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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo
YES YES YES!!! I FOUNDS IT!!!! ------------------------------------ I will use the greatest gimmick of all time for Funaki to use and modify it for this fued. Funaki is a time travelling warrior-scientist who has come back to stop the rise of Mattitude. For you see, in Funakis future Mattitude has engulfed the world and have made slaves out of all nations. It is a horrible, hateful, world; a world inwhich Funaki wishes to change. *Scene begins with Tajiri eating alone enjoying a sandwich as Funaki walks in* Funaki: Ta-jiri..may..I have..a word...with..you. *Tajiri nods* *Funaki notices the camera and begins to speak Japanese* *Tajiri listens and nods his head, and then Funaki's voice lowers and becomes more ominous, Tajiri is stunned and looks as if he has seen a ghost* *Funaki helps Tajiri up and they walk off together* Michael Cole: What was that all about? Tazz: I dunno, but Tajiri looked like he was told that the world was going to end or sumthin. Cole: Oh that's crazy Tazz, the world will never end. Tazz: Yeah, I guess so Cole. Hey, here comes Matt Hardy with a Mic. Cole: What's this all about? Tazz: I dunno, but he looks as if he has somethin real important to say. *Matt Hardy Enters the ring with Shannon Moore and Crash Holly* Hardy: Fellow Mattitude Followers, I know it has been a hard and long journey thus far and I am proud to see the faith is still kept close to your hearts. The time of judgement is soon at hand and I promise you, your dedication and loyalty will be remembered and is valued by me, Matt Hardy, leader and founder of Mattitude. *Funaki and Tajiri are shown by the side of the smackdown set. Funaki is pointing at Matt Hardy and is telling Tajiri something while Tajiri nods with wonderment. They soon see that Cameras are on them and they rush to the back.* *Crash has a match against Brian Kendrick as Matt Hardy is seated in his very own personal Chair where he watches stoically. Shannon Moore is at his side pointing at the match and Crash wrestles as if he is seeking Matts approval. He wins with Moores assistance. * *After the match Funaki and Tajiri scout Kendrick while Cole and Tazz speculate whether or not Funaki/Tajiri is interested in Mattitude, or Kendrick* *The Next Week* *Funaki and Tajiri confront Kendrick, they are very serious and Kendrick thinks they want to fight. Funaki assures him that he doesn't, and that he needs to have a word with him. Tajiri seems a little more calm now, but still is a little bit unsettled. Funaki once again sees the camera and asks the cameraman to turn it off, but the cameraman shakes the camera as if to say "no" and Funaki rolls his eyes while Tajiri shouts and obscenity.* Funaki: Brian, I..have...something..very important to tell you, and you might not believe me... but please.. listen. I am not who I say I am. I am not just Funaki, Smackdown #1 Announcer, I have a big secret that you should know. Brian: Funaki, you're not - you know - I mean, if you are that's fine and cool and whatever man it's your life, I just don't swing that way. Funaki: Brian..Please...Listen to me... *Brian looks over at Tajiri as Tajiri nods his head with a worried look* Brian: Wow, you're serious aren't you. Funaki: Yes. I am. *Funaki motions over to Tajiri, Tajiri leaves scene* Funaki: Now, as I said, I am not just Funaki, not just a wrestler or announcer, I am more than that. You see, I *Tajiri kicks Camera out of Cameramans hands* *Camera falls and we see Tajiri's face as he bends over to check out the damage. We see his feet move toward Funakis and Kendricks* *Cameraman picks up the camera but there is no sound.