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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    What d Hell is happening

    ... *leaves*
  2. Ripper

    What d Hell is happening

    Alright, lets pretend a certain poster just disappeared for a couple of months and came back. Catch him up on all the shit that has changed like: 1: No Johnson? WHAT HAPPENED...where can I go to point and laugh? 2: Why is Canadian Chicks name in green at the bottom of the screen. Is she powerful now...does that mean that stalking her can get me banned? *takes off his "stalkin" shirt...the dream is dead* 3: Where the hell is Choken One? 4: Most importantly, WHERE IN THE HELL IS DAMES!! Catch a brova up.
  3. Ripper

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    And noone will out do Pervis Ellison as the worst number one of all time...either him or Joe Smith. Kwame is having his rookie season this year, after two years of getting pulled if he slightly fucked up in the game (rookies are SUPPOSED to be inconsistant). In a few years, he will be a good player.
  4. Ripper

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Is that necessary? They can get married in theory. They just chose not to. And if you truly love someone, you don't need a piece of paper to tell you. Look, even if their goal is the right one (and I see no reason why they shouldn't get married) if they are going about it the wrong way (like the case in San Fran) then they will end up losing anyways because public support will turn against them. Try that one when you meet that special lady(I'm assuming): Honey, I know We've been together for 10 years and we have kids and all, but why do we need to get married...its just a piece of paper and I love you! *bats eyelashes*" Marrige means just as much to homosexuals as straight people. It is a symbolic show of love and monogamy, and to tell them they can't do it because the bible says so(which no matter what people try to say, is what this argument is all about) violates alot quite a few lows in and of itself.
  5. Ripper

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Goddamn right!
  6. Ripper

    Clinton Portis to become...

    Noone is saying that Portis is a bad RB. But Terrell Davis, Mike Anderson and Olandis Gary have all done well in Denver, so it can't just be a coincidence that Portis has also done well there. Speaking of Anderson, are they gonna give him the ball again, or are they going with that other guy (forgot his name)? back to back 1500 yard rushing years is more than just the system. You have to be a good back to do that, and when you watch Portis play, alot of his yards (basically all his big plays) come from broken tackles and cut backs, and neither of those are products of the system, they are products of a good back.
  7. Ripper

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    EXCEPT the ability to marry the person they love. Just like blacks had all the rights whites did before desegregation...except the ability to eat and learn in the same places. Its alot easier to draw parallels to the Civil Rights movement than it is homosexuality and incest, pedophililia, beastiality, and pologamy, but guess which one is alway brought up in this discussion.
  8. Ripper

    Clinton Portis to become...

    Ermm, a product of the Denver system eh? Well obviously you don't know much about the Gibbs/Bugel system, remember the Hoggs? One of the best offensive line blocking schemes/system of all time? And you need to watch some more Portis highlights, his speed combined his ability to break tackles was just as much a part of his success as the "denver system" And did you even examine the Brunell contract before making your claim about his contract? The thing is backloaded all too hell, he aint gonna be a Redskins for 7 years. He will be here 2-3 years and either retire or be cut. They still don't have the money for a good line. Brunell isn't worth any money from the Skins when they have Ramsey who was really shining until getting hit every other play finally caught up with him. Brunell is still a better QB than Ramsey.
  9. Ripper

    Clinton Portis to become...

    Tomilson>almost every back in the league. Portis is a damn fine running back though, and it will definately be a upgrade from Trung Canidate.
  10. Ripper

    2003 Razzie Award Winners

    I don't see how ANYONE can call Gigli the worst movie of all time. It doesn't crack the top 100. Don't get me wrong. Its not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination...its just kinda there. Not good...not GAWD AWFUL~!...just there. Although, I would concede the Affleck Nomination, Jennifer Lopez actually gave a good performance in that movie. That movie isn't good, but there are at least 10 movies LAST YEAR that was worst that Gigli, let alone alltime.
  11. Ripper

