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Everything posted by Ripper

  1. Ripper

    I need your help

    Troll Logic
  2. Ripper

    I need your help

    From your avatar Asshole Penguins Or Psycho Kitty Or RIPPER... just remember that you HAVE to keep the three periods.
  3. Ripper

    Best before they were stars cameo?

    *looks around* "You just take those banana's."
  4. Brian Grant will somehow be a Mavrick. Soon. I would take Eddie Jones if I needed a 2 guard. Still a 20 point per night guy.
  5. Ripper

    Best before they were stars cameo?

    Cuba Gooden Junior getting his fro cut in Coming To America. Bernie Mac being the door man at a club in Mo' Money.
  6. Yeah. I was trying to wait on everyone else first but you guys and your slowness. Back in my day when we wrote incoherent Sagas using various people from a internet message board, we got the updates up on time...LIKE THE BIBLE SAYS! Now you younguns take all week to update. Damn kids and your Michael Jackson.
  7. Ripper

    The Source's top 151 Greatest

    But Eminem or no, Chronic 2001 would have sold through the roof, because hip hop heads were waiting for it. Dre was still dre. With Eminem or not.
  8. Ripper

    You are all banned!!!!!

    What does this post mean? What are you refering to? It needs more cowbell...
  9. Ripper

    best skinemax movie

    That would be a great ending to a real movie...in a fucked up kinda way. A Arlington Road good ending...
  10. Ripper

    You are all banned!!!!!

    So I go update The SAGA and it just gets no sold for Haikus
  11. Ripper

    What's the worst thing you've ever done?

    Bravo for going through with the plan though. I mean after a couple of weeks, I would have just gotten over it. I would like to add that if I was that guy I would have killed you. Literally.
  12. Ripper

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Don't make me start smackin people. Cause I will bring the smackin.
  13. :::Ripper has landed the Cessna on the outskirts of DC since he ran out of gas...of course, why he was flying over DC when he was trying to get to New York from Canada is beyond me, but hey, it goes with the story::: Ripper: God damn Tom and his crappy ass Cessna. I don't know anything about DC. Where they hell should I go. Tour Guide: Free TOURS OF DC!!! GET YOUR FREE TOUR OF DC RIGHT HERE!!! Ripper: Wow...how incredibly convienent. Hey buddy!! I'll take a free tour!!! Tour Guide: Well come along then. :::Ripper jumps into the back of a lush sports car. This automatically starts to raise a few questions in that mind of his.::: Ripper: Hey...this is a pretty nice car to be doing tours in. Tour Guide: Well...only the best for you tourist to DC. So what you in town for. Ripper: Actually I was trying to get to New York. I have to meet with this guy named the Dames...he is the owner of TSM. Tour Guide: FUCK THE OWNER!! I SAVED TSM!!!...ahem...I mean...TSM...whats that. Ripper: What did you just say? Tour Guide: About what..when...relax buddy, take a load off. Hey look, that foxy young lady looks like she wants a tour also. Ripper: No, what did you just say about...hey...she does have a cute ass. :::The car stops to pick up a young lady with a cute ass...well I guess you could've figured that from the dialouge but I haven't had a chanve to type ":::" in a while and was getting antsy...::: Ripper: Well HELL-O Miss lady ma'am. How you do-in? Lady: Fine...and my name isn't Miss Lady Ma'am...its Marn...um...Marnishia. Ripper: Marnishia. Thats a...um intresting name. Marnishia: Yeah...its Dutch. So are you in town alone. I surmised that you would be accompanied by someone. Or was I wrong to conjecture such a doltish hypothesis? Ripper: ....What?... Marnisha: Oh, I my appolgies. It was my erratum not to compensate for your lack of erudition. Ripper:...What?... Marnishia: I would think that someone as...sexy...as you would have been in town with someone...seeing that you are...sexy... :::Marnisha tries to control her laughter everytime she calls Ripper sexy. Once again, something all to familier about this woman and the driver who is continuously repeating that he saved the board::: Ripper: Well, I was. I was with this guy, Dr. Tom. But he had a accident so I went on with out him. :::Anger starts to fill Marnisha's eyes::: Marnisha: WHAT DO YOU MEAN ACCIDENT!!! Tour Guide: I mean Dames gets all the damn props but I'm the one that saved the fucking board.... :::Suddenly it clicks in Rippers head. He remembers seeing the Tour Guide from a Girls Gone Wild tape...and the woman not only used big words for no reason, but also nearly laughed when calling him sexy...either she was blind or gay. And he only knew one verbose lesbian..MARNEY. And the Tour Guide was non other than Big Poppa Popick.::: :::RIpper is nervous, but can't let on that he knows. He must come up with a escape::: Ripper: Hey tour guide...pull over. I gotta drain the liz-ard...Take a leak...drain the main vein...take a pizzle on the.... Tour Guide: OKAY!! I get it...geez. :::As Tour Guide...or BPP stops the car, Ripper checks BIG ASS MAGNUMâ„¢ to make sure that it still has enough ammo.::: :::He goes to the back of the car to take a leak...he really had to go! Out of nowhere IDRM grabs him from behind, turning him around as New Me snaps a picture of his exposed dangler::: New Me: You're going to take part in the thread one way or another...YOU ALL WILL!!! :::New Me and IDRM run off into the night...or day...or what ever time this is happening...I'm confused::: :::Marney and BPP get out of the car::: Marney: What the hell was that. BPP: Yeah...hey, I ever tell you guys about that time I saved the board. It was the SHIZOT. Marney: Will you shut...Um...Ripper...will you put THAT away. Ripper: AH HA. No straight woman could resist the call of my penis...you are MARNEY aren't you!!?!?! :::Ripper puts his penis away, back into its bullet proof jock, knowing that a gun fight in coming and he doesn't want lil' Ripper being in harms way.::: Marney: Yes, I am. What did you do with Tom. Ripper: Toms dead lady...and you two are next. :::Slo-mo as guns get whipped out in the most pointlessly dramatic way possible. The Firefight is ON~!::: To be continued: ... Or WILL IT? .... Yes...It will.
  14. Oh...I didn't know that the contract was so low. hell yeah that is a bargin.
  15. Ripper

