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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II: THE FINAL~!

    What? No love for me constantly killing you in the SAGA~!...oh...wait...I..I guess that would explain it.
  2. Ripper

    Paris praises Mumia

    Yeah, I mean he is guilty in my eyes because he obviously shot the guy and they try to say he didn't. If he went for a self defense or justifiable homicide plea, maybe. But to say he didn't do it...comeon.
  3. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well...it's not like their doing anything....well...except for Robia being all hawt. But seriously, just the end of the season 7 premire showed how willing the actors were to come back.
  4. Ripper

    Philly Jack may talk to MJ

    I think it would happen 5 minutes into the season opener.
  5. Ripper

    New Me's wife kicks the shit out of him!

    No no no... New Me had a MikeSC and it kicked the shit out of HIM... Its not that difficult to figure out chave...geez... The New Me had MikeSC? I have never been so sure of my heterosexuality... I don't know the story but I am assuming that the cock shots thread and a IM had somthing to do with it.
  6. Ripper

    New Me's wife kicks the shit out of him!

    No no no... New Me had a MikeSC and it kicked the shit out of HIM... Its not that difficult to figure out chave...geez...
  7. Ripper

    Philly Jack may talk to MJ

    They paid next to nothing for Payton and Malone. And Jordan would be a veteran exception. It wouldn't hurt them at all. All the Laker money is tied up in Kobe and Shaq. No one else there is making major bucks.
  8. Ripper

    Why is Prop 54 a bad thing?

    What change, though? Don't most jobs have that box gone anyway. They just need to remove it from school admissions and such and it will be fine. Its not like Califorina has AA or anything that this would affect. The ONLY reason people didn't want this to go through was the illegal immigrant thing...at least thats all I can think of.
  9. Ripper

    Bradshaw getting a divorce

    It has been almost 2 years now right...wait...how long has it been?
  10. Ripper

    NBA preseason has begun

    What, be an inconsistent shooting guard? I am still unsure who will be the starter Mercer, Turkoglu or Ginobili? Mercer will back up Ginobli at the 2 and Hedo will back up Bowen at the 3.
  11. Ripper

    NBA preseason has begun

    Yeah, he isn't anything resembling a point guard. He will get the start over Eric. And Mercer is alot better than people try to make him seem. he just gets traded alot. He put up over 20 per game in Chicago, had a great season in Orlando/Denver and was delegated to having only a few minutes in Indy. He will play the Stephen Jackson role(technically Manu's role from last year actually) and will be better at it than Stephen Jackson was.
  12. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Did you notice Wes almost trip and bust his ass(back to the clumsy Wes that we all know) and the Fred and Charles share a little look and walk off all awkward? It little throwbacks like that to let me know that a: Whedon wrote it. and b: they don't forget character nuances for us that have been there for the long run.
  13. Ripper

    Why is Prop 54 a bad thing?

    Fuck anyone for going to school on my tax dollars and leeching off the system while they're in this country illegally and getting paid under the table. If someone wants to come to America the right way, then they deserve their piece of the pie at dinner. But anyone who's here illegally who just leeches off the money provided by honest taxpayers is a fucking thief. The combined losses in taxes that would go to these illegals (who, once again are giving back to the economy through their purchases) are no where near to the waste of said tax dollars by the government, and the tax moneys never collected by corporate tax evasion/loopholes. I'm not saying that the immigration problem is cool, but when people try to point at "all the jobs we lose" and "what about my taxes" and "it kills the economy" as reason, I find it laughable. Immigrant patronage keep many business out of the red and make up a huge profit for others and that keeps people employed. They work for companies doing jobs that don't want to be done by anyone else, and make seriously large(although this is never mentioned) contributions to our blood supplies, and organ donations. If you are against illegal immigrants, thats all fine and good, but lets not pretend that this country doesn't make massive profits from them that otherwise wouldn't be made.
  14. Ripper

    Paris praises Mumia

    I would but it would require me to research this pointless argument that I personally don't care about. I'm sure someone will. But bottom line, the bullet came from a downward angle, thus meaning that the officer HAD to be standing when he took the shot. All of the witnesses NEVER saw the officer even draw his gun, but claimed to have seen everything. Frankly, they had to not be looking at one time or another. So then comes the theory that the officer must have pulled his gun when he was on the ground...only the evidence doesnt' say that. How can you claim to have seen the entire crime but completely missed a guy pulling and firing a gun at the other? I think that Mumia did the shit, but that is fucking absurd.
  15. Ripper

    Philly Jack may talk to MJ

    I guess someone has to shoot the ball everyplay, not dive for a loose ball or take a charge then blame his team for the loss in the locker room after not giving the young guys any play time.
  16. Ripper

    Great Acts of Stupidity

    Well, you would have earned it. Don't call her a whore because YOU slept with her...what does that make you....? I broke the handle off my refridgerator, and kneeled down to put it back on and gave it a yank to make sure that every thing was fine. Well, it broke off again and I thumbed my self in the eye with the yank and spent the next 45 minutes rolling around on the floor in pain(while laughing at myself at the same time). I am now have his floting black spot in my eye that makes me blind in my right eye if I look in a certain direction. SO...fuck with my "permanent damage" stupidity.
  17. Ripper

    Why is Prop 54 a bad thing?

