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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. But...RVD wreslting Test as the curtain jerker match and Jerhico going against ROCK...or Austin...I can't remember...again while never mentioning the RVD incident again was the natural progression of the fued. ... Right?
  2. Even though he brings up angle getting a CUT when Angle basically has basically retired Hardcore Holly with a arrant moonsault? Okay...we won't mention that no one is perfect in the sport that you SWING AT EACH OTHERS FACES for a living.
  3. ANyone that watched a ECW promo knows that the guy can cut a promo. I think he can't work well with stupid lines. Pissed off RVD from last year in the magical disappearing Jerhico World Title fued was perfectly fine.
  4. Thats not comparable. Thats like saying that Ed Nortons character in American History X could have been black. Shaft was a character that was built upon ethinicity. ONCE AGAIN, Liz Taylor was univerally praised for her role as Cleopatra, whatever white guy wants to play Jesus is praised for it. Ertha Kitt played Catwoman 40 + years ago. There is a precedent in the public eye of Catwoman being black. I still remember when Batman Returns came out this girl in my class asked why was Catwoman white in the movie. Basically saying, the character of catwoman in the comics and the one that has been presented to the non-comic viewing public are two different things. It is perfectly reasonable to have a black Catwoman because the theatrical precedent has already been set. Now Superman or Batman, I would see your argument, but not here. *gets around fire* And I got Michael Jacksons part in we are the world.
  5. I still remember my argument with mike about a year and a half ago where I went through each Lynn/RVD match, pointed out the psychology that he claims didn't exist to the point that his answer was "WHATEVER...that match sucked" so arguing with him is pointless. Game, you don't have a point. You keep naming people that are mildly over, yet you haven't named anyone that has been over to the degree that RVD has that DIDN't have a title at sometime...okay, maybe Jake the Snake Roberts, but noone seeing as that was before your time, I know you can't even use that example. The guy sells merchandise, he is over, he can entertain MOST of the fans (there will always be some that sit there and say "He didn't hold his ankle 5 minutes longer...this match is trash) with consistantly entertaining matchs, has the stamina to go in long matches, is not injury prone, has the look....what else is it in your eyes that makes someone a credible title contender? What reason is there NOT to push the guy.
  6. Ripper

    Report: Pope's Health 'In a Bad Way

    Everytime I see him, I think of the King from Two Towers that was all sickly looking. I hope that he pulls through. But if he doesn't he has had a full life...for a Catholic priest.
  7. Ripper

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    "Ballad for Dead Friends - Dashboard Prophets" This song kicks AYASS. Its the one that was playing when Darla and the vamps were approaching the Bronze in the Harvest. And I hated Riley in season 4, I liked the character in season 5. They gave him real depth. he was just Initiative guy in season 4. I don't think there is anything that I don't like about season 5 except the guy that played Ben.
  8. A certain "group" just might, OMG, boycott it or something. You know who I'm talking about. I beg your pardon? I think he means the Amish. They are always boycotting stuff.
  9. Ripper

    Thrashers hurt in serious car accident

    Being from atlanta and knowing where Lenox Road is, no human being should ever be going 80 down that street. Yet people do it all the time. Its a two lane street but is really a 1 1/2 lane street since people park on the curb and take half of one of the lanes.
  10. Ripper

    Best suicide method

    Run in a gun store with a knife and steal a gun. If you get shot trying, hey...whats the big deal. If you make it out, you got a gun.
  11. Ripper

    What songs have you been diggin' lately?

    I have the whole CD. Every track is great, but those two just have a hold on me for some reason.
  12. Balloon's, actually. One of the guys we were with was only 19 at the time (this was like 2 years ago). They have about 2 hot strippers on a roster of God knows how many. Fantasies has some great ones, and a girl that works at Cadillac Lounge is in my Human Sexuality class. If I hear any cool stripper stories, I'll be sure to pass 'em on in the LSD folder. Balloons is the shadiest fucking strip club in RI, or so I hear. Not that I would frequent such an establishment... Which strip club ISN'T shady in these parts (or anywhere, for that matter)? There are PLENTY of stripclubs that aren't shady. Strip clubs(and strippers) have a very bad stigma about them. Most people believe that being a stripper is the same as being a prostitute and that is far from the truth(thats a pet peeve of mine). There are strippers, and there are prostitutes that strip on the sides. Here in Atlanta, you have strip clubs, and you have what are basically brothels (you'll know these places when you go in and NOONE is stripping...ever. The girls are all just sitting aroung talking and setting up plans for later). These places never stay open long. Then there are the strip clubs where the girls just dance their asses off. There are various places on the internet that will tell you the exact girls name and what she does for how much. Then they tell you where there is no chance you will get any "extras". Alot of places will kick you the fuck out for asking (the girls will narc on you) because they fear having their club shut down. There is even a place where my ex works that has a resturant and barbershop IN THE FUCKING CLUB. Now that's service. I don't think there is a such thing as a topless only bar in Atlanta. Everyone of them are all nude. *sigh* I've dated way to many strippers in my life and know way too much about that lifestyle...
  13. Ripper

