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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    Hey, if I would've known that you could get big wearing a giant garbage bag and repeating the phrase "batatata" for 20 seconds, then I would've been Workin' It too. No...the writer, singer, producer, grammy winner did alot more than that. But of course, ignorance is bliss around here so what d fuck ever. Yeah she gets the great beats and ideas from Timbaland. Of course Timberland telling people that he gets credit for a lot of her stuff unfairly and her changeing her style so that people to lazy to look at who produced the song would stop saying that makes that statement completely false.
  2. Ripper

    if you seen bushwick bill

    And then posed for a picture at the emergency room for the next album cover.
  3. Ripper

    if you seen bushwick bill

    And then posed for a picture at the emergency room for the next album cover.
  4. Ripper

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    See, here is how I like to argue. I wait for someone to come up with a point that doesn't sound like they pulled it from their ass and then I come up with reasons I believe that that point it wrong. "She is a fat, non-talented bitch" is not a real argument. It holds no water. It is just plain ignorant and there is nothing to argue except the intellegence of the person that spewed this shit. You make a point about why Hip-hop is bad music and I will couterpoint. Until then you are just saying "Hip-hop sucks because it sucks." and I really don't give a shit about your opinion. Missy is a song writer with Jodeci, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, Aaliyah and others being on the long list of those she has written for. Even longer is the list of artist she has produced songs with. Then you add her 3 multiplatnium albums, yet your arguement is what, that her song used samples therefore she has no talent? Yeah..thats a great point there.
  5. Ripper

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    But not knowing anything about what you are talking about and making generalizations on single=being stupid.
  6. Ripper

    The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

    But sometimes people who work on movies lie about that kinda thing. "Oh the movie's great." Yeah, until they need material for Leno appearance then its self-deprecation time. Or until they are no longer contracted to push the movie...like every other actor does when they do a bad movie, admit it is bad when they can. Of course when Affleck did it, its because he was a dick.
  7. Ripper

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    Hey, if I would've known that you could get big wearing a giant garbage bag and repeating the phrase "batatata" for 20 seconds, then I would've been Workin' It too. No...the writer, singer, producer, grammy winner did alot more than that. But of course, ignorance is bliss around here so what d fuck ever.
  8. Ripper

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    I'll sum it up for you: Hip-hop sucks, Johnny Cash is GAWD, all the women on this show are bitches...um...everyone sucks except Metallica...Hip Hop Sucks...Johnny Cash... Yeah...that's about it.
  9. Ripper

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    I also would like to add to that dumbass that called Missy a "talentless, fat bitch" that she has more talent in a drop of her piss than anyone on this board and half of YOUR favorite artist have.
  10. Ripper

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    Well, J-lo was doing a movie or something and had to cancel. So instead they got someone with ability to sing. And as we all know: Hip-hop= crap in this folder because all they do is say bling bling and bitch over and over for 16 tracks on every hip-hop CD. I haven't seen this CD yet, but aparently it does exist.
  11. Ripper

