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Everything posted by LaParkaMarka

  1. LaParkaMarka

    The Amazing Race: Season 13

    Kelly and Christy are nice too. Plus there appears to be a hippie Santa Claus, which is always good.
  2. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    It was still funny seeing our guys bust through Seven of Nine and Garak.
  3. LaParkaMarka

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    That was a fun story. If you have any more, start a thread in General about it...could be a fun read. Bouncers must encounter some fairly entertaining shit every weekend.
  4. LaParkaMarka

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    I wasn't too excited about this game until I played the demo. It's great...it feels like Star Wars, and you can do some pretty hilarious stuff with the environment (ie force tossing a box out a window, watching a bunch of stuff get sucked out into space before some containment doors activate). It's very cool, well worth downloading the demo.
  5. LaParkaMarka

    Tropic Thunder

    I watched Pineapple Express last week and Tropic Thunder tonight. Pineapple was quite bland, but Tropic Thunder just blew me away. That was tremendous all the way through, the Cruise/Hader scenes were great, the reactions to the hands, everything Robert Downey Jr did. The first part of the movie caught everyone in my theater off-guard, very cool intro. I loved that movie.
  6. LaParkaMarka

    Pictures I Like

  7. LaParkaMarka

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Mamma Mia at 116 million, and still making respectable cash, is astounding. Anyone know what the studio expected it to make?
  8. LaParkaMarka

    Who in MMA do you hate, and why?

    I can't stand Bisping either. I disliked him on TUF already, even more so after the Hamill fight. The guy just comes across as a dick.
  9. LaParkaMarka

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well this sounds interesting. What happened to that game?
  10. LaParkaMarka

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

  11. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    An Offensive Tackle scored a 50 yard TD against us, guys.
  12. LaParkaMarka

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    It only took a couple of days for someone to beat him at the crazy decapitation angle. If this was a scene in a movie, I would have thought it was really stupid and unbelievable. I mean...the dog? Wandering around with the head showing it to people? Shot five times? Stole two cop cars? That guy in Winnipeg was completely outdone.
  13. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    Plus we have CPU still on the roster. Any team with CPU around gets demolished, especially at a higher level league like AAA.
  14. LaParkaMarka

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I just randomly turned on TNA. Is Daivari seriously doing a Muhammad Hassan gimmick? Really?
  15. LaParkaMarka

    Mike Adamle: The Thread

    I think they might be going for the Steve Carrell in The Office type character. Means well, but he's a terrible boss and no one respects him. Ideally he'll treat Kofi exactly like Stanley is treated in The Office.
  16. LaParkaMarka

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    Iron Man was rewatchable because it was a lighthearded, fun fluff movie. I'm not saying it was a better film that Dark Knight, obviously Dark Knight had a lot more going on. But for me, if I'm going to rewatch a movie I prefer fun fluff movies versus some layered dramatic action movie. I could see 40 Year Old Virgin a bunch of times and still enjoy it. Something like No Country for Old Men, which was a far better film artistically than Virgin, not so much.
  17. LaParkaMarka

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    Slightly better at best I liked Iron Man more than Dark Knight. Iron Man was more fun, something I could watch again. I'm pretty surprised people are re-watching Dark Knight...what's there to rewatch? The Pencil Trick? I don't get it. Then again, I never got Titanic either. Kudos to DK for bringing people back for multiple viewings.
  18. LaParkaMarka

    The Dark Knight

    Except it wasn't. The Pumpkins made two versions of that song: "The End is the Beginning is the End", and "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning". They're similar but not the same. The first one was used in Batman, the second in the Watchmen trailer.
  19. LaParkaMarka

    PlayStation 3

    So I picked up a PS3, and ended up getting All-Pro 2k8 because I'm a huge 2k football fan and it was only 20 bucks. What other good single player games are worth getting, besides the big ones (mgs4, gta4, etc)?
  20. LaParkaMarka

    Affliction - Banned: Fedor vs. Sylvia

    Hope this isn't a retarded question, but who is the chick?
  21. LaParkaMarka

    Box Office Report...

    Well, I'm definitely disappointed. Irreversible was great.
  22. LaParkaMarka

    WWE Raw (7/21/2008)

    Cody Rhodes provided a great moment there. We need more blatantly blown spots.
  23. I know we have a billion Firefly and Buffy fans here, so I'm surprised it hasn't been discussed yet. Whedon has developed a short supervillian musical starring Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillon. You can watch the acts, streaming, over at drhorrible.com. Act 1 - Today Act 2 - July 17 Act 3 - July 19 Act 1 was pretty good. The quality is about the same as the old Buffy Musical, so it's a pretty silly ride. Who else has seen it so far? The letter from Bad Horse was great. Edit: And now I notice there already is a thread. If someone wants to delete this, go nuts.
  24. LaParkaMarka

    Affliction - Banned: Fedor vs. Sylvia

    Ah, that Fedor KO brought down the house at the bar I was at. Everyone wanted to see Sylvia get destroyed, and waited patiently through the painfully long Megadeath performance, but it was all worth it.
  25. LaParkaMarka

    New Joss Whedon Musical, Starrring Doogie Howser

    Well, can't say I was expecting that ending. Fantastic. "The second time you get to do the weird stuff", Fake Thomas Jefferson, BAD HORSE. I'm just sad we didn't get a final Bad Horse song.