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    2003 - Chicago over Gangs of NY, The Hours, LOTR TTT, The Pianist (my pick: The Pianist) 2002 - A Beautiful Mind over Gosford Park, In the Bedroom, LOTR Fellowship, Moulin Rouge (my pick: looks around*...Moulin Rouge) 2001 - Gladiator over Chocolat, Erin Brockovich, Traffic, Tiger & Dragon (pick: Gladiator) 2000 - American Beauty over Cider House Rules, Green Mile, Insider, Sixth Sense (pick: Green Mile) 1999 - Shakespeare in Love over Elizabeth, Private Ryan, Thin Red Line, Life Is Beautiful (pick: Private Ryan) 1998 - Titanic over As Good As It Gets, Full Monty, Good Will Hunting, LA Confidential (pick: LA Confidential...Titanic was the LAST one that should have won ) 1997 - English Patient over Fargo, Jerry Maguire, Secrets & Lies, Shine (pick: Jerry Maguire) 1996 - Braveheart over Apollo 13, Babe, Il Postino, Sense and Sensibility (I'm fine with Braveheart winning) 1995 - Forrest Gump over Four Weddings and a Funeral, Pulp Fiction, Quiz Show, Shawshank Redemption (pick: There was noway they were going to go wrong on this one. Quiz Show is very underrated BTW, but whoevery won, I'd be happy.) 1994 - Schindler's List over The Fugitive, In The Name Of The Father, The Piano, The Remains Of The Day (pick: Schindler's List)
  12. Ripper

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    To be fair, has there ever been a Best Picture winner who NOBODY has disagreed with in recent memory? American Beauty? "American Beauty", "The Cider House Rules", "The Green Mile", "The Insider", "The Sixth Sense" American Beauty is BY FAR the best movie. I still say Green Mile owns all dem bitches.
  13. Ripper

