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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    Why did you name yourself THAT?

    Ripper spelled backwards is Rep Pir. I used to play for the Pirates and although I a long retired, I will always represent for them. GO PIRATES~!! REPRESENT MY NIC-KAAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!!!
  2. Ripper

    Mass Bannings

    Trolly Trollerson telling some troll to stop trolling? Ironic.
  3. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Of course that is true, but that is not the topic. This is: “Comedian Bill Cosby embarrassed the National Association For Advancement Of Colored People (NAACP) at a gala on Monday - by attacking lower class African-Americans. The legendary star was speaking in Washington DC to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling.” The discussion for this thread refers to lower class African-Americans. <--- grew up Lower class African American. <--- grew up around nothing but lower class African Americans. <--- realizes that most lower class African Americans do have a grasp of English language. Here is a shocker, for a lot of broke people, college isn't a option at first. THAT is why you see a huge number of african amercian youth going to the military to get money for college. And god knows that being articulate isn't the only thing that will get you a job. Fuck rich people who say that "the only reason you are poor is because you are lazy and won't work for it" or in this case "the only reason you are broke is because you would rather get expensive shoes and can't speak English" Its a TAD bit more complicated than that.
  4. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Cause lord knows Colin Powell can't go 5 minutes without saying "dawg". Ripper - Realizing that there are just as many blacks with a grasp of English as there are whites.
  5. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Reggie scorched him, they had to switch him from AI because Allen KILLED him in game one(giving Tyronne Lue his chance) and I guess I can give you RJ...except Richard Jefferson was averaging 11 points a game that year...his rookie year. Hudson killed him last year, we all remember the Kobe on Bibby embarassments, Hell, their first championship, Penny Fucking Haradaway was putting up 24 a game on him. And Penny was playing on one leg. Before Spicy comes in and says that I don't give Kobe his props, he is one of the best off the ball defenders in the game. But like guys like Doug Christie if you go right at him, he cant stop you.
  6. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    16.4 last year, 25 per game this year. Sprewell plays well against Kobe, bottomline. Kobe does plays well against him also, but lets not act like Kobe can shut him down. ... Come to think of it, who the hell has kobe ever shut down?
  7. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I don't really have anything to add. Just this is my 5000th post so it might as well be here.
  8. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    *looks at Sprewells numbers against Kobe* I mean if the guy is putting up 25 per game on him, he's just putting up 25 a game on him. Kobe is not a good one on one defender. He is like Jordan in that you better know where that fucker is on the court because he will make you pay on team D, but one on one, he get murdered.
  9. Ripper

    Banned Poster Tournament

    Cj...Pornfaq...fuck d rest.
  10. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    *edit* this would have come right after Vit-X's post but I went to lunch and didn't hit send first. That why I get upset about it. That part about black slang being a univeral thing. Its bullshit. Black people in the Mid-West don't talk like people in the South. Black people from New York don't talk like black people California. It is a regional thing. But the black people that are 30+ don't talk like the ones that are mid twenties down. JUST like EVERY OTHER GODDAMN RACE IN THE WORLD. I get tired of people attributing things to blacks like we are some other worldly creatures and don't do the same thing every other race does. a 18 year old white kid from New York talks in a completely different way than a 40 year old white guy from Baton Rouge. Once again it all goes back to stupid people thinking Blacks= one whole Whites = individuals. White guy moves into a neighborhood and parties late with music blasting, "that new guy is a asshole" black guy does it "thats how black people are". White guy uses dumb slang "I don't know what he is saying...what a dumbass" Black guy : Oh he is talking "black". And seeing as I am in Atlanta, I am thinking the slang that I am hearing from other races isn't because they are from Southern Cali. I am not attacking any slang, I am saying slang is slang, no one is more "right" than the other.
  11. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    It only gives black people a bad name to really stupid people. normal people don't see one person doing something and say, wow, look at how bad that Black guy is speaking...he represents all of them. Would we like to name a race, in any era when they youth didn't come up with slang words? Ripper - wondering when did saying "like", "man", or "dude" every other word become correct english since 1994.
  12. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    But Detoit doesn't have the offensive fire power that Miami has. They seriously had 3-4 guys that could burn you at any time. Odem, Wade, Jones, Butler, Alston were all dangerous. The Pistons have Wallace(if he isn't shooting 3's), Billups(but this kills the rest of the offense) and Hamilton(who is basically going to have a tough series). Hamilton is going to have a tough series for one reason, he is gong to have to run all day on offense AND defense fucking with Reggie Miller. Honestly, I think both of them are going to collapase from exhaustion by game 3. I mean really, neither one of them EVER stops moving on offense and usually rest on d(not saying they play bad D, they just aren't sprinting off screens all day). Now they are going to be chasing each other ALL FREAKING DAY. Billips vs. Pacers guards is going to be big though.
  13. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    I wouldn't even say alot really. They are the minority now. I can name the Parkers off the top of my head, and that is gone. The Hugleys was, but now its gone. I guess you could go with Tracy Morgan...but I think thats gone too. And thats about it. Oh, and that show about Dwanyne Martin and his ex and his new girl. Lisa Raye really talks like that so I can't blame the show. From Eve, Girlfriends, Half and Half...basically all the black sitcoms are full of articulate, successful business minded young adults with wacky things happening to them. You could honestly give the same scripts to white actors on most of the shows and it wouldn't miss a beat. Of course the beat sucks. Thats the problem. The shows aren't funny, the acting is bad and they suck. But the shows of "Yo, you wats up homie?????" are long gone. He just strikes me as someone who hasn't watched the shows, but is going off assumptions, because it truely isn't the case anymore.
  14. Ripper

