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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    Some drama.....

    I SO knew that was coming.
  2. Ripper

    Alyson Hannigan getting NBC show

    Thats because it is way to late for you now. You can't jump in on year 8-9 and try to watch one of these shows. Its like trying to walk in at the end of a movie to see what all the hype was about. By season 3-4, everyshow says FUCK the new viewers and is basically full of inside jokes and character traits that only the diehard fans will get. Just how episodic television goes. I mean i don't care what anyone says, Monica trying to see the maids crotch because she thinks that she stole her jeans and the maid thinking she is a lesbian and Ross and Rachel cheering on the death of a old lady so they can get the apartment...that shit is GOLD~! Unless your entire reply to me was sarcastic then let me retort with saying that I gave "Friends" multiple chances when I was a sophomore in highschool, 1996. That is the earliest I remember seeing it. And I thought it was garbage back then too. I just feel that way too many folks feel they are SUPPOSED to like these shows because afterall, hey, it is "must-see tv" Hey, I'm a southern black guy. I think it is suppose to be in my blood to hate this show. But that shit is funny. Although I didn't think it was really good until its 4th season. And it still remains, in episodic television that follows the one long storyline format, it is tough to sample the show here and there and get a good feel for it. I think that the reason that more people automatically go for Seinfeld(despite the early years being hilarious) was that every show was self contained. When you run episodic shows which turn out to be 22-23 hour long stories just broken up into pieces, its tough to get into.
  3. I'm slipping man. In the early nineties, I could tell you every player down to the 12th man on every bench and knew their strengths and weaknesses on the court. Ripper: The first Brooks Thompson mark before he got PT in Orlando...
  4. Ripper

    Manute Bol to become jockey

    What I hate is when guys like BOl go and ask the NBA for money for their cause and they donate 250,000. WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL!!! This is a multi BILLION dollar business. Shaq spends 250,000 on a leather coat(seriously, how many cows does that take) and the cheap little assholes won't donate more money than that. Especially to a ex NBA-er who they know is up to only good. Same thing goes for all sports. "The braves will donate 50 dollars for every home run hit this season to help homeless children" 50 fucking dollars. Thats how much you made off nearly every SINGLE person in the stadium at least every SINGLE home game. I hate people.
  5. Ripper

    Alyson Hannigan getting NBC show

    Thats because it is way to late for you now. You can't jump in on year 8-9 and try to watch one of these shows. Its like trying to walk in at the end of a movie to see what all the hype was about. By season 3-4, everyshow says FUCK the new viewers and is basically full of inside jokes and character traits that only the diehard fans will get. Just how episodic television goes. I mean i don't care what anyone says, Monica trying to see the maids crotch because she thinks that she stole her jeans and the maid thinking she is a lesbian and Ross and Rachel cheering on the death of a old lady so they can get the apartment...that shit is GOLD~!
  6. Ripper

    Sapp blasts NFL 'slave system'

    Well lets say there was a white guy named... Lesse Lackson. All of a sudden, Lesse claims that he is a representative of all white people(adimitidly this would be tough seeing as white people are seen as individuals unlike the rest of the minorities in this country, but thats another rant) and everytime a black guy said something that could be construde as racist, Lesse comes in with his followers(that make up a minute about of the race, mind you) and boycotts, sues, or whatever and the press shoves cameras in his face. Then they do a poll, of the white people there that are supporting Lackson and say on the knews that 95% of white people agree with these tactics. Lackson and his lawyers on the other hand, gets a out of court settlement out of court with the people he has bullied into the bad press and takes a percentage before giving it to a "worthy cause" (aka, the lawyers and big press affiliates). Continue this cycle. Add a few more guys like Sal Harpton to fight the "cause" and then you have just as much rawkus when black say shit as whites. As it is, whites protest and boycott black statements just as much as whites...but who do they shove the cameras on and who gets labeled as the ones crying "racism". Lauryn Hill, there were CD burnings by white groups after she said " I write my music from a black point of view and for black people so when some white people don't get it, its understandable." There was outcry, Lauryn was a racist...blahblahblah. But the cameras weren't all over the place. There was no Lesse Lackson there to bring cameras and make speechs. So basically the same uprising on Lauryn Hill goes unknown while if 4 black people get pissed over something, there apparently is a uproar in the black community.
  7. Ripper

    Sapp blasts NFL 'slave system'

    1: Rush Limbagh is a bigger name that Warren Sapp and trancends sports. More people care about Rush's stupidity than Sapp's. 2: Rush Limbagh is a known racist, so saying racial things will set people off. Sapp is just now coming out of the closet. 3: Rush was there to give football analysis and instead decided to interject his opinions on the media pushing of black QB's. When asking Warren to say something that would require something longer than one sentence, you are asking for trouble. B 4: It took 2 days for the Limbaugh storm to start, so maybe there is a two day waiting period on stupid comments. 5: What the fuck is Sapp going to do? Resign from the NFL. Two different jobs two different reprecussions. 6: They are both overrated pieces of shit (rush's so called ability to argue his points and Warren being a so called good defensive lineman) who spout off at the mouth and are going to catch hell for it. 7: I have seen this alot of places. You just weren't looking if you didn't see it. 8: Rush's comments were in relation to a big controversy that the league went through for years and had out grown. His comments brought back into the spotlight a black eye on the sport. And as seen in the sports world recently, there are some idiots that ignore all the facts and say that he might have been on to something. Everyone will look at Warrens comments and know that it holds no validity, never has and he is incredibly stupid. 9: Rush Limbaugh got on his radio show, called the Dixie Chicks "Sadaams Angels", called for boycotting their music from radio stations, promoted a CD burning, and said "I pay to hear you sing, not to here you political views". The massive hypocracy just came back on him.
  8. Ripper

