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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    First off it's "Lethargic", and what does he have to do with this? And apparently you are part of the rap group Dilated Peoples now. I had no clue.
  2. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    I would actually write something to diss you that makes sense, but that would take time and figuring out rhyme flow and its just so much easier to tell you that you smell. *takes ball back from AoO and dunks on his ass*
  3. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    You still haven't written anything yet. All you are doing is taking something already written and putting other peoples names in it. Inc never said he was Muslim. I don't think he is Irish. He doesn't have heart problems. It doesn't make sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor then you must acquit.
  4. Ripper

    Trailer for The Alamo

    Every war that Mel Gibson has been in on screen he by far takes the worst of it. He would have fit right in. Be all heroic but in the end, they got the better of you.
  5. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    If I take the word "Mamma" out of mama said knock you out and replace it with Zack, can I be considered a genius of lyrical poster too. That would be SO creative. ... *bounces ball*
  6. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    *bouncing ball* I don't know...he seems to be getting cooler by the minute. *runs off with ball*
  7. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    *watching ball bounce* Well, if you weren't such a ball hog maybe I wouldn't be so bored and would just ignore him. *grabs ball and runs giggling like a child*
  8. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    Hey everyone! Let's all point and laugh at him! AHAHAHAHA *points* Hahhahahahhaahahhaahahaha and he smells. hahahahahhaha
  9. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    That is the saddest shit that I have ever seen on this board. That post is the new trend.
  10. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    I guess I owe everyone a dollar. And Stennick...what could be added that puts that tripe IN context.
  11. Talk about heads bumping at that 2-3 spot. And seeing as that is the hot spot out west now, neither of those 2 have the defensive discepline to hold the spot well. I mean in the top 9 teams in the league they will have to face: Finley and Dirk Hedo and Manu Kobe and...well fuck it..Kobe Marion and Hardaway/Johnson Sprewell and Wally Peja and Christie Allen and Lewis Wells and ANderson Mobley and Griffin Brand will slow down most of the PF, the Centers will pretty much suck as a given and the point guards will eat their asses alive. This is why I don't think the clips will get 30 wins.
  12. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    *rubs face like Rick Rude* It does make me quite the sexy bitch.
  13. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    Really. At least he was a coherent idiot then. Now he is just all over the place. *Stennick* "Fuck a owned Fooster a New Me bitch club word life Fucker Foo face!!"
  14. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    If Ripper was white- does anyone think he would be a better poster?? I mean according to Stennik- Another theory I have is that some black people don't want to be educated, if you go to an ivy league school and start making 100,000 a year, the whole urge to do a drive by shooting kind of dies off in there somewhere. I think that in a way they like being who they are. Violent, intimidating, etc. The only problem is they are no more violent or intimidating than a group of rednecks who ties one of them to the back of a truck for a few miles. *stops before leaving to do drive by* Wait...what...
  15. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    Smell the Racistisity
  16. Ripper

    Nash's Movie,Scott Hall and Booker T

    Being on the road as a wrestler REALLY does add to the drinking and drugs. He obviously still has custody of his child despite having eyes from ever aspect of the law on him so he might have sobered up.
  17. Ripper

    Does anyone else hate TSM

    *kicks life sized voodoo doll of Dames sqwah in the nuts*
  18. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    Before you own me? Are you trying to call me a slave? OMG~! RACIZM~! BAN PLZ~! You ~RACIST!! ***to all concerned. The above post was a JOKE. While Stennick is a racist and quite the moron, he is not implying that he should own me in a racial sense. This post is a joke. Not to be taken seriously. That is all***
  19. Ripper

    LoL @ This Story

    I will only believe it Game looks at the tapes and reports back to me that it is indeed Scottie. Just as I am looking for someone that is into child porn that will tell me if that was R. Kelly on the tape. Johnson?
  20. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    You...don't...like...ME~! The racist illiterate doesn't like me? Dammit. ZacK and You're. And I don't think you are allowed to flame people in your sig.
  21. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    Ripping off Eminem rants=GOLD!!!
  22. Ripper

    Owning Incandenza

    *the Smartmark Mafia, and ME turn all look up in attention and roll up sleeves* I know you ain't startin with Zack.
  23. Ripper

    Nintendo stops GameCube production...

    As long as Nintendo keeps doing well in Japan, they will be alright. Sega died out because no one outside of the US gave a shit about the Dreamcast, and they fumbled the ball on the Saturn launch. Nintendo doesnt' have any failures as big as those (well...Virtual boy...but besides that) and still put out some of the best games there are. With the addition of games like True Crime and The Suffering and Resident Evil 4, it will be hard pressed to still call it "kiddy". It is a dumb label now and will look even dumber in the future.
  24. Ripper

    Soul Calibur II

    GC. Not for link cause I could give a pissy hell, but I like the GC controller better.
  25. Ripper

    Marci X

    Please. Morgan Freeman played a great role in Driving Miss Daisy. Anyone that didn't drink Spike Lee's and Public Enemy's Kool-aid would watch the movie and know that. His role was more empowering than it was insulting. Lawrence Fishburne is a incredible actor. I will watch his performance as Othello more than anyone else. Ike Turner's part was in a TRUE STORY. Once again, that movie didn't insult the black race. Denzel is forever god for channeling Malcolm X. The guy is just a great actor who I haven't seen do a movie that kills the black race. Then you have movies like Bringing down the House, Undercover Brother, Baby Boy, Belly...so many movies that are setting blacks in hollywood back years at a time. Right now this movie is being pitched: "Okay, he is from the HOOD right and he goes to live with his rich white uncle. ANd since he is from the hood, he never shakes anyones hand, he slaps it and says "Whut up bru". And he will eventually make a bunch of older white people dance to the latest MTV approved hip-hop hit. We have to have at least one stuck up black guy and one down ass old white lady in it. Its a HIT it tells ya."