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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. :::The UnEasy Alliance board the bus and notice how plush and nice this Greyhound is. They also notice there is only one other person on the Bus. They think it's no big deal and take seats::: Ripper: Wow...This is a NIIICE bus. They even are serving smoothies in the back. Shooter Jay: Smoothies? Hell YEAH! :::Marney, Ripper, and BPP all look at each other puzzled::: BPP: Um...Jay... Shooter Jay: What? BPP: N...nevermind. Get me a peach and strawberry Smoothie while your back there. Shooter Jay: Okay. :::The 3 stare a Jay as he walks to the back of the bus and stop to think to themselves::: Marney: I could've sworn... Ripper: SO. Tell me about the master plan that Dames claimed to be sending you on. BPP: Well, as the offical board saving person here, I think that I should tell the story. :::Screen ripples as we go to a flash back of Dames's office. Dames sits in a large leather chair puffing on a huge cigar while swirling a martini in his other hand.::: Dames: Dr. Tom, Marney...I am sending you to take care of a problem for me. I have big big plans for the A and B team posters of TSM, but this Ripper guy is spoiling the plan. I need you all to take him out. I have reports that he is in Canda right now shaking his fist at the air. Dr. Tom: Wh..what. He's doing what. Dames: He's just standing there shaking his fist at the air. I don't know...he has issues. What I need you to do Tom is to pretend that you are a Canadian diner owner who has beef with the A and B team also so you can kill Ripper after joining with him to take them down. Dr. Tom: Why don't I just shoot him while he is just shaking his fist. Marney: Yeah...I mean he's just standing there. :::Dames throws the glass into the wall::: Dames: DAMMITT!!! I run this organization...you DARE question ME!!!! Dr. Tom:...I...I'm not really questioning you. Marney: Yeah...we just think that you have a pretty stupid plan there. I mean..really. Dr. Tom: Really...REALLLY stupid plan. Dames: Everything I do is for a reason. And if you question me again...wait. :::dames presses the intercom::: Shooter Jay: Yes Sir... Dames: Get in here for a moment Jay.. :::Shooter Jay walks in::: Dames: Stand there...You see Tom and Marney. This is a well oiled machine, TSM. We all work together, in sync really, to make it all run smoothly. When one...or two pieces start thinking they know what the other pieces should be doing, it just doesn't run as well, understand. But I run the machine. It is my duty to see that it keeps running smoothly. And if some of the pieces don't do their job... :::Dames takes out a gun and shoots Shooter Jay in the head..killing him::: Dames: Then they have to be replaced... :::Flyboy and Pinnicleofallthingsmanley come in and drag the dead body of Shooter Jay out of the office::: Dames: Do we understand? ::: Dr. Tom and Marney look at each other::: Dr. Tom: Thats all well and good, but its still a REALLLY stupid plan, Dames. Marney: REALLLLLLLLLLYY stupid. Dames: Dammit...BPP get in here. :::BPP walks in::: BPP: Do I need to save the board, AGAIN. :::All sigh and roll their eyes::: Dames: No...I need you to go with Tom and Marney to make sure that they follow my plan perfectly. I can't have any screwups. BPP: Does the very existance of the board depend on it? Dames: Y..Yeah...I guess you could say that. BPP: So...one could say that I am saving the board with this mission, huh. Dames: *sighs* Yes, BPP, yes...you are saving the board. :::BPP looks back at Tom and Marney with a smug "I told you so" look his face. Marney and Tom both flip him off::: Dames: So, Tom, you do the canadian diner owner thing, and Marney, you and BPP wait on the ground for him when he gets to DC under the guise of DC Tour guides. You will have JUST enough gas in your Cessna for you to get EXACTLY to where Marney and BPP will be, so don't dilly dally. Dr. Tom: Dude, this REALLY makes no sense. Why will I be in a Cessna...why are you only giving me enough gas to make it just outside of DC. And if they are waiting for me, why do they need to pretend to be tour guides...this makes no sense. Dames: Tom...do I need to make another example? *calls on the intercom* Shooter Jay: Um...Yes sir. Dames: Long story short, you work for me, he works for me. *shoots Shooter Jay in the head, KILLING him* That can be you if you don't do what I say. :::Flyboy and Pinnicleofallthingsmanly comeback in, share a confused look and drag the dead body of Shooter Jay out of the office.::: Marney: That was just plain weird. :::Ripples takes us back to present time::: BPP:....and we went through with the plan and we ended up here. :::Marney and Ripper stop and look at each other then look to the back of the bus where Shooter Jay, still getting the Smoothies, looks up and gives them a thumbs up and big smile. He is suddenly wearing his red shirt again.::: Ripper: Something is wrong with that story. How do you know what went on before you got in the office. BPP: I don't know...extra-sensory-board-saviour-capabilities. Marney: That is what happened though.*looks back a Jay confused*...It happened just like that. Bus Driver: We have reached the outskirts of NEW YAWK CITY. We will be stopping here for a short rest and we will head on in within a few minutes. :::The trio watches the bus driver haul ass out of the bus, as the lone passenger stands up and faces them. 4 others get up, from under the seats, having been hiding the whole time.::: Deranged Hermit: Well, hello Marney, and BPP. You TRAITORS!! Bet you never thought you would see me here. :::The Trio look at each other::: Ripper: Um...no...never thought we'd see you. Marney: I am SHOCKED!! BPP: Me to...I can't believe it. BPS right here in front of me. Deranged Hermit: W...What? I am Deragned HERMIT BITCH!!! Boys, KILL THEM!!! :::A passing car's headlights revel the rest of the would be assasins. EricMM, MiketheSC, Yuna, and Judasault.::: Ripper: Judasault...you betrayed me you bastard!! Judasault: Dude...JUDAS... thats what I do...betray people for silver. Don't act suprised. :::Gun fire starts as the Trio all dive for cover. Ripper get off a shot in the dive hitting Judasault in the forehead...his revenge is complete...well...his revenge against Judas...not against everyone else...I..I guess you knew that...but just wanted to make sure::: Shooter Jay: *sipping Smoothie* Hey, BPP, heres your Smoothie dude. Hey, whats going on? :::before he can react, Shooter Jay is riddled with bullets and falls, lifelessly to the ground::: BPP: SHOOOTTTTTEEERRRR JAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! He dropped my Smoothie...FUCK!! Marney: We don't have any guns...we are fucked. Ripper: Look, I have some extra on me...but can I trust you two not to turn on me. Marney: Tom is dead, and these bastards were sent by Dames to take me out. I have no more allegance to him. Bpp: After all my board savitry, that bastard has turned on me. You can trust me Ripper. :::Ripper tosses BPP and Marney some guns and they load::: Ripper: Alright...lets do this. TBC::
  2. Ripper