    What's the worst thing you've ever done?

    But can you consider that a bad thing...you know the kicking his ass. I mean, in a legal sense, I've done shit considered "bad" but seeing as I don't regret it, I won't call it a bad thing.
  16. Ripper

    best skinemax movie

    Bump so that said PANSY can see me calling him a flower that is considered non manly.
  17. Ripper

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    How the hell did the miss the boat on angle. He won every title within a year.
  18. I mean, if I ever have a party with all the TSM users and later I go to the bathroom and the toilet is covered with ass hair, its a little weird that I could automatically think "Who the fuck did this...well I know it wasn't AoO or New Me because to thier lack of ass hair."
  19. Ripper

    The Source's top 151 Greatest

    Yeah..really. He only has 2 albums. BOTH are considered classics.
  20. Ripper

    What do you think about Lebron James?

    I still say you take away the pistons and lakers, the Celtics would have won 6-7 championships in the 80's. Take away the Celtics and Pistons, the Lakers would have won 7-8. Take away the Lakers or Celtics, the Pistons would have had 5-6. Great competition is what stop those teams and players from getting even more notoriety. And I'm not giving props to the Superchoker and Utah Jazz as viable opponents. They couldn't have touched 10-11 80's teams.
  21. Ripper

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    One could make a case for Austin, who's shoot anti-authority badass gimmick was done in ECW first. What about Mick? He was a recognizable WCW performer before coming to the WWE. Honorable mention to Vader who Vince Ok'd a Title Run for, but HBK bitched his way out of it at the last second. But in all honesty, about 5 people had seen ECW before so Austin was made in the WWE...by stealing character traits from ECW characters.
  22. Ripper

    I just went on the worst date ever.

    What was the matter with her. She always took her ATM card with her when she left the machine and DIDN'T crash internet messageboards? You're right...it wouldn't have worked out.
  23. Do you guys ever get the feeling we know way to much about one another?
  24. Ripper

    The Bitch is Back

    I would but I hate proving stereotypes. ... Think about it... .... ... Think about it...
  25. Ripper

    The Bitch is Back

    You thought I deserved to be banned? For what? For daring to oppose a WDI admin in the one place where he doesn't have to make an argument and rather can ban me because he doesn't "like me"? That's ghey. A few of the WDI admins have never liked me and that's fine. But to get banned because of it isn't fair at all. I know it's their board and their prerogative, but to ban someone because your personalities don't mix is fucking pathetic. Hey, that's life. If you work with someone you don't like, you can't ban them from work. You either choose not to socialize with them or you deal with them only when you have to. Only 'net nerds abuse their "power" and simply push buttons to eliminate a "problem." I probably won't like everyone who posts at SNKT II, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let my personal biases influence any decision I make that has to do with them. Unless someone is basically being a Prince Paul, I've never even seen the need to ban someone from a messageboard. When you're banning people for what they say; words on a screen, you're taking yourself and your board way too seriously. The Powers That Be at WDI believe that I am an "act"; that I'm controversial, obnoxious, outspoken and provocative just for the sake of being so. I'm not, it's just how I am. And they ban me for it because basically they can. Having a personality that differs from theirs is a banworthy offense, it seems. They constructed a little net world where they make the rules, probably to deal with the fact that they can't control much outside of it. Fine. I'm not angry at that; enjoy your little cretin-filled utopia. But chances are if they don't "like" you, you won't last long there and their requirements for "likeability" swing back and forth like a woman's mood. People that have been banned here at TSM post freely at WDI and are liked...people that have been banned at WDI post freely here at TSM and are liked. What's that tell you about the banning process at both boards? Inconsistent would be the word. In closing, it's not really I who lost out in that particular "relationship" anyhow, WDI did, so actually good riddance. They did me a favor. I posted there and here out of boredom, not because it was actually FUN to do. I wish I was banned here because that would prevent me from seeing all the stupid shit that goes on here, too. That's how I felt about my ban from WDI. Not being able to go there or view the board saves me from having to do what it is I do. At any rate, SNKT II (hell, SNKT v.1) is a way better board than WDI (ANY version) could EVER be and there your membership status doesn't depend on whether me and my clique "like you" or not. We're not women so we don't act like'em. You're free to be yourself at SNKT II even if yourself is an asshole. Last I checked there wasn't any law against that. And MY COCK IS BIGGER THAN EVERYONE'S HERE. Not about to post in the cock shots thread, but don't be so sure MISTA...