    Thats funny. Because so many people are lineing up for the jobs that illegal immigrants have. How DARE they steal the work. I like how alot of the state construction work is done by illegals, alot of the blood supply and organ donations are from illegals, and all that is fine. But fuck them for going to school.
  18. And in the "Baylor is retarded...but NOT as retarded as ME" news, the Knicks remain to be idiots. SO. Not only do you draft a 7 foot PF and another PF in the draft along with Antoinio Mcdyess that should be back around mid season and Kurt Thomas and Othello Harrington, and Clarence Weatherspoon. You go pick up ANOTHER big man while your back court and SF position just waves in the wind, ignoring guys like Demarr Johnson, John Wallace and others that could have helped your team. Now you have 7 guys to split time at 2 positions. If Allen Houston gets in foul trouble, this team will be downright funny to watch.
  19. Is Elgin Baylor retarded? Why in the name of fuck does he keep picking up shooters that can't defend or rebound. Mutumbo was out there and who needs a shotblocker, rebounder that doesn't particarly have to score more than the Clippers. But no, the get a aged, brittle jump shooter that can't defend, rebound, pass, draw fouls, or offer much from the bench(Rice HAS to start to be productive). How this man continues to have a job baffles me more and more every year.
  20. Ripper

    Paris praises Mumia

    Uh....no. Mumia's brother, William Cook, was pulled over for going the wrong way down a one-way street. Faulkner radioed that he pulled over Cook's car, and then went out to investigate. Clark started to refuse arrest, struck Faulkner, and a struggle happened. Mumia was across the street at this time, and ran towards the two men. While about 10-12 inches away, Mumia shot Faulkner in the back. Faulkner turned and returned fire, striking Mumia in the chest. Then, as Faulkner laid on the ground, Mumia put his gun a few inches from his face and pulled the trigger, sending a bullet into Faulkner's brain, and killing him instanly. As for the racial aspect of the jury, there has been no evidence shown that this is the case. Mumia himself used his peremptory challanges to exclude black jurors. And, in both 1989 and 1998, the PA Supreme Court found "not a trace of support for an inference that the use of peremptories was racially motivated". there are 1000's of accounts of that day, and the one you have is from the people that believe that he is guilty. Go to a site that thinks he's innocent and it will tell another story. Like its said, there's nowhere to get a definitive story anymore. I personally don't give a shit. 1000s of accounts? Huh? It happened at 4:00 in the morning, during winter, in Center City Philadelphia--where would these 1000s of accounts come from? The scenario that I put forth is based on eyewitness testimony--you know, by people who were there. That tends to give them a little more credibility in my opinon. And yes, danielfaulkner.com does think Mumia is guilty. There also have posted the trial transcripts and appeal decisions. How come none of the "Mumia is innocent" sites do that? The "Free Mumia" sites tend to have the discredited "It wasn't a .38!!!" story and other such untruths. That's why I don't trust them. Oh for christ sake, I don't care if he is guilty or not, but honestly, the only person that was a clear eyewitness was a drug addicted prostitute that others alledged was given a deal to testify. No eyewitness ever saw when Mumia was shot, yet the site you are quoting talks of how he was turning or falling when he shot him or whatever. As cute as they want to make thier site seem, that thing has no more legitamacy than the "FREE MUMIA~!" sites. Every "myth" that they "disprove" can be "proven" another way(expect for the wrong bullet thing). There are people that say the officer shot first and then turned to aviod MUMIA's shot and thats when he got shot in the back. This site says Mumbia shot him, the officer turned fired and fell. I don't know what happend, and seeing as the "eyewitnesses that saw everything" never saw the officer even pull his gun, how accurate can they be. In all honesty, I think that he did murder the cop, but lets stop pretending that people that think differently are idiots and that site is gospel. It is the same as a "Free Mumia" site in that it will say anything that supports it belief and ignore anything that doesn't. It basically lost all creditbility when it said that the Black Panthers "advocated drug dealing, murder...etc."
  21. Ripper

    Philly Jack may talk to MJ

    I wish he would so that the Suns or Kings could win the Pacific then. Maybe the Sonics could come in second or third and then the Warriors could slip in. The Lakers would suck on so many levels if that happens.
  22. Ripper

    Paris praises Mumia

    Uh....no. Mumia's brother, William Cook, was pulled over for going the wrong way down a one-way street. Faulkner radioed that he pulled over Cook's car, and then went out to investigate. Clark started to refuse arrest, struck Faulkner, and a struggle happened. Mumia was across the street at this time, and ran towards the two men. While about 10-12 inches away, Mumia shot Faulkner in the back. Faulkner turned and returned fire, striking Mumia in the chest. Then, as Faulkner laid on the ground, Mumia put his gun a few inches from his face and pulled the trigger, sending a bullet into Faulkner's brain, and killing him instanly. As for the racial aspect of the jury, there has been no evidence shown that this is the case. Mumia himself used his peremptory challanges to exclude black jurors. And, in both 1989 and 1998, the PA Supreme Court found "not a trace of support for an inference that the use of peremptories was racially motivated". there are 1000's of accounts of that day, and the one you have is from the people that believe that he is guilty. Go to a site that thinks he's innocent and it will tell another story. Like its said, there's nowhere to get a definitive story anymore. I personally don't give a shit.
  23. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II: THE FINAL~!

    Between my music and movie taste, (and the fact that I use way to much british slang in my post to be from Alabama) I see how it would be a suprise. Don't forget his love for big butts. Yo yo yo... My bubblebutt love should have been a dead give away.
  24. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II: THE FINAL~!

    You sold out da family...you broke ma heart. *Godfather theme starts as YNA and Mole enter with bats*
  25. Ripper

    Thrashers hurt in serious car accident

    Its obviously a accident. I'm sure that Snyder wasn't in the passengers seat screaming for Heatly to stop speeding. They started speeding in the Lambourghini, and it was an accident. Here is my question. How is it if a passenger is in the car and someone starts evading the cops, he gets charged too, but in a case like this, its solely the drivers fault. Make no mistakes, and this isn't in any disrespect to Snyder, but if he had been driving a Lambourghini he would have been speeding also. Why they picked Lenox Rd is beyond me, but mistakes happen.