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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That episode RAWKED on so many levels it wasn't even funny....and no one noticed.
  2. Ripper

    Seau is a RACIST~!

    Yeah, you're TOO LATE in arguing with me about the whole double-standard racist thing... Well...I could start up using nl5xsk1 post, but instead I will bask in the glory of a thread celebrating the pros and cons of watermelon.
  3. Ripper

    Pam Anderson

    Well, it is KNOWN that she didn't have it before she got married to TOmmy. Then she had it after they were married. Of course she could have been cheating on him and used the other guys razors to shave her legs or something, but I'm going to lean towards the guy she was sharing a home with.
  4. Ripper


    I was saving my last one to rub icing on the body parts of ethnically mixed women. Are you a ethnically mixed woman Tom...well...are you? Didn't think so. What?.... No, being one on the inside doesn't count.
  5. Ripper

    Trade Me To Dallas

    Please...top 3? Jamal Lewis, Clinton Portis, Preist Holmes, Stephen Davis, and Edgerin James are 5 off the top of my head that are better.
  6. Ripper


    I'm black and Cherokee edit: And Seminole(before my Moms side of the family hunts me down and kicks my ass)....I should REALLY hate white people.
  7. Ripper


    Oooh! Oooh! Do me next! I never get any attention around here! Oh man, you're a goldmine of prejudiced cracks. Catholic, Woman, lesbian, government employee..need I go on? With any luck, you're polish. If only she were French.....if only....
  8. Ripper


    Marney...your dresses cost too much money!!!! ... I'm really not good at this insult game...
  9. Ripper


    Hey, I am more than happy to let that be the reason my neighbors complain. Beats having the music too loud anyday.
  10. Ripper


    Dag nabit. Now I have to go back to making overly sarcastic remarks about wrestling or something...Or work...guess I could do that.... *sigh* *eats cupcake*
  11. Ripper


    never touched the game and so am I. I personally will try to arrange a 3 way with a Asian/Black girl and a White/Spanish girl. JUST to spite vic....Yeah...just for that reason.
  12. Ripper


    Because it produces women who look like Halle Berry. Next question. This is the best answer though.
  13. Ripper


    You have no opinon that makes sense. I can think of many reason people shouldn't fuck YOU. Because another generation of extremely stupid people will result. Why should any two people get together? Answer that and you know why two races should be able to mix.
  14. Ripper


    Why isn't it. What the fuck kind of question it that?
  15. Ripper


    And the permanent tan thing doesn't make much perfect sense either as there were tribes of "black" people indigenous to areas far north of the equator.
  16. Ripper


    You're a Negro, remember? Our people don't mix. I could be struck down by God if I touched you! *shakes fist at heavens* Damn you God and your rules that you never actually stated or even alluded to but we must follow because stupid people say so!!!!!
  17. Ripper


    Heh. I so saw that one coming. <perches on Agent's head, blindfolds him with her calves, and then steals a cupcake> Shit, I got cupcakes too if that is the method you are going about to get them.
  18. Ripper


    And there were supposedly 12 tribes(according to the Bible) in those days. Mary and Joseph were from two different people. OMG~! JESUS'S PARENTS WERE DIRTY RACE MIXERS!!!!!!!
  19. Ripper


    One brother apparently made it all the way to america but was forgotten about by the other brothers.
  20. Ripper


    And at what point did the bible EVER say for them not to come together. WHERE? If the intention was to mix races then he wouldn't have sent them out to create several new races. Common sense, you ever heard of it? So...you are using the story of how the world was flooded COMPLETELY after building a big boat that could carry 2 of every animal on earth (including penguins and Polar bears that were abumndant in the Middle East back then) and one old man and a couple of women and his sons went and repopulated the earth, all the while going through THOUSANDS of years of evolutionary change in the matter of years and cite COMMON SENSE as the reason I am wrong... For arguments sake, lets say I do think that this was a literal story and I believe in every single bit of what is written in the bible and was a 100% saintified christian. Still, no where in the bible does god tell the people not to mix races. Meanwhile he did condemn everything from homosexuality to eating shell fish to the way women should groom their hair. You'd think that would be a easy one to mention if he was against it. You know...common sense would tell you that.
  21. Ripper


    I was going to grab the one with the white frosting but I didn't want to get smitted-the-fuck-down by our Segregationist God.
  22. Ripper


    And at what point did the bible EVER say for them not to come together. WHERE?
  23. Ripper


    Hey...can I have the one with sprinkles? *grabs cupcake and runs before AoO can say yes or no*
  24. Ripper


    Where did I say anything about white people? Are you saying that you are the representative of white people and by calling you the fucking dolt you are I am insulting all white people? and how is go be fruitful and multiply translated into "Hey, don't fuck each other...stay separate." They were all the same race. So how does anything you just said make the least bit of sense. They started the different TRIBES of people, not different races seeing as that wouldn't be possible as they were BROTHERS. How's about reading the book instead of hanging from the nuts of what ever dumb ass told you that stupid shit. If you believe that the story of Noah was literal, then at least get the shit right.
  25. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    When that scene in season 3 came along, when the "Father will consume the child" or whatever was proven to be false, the FIRST thing I thought of was that Prophecy and how Angel would think that if this can be a lie, why can't all of them.