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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    Nominations for TSM Mayor

    *sitting on park bench with kids running by* Hi, My name is Ripper and I am running for TSM Mayor. You may have heard some horrible things about me lately and I would like to comment on them. One of my opponents, who we haven't seen for about 12 seconds....by the way, every 12 seconds someone is killed in America...suggested that I was against low slung pants and the exposing of buttocks. Well, I think my record speaks for its self. My sig has a higher exposed buttocks rate than any other poster here at TSM. At this very moment there are 6 BUTT cheeks in my sig. In Mattdotcoms? None. So do who do you want representing you? A exposed female ass supporting guy such as my self. Or a lying, no ass in sig-type hippe like my opposition. *dog comes running up* Hey, Rusty. What you got there boy? *pets dog, takes thong from dogs mouth* You see...even my dog works at exposing ass. Ripper - Supports ass cleave.
  2. Ripper

    We are all fucked

    Sez the guy with the rainbows in his sig. Lights. From a rave. Ah, raves. Where one homoerotic fantacies can be acted upon and blamed on the drugs later. Ripper...not to insinuate(sp?) anything here, but how do you know that? Ripper talks to the kids to try and steer them the right way. And when I hear little timmy talk about how he woke up after a rave with a cock in his mouth, I was concerned. With the help of dateline NBC, a undercover kid was sent into a rave wearing a wire and a tiny camera. We were shocked and appauled by what went on there. Young men discussing how they would pretend to take drugs just to act out their curiosities and deny their knowledge of it later. You will be shocked, appauled, and intrigued. All will be reveiled in my shocking expose' "They put what in your where?- The truth about raves" on Dateline Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and maybe thursday. Dateline Friday is about the J-Lo wedding but we might get a update at the end of the show.
  3. Ripper

    I'm Rick James, Bitch...

    Credit: ComingSoon.net Only works if they make it a comedy, but if they take the serious route, i wouldn't want to see it. And have ChollieMurfay do the voice overs to introduce each scene.
  4. Ripper

    Nominations for TSM Mayor

    Depends on how bored. Ripper - Against boredom.
  5. Ripper

    Nominations for TSM Mayor

    On June 22, 2002 hundreds of senseless murders occured around the United States ALONE. On June 22, 2002, Mattdotcom became a member of thesmartmarks.com. Coincidence? Ripper - against murder unless you have a really good reason.
  6. Ripper


    How anyone can watch the Last Samarai, Color of Money, and Interview with a vampire and say Tom Cruise can't act is beyond me.
  7. Ripper

    We are all fucked

    Sez the guy with the rainbows in his sig. Lights. From a rave. Ah, raves. Where one homoerotic fantacies can be acted upon and blamed on the drugs later.
  8. Ripper

    Nominations for TSM Mayor

    My Name is Ripper and I support this ad. Banky has more than 6000 posts here on theSmarkmarks forums. More than 6000 babies are missing worldwide. Now, I am not saying that there is a connection, but that is quite the coincidence...don't you think? Ripper - Against baby taking. Paid for by posters to elect Ripper.
  9. Ripper


    That dude that played Vigo.
  10. Ripper

    Temp Agencies

    My temp agency insurance kicks ass over the full time job insurance. How fucked up is that.
  11. This whole thing shows why people should never try to do anything.
  12. Ripper

    I'm out

    Seeing as he was in a frat, I am going to guess that this thread was about a totally different thing and then he chickened out and edited it. I mean, anytime a frat guy says "I'm Out", it ain't about a internet message board.
  13. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    And this is where you lose credibility. All playoffs you've been jumping up and down about how the Lakers would lose because the opponent beat them, not because L.A. lost the game. Now, in an exactly similar situation, you switch to the line of reasoning that you allegedly hate. A 16-4 run is not lucky, Kobe's shot was not lucky. Shaq not being fouled was, and so was Rasheed dropping the ball... but there's no guarantee he would have made the shot. Kobe was clutch, and Detroit got bitched in OT. Period. We'll see tonight who comes out better prepared. Strategic decisions is what cost the Pistons the game, plain and simple. Common fucking sense says foul shaq(or Kobe for that matter) with a 3 point lead. They take 2 freethrows. Say they hit them both, they HAVE to foul you. Say you miss them both, they still have to get down court, and make the shot without a play and no timeouts. 16-4 run isn't luck. Kobes shot wasn't luck. Never said that they were. But lets be real here. The Pistons put the Lakers in that position through poor decision making in the final seconds of that game. Not even you can deny that. Earlier in the playoffs, people were acting like the lakers weren't trying and thats why they lost. Thats not what I am suggesting here. The pistons were trying, but they shot themselves in the foot. Two completely different things.
  14. Ripper


    That wasn't to the I HATE so and so people. Thats cool. But the people saying that so and so can't act or overrated...bah.
  15. Ripper

    We are all fucked

    Sez the guy with the rainbows in his sig.
  16. Ripper


    You goddamned people don't know acting.
  17. Ripper


    ... RACIST~! Ripper - Going to his ol' dependable line since 1999.
  18. Ripper


    In Malibu's defense, From Justin to Kelly did feature Kelly Clarkstons ass being all lickable. Is that all you look at is the ASS? You'd probably fuck a horse if it had a nice ass. *walks out*
  19. Ripper


    In Malibu's defense, From Justin to Kelly did feature Kelly Clarkstons ass being all lickable.
  20. Ripper

    Mr Popick's Fiancee

    I've had more threeways with your mom and sister than times I have said "hook a brotha up". Ripper - said "hook a brotha up" at least 30 times.
  21. Ripper

    Gang Wars: TSM Style

    Well - I wipe my ass with Saved By The Bell scripts - my shit is an improvement on those scripts. What about the one where Jesse gets hooked on No Dose? How about that one? Your shit isn't better than that one.
  22. Ripper

    Team Kotz showcases their dominance yet again

    And we can't say words like "fealous" Damn right you can't. Notice I'm not editing it. I guessing its because you keep looking for the "fdit" button to change it but can't seem to find it.
  23. Ripper

    Team Kotz showcases their dominance yet again

    And we can't say words like "fealous"
  24. Ripper

    Team Kotz showcases their dominance yet again

    You're friends with Rudo. So you're going to get to me by mocking Rudo? Best form another plan of attack, skippy. Calling someone "skippy" voids anything else you say in a post.