* *Funaki is telling Kendrick something, Kendrick begins to laugh, but then becomes very serious and he realizes that Funaki is telling the truth. The Camera catches Brian saying "Matt Hardy" with a bewildered expression on his face.* *Cut to Tazz and Cole* Cole: Wow, what was that all about? Tazz: I dunno Cole, but some serious words said by Funaki to Kendrick, something about Matt Hardy it seems? Cole: What do you think it's about Tazz? Tazz: I dunno, but it seems that there is more than meets the eye regarding Smackdowns very own #1 Announcer Funaki. And it seems as if he is recruiting Brian Kendrick! Cole: Recruiting? What is that all about, Tazz? Tazz: I dunno, but it seems we might have a war on our hands IN the WWE. Cole: And it seems as if it will be between Funaki and his buddies against Matt Hardy and his MF'ers. Tazz: Oh I dunno about that, too soon to speculate, but we better keep our eye on it! *Matt Hardy is shown sitting in his own personal chair as Crash and Moore are at his side on bended knee* Shannon: Matt - what is going on? Matt: Don't worry young Shannon Moore, nothing will stop our Mission of Mattitude, not Brian Kendrick, not Tajiri, and certainly not Funaki. Crash: Yeah! *A few scenes later* *Tajiri is discovered beaten up in the back as Funaki and Kendrick check on him.* Kendrick: WOW! This is serious! Funaki: You're right, We better get him to a hospital. Kendrick: No, I mean THIS. *Kendrick turns Tajiri over and reveals a "V1" logo painted on his chest.* Funaki: Dammit. It has begun. Kendrick: WOW, so it's all true, all of it, you were telling me the truth. Funaki: Yes....I wish it was all I lie... But it's true... He must be stopped. *Kendrick nods and then sees the camera recording everything. He gets up and looks like he is going to do something. The feed stops as there is just static now* Cole: What is going on here! Tazz: I dunno, but something big is happening and it's happening on smackdown! Cole: It's begun? What has Begun? What does it all mean? It all comes to ahead at Judgement Day, if anyone didn't catch that Backlash would feature Tajiri/Kendrick/Funaki vs. Hardy/Moore/Crash. We wouldn't know Funakis true intentions or past; it still would be a mystery. At Backlash they would lose because they weren't ready, they weren't prepared enough to combat the power of Mattitude. Funaki will then declare to the world who he really is and what his mission is all about. Most will just laugh at him and brush him off, but a select few will join him (4 more). Rey Mysterio will play a Sting-esque role, he doesn't really believe Funaki, but he doesn't laugh at him like the others do. Rey realizes that Matt Hardy and Mattitude is evil and wants to fight against them, but still doesn't join as he fights his own fight. He also lacks the confidence because of his loss to Matt at WM. Matt Hardy will see this and then start to recruit more MF'ers. Only two more join him - and it seems as if the tide has turned and Funaki will win and change the future. However, one of Funakis teammates will turn his back and reveal himself to be an MF'er. Both sides are even, but Mattitude has the advantage. At Judgement day there will be a 5 on 5 match between Funakis group and the MF'ers to determine whether or not Funaki can fight Matt Hardy for the cruiserweight title later on in the night. Funakis team wins, but it is discovered that Funaki had been attacked while the match took place so he can't wrestle. Matt Hardy enters the ring for his match all cocky and says nothing and no one can stop Mattitude from taking over the world. Reys music hits and they go at it. Rey ends up winning and it is thought that the era of Mattitude has come to an end. The following Smackdown has Funaki and everyone celebrating the defeat, but Mattitude is far from dead...
