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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    Being gay is the new trend

    First, Mike, because you are a prude doesn't make everyone else gay. Some people MIGHT be having anal sex because it adds something new to their sex life. I know that it is a crazy idea, but that might be the case some of the time. And Rant, his opinion does kill his credibility because if 1 man has anal sex and has no homosexual tendencies then his statement is not only wrong, but ignorant as well. You can't paint people with that broad of a brush. And I still say that being gay is no more a trend than interracial dating (which at one time was called a trend and saying that girls and guys were doing it to get back at their parents or society or whatever). If the curiosity does not exist in the first place, it being cool isn't going to make it appear. These women can give any excuse they want, they were in a bad relationship with men, they wanted to get back at their parents, they think its cool. Bottomline is, they are fucking another woman because they had the desire to fuck another woman. The same for the guys. When you cut through all the bullshit on the surface, your sexual curiosity will over take the is this cool crap. If it was not tollerated today like it was in the yesteryear, the same girls would be saying they would NEVER touch another woman. But since the media has made it front and center, they feel free to explore whatever they want to. And if they never experiment again, maybe it is because they got it out of their system. Maybe they don't enjoy the baggage that comes with being labeled as "gay" or "bi". There could be many factors. But I just can't see screwing someone of the same sex because MTV showed women kissing.
  2. Ripper

    Marci X

    I think it will end up being one of those little comedies that everyone loves later on down the line but won't make shit at the theater. Like that Romy and Michelles Highschool Reunion or Kingpin. I have confidence in those two. And besides Analyze That, I have never seen Kudrow do a bad movie. (knows someone is going to call him on THAT)
  3. Ripper

    Open Range

    I definately enjoyed this movie. Robert Duvall continues to prove that he is god, and Costner...well, he gives a very good performance in a role that was built more off the emotion that he gave off in his face instead of his words(he was a quiet man). One thing that pissed me off about the movie(well, not the movie, the dumbasses in the theater) were the people pissing and moaning over the last gun fight scene. It goes to show that people have gotten so trained to like guys flipping in the air shooting the bad guy in the head in slo mo on the way down that a real, nitty gritty, ol western shootout is basically lost on them. I also heard people moaning about it not having enough action (there was only one gunfight in the movie...like it should've been) which also pissed me off. All that great acting and charater buildup and people are pissed because they didn't shoot more. I did find some of Kevins directing in the beganning to be...well...strange. The movie just cut at weird times...it just didn't seem...right. Besides that, I really enjoyed this film and will be getting it on DVD when it is released. ANyone else see it. I have a feeling that most other peoples thoughts won't be as glowing as mine seeing as I am a Kevin Costner mark and a huge Robert Duvall mark.
  4. Ripper


    It has dry humps and panty shots. Plot shmot.
  5. Ripper

    Counter-Hippie Tactics

    Actually, I believe this guy's the hippiest. OH...I was under the impression that if I put -ist on the end of anything that means that you are hating said group. You know...racist, sexist, hippie-ist, damn sexy guy named ripper-ist. See?
  6. Ripper

    Being gay is the new trend

    No, your data is probably right. But it has also been shown that homosexual males tend to have AIDS test more often than heterosexual males. About 6 to 1. There are alot of unknown cases out there, for the homosexual and heterosexual male.
  7. Ripper

    Being gay is the new trend

    Perhaps the higher rate of infection should indicate that perhaps anal intercourse is not the best option. Oh most definately. If you want some AIDS, lots of anal sex is the place to start. I'm just saying that some people still try to hold on to the "Its a gay disease" thing when there are just as many heterosexuals with the disease.
  8. Ripper

    Being gay is the new trend

    But you don't have to try being gay, straight, or bi, i.e. have sexual contact, to know your sexual identity. I don't need to get fucked in the ass or get blown by a dude to know that I'm not gay and never will be. I know I love women, love going down, and only want a chick near my dick. I know that will never change. IMO, experimentation is a trend. Anyone that has to "discover" their sexual identity is either doing it because it's cool or because they're in desperate need of pleasure. Then it is safe to say that no matter how "cool" it becomes, you won't be having sex with men...right? I know I won't, but I also have no intrest in it. If someone has that curiosity, they will take into consideration doing it. That being said, I refuse to belive that it has anything to do with trends. It is a curiosity in the same sex intercourse that make people want to experiment. This has been going on forever, well before Will and Grace and whatever other show people want to attribute for making being gay "cool". As I said, if this was the 1950's, the only reason these same individuals would not have tried to experiment is the fact that society would have made them outcast. Much like those who were attracted to people of opposite sex wouldn't act on it in the past due to the stigma that comes with it. With acceptance and/or tolorance will come more people willing to do what they desire. I think alot of the "being gay is a trend" thing comes from men that want to hold on to the belief that every woman that walks the green earth really craves dick and one day they will come troting back to boys land after they get done with their little stage. Then there are those that experiment, then they don't have anymore homosexual experiences the rest of their life so they are considered people who were just in on a trend. Neither of those situations are true so its time to let those beliefs go. I don't care how many of my friends do it or how cool it becomes, Sex with a man never intrested me, and never will. But that also goes to show that it isn't the "coolness" that is making it happen, it is moreso the lack of fear of societies reaction that is making it happen more.
  9. Ripper