    Waiting until marriage......

    I can tell you right now that nowhere in the christian religion does it denounce shows of affection. This is either a complete judgement call or a skewed interpretation of the text.
  3. Ripper

    You are all banned!!!!!

    And now that I actually read your post and see what you said, my last post makes no sense. So...um... *cues music* LOOK A BEAR!!! *audience applauds the catchphrase* *walks out during the applause*
  4. Ripper

    You are all banned!!!!!

    Sue him for what? His ugly? Gimmick infringement. And since it was my idea then I get 10%. of course I would tell him to counter sue for wasting his time and say since it was my idea I get 10%. The important part is that I win in all of this. And really, isn't that what life is all about. Me getting ahead?
  5. Ripper

    Waiting until marriage......

    I understand that the moral thing to do is to commend these people, but no physical contact is fanatical to say the least. It is not wrong to call this bizarre...because it is. I mean, the part of the article said that his daughter hadn't even held her husbands hand before the marrige. Yeah, its great that they set goals and didn't do something. But they are doing it under the pretense that this is how God wanted it or something, which means they are taking a extremist view of the text. That shit is scary. No physical contact between friends is wierd to some extent, but in a monogamous relationship to not hold hands or hug is VERY bizarre.
  6. Ripper

    You are all banned!!!!!

    Is it a coincidence that Scott Keith used a haiku in his Raw report. I think not. Sue him CHAVE SUE HIM!!!
  7. Ripper

    Hogan Not In HCTP

    I said I liked Raws wrestling engine better than Smackdowns last year...THAT FUCKING IT!! See that quote button you have there, I would love for you to show me where I said that It would suck because Yukes made it. Especially when I said that from the Hands on it looks like Mania would have the best engine...they are both made by yukes. SHOW me where I have had it in for this game. SHOW me where calling me a fuckwad is intelligently calling me on something. I can show you how you bitch about nothing. I can show you Marney, Eric MM and others calling you on it. You called me on nothing. You flame baited me and I stupidly went for it. So I'm just going to end it now before I get banned. If you are in such a flamish mood go to NHB and start some shit there because I'm done.
  8. But he doesn't want to play for them. At ALL. Is he worth the headache and the negative effect in the locker room?
  9. Ripper