    Isiah Thomas fired as coach of Pacers

    No...they waited so that Isaiah couldn't look for another team and with 5-6 weeks before the season starts, Jermaine wouldn't have time to explore trades. Don't let people fool you into thinking Larry Bird is a saint. he doesn't like Isaiah Thomas and Thomas does not like him. The only reason that they didn't fire him months ago was for him sign back and get other teams to stop looking after him. Its not about being young or anything. The selling point to getting him to sign was a lie, plain and simple. They lied to keep him there. They told him one thing and did another. If it were the other way around and a player outright lied to management or to the team, he would get ran into the ground for it. Why is it okay for them to use deception as a contract negotiation. If Jermaine O'neil found out he had some career ending injury and went in and signed a 120 million dollar contract with the Pacers, knowing he wasn't going to honor their reasoning behind signing him (ie: playing) then he would get called the scum of the earth. They baited him with lies, told him lies to get him to stay there KNOWING full well that if they had been truthful he would have left, and it is purely bad business. If players cannot trust the management of the Pacers, how do they expect to ever sign another free agent. You now have to second guess everything they tell you...how is that good for business. They KNEW they wanted Rick Carlise, then hire him and don't lie to your player to get him to come back.
  12. :::The gun battle rages on as EricMM, MiketheSC, Deranged Hermit and Yuna continue firing...well...Yuna doesn't she keeps running around yelling "BAMF, I TELEPORTED AGAIN" over and over.::: Marney: Wow...this is one LONG gunfight. BPP: Yeah, It feels like we have been here for weeks... :::Marney and BPP look at Ripper::: Ripper: ... Fuck you guys! Mike: You are traitors to the cause, Marney and BPP...you will die for your treachery...Mike. Marney: We're traitors? US!! We were all ready to kill this little fucker...no offense Ripper...but our guns were filled with blanks. Dames was a traitor to US!! Mike: "We're traitors? US!! We were all ready to kill this little fucker...no offense Ripper...but our guns were filled with blanks. Dames was a traitor to US!!" That’s not what we were told. We heard that he made you an offer you couldn't refuse or something and [at this point Mike talks for what seems like hours. I would write it all, seeing as it is a very good read, but for Christ sake, he could have wrapped it up a lot sooner than he did] That’s what Dames told us. And we believe him...Mike. BPP: Did he tell you about the saverocity that I showed by even coming on this mission? Huh...I had better things to do, but out of the saveriety of my heart I helped Marney and Tom come to kill this little bitch...no offense Ripper...and he turns on me. If it weren't for my savitude, you guys would have NOTHING...NOTHING!!! Mike: "Did he tell you about the saverocity that I showed by even coming on this mission? Huh...I had better things to do, but out of the saveriety of my heart I helped Marney and Tom come to kill this little bitch...no offense Ripper...and he turns on me. If it weren't for my savitude, you guys would have NOTHING...NOTHING!!!" Ah, BPP [Mike once again tears into a very, very long response to what BPP said...REALLY long]...so how about THAT!!!...Mike. Ripper: Stop saying your name after you talk, it’s annoying. And stop repeating us, dammit. Shooter Jay: Look guys, we have to find a way to get out of here. Ripper: ... *sighs* What the fuck Jay?...I mean really. Shooter Jay: What? Ripper: Where the hell did you come from? Shooter Jay: that’s not important now...We have to get out of here. Marney: I have a plan... :::Marney shoots a tree outside of the bus. Upon seeing this EricMM runs outside to it..::: EricMM: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :::He automatically breaks out the supplies to nurse the tree back to health, but pays no mind to the carnage inside the bus.::: Marney: Okay, he's out of the way. BPP: I'll take Yuna... Yuna: BAMF *giggles* I'm over here... BAMF!!! *runs to the other side of the bus* Now I'm over here!!! *giggles*. BPP: You know Yuna, Alan Cummings isn't really that hot... Yuna: ... What? :::Yuna stops running around and walks towards the armed BPP taking out a self made book called "Why Alan Cumming Could Get It" made of Alan Cummings head pasted on pictures with Yuna in them::: Yuna: Do you not SEE this... He is HAWT!! See, this is when we went to the Ice Cream parlor...I was only 6 then...This is when we went to the fair...see...he HOT right....SAY IT!!!! BPP: Jesus girl...you're troubled...And when someone is troubled... Marney/Ripper: They need saving... BPP: RIGHT!! And who betta than BPP to do the savin... :::BPP shoots Yuna, who seems to be happy as she sees Nightcrawler leading her through a tunnel of light to see a prescreening of X3::: Shooter Jay: I'll take Mike... :::As Jay stands to use his wit in beating Mike like Marney and BPP did, Mike stands up and shoots Jay in the chest...th...that just didn't work out like Jay wanted it to.::: Marney: JAYYYYYYAAYYAAYAYYYYAYAYAYYYYAYAYYYYYYYY!!!! He has the dry cleaning ticket for my dress...DAMMIT!! BPP: YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT MIKE!!!!!! YOU KILLED JAY!!! Shooter Jay: I'm not dead yet....*cough* Ripper: You son of a bitch...I'll make you meet Jay in hell so he can get you back!!! Shooter Jay: I'm not dead...hey!! Why would you say I'm going to hell...that’s not nice. Mike: "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT MIKE!!!!!! YOU KILLED JAY!!!" Ha!! That isn't likely. I..... :::Deranged Hermit shoots Mike in the back of the head::: Deranged Hermit: I...I'm sorry but that was just really getting annoying. :::The Three...um...guys that are together... through weird...circumstances..(I ran out of cute nicknames okay...sue me) All stand up...oh..and a bloodied Jay kinda gets up too.::: Ripper: Well...that was stupid. You are the only one left now...unless you count Eric, but he is talking to that tree... Deranged Hermit: Oh, I'm not alone. See, I'm not like those two...I will gladly give my life for the Dames and this board. And as long as I take you 3... Shooter Jay: FOUR!! *coughs* Deranged Hermit: ... As long as I take you FOUR out with me...my life will not be lost in vain...*pops da colla* ::: DH pulls open his trench coat, which really scares the shit out of our heroic foursome...they thought he was naked or something...ugh...well, anyway, he wasn't...He reveals a devastating weapon....::: Deranged Hermit: Heh...That’s riiiight.... ::: Not like that you freak...he is strapped with a huge bomb and is timed to go off in 15 seconds.::: Ripper: OH...DEAR...GAWD!!! Marney: SOMEONE HAS TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM THE BUS AND SACRAFICE THEMSELVES FOR US... :::Both look at BPP::: Marney: SOMEone needs to SAVE us.... :::Both look at BPP::: BPP: Fuck that...I have done enough saverisity for a while... Shooter Jay: I'll do it.... :::everyone just stands there::: Shooter Jay: NO!! Don’t try to stop me...there isn't enough time... :::Marney, Ripper and BPP go and start making Smoothies::: Shooter Jay:.... O...Okay...I'm going... :::Deranged Hermit...still laughing like a maniac is tackled by Jay and forced outside the door of the Bus where Jay covers him and braces for the self-sacrifice-rific explosion.::: Ripper: *sipping Smoothie*...Um..Jay...Yeah...we're gonna need you to carry him further away than that...That explosion could still kills us maybe... Marney: You're a sweet heart Jay...hey...no banana's in mine BPP...Just strawberries and peaches... Shooter Jay: Oh, FUCK! :::Jay heroically picks up Deranged Hermit who is STILL doing the maniac laugh and runs further away from the bus, drops him and jumps on top to take the blast again.::: Ripper: *from the Bus window* Dude...Eric is talking to that tree RIGHT THERE!! That’s just rude. No need to hurt an innocent tree in all of this...it's been through enough. Shooter Jay: But... Marney: Yeah...seriously.. *sips Smoothie*...Don't you have any compassion? :::Shooter Jay picks up Deranged Hermit again and runs even further until the loss of blood from his gunshot finally takes the best of him and he falls. Deranged Hermit bomb explodes...yet only enough to take out him and Jay and a little surrounding area...::: Ripper: Wow... I guess he was far enough away the first time...*sips Smoothie* :::The remaining Trio of Awkward Grouping walks over to the explosion sight where only small pieces of Jay and DH remain..::: Ripper: He was such a hero... Marney: *sips Smoothie* Yeah...he saved us all. BPP: ... B...But it was the fact that I allowed him to save us that really saved us. So in essence...I saved us all again. Marney: Th... that doesn't really make any sense.... BPP: I SAVED US ALL!!!!! Marney: Okay...whatever you say....*coughpussycough* Ripper: Well, we can't let Jay's life be lost in vain...let go see...THE DAMES~! TBC? EricMM: Its okay little tree...its okay....
  13. Ripper