    President brute forces Do Not Call into law

    Bush does stuff out of personal interests? Hmm, missed him bombing countries to keep testimony against him to a grand jury out of the papers. -=Mike Actually that was a shot at putting thousands of people out of work. *rimshot* I kid, I kid....or do I?
  14. Ripper

    What songs have you been diggin' lately?

    Evanescence- My Immortal, and Hello. THese songs have like a hypnotic effect on me. Amy Lee has a ridiculously beautiful voice.
  15. Ripper

    President brute forces Do Not Call into law

    Yeah this is pretty consistant with the job he has done during his tenure.
  16. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round IV

    oh yeah, well fuck you buddy you.... *looks at Kylie sig* um.... fuck you buddy you need.... *looks at sig again* ...
  17. So are we pretending that there is no precedent set for a black cat woman? AND its not like she is playing Selena Kyle(her character has already been portrayed to the non-comic reading public). When ethincity isn't important to the character (say like a AFRICAN queen or a MIDDLE EASTERN saviour of man) i could give a happy hell about the race of the actor that plays them, as long as the actor does a good job.
  18. And thats a fine reason to be anti Muslim...self preservation. But to just blindly paint the entire reglion as horrible crime commiting psychos is pushing it. Even for Mike...well...not really for Mike, but that is pushing it for most of us.
  19. Yes. Yes they do. Except fat ones. Speak for your self buddy... *puts five spot in fat strippers G-String* *does little dance*
  20. Ripper

    The New Me's Blog

    Dear Diary Fate has delt New Me a crushing blow due to his non votery for me in the last round of the tournament. Fate...chave...whoever. I now laugh with glee. Some mexican guy was just walking by me, looking quite sad so I shared the plight of New Me and now he too was full of glee. I laughed so hard I farted, so I blamed the mexican guy. Gleefully, Ripper
  21. I'm not saying most commit the acts. I'm saying that a fairly large percentage support the acts. You have a hard time finding a Christian saying that killing abortion doctors is good. It's hardly difficult to find a Muslim who thinks that suicide bombers aren't too bad. "Israel had it coming" is what they say. Christians aren't even close to being as bad as Muslims. -=Mike But at one point they were. You seem to be all for the destruction of the whole area. Would you have been for the same thing during Christianity’s great atrocities during history? And exactly how many Pat Robinson followers were on their knees last night praying that a couple of Supreme Court Justices get knocked off? How many people HAVE supported the murder of abortion doctors? You of course will say that any Christian leader that support it is not really a christian leader, but there is SOMEONE telling these people what they are doing is the work of god. There is no shortage of CRAZY Christians, no matter how much you want to say it.
  22. Ripper

    House of the Dead equals...

    Am I the only one that thinks that the trailer is a dead on representative of the game. Zombies leaping from things down in frount of you, thats IN THE GAME. The acrobatics I saw in the trailer reminded me of the game actually. "Wow, this Zombie just jumped off a bridge and landed in front of me, now has lost all that athletisim and is walking at .0000000000005 MPH....THAT'S SO COOL!!!" *shoots for the head*
  23. This is why I love fanboys! You can always count on them for the dumbest post in thread award.
  24. It was a bad match, sorry to say. I happen to like Christian, but this match was tedious. It looks real good in comparison to EVERYTHING ELSE ON THE SHOW, but it is RAW. Just because the rest of the show is unmitigated crap and one match is mediocre, it doesn't suddenly mean that the mediocre match is great. The crowd was on their hands for the VAST majority of the match (a COMMON problem for Robbie boy's matches) and this "massive" pop at the end of the match only illustrates how much the crowd doesn't care about the WWE now, as the pop for that win would have seen borderline muted just two years ago. It was the usual RVD match. Spot --- stall --- spot. It wasn't even a very good ladder match --- and I'm f'n sick of ladder matches. -=Mike But if they did a bump and poped right back up, would you have been happy? Well then they wouldn't have been selling and blah, blah, blah. EVERY LADDER MATCH EVER WAS SPOT STALL SPOT STALL. ALL OF THEM. It is a match that is suppose to sell the damage being done to their bodies.