    Hogan Not In HCTP

    It gives a clear cut discription of the grappling system for those of us who can read. It clearly tells of how the grapples will be decided by "rapidly tapping the button you need for an attack" which is exactly how the grapple system worked in the old 16 bit Royal rumble games. I didn't like it then and from the description it doesn't sound promising to me. Instead of pointing out how much of a bitch you sound like in your little replys to me, I'll just let your dumbass keep making a dick hole out of yourself for pointlessly flame baiting me in a thread that everyone is talking about a game that they haven't played. So everyone else, if you don't like or like how the game captures look, stop bitching and wait till you play it. If you don't like the roster, stop bitching and wait until you play it to see who is really in the game. Of course the thread would be at no reply's then, but the entire point is to NOT make comments on the game and the information relased about it so that we can keep the board bitch happy.
  10. Ripper

    Hogan Not In HCTP

    Why don't you quit bitching till you PLAY the goddamn thing? In a entire thread about what might be in the game and what people like or might not like, you pick the ONE post I made to tell me to I'm bitching. They described a feature of the game that I don't think will work well. That is the point of a messageboard. As the resident "Bitch about everything" person around here, you should know better than anyone. So if I play the game and don't like it will your intelligent advice be "Stop bitching and play something else?" I look forward to it.
  11. Ripper

    Some Sad News

    ... *cancels contract on Dames head and tears up fake insurance policy leaving money to me* Well, thats another plan out the window. Just shit on my life, Dames! Geez...selfish!!
  12. Ripper

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    How did it end. Maybe I am missing something, but RVD was all pissed at Jerhico for jumping him or something, and came to the ring and just beat his ass while being serious as shit. Not that I think it was HHH saying "Hey, bury that guy" but they just flipped the entire storyline around when he came back...and at the time it was pointless. The next week, Jerhico started a pointless fued with either Stone Cold or Rock...I can't remember which. And lets not forget the INCIDENT from the Royal Rumble that year.
  13. I have a purpose and a plan for it all. Trust the comedy part man...trust it.
  14. :::Ripper dives into a ditch on the side of the road as Marney, Shooter Jay(wearing a bright red shirt), and BPP duck behind the expensive car for cover::: Marney: Um...Shooter Jay...where the hell did you come from? And whats with the shirt? Shooter Jay: Oh...I was just kinda around and thought I could help you guys out. BPP: But dude, you weren't here like one second ago and you just appeared. Were you here when I was talking about when I saved the board. Cause if you missed it I could go over it aga... Marney: HE WAS HERE!!! HE WAS HERE!!! BPP: 'kay...but its a great story if you want to hear it. See, Dames needed.... Ripper: HEY!! WHY ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO KILL ME. Marney: We were sent by the Dames. He doesn't need you screwing up his master plan. Ripper: WHY AREN'T YOU USING BIG WORDS ANYMORE...THAT WAS LIKE YOUR THING...YOU KNOW...SMART ASS MARNEY! Marney: Lazy writer I guess. Ripper: ...SO!!... Shooter Jay: Why are you shouting. You're like 2 feet away. Ripper: I'M IN A DITCH. I WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU HEAR ME...HEY! WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM? Marney: Enough of this shit. Jay you take the right side, BPP, you take the left and I am diving directly over the car all John Woo-ish. Shooter Jay: Why do I have to go right...BPP, don't you wanna go right.. I got this feeling. Marney: Just stick to the plan. Shooter Jay: But I am wearing the red shirt of disposible ship mate like on star trek. I REALLY think I should just stay here. Marney: Fine stay here. I'm still going Woo-ish and BPP YOU go right. BPP: Fine, I'm not a bitch like SOME people. Hell, I saved the board, I can go right. Marney: Alright Ready...GO!!! ::: On cue, Marney goes all John Woo-ey over the car firing her big ass gun as BPP comes around the right firing Shooter Jay is not only not shooting he doesn't even look like a Jay, therefore not living up to his name at all. Instead he is cowering behind the car. Ripper lunges back getting off a shot that hits the car in the gas tank killing Shooter Jay in the explosion::: Marney: [still flying in air] I told him to go right. :::the Blast makes Ripper drop his gun, leaving him open to the menacing Marney and BPP, as they have approached the unarmed man...SEXY ass man...that lay unarmed...well I said that already, but the main thing to get is that A: He is damn sexy and B: He is unarmed...just drawing you a picture here. Look, I could've just been vauge about it all but here I am putting a picture in your minds eye and you're bitching about it. Why don't you just skip this part and go back to the dialouge since you don't appreciate it... ...Well...GO!!::: BPP: Well, well, well. Look who is unarmed and defenseless. Yet still strangely sexy. Marney: Eh, not my type. To rugged and manly. :::Marney and BPP raise their guns::: BPP: Well, just like the non board saving glory hound Dames always says... Marney: We are the unfuckwitable...don't...well...fuck with us. :::Both pop da colla as they begain firing::: IS THE RIPPER DEAD? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MARNEY AND BPP? DID BPP REALLY SAVE THE BOARD? WILL RIPPER STILL BE UNBELIEVEABLY SEXY AS A CORPSE? All these and other questions will be answered in the next installment of the SAGA!! :::Coming soon::: Or RIGHT NOW!!! :::Marney and BPP continue firing until no more shots remain.::: Ripper: [eyes closed and slowly start to open] Is...is this hell?? Marney/BPP: OMG!! WTF!!! :::Both look at their smoking barrells to see that the guns indeed fired. Yet Ripper remains perfectly unharmed::: Ripper: What just happened. Marney: I...i don't know. These are the guns that Dames gave us. BPP: Yeah. It says right here on the side "For the Board Savior". Marney: You wrote that in crayon on the way here. BPP: Yeah..well...SHADDUP!! I saved the board... Ripper: Blanks...They were blanks. Well, it looks like Mr. Colla Popa sent you two on a suicide mission. Hmm. Why would he do that. :::Ripper inspects the gun that he took from the dead and stinky body of Dr. Tom...it too was filled with blanks::: Ripper: Oh My GOD!! The gun that I took from the dead and stinkly body of Dr. Tom is also filled with blanks. :::I just said that::: Ripper: Well, I felt that Marney and BPP should know too. Stop being so argumentative. :::Sorry, I'm still just feeling a little underapprecitated, that's all::: Ripper: Yeah..ANYWAY. Dames has been setting you all up for me to kill you. Well, I don't like being used as a pawn in his plan. And I don't kill for free. Now its time me and DAMEs had a talk!! Marney: Wasn't what you were here for in the first place. BPP: Yeah. I mean, you can talk to the board saver over here if you want. Ripper: Okay, he tried to have you two killed. Don't you want to give him a talk too. Marney: Yeah...YEAH I DO!!! BPP:Yeah...but how can we get from out here. The car done blowed up. We need someone to save us. :::Marney and Ripper look at each other and then back at BPP::: BPP: Its almost like we are the board. What we need is a me to come along and save us. Ripper: How will we get to New York. Bus Driver: BUS TO NEW YORK!! GET ON YOUR BUS TO NEW YORK HERE!! DON'T KNOW WHY I'M OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE BUT HEY I'M A BUS AND I'M HEADIN TO THE BIG APPLE!! Ripper: How incredibly fortunate!! Lets go!! Marney, BPP, and Ripper get onto the bus off to New York to face...THE DAMES!!! Music: DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be continued:
  15. Ripper