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
1. Drunk Wes is soooooo fucking close to being better than Badass Wes. And THAT'S fucking impressive considering Badass Wes is fucking GOD. 2. Drunk Fred is soooooo much fucking better than current Fred and about a good level and a half better than whacky-afraid-of-the-world Fred... and hotter. Youch. When she was bendin over for like 10 seconds... Youch. Moral of the Story - Keep Fred drunk, but keep Wes as a badass who likes to drink on occasion. 3. Lorne was fucking annoying me though. 4. I concur. The Foxy IS the Foxy; and the Foxy is Eve. 5. That blood/wine/arm thing is just fucked up. 6. SEX! ANGEL! EVE! YES! FUCK FUCK FUCK! FUCK LIKE RABBITS! SESSSSSSUAL TENXION! 7. Gunn pissing on everything fucking gold. They need to keep that shit up. 8. Knox is cool, but Holden still fucking owns him. Either way, fuck this "Dude de jour pimps on Fred", I'm tired of that shit. Wes needs to be fuckin that shit down or just fuck somethin else pronto. We went through this before! 9. Harmony is SOOOOOOOOOO getting on my good side. Her dancing alone one the floor sooooooo warmed my heart. And then there's the "Bossy" or whatfuckingever she called Angel which soooooo says that Angel has totally warmed to her too. 10. This episode ruled. I missed the first fucking 10 minutes and I hate myself for it... luckily it airs tomorrow on SPACE at 8 and I am going to fuck that shit up all over again. I'm all about that shit - SHUT UP Mole, SHUT IT UP, this season fucking rules now. They need the beast back for one eps. though. You know, for old times sake. 11. "What, do they think I'm only inviting them so I can kill em?" - hilarious. Fuck, this eps. will go DOWN in the history books as being fucktacularly fucktastic. 12. You can generally tell if I like something if I overdo the swearing (esp. "fuck"). Fuck, thank god I watch Angel alone cause I was dancing, doing the fucking twist, marking the fuck out like a bitch, "SPIKE!" "ANGEL!" "GUUUUUNNN!!!" ... thank god no one else saw that... but I feel safe sharing it with you, fine freaks of the goodness that is Angel and the brotherhood of Buffy... God bless you... and yes, I DO go into DEAN-mode... RavishingDEANRudo -
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
The dropped the ball with Mattitude. You'd think that with all the religious gimmicks in the past - and Vince's obvious affinity for them - they'd be able to work a cult one... oh wait, those religious gimmicks all SUCKED. RRR: Had the perfect storyline...
Yeah, Dawn sucked after she lived out her plot device.
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
The Jury is still out on EVE. I believe tonight will be the big decision on where the foxy lies. -
I hear ya sister. I hear ya.
Grabbin da Boobay! After WWE’s purchase of WCW, Lash’s dedication to WCW did not go unnoticed, as he was one of the first 24 wrestlers to be picked up by the WWE in April of 2001. However, the sheer size of the new WWE roster did not offer Lash much of an opportunity to contribute to their television shows, prompting the company and the Cajun One to part ways in June 2002. Yet, at just 25 years of age, Lash LeRoux has become a veteran of the sport in a very short time, without yet reaching his fullest potential. So fans can rest assured, that it is only a matter of time before the “Ragin’ Cajun” Lash LeRoux will once again be taking the wrestling world by storm. In the meantime Lash is focusing on his artwork. He still draws the infamous “Lashing Out” panel cartoon for THE WRESTLER and also is a contributing artist for Golfun.net. If you have any questions or would like to purchase any artwork featured on his Website please email Lash, personally, at [email protected]. http://www.lashleroux.com/
Maybe they will trade Little John Heindenfirstreich and complete the trinity of suck on Smackdown
That's what Buffy said to Dawn before she died.
PrideFC: Final Conflict (Finalized!)
RavishingRickRudo replied to RavishingRickRudo's topic in General Wrestling
The Herring and Bobish fights intrigue me. Not because of who is in them, but for the fact that Pride is building Herring vs. Bobish rather than just having them go at it cold. WHY? Do they have big plans for Bobish? Do they want Herring to beat someone who is "hot" off a win from Big Daddy?? Herring is very marketable and would be a good Main Event at the Pride US show next March given that marketability (he can have rematches with Nog, Fedor, and CroCop - the possibilities are there.) Are they rebuilding the Texas Crazy Horse for something big??? -
Moore is prettier than Dumass.
Put me in the Morris-fan catagory. I dug his Saturday Night matches like a motherfucker. Hopefully this announcer gig works out.
Vince fucked up WCW vs. WWE. Game. Set. Match. WWE. WCW was pretty successful with that lil ol invasion angle they did in 96 - and all they had were a failure of a champion and an IC-at-best wrestler.
