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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Um, err... Darla is really hot in these Angel eps. I dunno why they didn't do a scene with her and Kate (Lilah, at this time, was lacking the Fox-Appeal she had in later seasons) Reading the eps. guide, this is a really good time in Angel's history IIRC.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    *sigh* The Beast. Gone before his time. *Wipes tear from Eye* Always Remember, Never Forget I'm not good with Eps. names... lemme check... Yes it is. It is "Darla".
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    ~The Official MMA News Thead~

    Wednesday, October 22, 2003 RANDLEMAN VS SAKURABA OFFICIAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pride has confirmed on its Japanese web site that Kevin Randleman will be fighting Kazushi Sakuraba on the November 9 "Final Conflict" show. A press conference was held in Japan to officially announce the fight. In somewhat of a bizarre angle, Pride is referring to Kevin Randleman as "Donkey Kong". Thanks goes to our friends at PuroresuPower.com for the following details from the Sakuraba-Randleman press conference. "They are billing it as the fight of 'the IQ wrestler vs. the real Donkey Kong.' Sakuraba did PR for the announcement with a fake mustache on calling himself 'Sakuraba Mario.' It is expected that the match will determine a 'reserve' winner for the Middleweight GP in case someone gets hurt during the tournament and cannot advance." (via MMAWeekly) ----------------------------------------------- Coleman Talks about His Spinal Surgery and Free Agent Status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Coleman appeared on Tuesday's MMAWeekly Radio and talked about his plans for the future. Coleman said that he tried to work through a major neck injury for a few years before he got a phone call earlier this year from his longtime friend, Olympic Gold Medalist and WWE wrestler Kurt Angle. Angle, who performed at this year's WrestleMania with a broken neck and went in for surgery shortly thereafter, recommended an alternative spinal surgery to Coleman that doesn't involve spinal fusion and is performed by Dr. Jho out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Coleman said that he can't thank Angle enough for the recommendation because he has felt like a new man ever since the surgery and he was amazed at how quickly he felt better. Mark Coleman said that he has every intention of calling Don Frye and Pat Miletich, two other MMA fighters with serious spinal injuries, and recommending that they go in for the same surgery in Pittsburgh. Without some form of corrective surgery, any kind of athletic performance (or even just a fall with an awkward landing) poses a large risk of paralysis for Angle, Coleman, Frye, Miletich, or anyone else with a similar spinal injury. While the traditional fusion surgery would have put Coleman out of commission for 12-18 months, Coleman said that he should be ready to fight one or two months from now. That would make him eligible for Pride's first show of 2004... or the UFC's first show of 2004. On the topic of his status as a free agent in MMA, Mark Coleman said that he is interested in fighting for Pride, but he would also love to fight for the UFC and he has been impressed with everything Zuffa has done with the UFC. Coleman said that in the end it all comes down to doing what's best for his family and their financial security, so that's what he is going to have to base his decision on. Regarding a couple of his Hammer House proteges, Coleman said that he's excited about Wes Sims' upcoming fight with Frank Mir at UFC 45 and he's confident that Sims is going to win. He also said that Kevin Randleman will be fighting on Pride's November 9th show, but they're not 100% sure who it will be against. (Kevin Randleman has issued a statement on his official web site in which he claims that he will be facing Kazushi Sakuraba on November 9.) All you need to do to listen to the show for free is listen at 9am Pacific/12 Noon EST by just clicking on www.mmaweeklyradio.com every Monday - Friday (MMAWeely.com) --------------------------------------------- K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX K-1 has announced the brackets for the final three rounds of this year's K-1 World Grand Prix, which will come to a head on December 6 at the Tokyo Dome. -Stefan Leko vs. Cyril Abidi -Remy Bonjasky vs. Peter Graham -Ray Sefo vs. Musashi -Peter Aerts vs. Alexey Ignashov In addition to the fights listed above, Bob Sapp will also fight Frans Botha on the card, while Carter Williams and Jerrel Venetian are scheduled to have fights against opponents who have not yet been announced. While Frans Botha will be a tournament alternate if he beats Sapp and any of the tournament fighters get injured, Bob Sapp will not be in the tournament regardless of whether he defeats Botha. In a rare moment of honesty for K-1, matchmaker Sadaharu Tanigawa is quoted in Japanese newspapers saying that Sapp needs another year of experience before he can hope to win the K-1 World Grand Prix (MMAWeekly.com) -------------------------------------------------- LYTLE LOOKING FORWARD TO LAWLER AT UFC 45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Lytle appeared on the MMAWeekly Radio Show and talked about his upcoming fight with Robbie Lawler at UFC 45. Lytle said that the fight isn't a 100% done deal yet, but it's very likely to happen and he is training for the fight as if it will happen. Lytle's previous fight in the UFC came in late 2000, when he lost a decision to Ben Earwood. Now 29 years old, Lytle said that he has been working hard for the past three years to get another shot in the UFC and he's not going to let this opportunity pass him by. Chris Lytle is probably best known in MMA for his fight this past March where he became the first fighter to ever knock out Aaron Riley, a feat that even Robbie Lawler was unable to accomplish when he fought Riley at UFC 37. Lytle said that he expects Lawler to stand up and trade strikes with him, and he will be prepared for that. Lytle said that Lawler always fights in the stand-up position, and he finds it hard to believe that Lawler will come out with a drastically different gameplan in this fight. He did add that you never know how a fight is going to go because either fighter could decide at any time to take the fight to the ground. Lytle said that all he wants to do is fight the best fighters and worry about everything else later. He is not thinking about making predictions, or what his chances are of winning, or what's going to happen after the fight. He is 100% focused on beating Robbie Lawler. (MMAWeekly.com) ----------------------------------------------
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    It clears up a bunch of my problems. 1. Vince fucks Sable - Vince says he is going to hell, so fuck it all. *of course, this still doesn't stop Vince from being on TV or me from caring, but it's a nice lil character twist that I hope they follow up on - by that I mean, if McMahon has to be on TV, at least have him making himself go to hell in a handbasket and therefore giving the Buried Alive match an added layer. 2. Benoit took the chair from Albert and hit Angle. Angle tried to hit Benoit but he missed. Benoit had Angle in the Crossface, Angle couldn't get the anklelock on Benoit.. advantage, Benoit. 3. Eddie being too beat up storyline is not bad, cause it allows the crowd to sympathize with him. Eddie is too tired to cheat, hopefully they will play this up with Chavo out-cheating his uncle, and Eddie being worked-to-death. 4. Taker vs. Brock/Show doesn't seem like the total disaster it appeared to be on paper. Still could have been done better and didn't have to involved the 2 champions losing to 1 guy. 5. The Yakuza move has me interested.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    The Matrix explained?