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Too bad Triple H buried him... big time... RVD was buried long before HHH. You don't "beat" Taker for the title one week, then get shunted to the midcard the next week with no mention of what happened. That kills heat. HHH gave RVD a one month program, and then beat him. It wasn't a burial. If he had been taken seriously before then, that loss would've been no big deal. I'm sick of you HHH cry-babies, screaming about how he ruined RVD. RVD wasn't taken seriously by the WWE to begin with. The thing that supports this fact is that RVD was fueding for the Title the WEEK before HHH came back and the next week he was curtain jerkin against Test. We were one week removed from "Pissed off, focused for the title against Jerhico" RVD and back to Posing RVD in a meaningless match against Test the next week.
  16. This shit killed my inspiration for my next part. Now if that is a good thing or not, it remains to be seen.
  17. Ripper

    Hogan Not In HCTP

    "Another big improvement is the struggle system. Instead of giving every wrestler a default lockup win just because he pressed a button first, tie-ups will result in a back and forth struggle between the combatants. Represented by a slider bar that shows the two involved, rapidly tapping the button you need for an attack will move the slider in one direction towards the person who's winning the struggle. If you can manage to do that, you'll pull off your maneuver and deliver the proper grapple." So...they turned it into a button masher like the Royal Rumble game on the 16 bit systems? I don't really like that any more than I liked the last crappy engine.
  18. Ripper

    Some sad news...

    Dammit to hell.
  19. Ripper


    I have been doing it for about 3 years now, mostly because of the huge amounts of sports injuries I got in highschool and college and I want to be able to walk when I get old.
  20. Ripper

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer....

    Passion... basically because it is the best show, dammit.
  21. Ripper

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    If he is a bitch worth anything he will come up with one.
  22. Ripper

    I need your help

    We have a winner. I'd still go with Troll Logic or Asshole Penguins...but you can't beat the cowbell.
  23. Ripper

    best skinemax movie

    The only ones I like were the one when they all went to Purto Rico or where ever, the one with the girl who did the porn shoot with her boyfriend...only for him to pussy up and leave her over it, and of course, JORDAN!! Jordan wasn't the cutest. She didn't have the greatest body. But she would be the only one I would get a lap dance from. And her girlfriend was HOT!!