Of course. WCW was more of an ignorant stupidity, while the WWE is focused and determined at being completely senseless.
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
How was that one night in the bathroom, from Spike's point of view, any different from any of the other times? Psychologically it was WAY different. There's different types of violence, and this was much more violent than fucking down a house. Plus it was in her home. -
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
Was Jasmine the apocalypse? They have A TON of stuff they could bring up from past Angel eps. and make another season out of it. I want to know what happened to that kid without a soul. That twist at the end was so fucking cool. -
I figure there's a lot of news in MMA that deserves attention, but there's so much that it would warrant it's own folder... since we have to share with the fine, sleazy, Indy-folk, I figure a one-stop thread would be suitable. I'll try to make daily updates, and if ANYONE feels like posting a newsbit or commenting please do. This will mainly cover the "Big 2", but news on organizations like K-1, KOTC, TKO, etc. are certainly welcome. PPV/Card/Event threads should be started on their own, but should only be when the whole card is officially announced. If there's a MAJOR news story, create a new thread for that as well. Please credit your source. (PS. the Bold font is just to break up the monotony, not to highlight anything as important.) Tuesday, October 21, 2003 --UFC announced a deal with Studio Works Entertainment to market DVD's of all current and future UFC shows as well as tapes of their other PPV specials. (WO.com) ((MORE)) ULTIMATE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP‚, STUDIOWORKS IN EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT TO MARKET, DISTRIBUTE FIGHT DVDS IN U.S., CANADA World’s Premier Mixed Martial Arts Sports Association Continues To Expand Its Brand In North American Markets LAS VEGAS, October 21, 2003…. The Ultimate Fighting Championship‚ (UFC‚), the world’s premier mixed martial arts sports association, and Studioworks Entertainment, a Ventura Distribution Company, today announced they have finalized an exclusive agreement for Studioworks to market and distribute DVDs of all the current and future UFC fight shows and special compilations in the United States and Canada. Studioworks will create and implement advertising, marketing programs, special events and promotions to support the distribution and sales of UFC DVDs in retail outlets and e-commerce throughout North America. The first DVD release will be Ultimate Knockouts, a two-hour feature program that will showcase the best knockouts in UFC history. Action-packed live fight shows to follow will be UFC 43: Meltdown, which features the interim light heavyweight championship bout between Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell and Randy "The Natural" Couture, and UFC 44: Undisputed with the showdown for the light heavyweight title between Couture and light heavyweight champion Tito Ortiz. "We are pleased to have Studioworks become part of the UFC marketing team as we continue to expand our brand of combat sports. Studioworks’ reputation in entertainment marketing and merchandising played a key role in our decision. And Don Gold’s experience in providing marketing leadership to the UFC in its early days also was a major factor," said Dana White, UFC president. "I am so excited to be working with everyone at Zuffa on its series of groundbreaking live sporting events," said Don Gold, Studioworks Co-President. "As a part of The Ultimate Fighting Championship’s success in the early 90’s, there is no better time than the present to introduce today’s sports fans to the best sports programming available on DVD." The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), headquartered in Las Vegas, Nev., is the world’s premier mixed martial arts sports association. Owned and operated by Zuffa, LLC, the UFC programs six live pay-per-view events annually though cable and satellite providers. In addition to its U.S. distribution on iNDemand, DirecTV, TVN, Echostar, Dish Network, Bell ExpressVu and Viewers Choice Canada, UFC events are distributed internationally through WOWOW, Inc. in Japan, Globosat in Brazil, Main Event Television in Australia and Sky Network Television in New Zealand. Zuffa, LLC licenses the distribution of UFC video games through Crave Entertainment and TDK Mediactive. The UFC’s next live PPV event will be UFC 45: Revolution, its tenth anniversary fight, on Friday, November 