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Er...how is that different thatn tradition based Jewish mairrage, or Hindu mairrage, or Buddhist mairrage? Maybe you know more than I do, but as far as I know they're One Man-One Woman based mairrages too. www.christian.org.uk/html-publications/gaymarriage.htm "Hinduism Pre-marital chastity ranks very high on the scale of values of most Hindus. There is strong religious and social pressure to control the senses, especially before marriage. In Hindu writings there is a marked emphasis on self-control with the sublimation of sexual urges before a person reaches the stage of the householder. There are punishments for transgressions. The Hindu literary sources are remarkably silent on homosexuality but from traditional attitudes towards chastity and sex it follows that homosexuality at any stage of life is out of line with the standard norms and values of the varnashramadharma system. In particular, not to marry and produce children could be seen as a violation of dharma ("righteousness"). Very few Hindus remain unmarried. Homosexuality is not unknown but it is a taboo topic. The reaction to AIDS in India has been even stronger pressure to remain chaste. Buddhism Traditional Buddhism identifies only two types of sexuality: that of celibate monks and nuns and that of married householders engaged in normal (heterosexual) family life. For this reason homosexual relationships may be seen as unwise or unnatural. Homosexual activity would seem to most Buddhists to break the third precept of Buddhism - refraining from the misuse of the senses. They certainly see any uncontrolled desire as potentially destructive and unwholesome and Buddhism has always taught that self-control and chastity are a high and wholesome path. Sexual misconduct is a cause for expulsion from the monastic communities. But Buddhists believe that there are no moral absolutes and that "right action" has to be worked out in whatever time, place and situation people find themselves. The spiritual leader of Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, has categorised homosexual acts as "sexual misconduct" which is "something that may be considered improper in terms of organs, time, and place; when sexual relations involve inappropriate parts of the body, or when they occur at an unsuitable time or place." Sikhism Maintenance of family honour is a dominant concern in Sikhism and sexual misconduct brings shame on a family. Sexual activity is restricted to its responsible use within marriage. This is consistent with the reference to lust in the Sikh scriptures (the Guru Granth Sahib) where it is cited as one of the five evil passions. Sikhs have not written on the subject of homosexuality. Friendships in South Asian communities between members of the same sex are strong and in fact it is regarded as right and natural that only those of the same sex hold hands or embrace in public. But it would be totally incorrect for a Westerner to assume that physical contact between members of the same sex was indicative of any homosexual tendency. Sikhs expect every man and woman to marry and have children. For a woman there is no respected or desirable alternative to the role of wife and mother. Sexual activity for both sexes must be confined to members of the opposite sex and within marriage. According to Sikh belief, union with God is not possible while one is at the mercy of a wayward impulse. Any surrender to instincts incompatible with conjugal fidelity or with the proper role of men and women as marriage partners would be condemned. Judaism Marriage is considered by the rabbis to be the ideal state for any man and marriage is intended to imitate the relationship between Adam and Eve - one man and one woman - and for the fulfilment of the duty to have children. Under the Jewish system any sex outside of marriage is, strictly speaking, impossible to achieve since having sex is one of the three stages of marriage. By having sex with a partner one has already embarked on the marriage process. There appears to be nothing in Jewish sources which recognises that people may be homosexual, only that they indulge in homosexual practices. The most influential text is found in the Torah (Leviticus 19:12), "You shall not lie with men as with women; it is an abomination", and in Leviticus 20:13, "If a man lies with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; and they shall certainly be put to death." The Talmud, which was written over a period of a thousand years and completed in the sixth century, considers whether or not two men should be alone together but decides that it is acceptable because "Jews do not behave in such a way". Interestingly, by the sixteenth century and the writing of the Shulkhan Arukh, Rabbi Joseph Caro advises that, owing to current standards of behaviour amongst some people, it would be wise for two men not to be alone together. Jeffrey Satinover, himself a Jew, notes: "On the basis of the Pentateuch, the Talmud treats all sexual activity outside of marital relations, including masturbation, unequivocally as sins, though it makes careful distinctions concerning their varying severity. Lesbianism, for example is treated as a less severe sin than male homosexuality; the various Talmudic discussions concerning lesbianism view it as less of a threat to family formation and stability than the always potentially rogue male sexuality." "Thus Rabbinic discussions of homosexuality begin with the fact of its sinfulness and moral unacceptability but quickly make two important points. First, as in all matters pertaining to human failings, a strict distinction must be maintained between the sin and the person... Second, the Rabbinic discussions make a refined distinction as to the degree of culpability that individuals bear for their homosexual behaviour, depending on the situation." Islam Excess in sexual relations is one of the root vices identified by Islam. Sexual intercourse is the ultimate physical union between a man and a woman to express their love and commitment to each other. The result of sexual intercourse, procreation, is the contribution which human beings make towards the continuation of God's creation. Islam prohibits sex outside marriage. Marriage - which can only be between a man and a woman - is the place within which both the emotional and creative power of sexual intercourse can be controlled. Islam holds that when there is excess or deficiency in the desire for sexual intercourse an imbalance can occur in the personality. Excess overpowers reason and leads to adultery, fornication and other mortal sins. Islam forbids homosexual and lesbian relations. Islam views such relations as unnatural and a deviation from the norm. Specific mention is made of its practice in the Quran where Lot warns against the practice of homosexuality: "What! Of all creatures, do you approach males and leave the spouses whom your Lord has created for you? Indeed, you are people transgressing [all limits]" (Quran 26: 165-6) and "Do you commit adultery as no people in creation [ever] committed before you? For you practise your lusts on men in preference to women: You are indeed a people transgressing beyond limits." (Quran 7:84). Sodomy is considered to be an act against one's natural disposition ('asl-al-fitra) because it is considered to be sex merely to satisfy one's passion and performed with part of the body for which sexual intercourse was not created. It also includes anal sex with one's wife. All Muslim jurists agree that sodomy is a sexual offence though they differ as to its appropriate punishment."
  14. Ripper

    The Passion of the Christ

    Well, maybe Gibson felt that the other portrayals of the cruxifiction have been pussified and therefore took away from the message. You agree or disagree, but calling it pornographic for being accurate is a bit strong, don't you think? What has been described IS what happens when you are whipped in the severity that people were whipped back then.
  15. Ripper

    Ironic songs....

