to not want togo. Here is a wacky idea...how about send players that ask to go and not just say "HEY, you...go because you are popular now!!"
  20. Ripper

    Ray Charles

    Correct! The important part of that story was Bonnie Bramlett punching people. "Punks jump up to get beat down"
  21. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    He got the thought in his mind in season 4.
  22. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Technically, wasn't she seen on screen before Angel was? I think she might be the longest running character on the show!! In terms of the Buffyverse, Angel featured Angel and Harmony from year one, Spike from year two, Wes from year three, Gunn from Four, Loren from year five, Conner from year six, ....um...LOOK A BEAR... and Illeryia from season eight. They represented almost every year of the Buffyverse!
  23. Ripper

    "It's a Black man's game"

    Oh, and Rasheed never got caught with weed. He was sitting in the back seat of a car that got pulled over(damon Stodemire(sp?) was in the passenger seat) and the car was searched and they found weed in it. Niether rasheed nor Damon owned the car. They both plead not guilty and were willing to take drug test. I call him smokey all the time, but seriously, it really doesn't seem like he did anything. And I would like AGAIN to repeat. You friends said something stupid and you came here pretending as that it was the majorities opionion. No, you have dumb friends that said something stupid, why bother us with their stupidity when I am pretty sure noone here has ever said or dumb enough to think "Ken Griffy Jr. isn't black because he is not a thug."
  24. Ripper


    How can you say that in once sentence and praise Walken in another? I mean, I love the guy to DEATH, but he plays the same character in almost every movie. And while Eyes Wide Shut was pretty sucky, Cruise did a damn fine acting job in it. And Jerry Maguire was pretty sappy, but once again, damn good job acting. See, I don't care if the movie is shitty, good acting is good acting. Brad Pitt could sign up to do the next 10 sequals of You Got Served, it still wouldn't change the fact that I think he is a incredible actor. He would just be a incredible actor in incredibly shitty movies.
  25. Ripper

    Gang Wars: TSM Style

    we should expect him to start using amalgamation in a sentence anytime now.