    Everyone pisses me off....

    A: Upright Man is a GAWD~! B: I hate Dammaruanraruau's ignorant ass views of hip-hop that he can't back up one bit.
  14. Ripper

    Isiah Thomas fired as coach of Pacers

    How can anyone be jumping on Jermaine O'neil when they flat out LIED to him to keep him there? This isn't a shut the fuck up situation. He said it plainly and clearly, if Zeke wasn't going to be the coach, then he would sign somewhere else. So they sat in his face and LIED knowing full well that they were going to fire Isaiah. O'Neil is now being blamed for being lied to? Bullshit. Like him or not, Isaih was not a bust as a coach. So some people thought they should have went further. Reggie Miller shot 19 percent from the 3 point line in this years playoffs. Brad Miller gave him about 12 points a game. O'neil played like a god, as usual. No, they SHOULDN''t have beaten the Celtics and it wasn't be cause of coaching. The Celts had 3 players playing well, the Pacers had one. The year before, the 8th seed Pacers went into double overtime in game 5 of the first round with the eventual Eastern Conference Champs. He won 16 more games his third year than he did the preceding one, and he did it with a young and volitile team. Love Carlise all you want, but who is going to be there after Artest explodes the first time when the Austin Croshere blowjob starts again in Indy (honestly, besides Croshere and Carlise, who else has so much love for this guy). Isaiah, through the words of his players, made it like a family and held them together the best he could. Now I don't think he was the greatest coach. Even a very good one and hiring Carlise is the best overall move. But they should have had the balls to tell Jermaine that they weren't planning on keeping the guy who he said was the key to him resigning. It is a gutless, bad move by Pacer management and I would like to hear anyone say why they think a player should trust them after this. Fuck them. And Walsh is no more responsible for Jermaine O'neils chance to play than I am. O'neil was brought in to be Austin Crosheres back-up. They moved Davis to move him into the starting line-up. Lets not revise history to make Isaiah the bad guy. He is the one that showed the confidence in Jermaine, and the fact that dedication to a coach is seen as a bad thing now is weird to say the least.
  15. Ripper

