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Everything posted by LaParkaMarka

  1. LaParkaMarka

    TSM Talks (to the voices in their head): The Legacy

    I actually liked the Rhodes/Dibiase/Manu version of the group. Orton's involvement kind of overshadows the other guys, and makes them look like jobbers.
  2. LaParkaMarka

    30 Rock

    I like 30 Rock way more than The Office. I really could care less about the romance subplots in the Office. I mean, at one point weren't most of the cast involved with someone else at work (Ryan/Kelly, Jim/Pam, the boss and that hr chick, Dwight/Angela/Andy). That's like 3 too many.
  3. LaParkaMarka

    30 Rock

    Everything with Liz and the Midget was awesome. Liz is so delightfully pathetic.
  4. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO Strategy RPG Game Thread

    Dragon Force was a wonderful game, nice to see it get some love here. The game had a ton of replayability too...6 factions I think, lots of different strategies to try so it could play out differently each time. I really enjoyed it.
  5. LaParkaMarka

    New house on the market

    I don't get it. Whose house was that? Crash Holly's house.
  6. LaParkaMarka

    Wild Card Weekend

    We need a Vikes/Cards conference final, and a Chargers/Dolphins conference final. That way every possible Super Bowl scenario will suck.
  7. LaParkaMarka

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Get the full-screen version of the movie, instead of the widescreen version.
  8. LaParkaMarka

    NHL - January 2009

    So LOLbarbara made 30 saves and allowed just 1 goal. I thought he sucked?
  9. LaParkaMarka

    Japanese MMA Thread

    The important thing is that he beat up Badr Hari. And that bit after the fight with his girlfriend was cute.
  10. LaParkaMarka

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    McCool is terrible, as was that match, but the post-match beatdown was pretty alright as far as Divas go. Maryse's full body pin is tremendous. I love Maryse.
  11. LaParkaMarka

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    Yay Maryse! Her heel mannerisms are fantastic. McCool was such a bland face too, maybe as a heel she can freshen up her character.
  12. LaParkaMarka

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I heard it was Matt Morgan.
  13. LaParkaMarka

    NHL Thread - December

    That's a perfect description of HFBoards. That place is a disaster.
  14. LaParkaMarka

    Christian Cage / WWE

    What for? He ate a geisha.
  15. LaParkaMarka

    Teenage Mutant Team Ninja Turtles Bros Brawl

    You know that there's a new cartoon on tv, and the turtles fanbase is largely preteens right? I think this kind of game would work well for that market, Smash Bros is relatively easy to pick up and play. Certainly more so than a turn-based rpg. Besides, didn't Ubisoft already made a Turtles 3d action game for PS2? My nephew had it...poor game for a 6 year old, he couldn't really get very far because of the jumping puzzles and such.
  16. LaParkaMarka

    OaO Monday Night Raw thread 12/15/2008

    Reports indicate that former world champion Georg Hackenschmidt was spotted backstage.
  17. LaParkaMarka

    NHL Thread - December

    I think Scott Mellanby works for the Canucks now. Hey Max, now that the Bruins are good are they getting much attention in Boston?
  18. LaParkaMarka

    SNL - December 6th

    Was it just me or did Malkovich totally blow that calculator sketch? I enjoyed the weekend update. Malkovich in drag was just terrifying because he had his creepy smile going on the entire time.
  19. LaParkaMarka

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    Israel is ruled by a coalition too. So is Italy. Switzerland. Austria. Germany. Norway. There are probably many more.
  20. LaParkaMarka

    NHL Thread - December

    I love that Avery line. It's funny because it's true. How can he be suspended for telling the truth? Really, that's what Phaneuf gets for banging Avery's ex.
  21. LaParkaMarka

    Annoying tv characters

    The inexplicable Claire Huxtable rant was great. Who knew anyone harboured a deep resentment of a Cosby Show character? Anyways, I never cared for Phoebe at all...her weird hippie thing was just too over the top. Really, most of the Friends cast was pretty ridiculous.
  22. LaParkaMarka

    Somali Pirates

    The real solution would be to build a time machine and go back and prevent the last 150 years of destructive colonial intervention from ever occurring. Failing that, idk. The real solution is time travel.
  23. LaParkaMarka

    Two (!) SNL reviews

    Jean K. Jean kills me...I love that character. Plus he's rare enough that it isn't grating.
  24. LaParkaMarka

    WWE Raw; 11-24-08

    I heard it too. I found it pretty entertaining actually...the screw ups in wrestling can be more fun than the actual wrestling itself.
  25. LaParkaMarka

    Let's Talk About...No Holds Barred

    J.R. saying that has always stuck with me, for some reason. This stuck with me too, but I remember it coming across as pretty fake. McMahon had one of his phony laughs after JR said it, and it just seemed like one of those lines that Vince put together himself.