    Being gay is the new trend

    BUT, heterosexuals by the numbers are the ones that are contracting it more. Now if you go by percentages and such, yeah, a larger percentage of homosexuals get HIV than heterosexuals. But there are a lot more heterosexuals, or those claiming to be. Of course those claiming to be heterosexual could be lieing, but hey. And the girls are not doing it because they think it is cool. They are doing it because they are curious and want to try different things. In past times, society would have shunned them and called them outcast. Now with more tolorance, people are feeling more free to experiment sexually. Clothes are a trend, discovering ones sexual identity and experimentation will never be a trend. It will be exactly what it is. Experimentation.
  10. Ripper

    Counter-Hippie Tactics

    You ~HIPPIE-IST!
  11. Ripper

    Open Range

    I also liked how everyone didn't die from one shot. Like it really was. There were guy with 8-10 bullets still inthem walking around back in those days. They make guns alot more powerful now...although that scattergun blast was the SHIT. I think it could have ended about 10 minutes earlier, if they had sliced some of that ending off. It was needed but still. And that kid that played Button is probably the fugliest thing I have seen on film. Really...geez. Duvalls "I ain't talking to that son of a bitch!" lines were the best of the movies also.
  12. Ripper

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Sunnydaleslayers.com They never update, but it was the site that got me caught up when I first got into my Buffy love. I gave them props at the bottom of the thing I wrote for all of you that did read it. There are better sites, but I like that one as it served its purpose for me. Now I REALLY have to write a real write up on season one, and since Ihave seen RRR writeing style, and knows that there will be competition, I am about to BRANG IT!!
  13. Ripper

    Whats the deal with Cena?

    Hey, you usually have only one ignorant post per hip hop thread. Stop trying to change the formula.
  14. Ripper

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Well, I didn't exactly write the summary parts and Dames is all "I don't want to get sued" (pussy) so I have to redo most of it. It won't take long, but noone seems to be in a hurry so I've been loafing.
  15. Ripper

    Toys R Us Buy 1 Get 1 free sale this Sunday

    Well, Wrestlemania XIX has supposedly ripped the fighting engine off of DJV and AKI so hey, you might only have to wait a week or so for wrestling goodness.
  16. Ripper

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    GOD DAMN. I just became inspired to finish my season one, the unplagerized version, write up just because of that post. That is why RRR rocks. he 0wns each and everyone of your faces (I have to keep it going until Dangerous A gets back)
  17. Ripper


    Thats probably the wettest pussy I've ever seen.
  18. Ripper


    This thread offically rocks because of that ONE post.
  19. I say it went surreal once the two teams joined up and Chosun was killed. As much as I hate to stroke his ego, that was the turning point. So I decided it would be best to just kill Shooter Jay a bunch of times. My original plan was to wait for the whole thing to be over and just let me and Random Stranger finally land at Bankys all late and shit. Now you all got Shooter Jay killed 5 times. I hope you're happy.
  20. Ripper


    Well, next time you see her tell her she is the Rosa Parks of the Message board. Alright ladies, are you going to let her out do you. And Marney, I hear talk of a cute ass that has not yet been judge by me, the AssJudge. Thats just what I heard. BTW, I used your likeness in the SAGA in the underappreciated posters thread...don't sue me.
  21. Ripper


    Knowing you cats, there won't be any flaming. amateurs. Oh, I don't flame. I talk about the boobs and make unfunny jokes. Its a thing I do.
  22. Ripper


    So far in this thread I have tried to get a female poster to show her boobs, joked about HBK16 missing finger, done a cold reading, looked at FBOP ex girl, and thats about it. Basically, thats what everyone has done. I don't think he made anyone look stupid but himself. Now...Stardust. FBOP's ex used to post here (just go with me on this) and we have now seen her boobs. Time to anty up missy.
  23. Ripper


    No one has tried to flame you yet. It is basically a train wreck of a thread. Everyone is just coming by to point and say "Shit that is fucked up right there." We are basically pointing and laughing. Now if you WANT someone to flame you, that can be arranged.
  24. Ripper


    On one hand, the hot girlfriend pictures (insert joke about hand reference here...ya bastids) on the other hand, that damn sig. You could possibly screw up the sexual responce of everyone here with that, man. Everytime they see half nude women they see scary wet cat.
  25. Or when I worked in Macy's people would come up to me, in the fucking dark and say "Are you guys closing." No, we are just trying to save you, the shopper, money, by turning off the lights sporatically.