    But I did like Reloaded, just to make that clear. If gave me a lot of stuff to think about, and that's cool... it just didn't leave a lot of closure (which Revolutions better fucking have)
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    I am suprised that the WWE hasn't resorted to celebrity involvement yet. I guess they're not finished with the McMahon storyline possibilities.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    The Matrix explained?

    Maybe they will make an animatrix about the other 5 Neos/Ones. I enjoyed the animatrix's more than Reloaded because they actually, you know, explained stuff rather than royally fuck with you.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Hmm, those new spoilers almost make the show seem watchable. Cough. Cough. Cough. Almost.
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Like any "hot" star would want to be featured in the WWE....
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    That makes the Chair shot a lil bit better... my cat could still book it better than those hotshots at titan.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Next Weeks Smackdown: *Voice over* It's been over a decade in the making Gene Oakerland: For the longest time, wrestling fans have wanted to see Vince McMahon against the Undertaker. Heenan: I remember the first time seeing this guy come out, he's HUGE. *Footage of SS90* He completely destroys everyone. From that moment on, all I could ever think about was "how can Vince McMahon contain such a monster". Bruce Prichard: I was the one who helped introduce the Undertaker to the World of Sports Entertainment. Never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought that his name would be synonymous with "Wrestlemania" and "Survivor Series" and the WWE in general. The guy is a legend, an absolute legend. Gene Oakerland: I've seen em all. Hogan, Savage, The Rock, Bruno Sammartino, Buddy Rogers, Vern Gagne, Lou Thesz... and I can tell you this right now, I have seen no one like the Undertaker. Vince McMahon vs. The Undertaker Pat Patterson: Some people say that Vince Mcmahon created the Undertaker... Gerry Brisco (sitting right beside Pat, inturrupting) ... and some people say that the fans made the Undertaker. Patterson: I say he made himself. Brisco: Maybe, Maybe. Heenan: In one corner you'll have the Undertaker - over a decade of destruction - the deadman - the phenom - the man. And in the other corner you'll have Vince McMahon - the genius - the legend - the boss. You don't, You don't get better than that. Buried Alive Steve Austin: Without a doubt, this is the most dangerous match in WWE history. To win you must actually bury your opponent in the ground - alive. Foley: I've actually been in a buried alive match. I've been in a buried alive match with the Undertaker. My life has never been the same since. That took off more years to my career than anything else... bar none. These two mens lives, it won't be the same either. One of them will be buried 6 feet under, psychologically, that's gotta mess with ya a bit... Shane McMahon: My Dad, my dad is crazy. He's been that way his whole life. He'll do anything to win, and he has, but I think he might actually has biten off more than he can chew with the Undertaker. This match, this match could cost him his life. Kane: The Undertaker is my brother, I've fought him in the ring, outside of the ring, all over. He's a tough sonofabitch. But I've also fought McMahons, and they don't give up. They will take you down with them, and if push comes to shove, I think Vince McMahon will take the Undertaker down into the grave with him rather than lose the match. Heenan: Never, never in my life have I seen something like this, this is huge. HUGE. Oakerland: I will be watching this for sure, but I might have my hands over my eyes for parts of it. It will be a historic moment, that's for sure. Bob Costas: Vince McMahon vs. the Undermaker is something that reminds me about watching wrestling on the radio, it's just magical... what? Oh, the Undertaker... Whatever *throws script up in the air* Arnold: Thees is ab-so-LUTely mag-i-cal, Vince McMayon is the guy, he is the guy. But theee Undatayka is the man too. So he-ah we have two men, and it's mag-i-cal. It's like me and Grey Davis, a small kid from AUSTRIA who is a movie stah against thees guy who has turned Cal-i-fornya into a disasta arweea, you know, it's exactly like that. Only in the WWE, only in the WWE can you see thees happun. The Undertaker... Vince McMahon... Survivor Series... BURIED ALIVE...
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    The Matrix explained?

