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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. The only good match he had with any of those guys was against Jericho at Unforgiven 2001. His KOTR 2002 match was okay. His only other good matches in the WWF have come against Eddy Guerrero. A-Train has had better matches with Benoit then RVD has. That should tell you something about Rob's talent level right there. WHAT? Come on, those matches he had with Rob for the IC title were miles ahead of the A-Train matches. And he had good matches with Angle(though the finishes sucked with the Alliance interfering...), Rock(though the finish sucked with Jerhico interfering), Brock(though the finish sucked with Heyman...I think I am seeing a pattern here) and that match against Taker STILL is Takers best match in years(IMO of course...). Lets put it like this, RVD has had good matches with enough varied opponents of different wrestling styles to warrent getting put in the upper ME scene. You don't need the belt to be there, but you do need a interesting storyline and TV/Match time. Thats what he needs.
  2. Ripper

    Pam Anderson

    And BTW, Hep C is spread through direct contact with blood. It CAN be transmitted through sex, but it is so fucking rare that it isn't considered a viable way of spreading. The Tattoo needles which Pam said, is a VERY likely way that it could happen, unless she did a lot of drugs she had to shoot up. Honestly, in all likelihood, Tommy gave it to her.
  3. Ripper

    Pam Anderson

    She got that shit from Tommy and he fucking knows it. I like how people always try to call HER a whore when Tommy Lee has probably fucked 10 times the people she has. And she isn't back with Tommy, the two actually are back on speaking terms now. Tommy is getting married to Prince's ex wife.
  4. Ripper

    The Ring

    It took me a while to remember that Amelie was in french. I got so into the movie, I completely forgot...it...it was in french, right?
  5. Ripper

    Who wants to learn?

    Maybe it just that everytime I read something, I imagine it being screamed at me...but I think it conveys the passion of the writer... ... or maybe I just have issues.
  6. Ripper

    Who wants to learn?

    In her defense, it was a kickass paragraph.
  7. Ripper

    Celts: Twan Gone

    The Knicks have an official Mascot or are you talking about Spike Lee? Someone has to jump off tramplenes at half time and dunk the ball...then Kurt Thomas fouls them midshot when he is supposed to be in the locker room. I wish it was Spike Lee. Then he would have something to do writing making movies.
  8. Ripper

    Celts: Twan Gone

    I like Kurt Thomas though. He is a pretty good player the 5 minutes he plays before fouling everyone on the court(including the Mascot, cheerleaders and announcers) in needless acts of aggression. I can't wait till the Knicks play the Mavs so I can see who fouls out first, Fortson or Thomas.
  9. Ripper

    Celts: Twan Gone

    I'm sure the Knicks would be the first to offer Kurt Thomas and Charlie Ward. I swear if I think if I thought about getting rid of my sofa, the Knicks would offer Kurt and Charlie to me for it.
  10. Yeah...thats basically it. You have a good/decent worker that one half is calling terrible because he doesn't limp enough and the other side calling great for some reason or other. One side is ignoring his faults while the other side ignores that thier favorite wrestlers do the SAME spotty selling...but thats okay because they aren't RVD. Look, RVD isn't the greatest wrestler, but he diffinately isn't the worse worker. If your argument that RVD shouldn't be put in the world title or ME scene because he doesn't sell a limb, you are reaching. He needs to be there because the monotony at the top needs to be broken up to garner any fan intrest.
  11. Ripper

    Celts: Twan Gone

    ok, but you can't agree with making fun of a player after trading him. Especially when that player has been a leader and the heart and soul of the team for years To be honest, I still haven't seen that quote anywhere. if he DID say it, then yeah, that wrong, but every quote I have seen on the situation has not been any making fun of Antione. He did say that he felt Twan's presense stiffled the leadership abilities of other players(and we all know he was basically saying Paul Pierce here) and that he felt that his overall influence over the team was more negative than positive.
  12. Ripper

    Celts: Twan Gone

    The suns went 40-34 in his first year, after a 0-13 start(Cotton Fitzsimmons quit after 0-8 and Robert Horry/Sam Cassell were both playing like crap for Danny's first 5 games) They went 56-26 in 1997, his first full year as head coach 27-23 in the lockout year(I don't think you can hold anything that happend this year against the coaches) And was 13-7 in 1999 before he quit. He is a DAMN good coach.
  13. Ripper

    Jyndrak and Cade

    You RACIST~? Maybe Maven should join up with Hurricane. He could be Huffman. He..huffs...man...
  14. Ripper

    "Behind Blue Eyes"

    How long til Fred says he slept with Halle Berry? Right before the next album comes out would be my guess.
  15. Ripper

    What the fuck?