    New person in the Monday Night Football booth?

    Charles is THE reason to watch basketball on TNT. he isn't afraid to make predictions on something and isn't afraid to admit he was wrong when he is. Plus he calls Earnie and Kenny's name more than Danny Glover called "riggs" name in the Lethal Weapon series. Now that is just funny.
  15. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    To be fair, Buffy didn't beat Evil Willow. Xander and to a lesser extent Giles did. And if you REALLY want to be fair, Angelus could've won. he was just being a dick. I mean if he really wanted to, he could done like Codry said, just slit her throat in her sleep instead of making charchol drawings. Glory could've won, but she really didn't give a flipping fuck about Buffy. She was too busy trying to get home. The First COULD'VE had Caleb Kill her but didn't want some new slayer getting the power and wanted to take her out last. So basically, Buffy Survived through circumstance.
  16. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well we would have to go with recharged Caleb against Hamilton. i personally think it would be a pointless fight with both of them getting great one liners and breaking the room, but ultimately standing back up and dusting themselves off. Besides, Hamilton got punched to death. Caleb had to get cut in hald by magical scythe thingy.
  17. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Bill actually pissed me off with his "We spoke english" line at Wanda Sykes. Wanda Sykes show wasn't funny...it wasn't even slightly entertaining. Hell it wasn't even...wait...where was I going with this... Oh yeah, it might have been a bad show, but to suggest that they "didn't speak english" is to pigieon toe all black shows in the "ebonics speaking" crap like the Parkers. Especially when it wasn't that case as in Sykes show.
  18. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Shut the hell up. This thread is going to turn to another one full of people spouting off dumbass theories about what they heard and stereotypes without anything to back it. Black people aren't always screaming racism. The percentage of blacks in higher education has been on a gradual yet constant rise since de segregation, black enrolement in the military is astronomical when compared to their percentage of the population. Blacks seeking careers in the military has been on a constant and gradual rise. You mean to tell me that *GASP* some people of the black race aren't doing the best they could with their lives. GET THE FUCK OUT~!. If only they could be like white people, a race in which every single person is living up their full potential and never commit crimes and are alway working to better themselves. EVERY group of people is split between those that will work to do better and those that will take the easy way out. It has shit to do with race, so take that "blacks cry rasicm" shit somewhere else.
  19. Ripper

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Bill hasn't seen the inner city since the 60's. Blah blah, inner city kids don't go to college because they are lazy or what ever, blah blah freaking blah. Heard it all before, doesn't make it more true.
  20. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    its funny looking around the net at people trying to think of ways they got out of it alive. That is dedication to ones show.
  21. Ripper


    *copyrights the term "booty" and all it describes*
  22. Well that was a metallic substance...
  23. Ripper

    American Idol 3

    I guess this just goes to show the difference of opinions in the world. Most people I know have been calling her the best since the first show, while the others call her number two behind Latoya. I don't know a single person, not friends, or people at work, or even people on the bus that discuss it that have once said she didn't have a great voice, besides you guys on this site. I honestly don't hear what you guys are hearing but to each their own.
  24. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Why? That girl had just as much character development as anyone on TV.