    Sapp blasts NFL 'slave system'

    I think they suspended Rocker a month...but then again, Bud Selig is a fucking moron.
  9. Ripper

    Sapp blasts NFL 'slave system'

    I don't know. It just sounds like more of the whiney "but black people can say what they want" bullshit. If white people had a group led by a guy that has figured out how to line his own pockets anytime something vaguely racist is said, it would get press to. Press does not necessarily equal more trouble.
  10. Ripper

    Members Of The 4 Man X Tag

    The first time I saw "Mr. 630" (or 20...what ever number it is) I just kinda sat there and stared at the screen for minutes like "What the fuck did I just see?"
  11. Ripper

    Alyson Hannigan getting NBC show

    Except Matt LeBlanc actually got some movie roles like Lost in Space. *stares blankly at LaParka* ... He also got that role as rookie baseball player who gets to keep the basball playing monkey. Look at it like this. Matthew Perry- Played Oz in Whole 9 Yards, has a couple of very good romantic comedies under his belt(Fools Rush In, Three to Tango). Jennifer Aniston - Rockstar, Bruce Almighty, The Good Girl etc. David Shimmer- Band of Brothers, indie films a go-go, couple of romantic comedies under his belt Lisa Kudrow - Romy and Michelle, indie films, that movie with Val Kilmer about the porn star, Analyze this and that. Courtney Cox-Arquettte-...3000 miles to grace land (heh, guilty pleasure), Scream Trilogy Matt Leblanc- Monkey movie, Lost in Space and bit part in Charlies Angels. See where I am going here. He might get parts, but he is the one that has no post-joey career. Nick Brendon has no post Xander career. Sure, he might show up as MoonDog in the sequal to that beach movie he did(that shit was funny though) or a cameo here or there, but his career is basically over rather he knows it or not. And Marsters...theres only so many parts that he will get with the blonde hair and that is his "thing" that sets him apart. He is a great actor, but his resume now includes "Camera man" that got once scene in House on Haunted Hill, a guest spot on Andromina and in a movie that Amber Benson(Tara) wrote and directed. Hollywood isn't exactly showing him the love either.
  12. Ripper

    Recent purchases

    Adaption Spun(accidentally got the fucking rated R version thus ruining the movie for me) Requiem for a Dream(luckily got the Directors cut...now I need Pi) Family Guy Season 3 Matrix Reloaded(well, in a few hours)
  13. Ripper

    Alyson Hannigan getting NBC show

    Nick Brendon is never going to work again. I have said this since I started watching Buffy and I say it now. he will never get another job in the acting business unless Joss Whedon or a Mutant Enemy person is directing. And to be honest with you...I don't think James Marsters will ever find work again once the Angel ends. He will probably have to go back to the stage. Its not because they aren't great actors because they are, but they are like Matt Leblanc....he is a good actor but when it is all said and done, Joey is the last character he will ever play.
  14. Ripper

    People Don't Like Me

    I see why so many people don't like you. You argue points, they get ripped apart and proven wrong and you just continue to argue the exact same thing, despite it being shown by multiple posters that you were wrong. Learn to argue and maybe people wouldn't consider you such a idiot...then you'd just be a guy who has a differnet opinion. RIght now, you just stick your fingers in your ears and shout "lLALALALALALAALALALLAALLAAA" so you don't hear anyone else.
  15. ... Weird. I pride myself on knowing every NBA player by face and name. Yet...Bobby Simmons is drawing a blank... Hmm...
  16. Ripper

    Sapp blasts NFL 'slave system'

    I think they were in Tennessee. Maybe he means he is like Tennessee slaves.
  17. Ripper

    Speculation on Dany Heatley

    Its difficult to gauge since the persont that died was in the accident with him. If he had hit someone else, he would be gone for 3-5 without question, but in this case, he very well could get off. But now there is this big rawkus over Juran Boulden(Falcons Cornerback) getting prefrential treatment after his arrest and it is all over the news. Sadly, this might make the state go after heatley more to show that they aren't soft on atheletes with all this bad press they have now.
  18. Ripper

    Some drama.....

    Maybe it was both. Natural, yeah. Maybe it was a tampon MADE OUT of sticks.
  19. Ripper

    Your top 10 posters?

    I was right there with you. And I wasn't on a single list in here. Although I did come in second *coughbullshitcough* to Zack in the Poster Tourney. weird.
  20. Ripper

    IQ test.

    Jesus, do I have to walk you through the gimmick? Okay, you come in and write a summary of the thread and give star ratings. And say shit like "I love shoot comments that....blahblahblah" Dammitt do the damn thing right or don't do it at all.
  21. Ripper

    Sapp blasts NFL 'slave system'

    Lets not be confused here. Rocker was more villified because he insulted NEW YORK, not different races. New York...media central, and he had the nerve to insult its people. THAT is why the media jumped down his throat. If he said that shit about Seattle, he would have caught half the flack.
  22. Ripper

    Trish does it again

    Linda Miles(I refuse to call her Shaniqua) has one of the prettier faces. She is just TOO muscular and cut and it totally takes away from it.
  23. Ripper

    Sapp blasts NFL 'slave system'

    Mike get the fuck out of here. If someone white had said it he wouldn't have been suspended and you know it. He will probably get fined out the ass, just like anyone else would, but when has a player ever gotten suspended for making stupid comments.
  24. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Dawn had : "Does anybody even notice? Does anybody even CAAAAARRRRREEEEEE! *SCREAMS* That was all.
  25. Ripper

    Real World/Road Rules The Gauntlet

    I'm feeling the lack of Jisela's ass. Her ass deserved its own intro in the beganing. Now I can just stare at Veronica and Coral. If they get eliminated, I'm outta there.