    It does kinda suck that they hid a major plot twist in with the "big talk" of the architect.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    I didn't even want to dignify that with a response. So I just said FUCKTAKER.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    I bet Angle/Benoit from last year never happened in terms of storylines. Kinda like how Angle/Benoit 01 never happened. We get all the same masturabatory spots with half the purpose!
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Problems: 1. Spanky and London team on Velocity. Ok, so London gets his legs cut off vs. Lesnar a few weeks back... ok... that's cool... whatever. The point was (other than re-establish that Big Brock Bad is big and bad, and make sure the little guy doesn't get far) to allign Spanky and London. So why are they on Velocity? They should wrestle their first match together on Smackdown... even against a Jobber team. 2. Wow, 3 of the top cruiserweights can't beat the FBI - aka the 3 guys who can't beat the Undertaker. Ultimo gets pinned by Palumbo... what? Ok. Fuck you Vince. 3. Vince fucks Sable. No one cares. 4. Heyman back as GM. Ok, Heyman is a great promo - infinitely better than Stuff. This is a pro. Then they have Heyman become a total stooge in his first show back. Way to build cred there... gotta make sure Stuffs spot is still warm for her to come back to, eh? 5. Benoit/Angle vs. The Boston Bad Boyz. YES! I've been waiting for this match since Benoit/Albert and Cena/Angle began. YES! Benoit hits Angle with a steel chair! YES? WHAT THE FUCK?! There is so much wrong with this. First, Benoit should not fucking need a steel chair, not for Albert especially. Second, Benoit should not be hitting Angle. If this is a "passing of the torch", Angle should be hitting Benoit. Benoit should be the innocent party who is pissed off at Kurt. This is a heelish move when Benoit should be built up as a face. Angle is a stronger face than Benoit so he can handle it (if it should ever happen at all, which it shouldn't). This is just piss-poor writing. They want to re-establish the Benoit/Angle rivalry, THERE ARE OTHER WAYS OF DOING THAT. Stupid writers. Nothing new, I know, but the beginnings of angles are so fucking crucial. Benoit vs. Angle should be a "good match", and Benoit should get a ME elevation from it (if he wins clean, which he won't). I could do this so much better... My cat could do this so much better. Stupid stupid WWE. Stupid Paul. Stupid Vince. 6. Team Angle vs. Too Cool. Do I even need to finish this? Fucking fuck. They'll get the "big return pop" and in 3 weeks they'll be old news. Why sacrifice the best tag team in the WWE? Why not have Too Cool beat the Bashams or the FBI? You'd get the same pop. Anyways, Scotty and Rikishi would be an OK big man/lil man team, but there's nothing long-term here. 7. Vince fucks Sable. I get it. I still don't care. You're over 50 Vince, she has the sexual energy of a fishing boat. The time you spend jacking-off on TV could be given to another wrestler... or even a division... you know? The cruiserweight division? Those lil guys who carry your bags and clean your underwear? No, not the writers. The cruiserweights. 8. The Bashams beat Los Guerreros. Wow. I mean, just wow. Fuck. This is just CRAAAAAAAZY! Just as crazy as those CRAAAAAAZY Bashams! Fuck, I don't even want to waste my time bitching about this. Anyone find it funny that the first day Paul is back on the job, the Eliminators/Pitbulls inspired team gets the gold... I'm starting to think Paul Heyman being back isn't such a good idea. 9. Gowen shouldn't even touch Tajiri given the way Tajiri kicks the legs of his opponents. Fuck this shit. Gowen should have been the tag partner of Rikishi, he'd be the perfect face-in-peril, he can get his spots in, and if he wins it isn't that much of a stretch. 10. HEY! More Vince and Sable! I STILL DON'T CARE! Why don't you just write a book: "How to cheat on your wife and get away with it" by Vince McScum. 