21, from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. For more information, visit the web site at www.ufc.tv. Studioworks Entertainment, a Ventura Distribution Company, is a full-service studio operation offering its partners a diverse range of entertainment services including, but not limited to, worldwide home entertainment distribution, merchandising, television sales and brand management. Ventura Distribution is a dynamic, 10-year-old home entertainment company that provides service sales, marketing, manufacturing and distribution for independent studios. Among the various lines it represents are Time Life Video, Billy Blanks’ TaeBo Series, BET Video, Razor&Tie, Showtime, Fox Sports Net and Video Action Sports. In addition, Ventura Distribution exclusively distributes programming of its in-house labels, UrbanWorks Entertainment and Studioworks Entertainment. For more information, visit the web site, www.venturadistribution.com. (via the Underground Forums) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --UFC 45 Matches Announced The lineup for UFC 45: Revolution is nearing completion. The card is now: Matt Hughes vs Frank Trigg Tank Abbott vs Cabbage Correira Falaniko Vitale vs Matt Lindland Ricco Rodriguez vs Pedro Rizzo Evan Tanner vs Phil Baroni Din Thomas vs Yves Edwards (Sherdog.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------- WES SIMS VS FRANK MIR - "I'M GOING TO BEAT HIS @$$ MMAWeekly has learned that Wes Sims will face Frank Mir for a second time at the Mohegan Sun in November at UFC 45. MMAWeekly talked with Sims about signing to face Frank Mir for a second time. Sims told MMAWeekly.com "I'm going to beat his ass." Sims continued, "I'm excited to get a rematch. The way I look at the Octagon is it's a Roman Colosseum. Two men enter, one doesn't leave. That's how all fighters should look at the Octagon; if not, you should be a doorman at a titty bar." Mir defeated Sims by disqualification, when Sims kicked the downed opponent, Mir, with a footstomp and was immediately disqualified. This fight will NOT be for the UFC Heavyweight Title; so basically, UFC 45 will not have any Heavyweight Title matches, meaning the title will stay vacant until UFC 46. (MMAWeekly) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IS FUJITA TRAINING TO FIGHT? MMAWeekly.com has learned that heavyweight Kazuyuki Fujita is currently training at Marco Ruas's gym in Southern California for a future event. It's believed that Fujita is training for a fight in November. It's not clear who he will be fighting, or for what organization for sure, but some people who train at the gym told MMAWeekly they believe he will be part of the November 9th show in Japan. This has not been confirmed by Dream Stage at this time. One person from the Ruas gym told MMAWeekly they believe Fujita is training for a fight, but they did not elaborate who the future opponent would be. (MMAWeekly) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENKI SUDO SIGNS TO FIGHT IN K-1 It's been a while since we last saw Genki Sudo in mixed martial arts and it appears it will stay that way. Sudo will fight the former K-1 World Max Champion Albert Kraus in upcoming K-1 World Max show on November 18th. There has been some talk that he may return to the UFC at the beginning of the new year. When asked by the Japanese media about returning to MMA, Sudo said he would love to fight in the UFC and thought it could happen early next year. (MMAWeekly) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BABALU WANTS A SHOT AT THE OLYMPICS Everyone has been wondering what the future of Babalu is; since, winning the IFC Championship a couple of months ago. Well it looks liks our friends at tatame.com have found out. The report quote "October 19th, 2003 Babalú pursues the Olympic Games After winning IFC Middleheavyweight belt, Renato Babalú wants now to fight for a medal in the Wrestling at the 2004 Olympic Games, in Athens. Brazilian Olympic Circuit's champion, Babalú; however, needs a sponsor. "My goal is Athens, but I do need a sponsorship. Every single fighter will need at least R$14 thousand to be part of the trials next year. If I have a sponsorship, I will stop fighting MMA for a while and I will chase after the Olympic medal," announced Babalú. (MMAWeekly) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are Bas's pics for the finals: "Nogeira against Mirko. Both great fighters! I don't believe that Nogeira can take Mirko down, and even on the ground, I don't think he can get submitted. So I see this fight going with a victory