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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    The man brought the cock shots thread Barron. WHO can compete with THAT? The first round matchups were evil. EVIL!! *takes Gizmo lunchbox back from eiker_ir* *realizes Michael Jackson does rule though...*
  2. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    Nevermortal Caboose IDrinkRatsMilk Zack Malibu kkktookybabyaway Ripper DangerousA R2DFooster McSockman Corey Lazarus Incandenza Your Paragon Of Virtue chave Cancer Marney LaParkaYourCar SweetNSexyDiva Downhome stardust (this was just not right...) The New Me Papacita Banky RavishingRickRudo BPS (FUCKING WRONG!!!) The Dames (EVIL!!!!) WelshJerichoMark FrozenBlockOfPissReborn CobainWasMurdered Agent of Oblivion Danny Williams Razazteca Anglesault ShooterJay (sorry mole, but I have killed the guy like 40 times in the SAGA~!...he deserves the vote Big Poppa Popick
  3. You seemed to care what I thought about your screenname... ... hypocrite.
  4. I think celebrating ones claims of alcohol abuse is more pathetic. Are you stupid? My name is a blatant jab at Scott Hall and his "problem". Now answer the question. Okay... I think mocking another mans alcoholism is more pathetic.
  5. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    There's about 15 people scattered around the board who'd dispute that claim so harshly you'd see drops of flesh-eating venom on your monitor, but at least Ripper knows the score around here. And me saying that had NOTHING to do with you being the only one that showed me some love in this thread... Nothing... *gets struck by lightning*
  6. I think celebrating ones claims of alcohol abuse is more pathetic.
  7. Ripper

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    *goes to get the gun*
  8. But you act like there was something freakishly odd about this accident. There isn't anything to discuss really. Its just this guy died on a riding lawnmower while going up a along a steep hill. What... A friend of my mothers got killed when a bulldozer turned over at a landfill yesterday...should I post that so we can "discuss" This folder is turning into the Star or something.
  9. What the fuck was the point? Should we start posting traffic accidents from the morning we get here. A old man had a heart attack yesterday, should I start a thread. And how is this funny?
  10. Why is this here. And why is there a smile face on your post?
  11. Ripper

    A Crusade?

    How is calling a child of asian decent "asian" a crap term.
  12. Ripper

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    There was nothing wrong with cody's character in the grand scheme of the season.
  13. Ripper

    Kitten murdered by beheading

    Doesn't disturb me. It was a fucking cat, for crying out loud. A piece of property. All this guy should have to do is pay a fine and buy the kid a new kitten. Community service is too much. Of course any human being that would take a kitten from a child, put it in his mouth and bite its fucking head off is a normal, well functioning member of society and this couldn't possibly be the precursor to even darker things in his future like it has in other serial killers. Not at all. Yeah, 19 kids saw a kitten get it head bitten off. One child lost her pet. A fine should do be enough.
  14. Ripper

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Is the Storm pics from a previous build, because they look like crap. And he looks coked up. They don't look as good as the angle and previous wrestlers sreencaps.
  15. Ripper

    Are you ugly?

    I don't see what everyone means about bob anyway. I don't judge the FELLAS or anything, but he looks like a normal, freakishly young looking kid to me. Its like the southpark with Ugly Bob, when he looked just like all the other characters and everyone kept saying how ugly he was.
  16. I too have never noticed the lisp.
  17. Ripper

    25 most overrated games of all time

    My new avatar is Felicia of Darkstalkers. I'd say Darkstalkers was an underrated game. It was a very good fighter. But my asking of the list is: Where is FF8? Where is GTA:VC? Where is the original SD? Where is RAW? Where is Beyond the Beyond? Where the fuck are a lot of games that deserved to be on this listing as well? I would say that Felicia and Morgana(I think that was her name) were hot for video game characters, but I wouldn't call Darkstalkers that good of a fighting game. I enjoyed both previously mentioned characters (along with that pharoh guy and the cactus dude) more in Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
  18. Ripper

    Victims of Ken Hamlin

    No it wasn't, he led with his shoulder with his head to the side. He just hit the everloving shit out of him.
  19. Ripper

    Hurricane Parteee!

    Definitely. Way more unpredictable, and just as, if not more dangerous. Definitely a sight to behold. I want that picture more than words can say. Ah, but a good hurricane bitches each and every TORNADA. Hugo and Andrew strike fear into the hearts of Tornados...despite their really gay names.
  20. Ripper

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    If its for Taker, I think it is a EX Special. Some guys have a extra special if you fill up the special bars and do the "steal opponents finisher" thing. I just did the weapon grapple with a table in my hand and they slam their head into the table and lay them on top of it. More fun to be had with this discovery.
  21. Ripper

    The dreaded Mark Henry Topic

    I am looking for a gif or something. I never saw him hit it but I saw him do it. I want to say that it was in a tag match... I need help here net people.
  22. Ripper

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    ... ... Danny Williams is cooler than ALL OF YOU so I nominate him, and WJM, and stardust, and SSD and Zack... and screw you guys, I'm going home.
  23. Ripper

    Ok so we have 3 new WWE games...

    I have to say something about this no selling finishers thing. I have played this game numerous times, I have beaten Revenge mode about 8 times and not once has someone poped up from a finisher. Their the superstars get up faster than the security guards (who you can take out VERY quickly and they stay down) and the superstars just need to be worn down before hitting your finisher...the way it should be.
  24. Ripper

    Snoop Dogg's MTV Show

    White supremacist robot... remember who said it first when it all comes to light. Snoop Dogg is a white supremacist robot.
  25. Ripper

    Smackdown Spoilers

    lets see: Family still mourning their loss over family having moved on...whats the difference. No one can sit here and tell me they find it cool to make offensive jokes about peoples dead loved ones days after it happened on national television. I understand its "cool" to be anti-PC and such, but there is a such thing as common decency. I know, the WWE should be the last place I am looking for decent, upstanding behaviour, but the point still stands.