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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    Jessica Simpson

    My thing is Jessica is what would happen if christina and Britney had a baby. Christina has a incredible voice but is a so-so performer. Britney has a weak voice but is a incredible performer. Simpson has a okayish voice, and is a okayish performer. She is just inbetween them somewhere.
  2. Ripper

    American Idol 3

    Nobody critisized her this week because she owned every soul that has ever touched that Idol stage with her performance last week
  3. Ripper

    Mom prostitutes daughter for crack

    Okay, on one hand it sound bad and all but on the other it was the TV. I mean come on. It's TV. What can you do? Its T.V.
  4. Ripper

    Random questions

    Okay last night I had a dream that I was wathing this show. It was like American Idol and Simon was there and all, but instead of singing people would come up on stage and describe medical problems they had. They were describing like rashes and shit and he was calling the medical conditions pathetic and why were they wasting his time talking about it. It was like LoveLines meets American Idol. What...in the ever loving fuck...did that mean? Sersoiusly...I'm lost. Not so much of a bitching as a random what the fuck? Alright dream analysizers...get to it.
  5. Ripper

    GameCube Loses Firm Support From 2 Major Developer

    I guess. But no major developer has really high tailed it and at worse their exclusive title are becoming non exclusive, which is a trend for all of the consoles.
  6. Ripper

    Posts in consecutive threads

    I really wanted to not post here and let papcita kill the thread, but he has a fragile ego and I didn't want to hurt him. But I think I kill more threads than anyone here with strange rants that have something to do with the thread but are really REALLY weird and noone responds. I swear, my name is all over this place. You know whats even more pathetic. On the main page, one day, I had a post in ALMOST every single folder. It was just ripper all the way down. Now that was sad, even if I was trying to do it on purpose.
  7. Ripper

    GameCube Loses Firm Support From 2 Major Developer

    Less exclusive titles.... Yeah, but honestly, the number of people that buy a console for one game is not as huge a part of the market as people would like to think. MOst people that will buy a gamecube will get it because of its cheaper price. Most of the people that are exclusives chasers probably already have it for one of the other games.
  8. Ripper

    Serial Numbers...

    *arrest everyone in thread*
  9. Ripper

    Jessica Simpson

    I blame all of you horney fucker that find that weird looking chick EXTREMELYHOTOMGLOL2004~!
  10. Ripper

    GameCube Loses Firm Support From 2 Major Developer

    They aren't leaving nintendo, they are making games for all consoles, right? Thats a smart business move, how exactly is that killing the gamecube?
  11. Ripper

    Random questions

    Okay, I'm watching the Christina Millian video Dip It Low and enjoying her ability to bend over and make one ass cheek jump (great a bility that just not enough women have put forth the effort to learn how to do IMO) and I enjoy it and all, right? So they get to the last verse and I have to ask. What twisted fuck thought "Hey, lets make it look like she was in a oil spill...thats sexy right? I know those birds covered in oil on the news gets me all moist." Really, what the fuck happened to good old fashion shower/sprinklers/rain/water from no place in particular wetting the girl up in sexy videos? I am all for creativity but seriously, somethings just need to be untouched. if you creativity in a sexy video leads to you recreating environmental disasters, you need to toss that shit to the side and let the girl pop her thang in the fucking shower like any good director would do.
  12. Ripper

    Kim By Eminem Is Genius

    WHAT??!!!? *throws away "2003 is the SH*T to Me" T-Shirt* Ripper - Behind in the fashion trends since 1985
  13. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    I am going to root for Memphis/Minnesota in the west just because and New Jersey(just because everyone keeps counting them out) and DETROIT in the East (although nothing would make me happier than seeing Reggie Miller get a ring). Realistically, San Antoino probabaly repeats and people can finally shut the fuck up about Shaq/Kobe being the most dominant thing in basketball's recent history and Timmay gets some fucking credit. San Antionio over Pacer in 7 - realistiaclly believe. Minnesota over Pacers(or vice versa) in 7...off a Reggie Miller 3 - what I WANT.
  14. Ripper

    American Idol 3

    I don't think there is a question about who the final four SHOULD be. I am just wondering which one will be the first to go. I think Jennifer, then George will both job to JPL, or John Stevens.
  15. Ripper

    Canada 'sells US high-grade pot'

    Pot makes people rape babies and puppies. Harmless?
  16. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Ki Toy Johnson. The girl from the Outkast "The way you move" video. Damn indeed.
  17. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Hmm. Rockets will take it to the Lakers but will lose the series. Marice Taylor(a Houston PF) does everything on the court but suck...and rebound..but he will have a big series. The lakers could lose this series if it were a 5 game series, but I don't think the Rockets can take them in 7. Spurs Grizz...hmph. See here is the thing. Memphis went cold..yeah, But they did it with their number one scorer and rebounder hurt, and their number two scorer out. I think the SPurs will win it, but it will be a better match up than people are thinking. I can't disagree with any other pick really, although Dallas Sac is a toss up depending on what Sacramento shows up.
  18. Ripper

    Canada 'sells US high-grade pot'

    Everyday pot causes 500 bizillion deaths in the US alone. Harmless?
  19. Ripper

    Guilty Pleasure...

    There is absolutely NOTHING that has ever been done, or ever will be done, by APC that classifies as a guilty pleasure. Anyone who's ashamed to enjoy their music deserves a beating with a sack of doorknobs. I like em but I don't know about that. They have some guilty pleasure qualities. Oh, I know one...Gone by N-Sync. I really REALLY liked that song.
  20. Ripper

    Victoria's Secret Show Scrapped

    Correction: A boob with a weird metallic pastie. Actually it was a piercing. Duly noted. It was still some weird shit. That was kick ass nipple jewlery.
  21. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The man they call Jayne put his fist through a mans chest. I don't car if they all stopped and acted out a episode of melrose place while standing on their heads. I was happy with the show with the fisting of a mans chest.
  22. Ripper


    I find people in their early twenties calling centuries old practices passe funny. Getting meaningless shit on your body is passe. Don't put down tattooing because your generation fucked it up. Doing anything for fashion is pathetic, but when people do it and it means something, that is pretty damn sweet.
  23. Ripper

    Frigid Evaluations

    you said taint.
  24. Ripper

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    That's if the Lakers end up fourth. There is a scenario where if the Kings lose and the Lakers win tonight, the Kings would be fourth seed and face the Mavs and the Lakers would be second seed and face the Rockets. The way the Kings are playing, I can definitely see this scenario playing out today. Okay...never mind. *walks back out*
  25. Ripper

    American Idol 3

    That performace Fantasia gave last night was the SHIT. I really felt that.