    Fuck that, popick is right. That shit is unneccesary closeness. If you were in the movie theater and some guy just come and sits next to you when there are like 4 other people in the theater, you telling me you don't find that the least bit annoying. If it is a attractive woman, at least something good can come out of it. But if it is a guy, him sitting next to me serves no purpose except taking my fucking arm rest and me having to hear him breathe and that is just goddamned annoying. If there are 50 other godamn urinals, WHY chose the one directly next to someone else. Thats too close to my personal space. Personal space should only be comprimised when absolutely necessary. If you're up in my face, all close on a crowded subway fine. If no one is on the subway and you get freakishly close to me...problem. In other words, Poppick, next time it happens say "Get the fuck to the other fucking urinal you fucking fuck." really REALLY loud and I guarentee you won't have this problem again. And if you get fired, well, that just the price we have to pay sometimes.
  16. Ripper

    Mad Hatter strikes again

    Ahhh, but did he say Jews are over-rated? And I don't take any news organization with the name "Scotsman" in it -- was waiting for a "LOL2003" or "Downs Syndrome" remark... Actually I was expecting a Jew joke...
  17. Ripper

    Celts: Twan Gone

    Those numbers aren't good enough for a Top 10 pick in the draft. Those numbers are better than most top 10 draft picks. Do we really want to compare the numbers of Sharone Wright, Acie Earl, Lindsey Hunter, Calbert Cheney, Lamond Murry, Eric Montross, Shawn Bradly,...I could do this for days. Literally. In Denver, he was hovering around the 15 point a game marker. In Dallas, 9. And lets not forget, the guy shoot 50+ percent from the field which will be a considerable step up from Walkers 38%. AND he can rebound and block shots. The Celtics do lose their floor leader and playmaker, and that will be HUGE. That is the main thing I see them having to try and overcome.
  18. Ripper

    Celts: Twan Gone

    Uh, Danny Ainge is a GREAT NBA coach with a GREAT record. Took a 0-13 Suns team to the playoffs and ALMOST out of the first round, and had a great season the next year. Ainge QUIT coaching, he never got fired. I think he is a great guy to run a team. And Danny Ainge joked about alot of players when he was an announcer. Thats just plain nitpicking.
  19. Ripper

    RVD's badly botched spot

    Probably not. This is Benoit screwing up, so people wouldn't remember such a thing. You must have dreamed it. I remember I dreamed that time that he forgot to roll out of the way of a frog splash from RVD. I was like. "How, Beniots lucky. That could have hurt him and RVD" Everyone else: "Why isn't RVD still selling the shoulder. He sucks so bad...blahblahblahblahblahblah." Weird dream. Must've been that Chinese food.
  20. Ripper

    Ashton + Demi Moore

    Here is my thing, if YOU had a chance to fuck Demi Moore, would it be to further your career or would it be because she is hot? There's a huge difference between fucking Demi Moore, and MARRYING Demi Moore. The latter implies some degree of committment (ideally for life) and I wouldn't be hasty to do that with a woman twice my age on looks alone. Looks fade. Sorry, try again next time. Well obviously it went further than fucking. But thats all it takes to start something doesn't. The want to have some sex. She obviously is a intresting enough person for him to want to marry her. My point is that if it were your next door neighbor or something, would anyone question the legitamacy by saying they are trying to get attention? I don't think they would. I seriously doubt either of them are getting into this for the publicity.
  21. Ripper

    Ashton + Demi Moore

    Here is my thing, if YOU had a chance to fuck Demi Moore, would it be to further your career or would it be because she is hot? Why is it that when celebrities do shit, their motives are questioned SO much just because they are in front of a camera. If your friend who isn't in Hollywood married a girl after 6-7 months of dating, how long do you give that marrige? Why should they last longer in Hollywood...especially when they don't see each other for weeks at a time. Of course marriges end quickly there. Of course it looks like they are jumping around from relationship to relationship for pub when there is a camera in their face on every date. If there were paparatzi following you around everytime you hit on a girl, how often would you be on tabloids. And once again, its not for pub, its because they are people...stupid people...but people who are doing shit on a whim. It might work out and it might not, but I don't believe that it is for publicity. Michael Jackson/Lisa Marie...thats for publicity. But where is the logic in "Demi fucks young guys...let GIVE HER ACTING JOBS!!!!"
  22. Ripper

    Ashton + Demi Moore

    If all these kids all stay in High School until their mid 30's, we know who to blame.
  23. Ripper

    Mad Hatter strikes again

    That was Rush Limbaughs theory too. "People got angry so it must be true". *waits*
  24. Ripper

    "Behind Blue Eyes"

    I hate Fred Durst. Thats about all I got. And I liked behind blue eyes...now he ruined it for me. Where is Anthony Stewart Head to bring the song back to prominence when you need him?
  25. Ripper

    Ashton + Demi Moore

    Because if she convinces him to take her last name, his name will be Ashton Moore and like the guy or not, that is a pretty fucking cool name.