    Alanis Morriessttes examples of ironic moments in her song "Ironic" aren't actually consider ....um...Iron..i..cies...or whatever. You know what I mean.
  16. Ripper

    The Passion of the Christ

    Haven't seen the movie, and I won't see the movie, but I nevertheless agree entirely with Banky. I won't subject myself to this kind of depraved, gory filth. If anyone's "personal relationship with Jesus" is strengthened by watching graphic depictions of his sadistic torture, perhaps he needs to re-evaluate his relationship. My wife is the daughter of a Baptist preacher, and the first time we went to his church to hear his Sunday sermon, I asked her why the cross at the front wasn't a crucifix (for you non-Christians, the difference is simply that a crucifix also portrays Jesus, usually hanging from the cross) as it is in Catholic churches. She said that Baptists don't use crucifixes because they think such symbols place too much emphasis on Jesus's torture and death, as opposed to his forgiveness and love - which was the whole point. Having read some reviews of this pornographic movie, and having seen far too many disgusting stills, I'm starting to appreciate that perspective. Plus, I loathe Mel Gibson and I find his martyr's complex ridiculous. But using that theory, why would anyone ever see a film portraying a single historical or written event. I mean, you basically know how everything ends if you read it, its all about watching how it is portrayed on the screen. I always thought that was the point of film. How was it suppose to be portrayed? The Romans gave Jesus backrubs and foot massages until he got on the cross and then have a little trickle of blood come down his forehead like all those pictures. The Bible is full of gory deaths (from being eaten alive by dogs, boiled to death, stoned, cruxified upside down, beheadings...etc.) how would a film trying to be correct, according to the literature, be any different. I want to see it, but I don't watch subtitled films at the theather(bad eyes). I like Gibsons directing style (kinda like Clint Eastwoods only not as good...hard to explain) and from what I have seen it looks like some damn fine perfomances. I have no intrest in seeing the movie as some life affirming experience, but solely as a film that happens to be about Jesus.
  17. Ripper

    What d Hell is happening

    I lost my black in a horrible car accident. It still pains me to talk about. *cries*
  18. Agreed. Racism is racism. We can't allow double standards to exist for things like this. You do know that Trent Lott still has his job, right.
  19. Ripper

    Want to be a collectible??

    Toaster Ovens aren't new and cutting edge now are they? Phones get more and more hi tech and what becomes the best selling phone?... A "classic" rotoray phone with the features of the newer ones. People want whats new, not whats better. To tell the truth I own a toaster that does adjust for the size of the breat/bagel, the little cage on the outside just presses up against it. So the idea is neither new or cutting edge anyway. I win. And I want one of those phones. If I had a land line I'd buy one of them for 80 bucks at Pottery Barn. I suck. *sues Dids and his toaster company for stealing my idea...that I stole from AoO*
  20. How would one pull that off? *FLIPS OFF ANGLESAULT FOR CATCHING THAT BEFORE I COULD CHANGE IT* Maybe its a really small state and....SHADDUP!!! I was too busy being really REALLY sarcastic....SHADDUP!! *runs*
  21. I swear to god when I saw this I knew who the first two people that would respond would be you two. RIPPER THE PSYCHIC!!!!! It will all get swept under the rug because she is black though. If she were white and made racist remarks she would never make it in politics. I can't think of one time that someone made a racist remark and stayed in office well into their 90's, ran for president, became mayor of a state or anything like that. NOT ONE CASE. She should be fired and kicked out of washington just like Trent Lott was.
  22. Ripper

    Who would win in a fight...

    How could anyone pick the astronauts. The cavemen, while smaller and dumber, are more feral, athletic and stronger. They would wipe the floor with the astronauts.
  23. Ripper

    OAO Ban Mole Thread.

    Mole is "owning" everyone because he stated his case, provided numerous points about his case, cited examples, and basically made a better case to why this "BAN MOLE" movement is basically just a overblown bitch fest than you guys have made to why he should be kicked off the site. In my opinon of course.
  24. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well...thats Lornes THING. Thats like saying "How many times are they gonna have a problem and Wes goes and does research on it?" or "How many times is Angel going to Vamp out...its getting old." Angel is the Vamp...Wes is Research Guy and Lorne is "reads you when you sing guy". You have to admit though, the look he had on his face when they did it wednsday owned all of the other times. He moved slower when he knew Holtz was about to blow up the bar than he did turning around to catch Fred.
  25. Ripper

    Want to be a collectible??

    Toaster Ovens aren't new and cutting edge now are they? Phones get more and more hi tech and what becomes the best selling phone?... A "classic" rotoray phone with the features of the newer ones. People want whats new, not whats better.