from Mirko, possible KO, but not sure because after the beatings he took from Sapp and Fedor, he was still standing, meaning, he has got a hard head! If the fight goes to the ground, I hope that Nogeira has a new arsenal of weapons to attack with, because everybody knows now the reversed figure 4, triangle and armbar combination. He needs to go for sweeps more, or at least try. He has got all the talent and trains with the best submission fighters in the world. If he didn't change his arsenal, he will not submit Mirko and it will end as I said. Wanderlei against Yoshida I think this will be a walk in the park for Wanderlei, but then again, IF Wanderlei goes for that inside trip takedown and clinches up with Yoshida, he could get submit, Yoshida is THAT good! But if he plays it safe and stays away from Yoshida, Yoshida has only the judo throws, he has no double or single leg take downs, OR, he is fooling us and he trained his ass of on those and then maybe get's a takedown. My prediction, Wanderlei by KO. Quinton against Chuck. Whatever happens, this is going to be a war. So who ever wins is going to fight a fresh Wanderlei (IF I am right in that prediction). I think that Quinton fought very tough opponents and that he will take this fight. It's difficult to say. If Chuck clinches up, he will get taken down, and in Pride there is no fence where he can push him self up to as he can do so perfect in the UFC. Quinton has the overall better punches, although that Chuck showed us last time that he had a great right straight too! Very difficult for me to call, since I know both fighters, I think Quinton by decision. And if he wins that, I hope that he has still enough power to get Wanderlei. Same counts for Chuck of course. It's going to be a hard fight. There you have it!" From http:www.basrutten.tv, these predictions and some more updates will be up on the site soon. (via SherdogMB) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
There's a difference between loving someone and being _in_love with someone. Being in-love is more of a selfish thing, something that fades after the thrill is gone. Vampires are evil. They can act nice, they can save you, they can drink pigs blood... but ultimately they are evil as are their end objectives. Harmony is evil. She "is good" only because she has a personal interest in WR&H. Vampires are selfish. -
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
Champions Rape? .... ??? -
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
So basically what we're asking is: Is the vamp-side predetermined? So no matter what your character is before getting bitten, your vampself would be the same. The 2 sides, Pro and Con. Pro: Spike - as William he was an uptight mommas boy, but when he changed into a vamp all that was let go seemingly instantaneously. Con: Holden - maintained his psychness and just happened to be evil. -
I enjoyed Turtles in Time. The Original NES Version, I keep (kept) getting stuck driving the Van around at one point having no where to go.
The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in Brandon Truitt
Charlotte Church is Buffy: The Opera Singer. Giles: A, a Singer sings, a Watcher... Buffy: ...watches? Giles: Yes. No! He, he trains her, he, he, he prepares her... Buffy: Prepares me for what? For getting kicked out of school? For losing all of my friends? For having to spend all of my time singing for my life and never getting to tell anyone because I might endanger them? Go ahead! Prepare me. *Buffy turns and leaves the library in disgust.* Giles: Damn! -
I wish they had 2 more hours to talk with Bret. You could hear Dave laughing at the fact that Bret Hart - someone who doesn't frequently watch WWE programming and has been removed from professional wrestling for some time now not to mention had a stroke - is pinpointing problems in the product. Reading Skeiths review on Brets shoot interview, he mentions that Bret has a near textbook-like memory, so it doesn't surprise me that he could remember so much.. but specific dates? Youch, I can barely remember what I had for dinner last Tuesday. His historical knowledge shocked me, when it really shouldn't have considering how and who he grew up with in wrestling. I too cannot wait for that book to come out. But its gotta kinda suck for Bret cause the rest of his book is all downhill after 1997 - so even if he is on 1993, he's still talkin about stuff that will relate to 1997 and he's always got to keep that in the back of his mind and put things into perspective. Bret Hart = Puro Mark
Best Heat thread Ever