11. Holly challenges Lesnar... *throws mouse up in the air*... I give up. 12. Taker vs. Show/Brock. So what we have here is the Undertaker beating The US Champion and the WWE Champion... all to be built up for a match with Vince. *Jumps off Taker bandwagon*... fuck the MMA shit, that won't save him now. FUCKTAKER.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    So the US Champ and the World Champ lost to Taker... way to value those titles there, Vince. Good god I'm making a list. Rant coming SOON.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Anyone else find it funny how on the same day Paul Heyman returns, we see Angle/Benoit start up again?
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Um, Benoit is not Angle. I look forward to the match, the feud has me worried. But then again, I did think Brock vs. Angle would be good... that said, again Benoit is not Angle. RRR: Laughing at the poignancy of the Buried Alive match.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    Benoit vs. Angle should be to set up Benoit vs. Brock - since Benoit needs a quickie with a player to be considered a legitimate threat to Brock after playing down in the midcard for the best part of a year.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    I TOLDSYA! I TOLDSYA ALL!!! Benoit/Angle vs. The Boston Bad Boyz~! *shudders at everything else* *joins the "please be fake" prayer group*
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Depends on if another network picks it up. I was watching the eps. that details Angel/Darlas relationship, and introducing them (and Dru) to Spike for the first time. That's a really fuckin good episode, rich with character development.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Official Fedor Website

  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Official Fedor Website

    Ok. Here's the deal. It's in Russian with a crappy English link. But fuck that. There are pictures of him holding his baby daughter (Masha), ice skating, and holding his wife (Oksana) infront of a church (?)... there are also baby pictures, strange sauna pictures w/ the Russian Top Team, and a picture of him in a cowboy hat. In other words, this is god in the form of a website. Yes, god has decided to come down from heaven to earth and the name he goes by is http://fedor.bel.ru Fedor, the guy who entered Pride with a cold, emotionless glare. A man who destroyed opponent after opponent with unmerciless fury. Really, an enigma. Until now. From what was pieced together from interviews on the Pride site, he had a wife and daughter, he likes to collect classic cars, he loves borsh and comedies. He is a family man, a workin man, a typical man... a man with a hidden rage inside that is unleashed in the ring. He probably kisses a photo of his little girl before he enters the ring, as he would never let her see him fight live - he wants to protect her from the violence of the world, even if that world provides him with a house and puts food on his table... rather ironic, really; The only way to protect her from such horrors is to be the cause of those horrors for others. But I guess that's the way of the world. All I know is that I'd hate to be the first boyfriend who rings the doorbell on the Emelianenko household and comes face-to-face with that proud Papa. I love this site. It gives a closer look at one of the most dominant men in MMA today. He's a father, a husband, a brother, a friend, a training partner, an athlete, a fighter, a man... http://fedor.bel.ru
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    What new TV shows are you digging?

    Joe Schmo is about it. Monk still rules though. The little things in that show, I love it.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    William Regal's feeling better everyday

    We don't need more authority figures. A manager, on the otherhand, would be peachy. Let's see... hmm... any developmental guys would get a pretty good rub from him - just call them british and have regal talk for them while they workrate the ring up with hiptosses and dropkicks.