    Marci X

    Snoop Dogg...with Pimps...with women in fucking leashes. Robot i tells ya...robot.
  16. Ripper

    And 1 mixtape tour

    I HATE each and everyone of these overated assholes that have ruined the game of basketball. I truely, truely do. Yesterday, I make a rare appearance on the court to play. So do I get a good, exciting well contested game. NO. I get some little fucktard in front of me swinging the basketball in his shirt or something, carrying the ball about a million times all while standing in one fucking place and DOING NOTHING!! And this shit didn't bother anyone else on the court because this is what pick up games have evolved to since big business got a hold of the street ball phenoms. You know those overrrated guys that will tell you that if you can't win here [insert one of the major courts around the nation] then you ain't shit. The ones that will tell you they are too street for the NBA and that the league is too afraid to give them a chance. Let me say something. You can take the 13th man off the NBA benchs and they will procede to BITCH the players that are out on that court. Bottom fucking line. The REAL greats on those courts DO make it to the league because they have the talent to do so. The reason they are out there breaking every rule in the basketball rule book to get by and "embarass" defenders is because they weren't anything special in the organized REAL game. I get sick of listening to people saying "Those street ball players are better than most of those guys in the NBA." NO THEY AREN'T. Take a blah NBA player and he is a god on a street court. Take guys like Dirk Nowinski, Kevin Garnnet, Duncan or Shaq and I honestly believe that they would win a game of 5 on 1. Now I have too feel like the old man on the court longing for the day when a pick up game was a actual game instead of a dribbling show. Fuck And 1, fuck Nike and fuck ESPN for showing that damn tour and ruining the game of basketball that I have left. Now I can only watch the NBA for a good game instead of being able to go play one.
  17. Ripper

    The One and Only...

    Hey...I post at SKNT and I like Choken.
  18. Ripper

    Lance Storm's thoughts on Stiff Workers

    First off, Lance didn't say stiff wrestlers suck, he was talking about the ones that use stiffness to cover their weaknesses which he has a problem with.
  19. Prediction my ASS. He said that Bret Hart was coming back to the WWF on like 3 seperate occasions and was never right. Then, about a year later, bret said that he was suppose to have come in at Mania and Bob was back saying "SEE I TOLD YOU SO, THAT IS GREAT REPORTING" ignoring the fact that he was wrong the other 3 times that he reported it. Now that other guy, the one that writes really bad fantasy stuff, he predicted/Bret to come in but Bob was all "Bret Hart will reportedly be leading the Invasion".
  20. Ripper

    The One and Only...

    Sounded like hateration to me.
  21. Ripper

    Who else is drunk?

    BEST POST OF THREAD AWARD goes to this guy.
  22. Ripper

    Who else is drunk?

    Hm. People jump on Bruiser for insulting a 17 year old drunkard.... OKAY.
  23. Are you suggesting that Hogans wife isn't as good of a lover as Eddie's? That's just not cool.
  24. Ripper

    WrestleMania XIX.....

    I make the exact same stable of Stripper turned wrestlers every time consisting of Vicious Azz and Delicious Hips. They are made with cartoonishly large hips and ass. They are the tag team of Vicious and Delicious. They have a 7'+ blonde body guard name Big Gul. That is what I will be doing first with WMXIX.
  25. Ripper

    And 1 mixtape tour

    You are confusing my hate for the "street ballas" for players that played on on the hard top. I am completely against pointless ANYTHING in ANYSPORT. Dr. J and the likes of them weren't on the court standing in one spot dribbling just to wow someone. They played BASKETBALL out on the court. There were innovative moves out there, like Karrems Sky Hook or ANYTHING COnnie Hawkins did, but it was all with in the confines of the RULES and the GAME. I am saying that if you are a 27 year old street baller, say you are a street baller. When you start telling everyone that comes near you that you are better than the NBA players, it is bullshit and I am sick of people nodding their heads like it is true. The Street ballers with the complete game to make it in the pros DO make it in the pros. Mark Jackson, Stephon Marbury, Elton Brand, Jamal Tinsley, Kenny Anderson...those guys were/are street legends yet they have complete games and that is why they turn heads. True talent truely turns heads. Noone is going to let anyone that could be a real force in the league just sit there. I am not saying that all of them are not talented...I am saying that they all are overrated.